How to Install Drip Irrigation - Part 3 Shrubs and Perennials

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welcome to court tube my name is Jim Putnam this is the how to install a drip irrigation system part 3 part 1 I went over the pieces and parts that you would use in a system and then in part 2 I laid out some drip irrigation in this vegetable garden one thing I failed to mention in that video is the reason I laid these three tubes across the top here and they're not buried and I used the reason I use this particular style was because at the end of this season I'll be able to take these three pipes running on each side here and just roll them back take the pins out and just roll them back pull out my vegetable plants put new compost down run the tiller through it if I want to and then after I smooth it back out after I do whatever planting I'm gonna do just roll those three lines right back out and put them right back in place and I'm good to go again irrigating today I'm going to expand this system into a few different directions I'm gonna add some shut offs because some of the shrubs aren't going to need water all that often certainly not as often as this raised vegetable garden with so let's get to work on that one of the main things I want you to get from this series of videos is just how flexible this type of irrigation is currently I have the connection for the water hose and a timer on that other end ultimately my main water line in my main water valve I'm gonna put right about here because my supply is coming from that direction and at that time I'll take this little end I put on here off and have this be the connection to the main line and then on the other end I'll shut that side off so you know there's no mistakes on this type of system if you make a mistake you plug a hole you make another cut you put a different type of piece in you can reverse the water flow everything so on and so forth there's just no you're not fixed on anything permanent on this at all and if you're over watering something you just change out a nozzle change out the type of you know the way in which you're watering or put a shutoff in all kinds of things so just the flexibility of it is amazing okay right here I have some perennials that are pretty densely planted and they're gonna need quite a bit of water because they're going to be competing with one another for water all summer about the same amount of water as this vegetable garden will need this piece up in here is going to be perennials but it may be a few weeks before I get to that job so I'm actually going to use the black tubing through here in three lines that will be replaced with drip at the time I plant the new perennials and then we'll run that same drip tubing that we ran through the vegetable garden down there when I plant these I'll just replace the black strips in here with the red drip pipe that has the emitters every six inches and then I'll use the black pieces for something else you know the solid pipe no problem at all nothing goes to waste in a system like this on this other end over here we're going to run a piece of drip tubing around each of these blueberry plants and I'll show you how I go about twisting it around each of those and we're going to connect it into the line right here I'm gonna put a shutoff on it because those blueberries definitely will not need as much water as these other things and then at the same time I'm gonna run a piece of this direction again with a shutoff right there to water these shrubs that I've put across this wooded space right here and we'll have a solid pipe going across here that won't have any emitters in it but I'm gonna be planting a lot of a lot of things out in this area so will any time be able to cut into that piping and feed additional water out into this space where I had put this little figure eight stopper on the end right here I need a little bit more pipe going this way so I'll simply remove that I'll put this coupler that slides into the inside right here and into the inside right here and I'll move my figure eight a little further out I need about three feet of additional pipe so I can run this so I can run this tubing right through here so I extended that pipe and I buried it under the mulch the end is there this is actually the spot like I say where I'm going to connect my mainline in when I automate this system I ran two three black lines across the ground here which I'll eventually convert to the red or brown drip lines in the future and then on the back of the each of these rows I ran the red drip line that has the emitters every six inches one thing to keep in mind when you're doing irrigation of any kind water runs downhill so this is slope this way okay so I ran my row of drippers behind this road behind this road behind this road I won't need anything on the other side because the water is actually all going to run that way anyway so on this end of the system that currently is where we're hooking the water hose up I need to extend this out a little further so again I want to cut that line put in a coupler put in a little more Brown pipe that doesn't have the holes in it I'm going to put a tee in right about here so that we can run a line up to here and then we'll run drip tube around all those plants I'll put another tee in right about here so that we can coil this tubing around each of these plants this is the 17 millimeter tubing that has the drip emitters in it every 18 inches or so here's a drip emitter right here built into it those little holes there about every 18 inches apart when I use this material I'll wrap it around each individual shrub or tree just one loop right about the drip line of the plant it comes in the coil and I'll straighten the coil out some but then I'll use the coil to my advantage to flip see how it's coiled up right there I just used that to my advantage to coil it around and then I'll coil around that one and that one and that one and rather than put an end on it over there I think I'm just going to put it right back into the main line so this will just be one continuous loop so let me show you what I did on this end the clock was right about here I cut in there and put a coupler in to extend this pipe and this is just that solid 17 millimeter pipe put it back in here I put a tee in right here and a shutoff right there you can buy these shut offs for the 17 millimeter pipe and that will allow me to turn these blue berries off at times when they don't need water and then I rent it to right here okay and rather than using one of those figure eights I actually just put this system in a circle so there's a tee here that pipe runs this way and around and around and around and it comes back up through these three plants and just connects right back into the main line so this is effectively in a circle it doesn't have a dead end on it and that should work great now it's the water hose is temporary here so I can show you how this thing is running I want to show you that I did some of these the correct way and some of them the wrong way this slopes down toward me so on this upper part right here I wrap the loops the just the way you're supposed to do it or the way I would recommend you to it the pieces are up here above there's drippers in here to there every 18 inches apart and so that water is gonna migrate toward where I'm standing okay on this lower half right here I did this on purpose said I could show it to you the water that's coming into this part in this part of the pipe right here I should have had it above the plants right there if you can get the twist correct sometimes it's difficult but this water right here is just gonna end up wasted really I'd like to say I'd rather have it up above them okay all right and that's just a closed loop around these blueberries I'm gonna bury this in this mulch a little bit I just use the back of my pick mattock the little pick part the skinny part and just make a little skinny trench in there and barely cover it doesn't need to be covered very much I just don't want to have to look at it all the time okay then I put another tee in here I shut off there these shut offs work super super easy right here and it has a little arrow on it it's off right now if it's in line like that it's on this is just a solid line that runs up through here this Ivy's got to go and then connects somewhere where somewhere right in here there's a coupler I don't know where to hit that coupler so couplers right there after right there okay I wrap this around these deciduous azalea's and again the pipe is running on the high side of them okay it's running on the high side on every single one of these plants as I came around here I'm not gonna be burying this because this hasn't even mulched over here yet but there's that red bud again it's going on the high side around this by Burnham again it's on the high side around that Cree viburnum and then over to this dogwood and I've dead ended it there for now I've got some azaleas and some other things to add here as I go but this is as far as I'm going to go in this video in the next video I'm going to be doing some containers and baskets on my front porch and then after that we'll work on getting this system integrated into my automate irrigation system I laid this timer on the ground three or four days ago when I shot that second video and in that amount of time ants built a nest inside of it and it's still working this clock is so industrial but I put it on auto here and then I'm hitting manual to have the water on it takes just a minute for that to to come on and get started there and here comes we'll take a look at where this water is coming out it'll take a second to fill up these lines but these are like I say every 18 inches apart right there now you can see it starting to drip out I hope you can see that yeah there it is right there and there's one a little bit further up you can see it right there that's perfect I don't need to water these very often so that shut off right there will come in handy again we've got them here we've got the drippers in the pots right there we've got the quarter inch line we put in the solid black line here until we actually need to irrigate it and move it here let's see make sure these are running they are very very well and again they're on the high side of these rows right here and let's walk up here to the top and make sure that everything's working up here at the top as well okay and this by Birnam is in fact getting water right there and these are this is a 17 millimeter pipe with the emitters every 18 inches apart and that usually works great for shrubs thank you very much for watching this video and don't forget to subscribe to the channel to get the follow-up videos [Music]
Channel: HortTube with Jim Putnam
Views: 112,661
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: drip irrigation, instaling irrigation, installing irrigation, shrubs, perennials, irrigation, watering, container irrigation, hanging baskets, watering plants, landscaping, landscape, plants, garden, gardening
Id: 6TGGIMnczoU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 53sec (653 seconds)
Published: Tue May 22 2018
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