How To Install Ford Raptor Grille on a 2004-2008 F150 (HOW TO SPLICE INCLUDED!)

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hey what's going on guys real quick before we jump into today's video I just wanna let you know that any of the products that I'm using including the grill any of the tools any of the splicing you know whatnot is going to be in the description below anything that I've ever done there is an Amazon affiliate link in the description below if you guys are gonna get something please use one of my links it helps me out a ton hopefully guys like the video let's get started hey what's going on guys welcome back to another video today I'm gonna be showing you guys how to install the Ford Raptor replacement girl on a 2004 to 2008 Ford f150 it's real easy so let's go alright guys so there's a few things that we need to do before we put it on our truck first obviously we have to do a get it out of the box so I ordered this guy off of Amazon by a company called 7 Sparta these are the attachment led things wiring harnesses for the amber LEDs specifically this is the one that comes with the F and the arc or the Ford grill and I'll show you guys that in a second so this is what the grill looks like when you take it right out of the package see it's got this like dodo or dude or however you say this so this part is going to be replaceable and this part is going to be replaceable in the Box they give you let's see if I can find here we go in the box they send you the replacement F and our Ford letter grilles four letters here's the F and here is the R so essentially you're gonna remove this guy you're gonna put the F there and then you're going to remove this guy and you're gonna put the are there and then it's gonna say Ford it's very very easy to remove the two pieces that you need to remove all you're gonna do is flip it over and you can see you've got four Phillips head screws to remove right there one two three four Phillips head screws to remove right there and then you'll just slide these guys underneath on the other side and screw the four screws into the four holes and then when you flip the girl back over it'll say forward so what I'm gonna do right now I'm gonna go ahead and take my folks head screwdriver I'm gonna unscrew those eight total screws I'm gonna replace it with the F and the R I'm gonna screw the eight screws back in and then I'll show you guys what it looks like once the girl actually says Ford and not you know how it comes okay so as you can see we've got the four screws out right here I just want to make sure that you guys knew exactly like what I was talking about so after you get those you know guys its unscrewed these parts are gonna pop out and then you're gonna be replacing them with the parts that obviously you want it's very very easy they just slide right back under everything is really good fitment it's just hard to do this with one hand because I'm trying to hold the camera with the other hand and so there you go see it just popped right into place right there now you're going to take your screws and one two three four same thing with the other side you're gonna slide this guy out now that we've got the screws out you're going to replace it with the R that comes in the package and then when you flip it over your grill will say Ford okay so after you've got everything screwed in and you making sure you did it securely when you flip the grill over it will say Ford so as you can see we just replaced this guy right here with the F and this guy right here with the R so now you've gotten everything ready and now we can actually take it outside and install it on the truck alright guys so we're out at the truck now it's time to take off your old grill so obviously the first thing you're gonna need to do pop the hood of your truck then you're gonna need a ten millimeter socket and a socket wrench you've got two ten millimeter bolts right here that are attached to this control arm so they'll be on this side and that side as well and then you're gonna have about eight or so ten millimeter bolts to unscrew all the way down there and then the grill will pull right off we're gonna unscrew all these guys and then I'll show you what I mean by this guy popping right off once everything is unscrewed all right guys all the screws are completely out of both the control arms that are kind of angled bracket right there and the eight ones that ran across the bottom of the actual grill all you're gonna do is slowly you're gonna pull down and out towards you I'll show you all the screws are out right now already it's just that easy to pull out your old grill after all the screws are out all right so now that you've got your old crappy grill off and it's sitting in the bed of your truck let's go ahead and install this brand-new gorgeous Ford Raptor grill now something to keep in mind is that you may have to depend on who you bought the who you bought this grill from you may have to retain these control brackets on all of your screws and whatnot luckily these guys actually when you buy their grill send you new control arms I'm calling them control arms but really they're just simply mounting brackets they send you two of those as well as screws and everything to put it back in but keep in mind depending on who you bought it from you may have to hold on to all of your old screws and whatnot that you took when you took off your old grill if you bought it from where I did you're in luck they send you all brand new stuff everything will be linked in the description below in case you guys are wondering who I bought it from but now let's go ahead and install this bad boy all right now there's a couple different ways you can install it you can attach the brackets to your grill and then install it well I'm gonna decide to do first is put these new brackets in and I'm going to install them just like that first and then I'm just going to take the grill and slide it over the top of it so these guys are going to go on first remember we took two ten millimeter bolts out one right here and one right here same process to put them back in two 10 millimeter bolts one on top one on bottom if you guys to decide to use your OEM stuff that you took off as far as like screws and bolts wise to put it back in that's totally fine - you can do it either way [Applause] all right as you can see we've got both of the arm brackets installed right here now we're gonna go around and we're gonna get the grill and we're gonna slide it back in I'll show you guys what I mean by that but it should just slide right in to these holes it should have a bunch a little you know bullets that are got so if it's shaped like this it'll probably have a plastic pin if it's shaped like this circular instead of oval but circular it'll have a bolt that sticks through it and then you'll use the brackets or the the nuts rather to tighten it down let's get the new one okay guys so this grille actually doesn't already have the little bolts sticking out right here if you look at all the hardware that they gave you they've got the square head right there so these guys will still fit through through the circle ones up top and what you're gonna do is you're gonna take the square you're gonna slide it in behind there and then from this guy sticking out right there just like this guy you'll feed this bolt through the circles right there and then from the other side to fasten it in you'll screw in one of these guys hopefully that makes sense I'll try and give you guys like a really in-depth look of what it you know looks like and everything like that as I'm doing it but I am filming by myself so bear with me I'm trying to get you guys the best angle that I can alright guys hopefully you guys don't run into this but because these guys aren't actually attached to the physical grill it's actually really hard to get them to you know feed through all the holes and whatnot so basically what I've done is I fed them through this little gap right here and then just kind of let them fall through you know it's definitely doable but it's just a little bit annoying so if you guys are wondering like how I'm doing this if you guys bought this exact product at home you know it's it's a little time consuming but it's not difficult it's just a little bit annoying so that's how I'm getting the bullets to actually fall through the holes all right so after a much more difficult than I need to be processed we've got all of the bolts sticking through with the nuts loosely fastened around them that way we can adjust them adjust the grille as need be because now they're gonna come over to the hardware that they gave you you're gonna take one of these flat washers right here and put the screw through it because you've got a few screws to put in right here that are going to attach the actual this bracket right here to the grille there's only three per side you guys don't need to see that process this is the hardware that you're using to install it with and there's three on this side and three on that side all right guys so now I've got everything tightened down screwed in bolted in tightened and now it's for the moment of truth let's check the fitment oh that looks yummy dang it even goes really well with the the gray goes great with the two-tone paint job I've got going to on the truck gosh dang looks fantastic let me close the store real quick give you guys a better view oh yeah oh that looks great heck yes all right so if all you want to see was how to actually install the grille the videos over for you but if you're like me and you wanted to go the extra mile and get the three amber LEDs to come with your grille and you want them to light up stay tuned because I'm going to show you guys how to splice that in right now everybody else thanks for watching everybody else stay tuned alright guys time to walk you guys through how the splicing is going to work so in order to do that you're going to need to pull out your the body of the housing of your headlights rather so to do that there is a little flap right here Phillips head screw needs to come out there's a ten millimeter bolt right here and then behind the flap once you pull it back there's going to be a ten millimeter bolt on top ten millimeter bolt on the bottom once those are removed all you're gonna do is pull up on this tab the housing will slide out let's pull up on the tab and the housing pulls right out car drove by once you've pulled the housing out sorry about how dirty it is this guy right here will just turn to the left he'll pull right out now these two wires that you see right here are what we were going to be doing a quick splice into I'll grab the wiring harness from from the package for the the Raptor grille and I'll walk you guys through how to do it okay so right here we have the wiring harness that came with the with the headlight or the headlights in it sorry with the grill so these mail plugs right here are going to plug in to the female plugs right up here so as you can see you've got three of these things one two and three these three are going to plug into one this guy out of here two and three so you got three plugs going in here and then on the tail end of the wiring harness you've got your grounding end and your hot end so these tail ends right here are what you're going to be splicing into these two wires right here okay guys so I had a lot of tape around these wires right here but I just used a utility knife to cut a bunch of it back that way I can expose both of these wires individually so as you can see we've got our black one and then this is super faded and everything but this is what we're going to be splicing our red wire into the process of doing that I'm going to be using a quick splice these are super user friendly very hard to mess up add-on from autozone I think it was like a 12 pack for like three dollars everything that I'm using in today's video is linked in the description below let me set you guys up so I can show you guys how I'm going to be doing this okay so as you can see on this quick splice right here we've got this open end right here we are going to be taking the black wire from here and sliding it through this opening that you guys are seeing right here sorry my middle finger this outside thing right here once that's through we're gonna close this up snaps that snaps into place like that so open it up slide the black wire through it and we're closing it up and now we're going to be taking the black wire see how we've got all the exposed copper here on the end we're going to be feeding it through the hole next to this okay and after you've got it in there OOP keep it snapped in you're gonna take some pliers or whatever that you've got and you're gonna pinch down you're going to squeeze this thing down and that's going to create your connection [Applause] should be all the way down alright looks like it should be all the way down to where you can completely close this thing there you go so now this blue part that was open now stays down remember earlier it was fanned up like sorry remember earlier it was fanned up like this now it's closed with this silver thing completely pinched down so now we're gonna repeat the same process with the red wire hopefully you guys are able to follow along I'm doing the best I can I am a no means a professional please do not kill me in the comments for the my splice splicing process don't kill me the comments for how I speak my words either trying to do the red wire same process for the red wire we've got this guy we're gonna open him up like that slide our this guy should probably be on the outside yeah slide that guy in all right who's in now we're gonna take the red end from our wiring harness get him all nice and firm shove him in this hole all right now he's in there we're gonna pinch this guy together to create our connection all right he's connected we're gonna close this guy and now these guys are locked into place now that you've got everything spliced into place now is the time to plug in these guys to your plugs in up here and make sure that the lights actually turn on if your lights aren't turning on definitely the place where you messed up or more than likely I messed up is in this connection with these guys down here that's almost always the place so after you get everything plugged in go ahead and turn on your truck and make sure that the lights are coming on and everything is as it should be and if it does congratulations you did it right if not go check the connection and just so you guys at home can see that yes I did actually do this correctly yay the amber lights are illuminating it just says they should be everything has been set up correctly so now more than likely I'm going to be like zip tying these guys and maybe pushing them to the side I'm just really nervous about this guy getting caught in the hook this hook right here when I close the hood of the truck see ya this guy's lighting up - everything went as it should be but yeah I'm gonna go ahead and zip-tie this after I zip tie everything I'm gonna show you guys like the final like placement and everything of where it is because like the last thing you want to do is spend all this time getting all this done and then you close your hood and then you cut like a wiring harness or something like that so I'm gonna get everything zip tied out of the way and then I'll show you guys the final product okay so I'll show you guys what I did I took the zip ties and I got them out from out of the way so they won't get caught in the hook so I zip tied three of them together over here followed down zip tied to the back zip tied again right here and then obviously the splices are down in there so as you can see that the hood is fully open and there still is a little bit of slack and when it comes down it's not going to mess with anything so everything's either way everything is completed let's run through the final thing let me let me turn the lights on for you guys so you can see that in fact the LEDs are in fact working come around to the front so with the running light as you can see the amber LEDs are all illuminated very bright it's still daylight outside and my goodness guys this just looks incredible I am so so happy that I finally did this and hopefully this is very helpful and informative to all you guys I'm exhausted it took me a long time now that I know how to do everything I could probably knock it all out in under 45 minutes but because I had to run to autozone twice because I was lacking a couple different tools which I talked to you guys about in the beginning of this video if I had had all that and knew what I was doing from the get-go it probably would've taken me like half an hour to 45 minutes to completely do guys but there's my truck I love it appreciate you guys watching if you guys are brand new go ahead and subscribe right now we're on our way to 1,000 that is just crazy to me in fact it almost had a thousand subscribers right now she's absolutely insane to me it's all because of you guys it's all because of your support I love what I do and I love the fact that I get to help you guys and get to meet a lot of you awesome people along the way to everybody who's like reaching out to me asking me questions on Instagram or just messaging me like pictures of your truck and whatnot like don't even hesitate dude I'm not like a big time youtuber I'm not like a celebrity or anything like that I'm just a freakin guy I'm a guy who likes to work on trucks and a guy who likes to you know meet other people who like to work on their trucks man so keep the sport coming keep the messages come and keep the love coming I appreciate it we will catch all you guys next time [Music]
Channel: Andrew Does Life
Views: 222,811
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: raptor, f150, grille, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, xlt, DIY, splice
Id: ceJpXecgSPs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 37sec (1297 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 30 2019
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