How To Install Flowise AI - Create LLM Apps In SECONDS with NO Code FOR FREE!

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foreign in today's video we're going to take a look at flow wise once again as I'm going to showcase the new way to actually install Flobots locally on your desktop now for the people who do not know otherwise is an amazing open source project that offers a powerful platform for building large language model applications that are low code and it is basically efficient to install in your own workflow now you can actually access this project on but you're not able to actually launch it on the cloud at this current moment but if that is something that is currently in the works so keep an eye out for that but basically flowwise provides users with the drag and drop user interface which makes it incredibly convenient to construct custom llm flows now I made a video on this couple weeks or a couple of months back now and I talked a little bit more in depth as to what you can do with flowwise I even showcased some of the cool things that I've built using flowwise so if you want to get a better idea as to how you can actually do it I highly recommend that you check this video in today's video we're actually just going to take a look at how you can install it now for the people who do not to know the primary focus of flow wise this is basically simplify the process of creating any type of large language model application on the web front now this is for people who do not have the right coding knowledge or do not want to actually take the step to code everything to install their own large English model application as you're able to use this low code or there's no code technique to leverage the capabilities of large language models that is built upon flowwise AI to create it now these applications can perform a wide range of tasks such as like natural language processing you have a sentiment analysis text generation language translation and so much more if if you want a better idea as to some of the applications that are out there that you can actually build with flow as definitely check this video out so you can get a better idea now one of the most important features of flowwise is it's that it's completely free and you're able to build things for both personal and commercial use so this means that individuals and even businesses can harness the power of large language model technology with flow wise now this is something that is amazing as you can basically have it chained to different large language models have a q a retrieval chain setup a language chain setup you have conversation agents that have memory saved and this is just a quick example that showcases you how it actually works you can see that they are setting up different tools that are being connected with different apis such as you have the serp API key being connected and you have the open AI API key connected and then once you click this box you're able to start chatting and start utilizing the different llm applications that you just created and you can basically chat with it and this is something that I'm going to Showcase in today's video as you will get a better understanding as to what you can do with this in your local desktop so with that thought guys it would mean the whole world to me if you guys can go on Twitter search up world of AI and give this a follow now I'll leave this link in the description below I'm going to make sure that I post the latest AI news over here so you can stay up to date so make sure you give this a follow if you guys haven't I'll leave the flowwise video in the description as well and if you guys are unsubscribed please do so guys it would mean the whole world to me I would really really appreciate it turn on the notification Bell like this video and if you guys haven't seen my previous videos I highly recommend you do so because there's a lot of content and a lot of value that you'll definitely benefit from so with that thought guys let's get right into the video so first things first you're gonna need an API key that is linked to a billing system so that your game actually utilize apis from open AI now secondly you're going to need git and this is going to be used to help clone the actual repository onto your desktop and lastly you'll need python as your code editor so once you have all these three things ready you can then go back onto the GitHub repo and scroll up a little bit click on this green button copy this link scroll down again to the installation start prompt area open up command prompt then you can type in git clone paste the link click enter now before I move on anywhere else I just want to explain there's a couple ways to actually install this you can utilize Docker which is also fairly easy to install you can also have developers start it up which could be used to install different dependencies and build upon the actual flowwise application so if you want to do that you can also do that and there's also ways to host this on different ways you can self-host this with the railway as well as render and they're actually working on a cloud hosted application in which it will be ran on their actual website so this is just something that you want to keep in mind before you move forward but in this case once you have the in the actual files cloned onto your desktop you can then type in CD flowwise once that is done click enter and then now what you want to do is copy this Command right here and paste it into the command prompt now we'll start installing and unpacking the dependencies so once that is done I'll be right back all right guys so once it is finished you can now start flowwise onto your localhost now one thing you want to keep in mind you can also set it with a username and password you can set it whatever you want so you can copy and paste this in my case I don't really need a usernames but I'm just going to start it up and have it launched onto my Local Host now it might just open up your localhost link right away but in this case I'm just going to open it up while it starts up now this might take a couple of seconds so once it read it once it is ready I'll be right back all right it looks like it is ready so I already talked a little bit more about the user interface previously you have a Marketplace you have different tools that you can use and you can have the API keys that you can set now in terms of the marketplace you have different types of things that you can already set up you have an API agent right here a conversational agent yet you can set up an auto GPT agent a baby egi application agent and many different things that you can also build on now in my case I'm just going to turn it to Black because it's way more appealing you have a local you can load a database and you can export a database so if you want to load something you can open it up in a file on a download and if you want to export something you can select something and download it now in this case I don't know what it downloaded uh because I didn't have anything in my workflow now in this case I'm just going to create a chat now I'm going to create something and I'll be right back so guys I actually just created a conversation but it is fairly easy uh in terms of the buffer memory this is going to be used to buffer the outputs and inputs now I have this ready so I can title it later if I wanted to and if I want to add on you can basically add certain types of agents to help so in this case if I want to add on a ton of Auto GPT agent I can do so over here and it will help me with different tasks but in this case I'm just creating a conversation chat bot so I just open input of my open AI API key over here now one thing that is fairly cool is that you can integrate different large language models so if you want to implement the zero open AI key over here we'll go here hugging face interface as well as replicate so you can Implement different large language models that could be used to help you find and search with different sites of data so if you want to do that you should definitely do so by adding the different LMS now in this case I'm just going to utilize this and you can start by clicking on the chat which is over over here and this is where you can actually start chatting with your actual bot one thing to note is that you need to click save before you start chatting and then now you can start chatting and a cool thing is that you can now duplicate this cash uh chat flow you can load a different type of chat flow and you can export this so that you can actually utilize it and implement it in different types of workflows so this is quite remarkable as you're able to build a large language model application in like a couple of seconds you can then change whatever you want in the actual Json file and input different things that you want to do so that you can implement it in a different type of workflow now you can also tweak around with additional parameters you can tweak the frequency you can also change the max amount of tokens you want to utilize per generation and there's different things that you can play around with you can have a system message set up as well as a human message so that you can basically tweak and save how different things are worked upon with this actual chatbot now guys one thing I want to know is that you can also input different types of tools and this is quite useful for a lot of different things because you can even have a Discord bot set up for your server if you have a business setup you can Implement a Discord like flowwise LM application within that Discord bot you can also have it send slack messages add a HubSpot contact you can create an air table record uh you can send team messages and this could be utilized for a lot of companies so think about it this way if you're an agency you can Implement some of these things so that you can like basically help these agencies grow their Outreach or even help them perform effective like workflow activities so this is one thing that is quite useful if you just click on this you can like basically set up the code as well as what you want the tool to do with this and then you can use this template to start implementing it in your different workflows now one of the cool things is that you can also do things with a different API AI agents so you can utilize it showcases what you want to what you'll need to utilize the actual Marketplace uh chat flow so if you want a prompt channeling or chaining sorry you will need an open AI key API key you will need a database and I don't know what the last one is I believe oh an LM chain so you'll need all of these to be utilizing this actual template so this is fairly easy and it shows some of the true like capabilities of what you can actually do with each one so you can even Implement your own shop flow add a new one you can start creating from the scratch you can add different things and play around with it so that it could be something that is able to do a lot of things for your own specific needs so you can even create something that is quite like like very complex and you can utilize many different things to even do it so this is one of the main important things that you can actually do to help create different large language model apps within a couple of seconds now in today's video I hope you found this to be an important tool that you can use and install it for a lot of different use cases so it really means a lot to me guys thank you guys so much for watching I really really appreciate it make sure you go and check this project out and if you guys haven't seen my previous video on this definitely do so as you'll get more ideas as to what you can actually do with this amazing application so with that thought guys thank you guys so much for watching definitely check out my Twitter page if you guys haven't already make sure you subscribe turn on notification Bell like this video and if you guys haven't seen my previous videos I highly recommend that you do so so that you can stay up to date with the latest AI content so with that thought guys make sure you guys have an amazing day spread positivity and I'll see you guys very shortly peace out fellas
Channel: WorldofAI
Views: 6,659
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: flowise ai, flowise, open-source project, langchain.js, llm applications, gen apps, llm apps, prompt chaining, llm chains, llm application development, prompt engineering, agents, chaining, create llm aps, create llm apps with no code, create ai apps without coding, llm app development, langchain tutorial, langchain, langchain agents, no-code langchain apps, opensource, opensource ai tools, ai app development tutorial, langchain ai, langchain in python, how to install flowise
Id: osErkJ2h9tE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 48sec (708 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 26 2023
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