How to Install Django on Windows 10/11 - Step by Step (Beginner Tutorial)

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let's install Jango and create ajango project on our Windows 11 or Windows 10 machine first press the Windows key and type CMD now you can check your python version by typing this command so as you can see I have python version 3.12 now we will use pip to install Jango let's see if pip is installed or not if you just type pip you should see all these options that are usable with Pip so if you see these options that means p is installed and if you get an error that says p is not found or something like that you can try checking if p is installed by doing this this shows the version of F that is installed that is python 3.3.1 now if this command is not working but this is working it means that pip is not added to path it's all right we can still work with this but if you want to see how to add pip to path you can check the first link in the description now if both of these commands are not working and it is saying pip not found also then you will have to install pip check the link in the description and I'll show you how to install pip okay so once you have Pip installed to install Jango you just need to type this command now if your pip is added to environment variable or added to path you can just type pip install Jango no need to type python DM so if you type python DM this will work even if p is not added to path now hit enter and your Django is being installed Django is successfully installed now you can clear the screen and you need to go to wherever you want to create a Dango project so right now I will exit from this and let's say I want to create my Jango project in desktop itself so I will hold shift and right click and click open in terminal if you don't see opening terminal you can open power window here it will work the same I'll click open open in terminal so as you can see here my terminal is open and I am inside desktop already now to create a Jango project you just need to type this command Chango admin start project and your project name my Jango project and this will create a new Jango project so as you can see this is now complete so now my uh start project folder sorry my Jango project folder should be here so if I minimize this and let's refresh to see if folder is created so as you can see my Jango project is created now let's try to run this so to run this you need to go inside the root of your project that is my Jango project so I will do that the command is CD and your folder name hit Tab and this will auto complete now hit enter now to run this project you need to type this command python manage dop run server hit enter and this message will be shown quit the server with control C you can hold control and click on this and your Jango project will open in your browser so as you can see it is saying the install word successfully congratulations now this is default page you can edit your project and create whatever you want in your Dango project and you can just click control C to close the server and if you refresh this this will not work now because the server is ended this is how you can install Django and create ajango project let me know if you have any questions
Channel: The Code City
Views: 4,041
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to install django on windows 10, how to install django on windows 11, install django on windows, django installation, django install windows 10, django install windows 11, python django, python django installation
Id: 33vDwq5sgnY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 34sec (214 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 20 2023
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