How to Install Battlefront + mod for Star Wars Battlefront 2

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so if you're here you're probably wondering how to install battlefront plus i'm gonna show you how to do that right now this is how you would find it on nexus but i will leave a link in the description once you get it downloaded it's gonna be a zip file like this you're not to extract anything what you're gonna do is open up your frosty so when you get frosty loaded like this you're gonna go and add mods you're gonna actually add the battlefront plus zip file and what it should do is put it all bundled into one little neat package so as you can see right here you can click on the plus and you'll have everything all set up here of course you need to have the newest version of this frosty manager so make sure you have that if it doesn't work for you also a little tip if you like to run multiple different versions of mods like for example i like using this uh battlefront 2022 you can go up here to pack you can set up your own package of the mods so for example i made a bf plus one which is the battlefront plus which will be by itself as an applied mod so once i launch it like this it's only going to launch this and if i want to go back to my other mods i'll have the normal one and boom there goes my other stuff and of course you can name it whatever you want and you just press the plus to add a pack there so once you had this all set up you could just press launch and of course you're going to need the kyber client to be running in the background and once you go to the website and you pick a server you want to make sure you press yes to join that server and in this case that one doesn't exist so let me see if i can find another one okay i can't find any with battlefront plus now they all have the the other mods that i like to run anyway you should get the point you press yes you go ahead and you launch it and then you're good to go and if you're like me and you're on the epic game store you have to use frosty fix that's the only way to get this running so make sure you download that also on top of this frosty mod manager because this is how you get it done to launch these mods and it's the same way you can open up the star wars battlefront and you see how my pack is right there bf plus and click that and then press launch with mods and boom ready to go all right but that's how you do it thanks for watching hope this was helpful leave a thumbs up if you liked the video thumbs down if you didn't and i'll see you guys in the next one later
Channel: ZcriptureZ
Views: 35,701
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: zcripturez, scriptures, How to Install Battlefront + mod for Star Wars Battlefront 2, star wars, battlefront 2, mod, modding, battlefront mod, battlefront plus
Id: xmYKzY23mJY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 10sec (130 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 07 2022
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