How to install & configure Mail-In-A-Box on Amazon AWS Lightsail & register a domain on Route 53

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hi my name is david Swanson and this training video is on how to install mail-in-a-box melena box is a free open-source software that allows you to have your own email server Melon box also includes next cloud which is a secure cloud server it allows you to upload files share them create folders you can put together a group let's say you have an HR department and you want to create an HR folder and share it with just those HR employees you can do that it's a great backup utility and it's free it comes with mail-in-a-box their syncing utility works with Windows Linux and Mac so they've got you pretty much covered and it's free one of the best things about using mail in a cloud is you own the server you are the only one that has access to the server unless of course you create additional admins and the best part is other than the server which if you're using the five dollar server on Amazon AWS that's it another reason why you would want to have mail in the boxes if you're using Google Gmail the free version and you're a small business and let's say you have John Doe at and that's your business email address it doesn't look that professional here you get to register your own unique domain name I'm going to show you how to do that in Amazon AWS route 53 on how to register your own domain name so you can have a professional domain name and have unlimited email addresses for your small business with all that said let's jump in and start installing mail-in-a-box the first thing we're going to do is create a free Amazon AWS account in your browser enter forward slash light sale on the light sale homepage click sign up and on the signup page just enter in your credentials to create your free account just a side note when you're entering your email address make sure you enter an email address that you have access to Amazon AWS is going to send you an email to verify that you're a real person so the email address that you're going to be sending up in a mail in a box you may not have access to just yet so make sure you're using a functioning email address here you can see I'm using a password generator I like to use a password generator to create a secure password for my accounts once you have the password entered you're going to enter an account name it can be really anything I like to use my company name bits vital from there you're going to be sent over to the contact information page you're going to enter your basic contact information when you're entering your telephone number make sure it's a telephone number that you have access to most likely your mobile number because Amazon's going to call you and verify that this is a real number and that you're a real person so once you have your contact information entered you're going to click on create account and continue the next screen Amazon's going to ask you to enter in your credit card information it's not going to be charged but they do want to verify one that you do have a valid payment method and two that again that you're a real person and you're not looking to just set up a robot account so once you have your credit card information in you'll click secure submit it's going to save your credit card information so that once your server is up and running on the next billing cycle is when you're most likely going to be charged and so once you click on secure cement you'll be taken to the screen where you verify again that you're not a robot and you have to enter in the code which I absolutely hate these I never seem to be able to get them right on the first try but once you click Submit here Amazon's going to call that telephone number that I was speaking about earlier to verify that you're a real person once Amazon calls you you're gonna enter the four digits that are being displayed on your screen once you enter those digits the screen will automatically change and show that you have been verified and just like that you are verified so now the next screen Amazon AWS is going to ask you what kind of support plan you require I choose free and from here we can now login to our Amazon AWS lightsail account to do this we'll click on my account up in the top right hand corner and then we'll click on AWS management counsel this will take us to the initial login screen where we will enter the email address that we used to create the account we'll then enter the password that we used and from here it will take us to the AWS management counsel dashboard on the AWS main dashboard we're gonna go ahead and enter route 53 that's the service that we want to use to register our domain name will click on route 53 which will take us to the main route 53 screen and under DNS management we're gonna go ahead and click on get started now on the left hand menu you're gonna click on register domains and then up at the top you're gonna click the blue button register domain here you can do a search for whatever domain name that you want to use to see if it's available this is where you get to be unique and creative for example my family uses wilderness family dot me and as you can see as I'm scrolling down the ending to your domain name can be unique as well like I said on mine I use dot me but you could use com you could use dot football dot dot accountant dot attorney dot basketball each of these TLD is though that you need to be aware of they have a different price associated to them some of them are inexpensive and some of them can be quite expensive maybe you're a sailor and you want to use voyage for a sailing blog there's numerous ones that you can choose from so whatever one that best fits your needs and your budget as well for this example we're gonna use for my business and for my class here on Skillshare I'm gonna use bit vital bits I'm sorry bits vital dot XYZ this is going to be my testing domain and as you can see it was available and once I chose it now I have to enter in the contact information that's associated with this domain name so I'll be entering in my information not on all domains but on most domains there's a feature that Amazon AWS gifts for free and that is privacy protection you definitely want to enable this there's a lot of hosts out there that allow you to register domain names and most charged for this service Amazon gives it to you free of charge and it's something you definitely want to enable that way when someone's looking up to see who the owner of your domain name is they can't see your email address which for the most part most people use to spam you and send you advertisements so it helps to cut down on spam mail so you definitely want to enable that free feature that Amazon AWS gives you so once you have your domain name registered you'll go ahead and click on go to domain names and there you can see that there's your domain name and it's being it's in the process of being registered over at the top right is the refresh button and you can click on that from time to time to see how to see once your domain name has been registered it can take anywhere from a few seconds to a few minutes to a few hours but once it's registered once you don't see it in that in that field you'll click on registered domain and there you can see your own domain name as registered and then you can click on it you'll be able to see the details of your domain name now when you register your domain name Amazon AWS is going to send you an email to verify the email address that you entered in the contact information it's very important that you click on the link in that email to verify that the email address is correct of course you can change it later but you definitely want to click on that other words your domain name will be suspended because as far as Amazon regards it it's a domain name created by a robot and then you won't be able to use your domain name so make sure you click on that verified domain name now we can go into the Amazon AWS light sale service to do that we'll click on services up at the top left hand corner and then we'll click on light sale what's light sale comes up we can click on our native language support that we want to use for me of course it's gonna be English and then it gives us our welcome screen which we can click on let's get started now and the first screen we see is where we create a instance instance is just another word for virtual private server it's what Amazon AWS uses for a VPS our virtual private server is going to be the mail in the Box server that's hosted on Amazon EWS our first choice is to choose the location of our server we'll click on change AWS region and availability zone I choose Montreal Canada but there's different reasons why you would choose different locations you may want a server that's closer to where you're located at that way you get a quicker response from your server maybe because of privacy laws that you want to choose Europe I just I like the privacy laws in Canada and it's centrally located so I choose Montreal Canada for my servers we're going to scroll down and mail in the box is based on Linux so we're gonna choose Linux and then we're gonna choose OS only and we're gonna choose a boot to 18.04 LTS that's what mail in the box will work on then we're gonna choose the $5 instance the $5 instant plan is perfect for a beginner server it depends on how many email addresses you're going to be creating how many emails you're receiving and if you're moving over from another box how much storage space you're going to require the $5 one includes one CPU one gigabyte of memory and 40 gigabytes of space so if this is a brain new email address and your only housing may be 20 or less email addresses and again it depends on how many emails you're receiving as well but this is the five dollar plan should be perfect for small businesses in individuals the other good thing about Amazon AWS is that as your business grows or as your family grows or as your needs grow you can easily upgrade to the next plan without having to reinstall your entire server all you have to do is just click a button to shut it down increase the size click start reboot the server and you're up and running and you've got the additional space to do the additional CPU and RAM that your you're needing so Amazon AWS makes it really easy to move forward with your business or your needs when it comes to mail-in-a-box next we need to give our instance a name I like to give it the domain name that we will be using mail-in-a-box suggests using box I've used office as the sub domain it makes no difference but for this we'll just use what mail in the box suggests using and that's boxes the sub domain so I'm going to be using box dot bits vital dot XYZ as my in and now we can click on create instance once we create the instance Amazon AWS is going to configure and create our server as you can see it's pending you'll give it a few seconds to maybe a few minutes refresh your browser page and you'll see it go from pending to running now that we have our server up and running we need to do a little configuration the first thing what we're going to do is give it its own static IP address think of it as its own home address that way if you turn off the server and turn it back on the address doesn't change and your mail doesn't get lost so to do this we'll click on our server we'll go over to networking click on networking and then under IP addresses we're going to click on the create static IP address button we're going to scroll down and we give the aesthetic IP address a name I normally just call it static dot my domain name so in this instance static dot bits vital XYZ but it can be anything just anything that would help you recognize what this IP address is we'll scroll down and we'll click on the create button and a static IP address a public static IP address has been generated now we're going to configure the firewall by clicking on home we're gonna click on our server again and we're gonna click on networking and we will scroll down under firewall now mail-in-a-box comes with its own software firewall AWS also has a firewall but we're gonna turn off the AWS firewall by clicking on the drop down bug button we're gonna choose all TCP UDP and click on Save when we do this it opens up all the ports as you can see this way mail-in-a-box is going to control what ports are open and and we turn off the AWS firewall so they don't interfere with each other now we're going to create a DNS zone kind of like an address book for your IP address to do this we'll click on home up at the top center of your screen and then we're gonna choose networking make sure you don't click on your instance and networking this is going to be the main networking then we're gonna click on create DNS zone and then under enter your domain name or enter your domain you have registered enter the domain name that she registered on route 53 for me it's bits vital XYZ we're gonna scroll down and then we're gonna click on create DNS zone we're gonna add our very first record to our address book per se that's needed to install mail-in-a-box the we're gonna create an a record and then we're gonna choose box as mail-in-a-box suggests using boxes to sub-domain and then we're going to choose the name of the static IP address that we had previously created some hosts you have to type in the IP address Amazon AWS makes it quite easy so now that we have the a record created we can click on home which brings us back to our main screen of lightsail we're gonna do one additional step when I first created the video I left this out and it's just a good idea just to verify and make sure that they are correct and that's to make sure the name servers match up from in lightsail to route 53 to do this all we're gonna do is just click on networking on the very home screen of lightsail we're gonna click on our domain name under DNS zones and I've already got additional records created so just ignore those for now but let's scroll all the way down to the bottom and you're gonna see your name servers you're gonna see four of them then you're gonna click on AWS at the top right hand side which is going to open up a new tab in your browser we're gonna click on services and we're going to go back into route 53 over on the left-hand side we're gonna click on registered domains you're going to see the domain name that you have previously registered you're gonna click on it and then over on the right-hand side you're going to see nameservers you're going to click on add or edit name servers and then one just verify that they are the correct name servers if they're not just erase the name server copy the name server paste it in do it do the same for the second one the third one and the first fourth one and click update and that's all you need to do and then we'll continue from our video from the very home screen of lightsail so you'll click on home again and take you back to the home screen where we'll continue before installing mail-in-a-box it's always a good idea to go over to mail-in-a-box website which is mail-in-a-box dot email clicking on setup guide over on the right hand side and then under the mail and a box setup guide scrolling down to the section called setting up the box under setting up the box the second line of code is the installation script that we're going to need that is all that is required to install mail in a box so we're gonna copy that click on the terminal icon and lightsail which will bring up a new window giving us access to our server we're going to click on the clipboard icon which is the paste icon we're gonna paste in that line of code click back on the window right-click which will copy in that line of code and we're gonna press Enter this is going to start the installation process of mail-in-a-box during the installation process it's going to take about 5 to 20 minutes just depending on your server performance and how fast it installs but it's going to ask you just a couple basic questions it's going to ask you the email the initial email address that you would like and that will be using that new unique domain name that you just created so maybe something like John Smith at your domain I'm gonna be using David at bits vital XYZ first screen comes up and it's going to just say that it's going to ask you a few questions all you need to do is press Enter and then it's going to ask you for that email address so I'm gonna go ahead and type in my email address that I initially want to use which is going to beat the David at bit vital dot XYZ and then I'm gonna go ahead and press ENTER then it's going to ask what the host name of our server is going to be now mail-in-a-box suggests using the sub domain box I normally use office but for this lesson we're gonna stick with what mail and box suggests and use box it can also be changed very easily in the future but again for this lesson we'll be use what mail-in-a-box suggests and we're gonna go ahead and choose type in box dot our domain name so this will be your domain name don't use bits vital XYZ this is your domain name that you just registered so box dot your domain name dot whatever you chose and then you go ahead and press enter which will continue the installation process the next question is the time zone that your server is in so you'll want to go and make the best choice for where your server or where you're located at for this example I'm in Mountain Time Zone so I'm gonna go ahead and choose Mountain Time Zone and last but not least it's going to ask you to enter a password for your email address and you're gonna want to click on the clipboard icon enter the password that you want to set for your email address click on the window right click to paste it right click again to paste it again and press Enter congratulations you installed mail-in-a-box it was that simple we're gonna do one more additional step we're going to unlock the admin features of next cloud and to do this you're going to copy over the unlock code which is on your screen or you can find on in the PowerPoint presentation that I have attached to this lesson followed by the email address that you set up with mail-in-a-box once you have that typed in press Enter and this is going to unlock the admin features of Mixcloud doing so now we will be able to install apps that next cloud supports and that's it you've installed mail-in-a-box now that we have mail-in-a-box installed let's go to the admin portal and we can install an SSL certificate for our domain name to do this we're gonna open up a new browser window and type in our sub domain which is for me box bits vital dot XYZ forward slash admin the very first time that you type this in to your browser you're gonna see that the connection is not secure we're going to add an exception because the very first thing we're gonna do is install an SSL certificate from let's encrypt each browser is a little different on how you add the exception for me I'm using Firefox and I click on advanced and then add exception and then install the certificate that's generated by mail-in-a-box once I do this this gives me access to the admin portal of mail-in-a-box this brings us to the login screen where you'll enter your email address that you used to set up mail in a box and the password and then you'll go ahead and click sign in once you're logged in the very first screen you're going to see is the system status check we want to click on system and then tls/ssl certificates underneath provision certificates you're going to see a blue button called provision you're going to want to click on that and that's going to provision an SSL certificate for your domain name from let's encrypt it does it automatically it's super easy takes just a few moments and once it's provisioned you'll see that it's in green go ahead and refresh your browser page and you'll see that you now have a green paddle lock and you won't get that error any longer that says that you have an insecure connection mail-in-a-box has a built in DNS server we're not going to use the built in DNS server there's reasons why you would want to use it for simplicity and there's reasons why you don't want to use it and that's if your server ever goes down then your domain name and anything associated with it so for example if you have also a website not just your mail-in-a-box but let's say you have a website as well then everything goes down so it's better to use an external DNS service in my opinion and so we're gonna go ahead and use Amazon AWS one you have multiple domain name servers so if one of Amazon's servers goes down you've got three other backups and that's what we did with the name servers so this next step is probably the most complicated step out of the entire process of installing mail-in-a-box however it's just cut and paste and the reason why I say it's complicated is if you've never seen a DNS record it may scare you a bit a little bit it may look confusing rest assured I'm gonna walk you through it and it is very simple all you're doing is copying and pasting and once you've got the first few records done that's it let's begin to begin click on system from the top menu and then click on external DNS under cue name you're gonna see your domain name in bold with several records underneath it so to begin we're gonna go ahead and copy the IP address of your main domain name we're gonna head back over to lightsail we're gonna go ahead and click on networking and then under dns zone we're gonna click on your domain name we're going to go ahead and click on add a record and you can see a records already been selected and we're going to go ahead and place an @ sign all the at sign is doing is saying that we're not using a sub domain like we did previously when we added box when we created the a record for box dot your domain so since we're not adding a sub-domain we have to enter something so we're going to enter the @ sign then we can go ahead and paste over the IP address where it says result 2 and Amazon AWS is automatically going to change that over to the static IP address that we have assigned that instance now some hosting providers will make you copy in the actual IP address Amazon AWS makes it very simple where you don't even need to copy it you can just click on the field and choose the static IP address name click on the green button to click Save and then head back over to the mail in the box admin portal next we'll do an MX record we're going to go ahead and copy just the first portion of this domain name box dot bits vital XYZ or whatever yours might be box your domain name com we're gonna choose from the drop-down box an MX record we're going to go ahead and type in the @ sign again the priority 10 and then we'll paste in what we copied and click on the green sign and we've created our first MX record we're going to go ahead and skip over this one since we've already created this record when we first set up mail-in-a-box as you can see we already created the box dot your domain name com next we're going to do another MX record we'll copy click Add record we're going to choose an MX record we're gonna paste in the information put in 10 for the priority and this one's asking us to put in box and then we'll go ahead and click on save we'll go back over and we're going to create our first text record so we're going to copy and the information we'll go to light sale click Add record choose a text record type in the or paste in the information as we can see it's again pointed to the main domain name so we're going to just enter an app sign click on the green button to save it go back over and do another text record copy the information go over to lightsail create a new a create a new text record paste in the information copy the sub-domain portion go back over to lightsail paste in the sub domain and click the green check mark once a while you'll have to click the refresh button sometimes amazon doesn't always update when you're entering the information so you'll have to click the refresh button to make sure that your records are saving from time to time the next record is a little bit different so let's jump back over to the admin portal to the external DNS and as you can see we have a really long text record and because it's more than 255 characters the DNS is not going to take that in a text record so what we're gonna have to do is we're gonna copy about a half of it I just find something that I can remember where I left off so I'm using this forward slash and I'm gonna copy I'm gonna head back over to lightsail add a new record I'm going to choose a text record I'm going to paste that first portion in then I'm gonna press the Enter key to give me a line break I'm gonna head back over I'm going to copy the next half of the text record here I'm gonna paste that in on that new line break jump back over I'm going to copy the sub domain and hit the green checkmark and there we have it now let me show you what it would have what would have happened if I didn't use the line break if I can copy here there we go coffee I'm gonna come over here and add a new record I'm going to add a text record I'm gonna paste that entire text record into here I'm gonna then click out of that field and as you can see Amazon AWS gives us an error that's saying that the text record has to be no more than 255 characters another way you can do it is just scroll up here and just well try that again scroll up here and do a line break and press the Enter key and then copy in your sub domain and since we've already added this record I'm just gonna go ahead and delete the record next we have is the two server records so again we're gonna copy the sub domain we'll head over to lightsail create a new record choose a server record paste in the sub domain and here again we've got a little bit different it's got three different fields that we have to enter so 0 0 port 443 and then we'll copy over the domain name here which is going to be the box dot u whatever your domain and will click the green check mark and we'll do another server record by clicking on add record we'll go ahead and copy over the subdomain head back over to lightsail click add record choose a server record paste in the sub domain and again we've got to get the priority B weight and the port which is again going to be 0 0 4 4 3 copy over where it maps to paste that in click the green checkmark and there you have it that is the most complicated part of configuring mail in a box now you're gonna continue copy and pasting the records there are two type of records you're gonna skip do not copy and paste the SS hfp records and the TLS a records there's most likely going to be three of the SS hfp records and two of the TLS a records Amazon AWS lightsail does not support those two type of records once you finish copying and pasting the records you're done and you've done it great job and here is all of our records that we've created in lightsail now let's head back over to mail-in-a-box admin portal we'll go up to the top menu we'll click on system and status check and we're gonna check the status of our server with entering the DNS records it may take a few hours for them to come online to be able to go live so give it a few hours if you still see some of the records in red one of the other things that we want to do is we want to enable new version check and to do that click on enable new version check over on the right-hand side and last but not least let's reboot the mail inbox server to apply our settings and click on the reboot box and reboot now now that we have our server rebooted we're going to remove the email sending limitations that Amazon has placed on our server Amazon does this to limit scam spamming and they want to know what you're going to be using your email server for so to do this we're going to head over to the Amazon AWS request to remove email sending limitations form I'll place a link to this down in the Skillshare description it's just going to ask you for basic information including your IP address and to get your IP address again you'll go with the lightsail click on home and you'll see your public IP in the right hand corner of your instance you'll copy that paste that in and then it's going to ask you for the reverse DNS record and that is the name of your server it's going to be that sub domain dot your domain name which in this case is box dot your domain name com or in my case box dot bits vital dot XYZ once you have that completed click Submit and it takes Amazon pretty quick most the time in my cases usually within a few hours it could take up to two days but they do a pretty good job on removing the limitations or requesting additional information now that we have mail-in-a-box installed let me show you how we can add new users aliases and additional domain names with email addresses under those new domain names to do this go ahead and click on mail from the top main menu and then click on users to add a new user go ahead and enter a new email address for the new user followed by your domain name for my example I'm going to use John Doe at bits vital dot XYZ once you've entered the email address go ahead and give the new user a password and then once you have the password entered you'll choose if you want to make this user a normal user or an administrator an administrator will have access to this admin portal of mail in a box click OK and now under the domain name you can see that the new user has been added to mail in a box as a side note remember to give the new user their password as mail and a box does not send them their password now let me show you how we can add an alias an alias is an email address that forwards to another email address so for example if you have a small business and you want to set up some professional email addresses like sales at your domain name or support at your domain name or info at your domain name but you don't want to manage all these email addresses you can set up an alias so you could have you could set up sales at your domain and forward it to your email address that way you have a professional email address and the customer doesn't know that it's not being sent to an individual email address it's actually being sent to your email address or for example maybe you have a staff support staff of four or five people and the emails that come to support at your domain name com you want them to be all sent to those five people which you could set up an alias for as well so to do this click on mail from the top menu and then click on aliases to add the alias enter the email address that you want to create for example support at your domain name com for my example I'm going to enter support at bits vital dot XYZ and then you want to enter the forwarding email address where you want the emails from support at your domain name com to go to for my example to my email address David F it's vital XYZ and then click on add alias under your domain name you can see the different aliases that are set up now mail-in-a-box automatically creates some default aliases that are required for your email like postmaster abuse admin and administrator so now that we've set up aliases and users let me show you how we can add an additional domain name mail-in-a-box has the potential to support unlimited domain names just depending on your server to add an additional domain name we can do it two different ways the first way I'll show you is by clicking on mail and then clicking on users first thing we'll do is enter the new email address for the new user with the new domain name so for my example I'm gonna use David at your then I'm gonna go ahead and enter the new password for the new user and then I'll choose if I'm going to make this user a normal user or an administrator in this case I'm just a normal user and then I'll go ahead and click on add user the new user is going to be added plus the new domain name is going to be added into mill in the Box as you can see I'm going to go ahead and click on OK and scroll down and I can see that the new domain name with The Associated email address has been added to mail-in-a-box now I need to set up the dns for the new domain name to do this I'm going to click on system external DNS I'm going to scroll down and as I scroll down I can see that my new domain name has been added to mail-in-a-box and just like we did previously we're gonna copy and paste these records into light sales we'll have to add a new diem DNS zone and then we'll paste copy and paste those DNS records into lightsail now let me show you how we can do it by adding an alias by adding the new alias we can also add a new domain name to do this we'll click on mail alias and then we're going to enter the new email address with the new domain name just kind of like how we did it with adding a new user so in this example I'm going to enter David at 1 2 3 my domain comm I'm going to put in the email address that I want it to forward to which is my normal email address David at bits vital dot XYZ I'm going to then go ahead and click on add alias it's going to add the new email address and it's going to add the new domain name as we can see that the email address and the domain name has been added again we're gonna go ahead and click on OK we can go ahead and scroll down and now we can see that the new domain name has been added with The Associated email addresses including our other domain name we had just added now we'll click on system external DNS we'll scroll down and we can see that the new domain name that we added as an alias has been added to our DNS server and once again we need to copy and paste those records over into lightsail will create a new dns zone and then copy and paste those records so that the internet knows where to send our email now that we have mail-in-a-box installed and configured let's go in to the browser mail interface to do this I'm going to open up a new tab in my browser I'm going to type in box dot bits vital XYZ the sub domain followed by mail this is going to bring us into roundcube we're going to enter our username which is the email address that we have set up and The Associated password to our email address and we'll go ahead and click login once we're logged in to the roundcube email interface we can click on compose which is going to bring up the compose window where we can send a new email let me just show you what that looks like it's pretty standard where you can enter a two email address the body of the text I'm gonna go ahead and cancel out of here let me show you how we can create an email folder to store particular emails in I'm gonna go ahead and click on manage folder click on the plus sign I'm gonna create a new folder called important once I got that typed in I'm gonna click on save I'm gonna click on the roundcube icon up in the top left hand corner that brings us back to the main interface and then over on the left hand side you can see that the new folder has been created and I can drag and drop emails there over on the top right hand I'm going to click on settings one of the things things I like is clicking on user interface and changing it to the look it's whatever your preference is I just like the classic look better once I have that changed and click say that automatically reverts to the classic look which then I can work my way through the settings and change it to however I would like my individual interface to look and function as well when I click on identities this is where you can set up a signature for your email address I'm going to put in my name for my display name of course if you have an organization you can enter an organization name I'm going to click on the signature tab that way I can add a signature to my email address I'm gonna click on the HTML signature box that way it'll give me the what you see what you get menu that way I can add color enhance my signature to however I like it I'm gonna go back and compose a new email and as you can see it's still showing plain text so to make it an HTML email I'm gonna have to click on settings compose message and then I'm going to choose add an HTML email when I'm sending an email unless the email that I received is in plain text that's just saying that if someone is sending me a plain text email they may not be able to receive HTML emails and so I'm not going to respond with an HTML signature I'm also going to choose as my contact address book on cloud which is also known as next cloud which will be the next item that I'm going to show you is how to add contacts to your address book so now when I compose an email you can see that my email was in HTML now let me go ahead and send a test email to myself I'm going to put in my email address David at bits Buddle dot XYZ just to send me an email that way I can show you what an email looks like when it comes in I just sent it and there you can see the email has been received and when I click on it you can see my HTML signature at the bottom of my email and of course you have the standard icons to be able to reply forward now that I've shown you the email client let me show you next cloud access next cloud to open up a new tab and let's put in the host name of our mail in a box for me it's box dot that's vital dot X Y Z and then we're gonna add a forward slash cloud so for you you'll put in box dot your domain forward slash cloud which will bring us to the login screen of next cloud then we'll put in our username which of course is our email address and the password associated with our email address and then we'll go ahead and click login which will bring us to the cloud storage area of next cloud if you've ever used Google Drive or Dropbox it's a lot like those services so here I got folders and files it's got a media plug-in so if I'm watching a video or I have a video uploaded to the cloud storage I can click on it and it's going to play the video right inside Nick's cloud I can create folders by just clicking the plus icon I'm gonna go ahead and create a folder called marketing I can share that folder with my marketing department so that the users of my marketing department has access to the files in that folder I can create another folder called HR and do this very same thing share that folder with my HR department so that we all have access to the files I'm gonna go ahead and just open up a file explorer with my Mac or if you're on a PC with your PC I'm gonna just upload a picture of me and my two dogs and you can do that right here in a browser or you can use the next cloud sync utility which I'll show you here in a moment on how to download and install I can click right on the picture and in my browser it'll display the picture and while I'm looking at the picture it even gives me the easy accessibility to be able to share that picture delete it download it or of course while I'm in the browser window I can also share the file or be able to delete it move it download it just like if you're again if you're using Google Drive or Dropbox services the next one I'm going to show you is the Gallery icon which is a lot like google photos it's going to display all your photos and images that you've uploaded into next cloud and that way you can share and be able to view all your photos if you're using the smartphone application it also has the feature where when you're taking a picture on your smartphone or tablet it automatically uploads that image into next cloud for a backup service so again it's just like using Google photos next let me show you contacts I'm gonna click on the contact icon up in the top left hand corner and then I'm gonna go ahead and add myself as a contact by clicking new contact and just an FYI when I add a contact here in next cloud my contacts will show up in my email client as long as I chose as long as I go into settings and choose own cloud as my address book own cloud is just another name for next cloud once I add myself here in next cloud it does take a little time a couple hours to show up in my email client if I do it the other way around where I'm adding a contact from the email client it will automatically almost immediately show up here in next cloud as you can see as I'm adding myself not all fields display I'm just choosing the fields that I want to use for my contact I know that some databases will show like birth date and I never I usually rarely use birth date so it just clutters up the screen so next cloud makes it really simple to be able to add a contact next cloud also is a card app so that it can sync with third-party applications so now let me show you how we can add a contact here in the email client I'm going to pop back over to the email client and I'm gonna go ahead and add a new contact John Doe I'm going to go ahead and click on save to add the con and there you see that I have John Doe and now if I go over to Nick's cloud and refresh my browser not only do I have myself added but John Doe also shows up in the contact database of next cloud with all the information that I entered on John Doe now if I move my mouse down to the bottom left and click on settings then the three-dot menu icon and click copy link this is going to copy the link to the contact database that I can use in third-party applications towards the end of this class I'll show you how we can set up a third party application but for now I'm gonna move on over and show you the calendar feature I'm gonna go ahead and click on the calendar icon up in the top left hand corner which will bring up our calendar application and over on the left-hand side you can see that a personal calendar has already been created if I click on the three dot menu icon I can edit my calendar I can choose my own personal color that I'd like to use for this calendar and then down at the bottom I can click on settings and for right now I'm just going to show you what the import calendar button if you're using Google Calendar you can import your Google Calendar very simple into next Club all you do is just copy the CalDAV address of the Google Calendar and paste it in and your Google Calendar or any other third-party application that uses CalDAV will be able to work with next cloud next let me show you how we can add an appointment it's very simple I'm just going to click on a date in the calendar I'm going to type the event and for this I'm just going to put a test appointment I'm going to unclick the all-day event I'm going to choose a time for the event and then I'm going to choose an end date or in time click on more so I can add additional details if I'd like to this event I can also repeat this event and for this test appointment I'm gonna go ahead and just have it repeat three times click on create' and you can see that it automatically creates three appointments for us since I chose repeat so the next cloud calendar is quite has quite a lot of functions to it and it's very robust I love it and I can create additional calendars I can click on new calendar and let's say I want to create a work calendar just from my work appointments I can create a calendar let's say if I have a family and my kids are in soccer and I want to just keep the soccer appointments separate from my work and personal calendar and then share that with my family I can do that as well I can also create another calendar just called family and share that with all my family members so that each family member has their own username and password or email address to our next cloud account and then we all share the family calendar now from calendar let's take a look at settings I'm going to go ahead and click on my initial in the top right hand corner and I'm gonna go ahead and click on settings as you can see next cloud comes with a plethora of different settings that you can change you can make this work however your business works or however your family works it's totally up to you I'm not going to go through all the settings I'm gonna go ahead and click on my initial again and click on apps next cloud comes with a lot of apps and then you can also install additional apps next cloud has official apps that are created by next cloud and then a lot of third-party apps one of the ones I like to enable right off the bat is PDF viewer that way if I click on a PDF in the storage area of next cloud it displays the PDF in my browser if I click on customization it gives the different categories of the apps and another one that I like to enable is app order and that way I can change the layout of the icons in the top left-hand corner too however I like them then there's external sites is another app that I like to install and if I click on show description it's going to give you a description of that particular app so you can take a look at what that app does before installing it if I click on office and text over on the left hand side as it's populating here there's one called kelabra online and it's kind of like Google Docs Google sheets which is a lot like Microsoft Excel I'm gonna do an a Skillshare class just on how to install collaborate online later so take a keep an eye out for that there's also an official mail app it's not my favorite right now it still is a little buggy but it's coming along and then another one that I always install is notes and my favorite is tasks so I'm gonna go ahead and enable those two and then once enabled I can click on the notes icon now that it's displayed up in the top left-hand corner and I can click on new note and add a brand-new note to next cloud and keep my notes organized in category lists as well now let's take a look at the tasks section I'm gonna go ahead and click on the task icon up in the top left hand corner you can now see that our calendars that we created in the calendar app is displayed I can click on my personal calendar and I can create a task that's under my personal calendar so for this example I'm gonna go ahead and create a task that's called buy new shoes for work and once I have the task entered I can press ENTER which then will give me additional options for the task like what day the task is on if it's an all-day task the priority of the task and if I want to add notes or even a category for that task now that I've got the task entered I can even add an additional task if I'd like for this example I'm going to go ahead and but take the dogs to the vet and then once I have that entered again I'm gonna press the Enter key which will give me additional options and again I can set the day that I want this task on I if it's an all-day event or I'm sorry all-day task and then the priority of the task and then its associated with my personal calendar now that I've shown you next cloud let's take a look at next clouds official software including their syncing utility for window PC Apple and Linux and then also their apps for Android iOS Apple and Windows phones and tablets to do this let's go ahead and open up a new tab in our browser and then go to next then we'll go ahead and click on get next cloud and then we'll go down to desktop and mobile apps here we've got the three choices Windows Mac OS and Linux and then we click on the other tab for download for mobile and it gives us our links for Google Play the App Store and the Windows Store where we can download the apps to our smartphone or tablet great job you have mail-in-a-box installed and configured I want to go ahead and show you one problem that you might encounter like I did when installing mail-in-a-box and to show you this problem I'm going to jump back to my mail-in-a-box admin portal which if you remember is your hostname board with a forward slash admin so in my case box bits vital dot XYZ four slash admin now that I'm back at my system page on my admin portal take a look at this error it says the IP address of the machine is listed in the spam and I'm not gonna pronounce that word block list what this means is that my static IP address that I'm using on Amazon AWS most likely someone had previously and used it for spamming that's why Amazon does when you created your Amazon AWS lightsail account why they do such a good job to check make sure you are a real person because they're gonna try to cut down on spamming and in this case this IP address that they issued me was used for spamming so if I'm sending out an email using this static IP address it's probably gonna go into someone's junk mail if it gets delivered at all so what I want to do is go ahead and change my static IP address it's very simple to do and that way I don't have to worry about my IP address being blacklisted so to do this all we're gonna do is jump back over to Amazon AWS lightsail I'm gonna go ahead and click on my instance and then I'm gonna go ahead and click on networking and then I'm gonna click on detach static IP confirm it and then it's going to generate generate a dynamic IP address so now I want to go back into home click on networking and go ahead and delete that static IP address from my lightsail account I'm gonna go ahead and create a new IP address but I want to make sure it's in the same location that my previous one was I'm gonna click on my instance that I've already created my server give the static IP address a name and then I'm gonna go ahead and click create and now I've got a new static IP address however we need to update our DNS records to let the internet know what our new IP address is so we need to update our address book our DNS address book so to do that we're gonna click on networking again we're gonna under DNS zones click on our domain name and then there's only two records we have to update the first a record and we're gonna go ahead and just click on that field and it's going to display our new static IP address we're gonna go ahead and choose that click the green check box mark and then we're gonna head down to the additional a record and we're gonna do the very exact same thing and we're gonna choose our instance choose the green check mark to say ok and there we have it we've given our server our instance a brand new static IP address now we need to let mail-in-a-box know what our new static I the addresses so we're gonna click on the terminal icon we're gonna go into our server and we're just going to type in sudo mail-in-a-box we're gonna press enter and it's going to go through the configuration again just gonna ask us a few questions we'll go ahead and press enter we're gonna confirm what the hostname is we're going to change the old IP address and we're gonna update it with our new IP address and it's displayed down in the bottom left-hand corner of the browser just if you didn't write that down and then we'll run through the installation and then once the installation is complete we'll exit out of the terminal and then we can go back into mail-in-a-box admin portal will log in and we'll take a look at the system status check and we'll scroll down and we can see that our IP address is no longer blacklisted that our IP address is in the green and we are good to go just as a side note to whenever you need to update mail-in-a-box or let's say you want to change box dot your domain name com2 office dot your domain or something else that's exactly the same procedure you'll open up the terminal you'll type in sudo mail-in-a-box and then you can update mail-in-a-box it's that easy mail and box has done a terrific job on being able to update it and to change it and make it in it making it very simple last but not least I want to show you how you're able to set up mail-in-a-box with a third-party application this could be Microsoft Outlook Apple Mail Mozilla Thunderbird there's a ton of third-party applications and this also includes your smart phone and your tablet devices so if you're inside the mail-in-a-box admin portal all you need to do is click on mail and then click on instructions and it's going to give you the instructions so if you've ever used Google Gmail and are trying to set it up on your phone it's pretty much the same thing they give you Google Gmail gives you the instructions and it's pretty much exactly the same you're going to use the protocol IMAP the mail server of course is your mail-in-a-box hostname which for me is box dot that's bottle XYZ the IMAP port 993 IMAP security SSL SMTP port which is the sending protocol 587 the SMTP security start t.t TLS your username which is your email address and of course the password that's associated with your email address and that's all you need to be able to configure these third-party applications now if you have an Android device you can also click on contacts and calendar and it's going to show you it's going to give you a link to an application that you can purchase there's also a free version I have the paid version and I can tell you that it's well worth the three dollars and sixty nine cents not only that but you're supporting mail-in-a-box when you purchase that application that way you can sync your contacts and calendar now if you're an Apple user you do not need that application Apple iOS has it built in to sync your contacts and your calendars it's pretty simple as well I'm just going to go ahead and click on the link to the contacts but of course all you do is go into next cloud which is your host name forward slash cloud this is just going to take me right my contacts and then if I click on settings I click the three dot menu icon I'm gonna click copy link and it's going to copy the link to my address book which allow me to sync it so if you're setting this up in Thunderbird or Apple Mail or not Apple Mail but Apple contacts or on your phone and you're adding a new account to be able to sync your contacts with you'll copy that link in and then it's going to ask you for your username and password which of course is your email address and then the password that's associated with your email address same goes with calendar I'm gonna go ahead and click on my calendar it's going to bring up my calendar and then each calendar has its own associated link so for example my personal calendar I'm gonna click on the three dot menu icon and then I'm going to click on link which displays those stinking link or the Cal Cal dev link to my calendar I'm gonna copy that and then when I add that to when I go into my Android phone and say add add a new account or on my iPhone and I'm adding the calendar I'll use that link and then it'll ask you for you username and password which again is your email address and then the password associated with your email address now that we've got mail and box installed and configured let me show you how we can connect your mail and a box server to a third-party mail application for this training video I'm going to use Mozilla Thunderbird the reason for that is it's free and you can install it on Windows Linux and on Mac even though I'm using Mozilla Thunderbird the procedure is going to be the same whether you're using Microsoft Outlook or Apple Mail or another program where you go to configure it is going to be a little different but the procedure and the settings are going to be the same so that's a let's jump in and I'm going to show you how to configure Mozilla Thunderbird to start off let's go to the mail-in-a-box admin portal and to do that again we just put in the hostname forward slash admin and then we're going to click on mail and then instructions and here is the configuration that we're going to need in the configuration instructions that we're going to need to be able to setup thunderbird alright let's go ahead and open up thunderbird now I'm on a Mac so I'm using the Mac version of Thunderbird depending on what operating system you're on Linux Mac or Windows the procedure on how to set up the how to set up mail calendars contacts that's going to be the same no matter what operating system you're on but where the menu items are might be a little bit different so you might have to hunt those down but the procedures gonna be the same it's just that when I go into plugins the menu icon might be somewhere else on your operating system version of Thunderbird might be on the left-hand side might be on the right-hand side but again the procedure is going to be the same that all said let's go into the add-on manager where I can install plugins into Thunderbird now we need to add a couple plugins to make this work the plugins are free so we're just going to install them and then restart Thunderbird the plugins that we need to install are the lightening plug-in which is the calendar plugin for Thunderbird provider for kal dev and carddav which is going to allow us to be able to sync our calendars and our contacts and then the TB sync which it goes along with the provider for CalDAV and carddav another one that I like to install as well is what's called next cloud for file link and what that does is when you're sending an email that's greater than whatever you want to set in file size so let's say 10 megabytes instead of sending that file in an email or let's say you're sending the file that's too large to send by email what Thunderbird is going to do is up into a male attachment folder in Nick's cloud and it's going to create a shareable link then when you email that email it's going to send that shareable link instead of the file and then when the user or the I'm sorry the receiver receives the email they can click on that link and download the file that way if you're sending a file that's too large to be able to go by email you're not having to find a different way of being able to send them that file like placing it on a USB thumb drive and mailing it to them makes it a very safe secure and fast way of sending large attachments I'm not going to show you how to go in and configure it but I just wanted to mention that is one of the plugins that I do like to install when using next cloud alright let's go ahead and install our mail account to do this let's go back to the welcome screen of Thunderbird I'm gonna right-click and I'm gonna go to settings and then from the drop-down menu I'm gonna click on add mail account I'm gonna go ahead and enter in the fields that it's asking me for my name of course david swanson and my email address which is the email address that i used to set up my mail in the box account david it's vital XYZ and the password i'm going to click on continue and it's not going to be able to find the server so we're gonna have to manually set it up and that's where those instructions that we need come into play in mail-in-a-box back in the admin portal under mail instructions we're gonna use those configurations to set up our email account for the incoming we want to make sure that we choose IMAP and not pop3 so now that I have IMAP shows I'm going to put in the hostname of our mail in a box which for me is box dot it's vital XYZ I want to choose the port nine nine three and I'm gonna use SSL then I'm going to go down to outgoing and SMTP is already selected I'm gonna again put in my host name box bits vital XYZ I'm going to choose the port five eight seven and start TLS for encryption and then for my username for incoming and outgoing is my email address David F that's vital dot XYZ next let's click on the retest button thunderbirds going to try to make a connection to our mail-in-a-box server and as you can see thunderbird was able to connect now let's go ahead and click on done let me show you how you can get into your email settings and how to add a outgoing signature to your emails to do this click on your email account and then right click and go down to settings here we can add our signature I'm just going to put david swanson and then bits vital dot XYZ as my outgoing signature and then i'm gonna go ahead and click on ok next let's go over to the inbox and let's send a test email to ourselves I'm going to just enter my email address David at bits vital XYZ and for the subject I'm just going to enter Thunderbird and for the body of the email test now I'm going to click on send and there goes the email and almost instantaneous it comes right into us I can click on it and there's our email and just like most email clients I can reply forward archive delete send it to spam there you have it you've got your email all set up inside Thunderbird now let me show you the calendar feature of Thunderbird to begin I'm going to open up the calendar and then I'm going to click on the menu icon go to add-ons and choose TV sync from the drop-down I'm going to choose add new account and then CalDAV and carddav then I'm going to go ahead and choose manual configuration click continue put the account name this can be anything I'm just going to put my domain name that's vital dot XYZ my username is going to be my email address David at bits vital dot XYZ and of course the Associated password to my email address I'm gonna head over to mill in the box admin portal and click on contacts and calendar I'm gonna click on the calendar link I'm going to log in to next cloud in the calendar section I'm gonna click on settings and copy the primary car dev address once I have that I'll jump back over to Thunderbird and I'm going to enter that in as the CalDAV address Cal for calendar card for card for your address book cards I'm gonna click on contacts once contacts is loaded I'm gonna head down to settings and then I'm gonna click on the three menu icon menu button click copy link and head back on over to Thunderbird I'm gonna copy in the card app link and then click on done I'm gonna place a checkmark in the field enable and synchronize this account which then will populate in my address book and my calendars I'm gonna place a checkmark next to my address book and calendars that I want to have synchronized I want to point out down at the bottom the field periodic synchronization in minutes you're gonna want to add a time frame to this this is how often your calendar and your contacts are going to sync and remember it's in minutes so if you're gonna choose an hour or four hours you're going to want to convert those hours into minutes and that's how frequent your contacts and calendars will synchronize with your mail and a box server I have mine set for 15 minutes so let's go ahead and I'm gonna click on the synchronize Now button and when I do that it's gonna synchronize my accounts and bring in everything that we have from next cloud including my contacts and my events so as you can see over on the left hand side it brought in my calendars and it also populated in the events that we have already added in to next cloud so let's go ahead and add a new event for the title I'm just gonna put in thunderbird event and then i'm gonna go down to the time frame and i'm just gonna choose an all-day event and click on save and there's our event in our calendar i'm going to move over and right click on my personal calendar that i just added the event to you and I'm gonna manually synchronize the events that way it will automatically push it over to next cloud since I don't have it automatically doing a synchronization every 15 minutes or every 30 minutes now let me show you the tasks the tasks are over on the right hand side there's also you can open up a task tab but over on the right hand side are my tasks and I'm gonna go ahead and enter a new task and I'm gonna put for the title walk the dogs I can move on down and set a time for the task or I can make it an all-day task as well once I have the time entered I can say I can click on save and close which is going to add my tasks and sync it over to next cloud now that I've added a event and a task let's jump over to next cloud and see how they show up inside next cloud so I'm gonna jump over to next cloud and I'm in the contacts window let me click on the calendar icon and open up the calendar and there you can see there's our event that we added in Thunderbird showing up in next cloud and when I click on it you can see all the materials there it's an all-day event so now let me click out of here and click on the task icon and up comes our tasks and there you can see our test that we added walk the dogs okay I've shown you events and tasks let's jump back over to Thunderbird and I'm gonna show you the address book so I'm gonna go back to the main menu and then click on address book I'm gonna slide it over a slide over the vertical bar so that you can see that our address book from bits vitals is showing up with our contacts I'm going to add a new contact to the to our address book I'm gonna add Django I'm gonna put into her email address Jane at your and then I'm gonna click on okay and we've got Jane Doe added now I'm gonna switch over to Nick's cloud I'm gonna click on the contacts icon menu and there we have Jane Doe I can click on her and there's her first name last name and email address that we added inside Thunderbird so they're sinking so that's it that's how you set up Thunderbird with your mail and a box server it's really not that difficult as long as you have those mail instructions from the admin portal it takes just a few minutes - you get Thunderbird setup so I hope this helps you and remember this is the same procedure for other third-party applications like Microsoft Outlook and Apple Mail if you're using a MacBook even though the menu items are going to be not located in the same spot as Thunderbird because you're using a different application the procedure is going to be exactly the same on how to add a IMAP account how to sync your calendars in your contacts it's the same you're going to be using the same instructions that are showed up in the mail and a box admin portal under mail instructions now that we have mail and a box up and running let me show you how you can connect it to your Android device rather that's your Android phone or Android tablet so the first thing you want to do is go into mail and a box admin portal and click on the menu item mail instructions these are the instructions we're going to use to set up your Android device for your mail contacts calendar and tasks for this training session I'm going to use an Android emulator I don't have an Android phone or tablet that I can use for training and recording the screen so I'm going to use this emulator and really there's nothing different other than it's on my computer screen and it's larger so it's easier for me to record that said let's jump into the emulator and I'm going to show you how to set up mail contacts calendar and tasks first thing we're going to do is set up a mail count I'm gonna use male droid male droid is my favorite app for email using an IMAP account I don't like the free one that comes with most Android and Android tablets and phones so I use male droid male droid is free they also have some features that you can upgrade for a price I did upgrade mine just because I love the app so much but that's totally up to you but even if you're using the free version that's on your phone or tablet the procedure is going to be exactly the same and you'll be able to follow along very easily so let's jump into male droid and get our email configured I'm going to go ahead and touch the mil droid app icon which brings us up to the licensing agreement I'm going to click on next and then I'm going to scroll down on the different mail accounts that we can set up we're going to choose other for mail in the box I'm going to enter my email address David at bits vital XYZ and The Associated password and then click on manual setup I'm going to choose IMAP and then I'm going to scroll down and put in the server address and again that's going to be box dot your domain name com mine is bits bottle XYZ I'm going to choose secure connection which changes the port to the correct port for IMAP 993 I'm going to scroll down and setup the SMTP server again for the server is going to be the meal and a box host name for me that's box it's vital XYZ I'm going to choose secure connection which automatically changes to the correct port 587 and I'm going to click on next and melena box brings up another licensing agreement that I have to click on accept and some release notes which then I'm going to go back I'm not going to install the spam plug-in right away right now and there's my emails I'm going to go ahead and create a new email and I'm gonna send this email to myself for a test email David it's vital XYZ for the subject I'm gonna put Mel droid and for the body test and then I'm gonna click on the send email icon and the email comes in to us I can click on it and I can reply delete archive I'm gonna click on the menu button I'm going to scroll down I'm gonna click on folders and as you can see there's that folder that we created in the lesson in the very beginning the important folder so it brings in all the folders as well so that's how you set up your email in on an Android phone or Android tablet now let me show you how you can set up your store your cloud storage using next cloud and this is a lot like Google Drive and Dropbox as you can see I already have the next cloud app installed your tablet and your phone most likely will not have this pre-installed it's a free app but you will need to go into the Google Play App Store and install the next cloud app for your phone or your Android device once you have it installed we'll go ahead and click on the next cloud app as next cloud loads up for the first time it's going to ask you to login so we're going to click on login and then we're going to enter the server address to our mail and a box index cloud account there's one very important thing you must remember you're going to enter your host name which is HTTP and make sure you add the s for secure colon forward slash forward slash your host name box dot whatever your domain name is for me it's bits vital XYZ forward slash cloud do not forget to enter the forward slash cloud or it's not going to be able to connect now I can click on the forward arrow and it's going to test your connection made a connection I'm going to go ahead and click on grant access which then brings us to where we log into next cloud where you enter your email address and the associated password click login and when you do this it's going to populate in all your storage folders all your folders your files and as you can see there's our folders that we created our HR folder our marketing folder I can click on the HR folder and there's that file that I uploaded up me and my dogs I can click on it which brings up the photo I can download the photo I can delete it I can send it to a friend if I go over to the menu and click on settings I can set up the auto upload so if I'm taking pictures on my tablet or on my phone it will automatically upload those photos to next cloud so it's just like Google photos so now that we have next cloud set up let's get our calendar and our our calendar our contacts and tasks set up the first thing we're going to do is go back over to mail-in-a-box admin portal and click on contacts and calendar over there on the right-hand side is a link to the CalDAV app that we're going to need for our android device there is a free version I have never used it I've always used the paid version which I highly recommend so let's click on the link and install the CalDAV app that we're gonna need for to set up our contacts calendars and tasks when I click the link it's going to bring me over to the Google Play app store I'm going to click on install this is the first time you're installing this app it's going to ask you to make a purchase to purchase this app I've already purchased the app so that's why it's not asking me to make the purchase so I'm going to click on install and go through the install process and once it's installed here I'm going to click on open and the app opens with a message and I did this on purpose because I want you to see this message because if you're like me you're most likely going to install this app first without installing open tasks and you really need to install open tasks first if you want to sync your tasks with your Android device so now that we've seen this message I'm going to uninstall the CalDAV app and install open tasks first so I'm going to have to go into Google Play and do a search for open tasks now I'm going to uninstall the CalDAV app that I just installed and to do this I'm just going to click on uninstall and go through the uninstall process of uninstalling CalDAV once it's uninstalled I'm going to jump back over to Google Play app store and do a search for open tasks I'm now in Google Play and I'm gonna go ahead and click on the install button to install open tasks which is now going to download and install and once open task is installed i'm going to go back into google play and reinstall call the cal dev and carddav application I'm going back into Google Play huginn and click on the install button to reinstall the CalDAV application that we just previously installed and then uninstalled so now that it's installed again I'm going to click on open and we don't get that fYI message I'm gonna go ahead and click on the plus button to install a new account into my CalDAV carddav application I'm gonna choose the second option login with URL and username to get the base URL I'm going to jump over the next cloud and click on the calendar and then down at the bottom left-hand side is settings and import I'm going to click on that and then copy the primary CalDAV account address and use that as my base URL I'm going to paste that in and then I'm going to put in my username and password which of course is my email address and password I'm going to choose login and then create account the accounts created and I'm going to click on my account which is going to populate in my address book and my calendars where I can put a checkmark next to the address book and calendars that I want to synchronize with my Android device I can click on this synchronization icon which is going to sync my address book and my calendars and while we're here let's click on settings and we can choose the interval on how often we want our tablet or phone to synchronize our address book and calendars I'm going to choose four hours for my address book and 30 minutes for my calendar but you choose whatever you want and depending on your battery life as well how often you want to synchronize so now that we have that I'm going to go back I'm going to get out of the CalDAV application and let's take a look at our contacts I'm going to open up the standard contacts application that came with my android phone and when I do that you can see the addresses have populated in ok let's jump over to our calendar application the application that I use and I highly recommend not only do I recommend it but it's the only one I could find that would work on an Android device for with the tasks application to be able to sync our tasks and that application is a calendar plus it's an all-in-one application it does calendars and our tasks with next cloud and it will with the CalDAV application that we installed it will synchronize our events and our tasks I love this app I highly recommend it it is not a free app but again it's the only application that I can find that actually works with the task app of next cloud so I highly recommend it and not only if I wasn't even using it for next cloud I would still be using this app that's how much I like this to begin let's click on the a calendar plus app to start our calendar app I'm going to click on the menu icon and I'm going to choose monthly view when I do that I can see my events that I had added to next cloud and Thunderbird I'm going to add a new event to my app here I'm going to click on the 28th and click on new of for the title of my appointment I'm gonna put Android app and just to make it easy I'm just gonna choose all day event and hit the checkmark so there's our event in our Android app let's bounce over to next cloud and refresh our calendar screen and there you see it on the twenty-eighth our Android appointment which is an all-day event so that's how we use the calendar now if I click on the menu icon again and if I scroll down I can click on tasks and I'll click on manage lists and accounts and there's our account for our next cloud server or mail-in-a-box server and when I do that it's going to synchronize and bring in our tasks now because I'm on a emulator for whatever reason it did not bring in the tasks I don't know why but it's because I'm on an emulator if you're on an tablet or on a phone it would actually bring in the tasks so I'm gonna jump over here to our app open task which you'll probably never use if you're using a plus calendar but I just want to show you that the tasks did come in and there's our calendars and when I click on personal you can see the tasks under our personal calendar again your if you're using a calendar plus you're just going to be using a calendar plus and the tasks will be there and you'll be able to add and sync your tasks all in one app you'll never have to use open tasks so I usually just hide it in a folder and that's how you set up your Android device so I hope that was helpful I apologize that I couldn't get the tasks to think synchronized in the emulator now that you have your mail and a box up and running let me show you how you connect your mail and a box to your iOS device rather that's your iPhone or iPad for this video I'm going to use a iPhone but the procedure is exactly the same as if you're using an iPad in fact even if you're on a Mac computer it's pretty close to exactly how it works on an iPhone or I pad that's the great thing about Apple first thing you're going to need to do is download the next cloud app from the App Store it's a free app and this app lets you use the storage feature of next cloud so it's a lot like Google cloud or I'm sorry Google Drive or iCloud the storage feature of iCloud or Dropbox now that we have next cloud installed let's go ahead and click on the next cloud app and on the very first screen it's going to ask us to login and allow notifications from the app which I'm going to go ahead and do and then we need to enter the server address of our mail and a box server now this is very important the server address is the host name which is HTTP and make sure you add the s for secure colon forward slash forward slash the host name to your mail-in-a-box server for me it's box bits vital XYZ forward slash cloud do not forget the forward slash cloud other words it's not going to be able to connect to your next cloud account on mail and in the mail and a box server now that we have the server address entered we can click on login which brings us to the grant access screen will click on grant access we'll enter our username which is our email address and the password associated to our email address and click login when we do that it's going to populate in our cloud storage folders that are on next cloud and our files and as you can see there's our HR and marketing folder that we created earlier in the video in the next cloud web interface I'm going to go ahead and click on the HR folder and when I do that there's the photo of me and the dogs that I uploaded earlier if I click on the 3d icon it gives us a lot of options to the file including even modifying the photo right inside the next cloud app I can share it I can delete it I'm gonna back out one screen and then I'm gonna click on the share icon and when I do that it brings up the share menu and right from the next cloud app I can email a link to someone I can set an expiration date on how long that this user has access to this file I can even copy the link and then share that link with somebody in iMessage or whatever app I'm using I'm gonna back out a couple screens and then I'm going to click on more from the more screen I can see my transfers my activity how many shares I have I'm gonna go ahead and click on settings and at the very top you can see auto upload I'm gonna give my iPhone or iPad access to my photos and whenever I take a photo on my iPhone or iPad it's automatically going to upload those photos to my next cloud server so it's kind of like a backup features and it's just like Google photos and that's how you set up your next cloud storage app on your iOS device so let's go back to the home screen and set up our mail I'm using the default mail app that comes with my iOS device I have no problem with it so I'm gonna go ahead and click on the mail app the first screen that we see is asking us what type of email account we're going to be adding I'm going to choose other so I can add an IMAP account then it's going to just ask us for some basic information my name the email address associated to the account that we're gonna be setting up the password to my email address and a description and this can be anything for me I'm going to just add the name of my company that I've been that's associated with my mail in a box that's vital I'm gonna click on next and then it's gonna ask us for settings for our mail in the box I'm gonna make sure IMAP is selected and then for the incoming mail server the hostname is our hostname of our mail in a box which is for me box bits vital XYZ and then the user name is my email address and the password associated to my email address the outgoing mail server the SMTP server the hostname is exactly the same which is our mail and a box hostname box for me box bits bottle XYZ username again it's going to be my email address and then the password associated with my email address I'm going to click on next it's going to verify the settings that I entered and then I'm going to make sure that mail is selected and click on save when I do that it's going to populate in those emails from my mail-in-a-box server and there they are let's go ahead and compose a new email message I'm going to click on the compose icon and I'm going to just send a test email to myself David at vets bottle dot XYZ and then for the subject of this email address I'm just gonna put iOS test and then for the test or for the body of this email I'm just going to add test and click on send I'm going to give it a second and in just a couple moments that email is going to come back in and there it is I can click on that email and from this email I can reply I can move it to a folder I can delete it I'm going to move back and I'm going to show you the folders and there's the important folder that we created earlier in the video so now that I've shown you how to set up email let's get our calendar set up and syncing for this video I'm just going to use the standard calendar app that comes with my iOS device with my iPhone or iPad and to add the calendar I actually have to click on settings and then calendar I don't go into the calendar app so once I'm in settings I'm going to go down to the calendar I'm going to click on calendar I'm gonna choose accounts and then I'm gonna choose Add Account I'm going to choose other and then add CalDAV account and I click on that it's going to ask me for these server address I'm gonna hop over to my browser and go into next cloud I'm gonna click on the three menu icon menu or a menu button I'm gonna click on calendar which brings up our calendar application I'm gonna go over on the left-hand side hit menu and then scroll down to the bottom and click settings and in Port make sure you copy the iOS OS X Cal dab address not the primary CalDAV address right above this is the one that is needed for your iOS device I'm going to paste that address into the server field then I'm going to enter my username and my password and of course which is my email address and for the description I'm going to erase the Cal dev address and I'm gonna add my business and this is anything you want I'm just adding bits bottle I'm gonna click on save it's gonna validate those settings that I entered and I'm gonna make sure I have calendar and reminders turned on if I want to sync my tasks make sure you have reminders turned on and then click on save now that I click Save I'm gonna go back to the home screen and I'm gonna click on my calendar app when I click on my calendar app I can see the monthly view and under the dates there's dots like on the 11th and 18th I'm going to click on the 18th and there's the test appointment that we created in the next cloud app and then if I choose to 27th there's the Thunderbird event and again on the 28th if you watch the Android lesson there's our Android event I'm gonna just choose another date a blank date the 26th to create an appointment I'm just going to put an iOS appointment I'm gonna make it in all day appointment and then I'm gonna click on calendar and I'm gonna choose my personal calendar I'm going to click on add and there's our appointment in our calendar app and that's how you set up your calendar next let me show you how we can do our tasks or as Apple calls them reminders so I'm going to back out to the home screen and then I'm going to click on my reminders app which I'm using the standard reminders app that comes with the iOS devices with my iPhone or iPad so I'm gonna go ahead and click on the reminders app and there's my calendars I'm going to click on my personal calendar and there's the tasks or reminders that we have added previously in this video I'm gonna just go ahead and add a new task add next cloud to iPhone and that's it that's how you set up reminders last but not least let's set up our contacts and to do that we got to click on settings again and then we're gonna go down to contacts I'm going to click on contacts and then I'm gonna go ahead and choose accounts and then Add Account it's going to ask us what type of an account we're going to add I'm going to choose other and then add card deb account when i do that it's going to ask us for the server address and once again i'm going to pop over to my browser that has next cloud loaded in it I'm going to choose contacts from the main menu and when I choose contacts I'm going to I'm gonna click on the menu button and down at the bottom is settings I'm going to click settings I'm gonna click the three men u button I'm gonna click copy link then I'm going to hop back over to settings and I'm going to paste that into the server field I'm going to enter my username and password which of course is my email address and then the password associated with my email address I'm going to remove the description that automatically populates in and I'm going to enter my business name this can be anything that you want for me it's going to be bits vital I'm gonna choose next which is going to verify the fields that I entered and then my bits vital account has been added I'm gonna go back to the home screen and then I'm going to click on the contacts app again I'm just using the standard contacts app that comes with my iOS device so I'm gonna go ahead and click on the contacts app to start it and there's our contacts from our next cloud account I'm going to add a new contact I'm going to add Buster Doe I'm going to add an email address for Buster and once I have that entered I'm going to click on done and there's our brand new contact I'm going to go back to contacts I'm going to refresh and then I'm going back to the home screen so let's now bounce over to next cloud to the web interface so I'm going to enter box bits bottle dot X Y Z four slash cloud and I'm going to choose on choose contacts and once the contacts populates in there's our brand new contact that we added in our iOS device Buster Doe I'm going to choose calendar and once our calendar app loads there's our appointment on the 26 that we added I appointment all-day event next let's click on tasks and once our task app loads there's our tasks and there's the test that we added in our reminders app add next cloud to iPhone I can click on that at tasks and I can add additional features right inside the next cloud web interface I can add a time or making an all-day event and I can do it in the reminders app as well so that's how you set up your iOS device with mail and a cloud thanks for watching my video on how to install mail in a box I hope it was beneficial and please leave me comments letting me know what you like and if there's any additional videos that you'd like to see please let me know I'll be more than happy to try to create them for you I specialize in open source software for businesses but if there's this particular video that you think would be helpful for you please let me know and I will do my best to create it thanks for watching have a great day
Channel: BitsVital
Views: 5,552
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mail in a box, nextcloud, cloud storage, calendars, contacts, calendar, cloud drive, sync, android, iOS, iPhone, iPad, tablet, thunderbird, mozilla, google, tasks, mail-in-a-box, miab, bitsvital, aws, lightsail, amazon, route53, route 53, mail server, email server, email, open source, server, instance, domain, register
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 103min 29sec (6209 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 30 2019
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