How to install Android Studio on Windows 10/11 [2023 Update] Dolphin | Installation Guide

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hello everyone I welcome you to my Channel today  I am going to show you how to install Android   Studio on a Windows operating system and then also  I am going to show you how to run a simple Android   project and how to you know run them on on your  Android phone so let's dive in into our video now   before starting the video I'd like to tell you  like if you are new to this channel then please   subscribe our Channel and also press the Bell  button so that you get notified and also if you   like the video then please give it a like and I  should do share with your friends this will really   help me to make more videos so to install Android  Studio you need to First simply go to a favorite   browser I need to add this bar you need to hear  some research with Android Studio and hit enter   and you will get this Android Studio you know  as a first first link you need to just simply   click on this you know link and it will going to  redirect to the Android Studio official website   so here you can see this big download button you  need to click on this download button and you can   see this is our latest version so simply scroll  down and accept this license agreement and you   can click the download button and it will going  to start downloading our Android Studio I have   already downloaded it I'll just simply cancel it  I'm also going to put this link in the description   so that you can easily download it and here is  our installer okay so to install just simply   double click on the installer so it will ask if I  administrative privileges just simply click on yes and welcome to Android Studio setup so let's  minimize our download Victory and our browser   as well and here just simply click on next  and here I'll be recommending you to uncheck   this Android virtual device because we would  like to you know run our app on our Android   phone it's okay so you don't need any virtual  device this is unnecessarily you know add up   more space on your computer so only under  studio is fine just simply click on next   this is where our Android Studio is going to be  installed just simply click on next and the studio   click on install and there you go our installation  has directly begun so you know let's wait for a   couple of minutes so you can see it is you know  rightly installed so you can just simply click   on next and start our Android Studio click on  finish and it is going to start our Android Studio so here you click on do not import settings  because we are you know installing under studio   for the first time so just simply click on OK and  our Android studio version 2021.3.1 is rightly   launched so you can click on you know send user  statistics to Google totally fine just simply   click on next and here I will be recommend you  to you know click on custom installation okay and   click on next so this is where our you know Java  development kit and Gradle is going to use on this   directory totally fine click on next and this is  you know your choice like what type of theme you   would like to use I'll choose Dracula and proceed  and here you need to uncheck this Android virtual   device as I have mentioned we are going to you  know use our own Android phone in order to you   know run our Android application so no need to use  a virtual device so I'll simply uncheck that and   click on next so next to proceed this is hot all  that going to be installed click on next and here   you need to accept this license agreement click on  accept and click on finish and you can see it has   indirectly started you know downloading all the  files and then subsequently it going to install   so this enter process will take some time  you know about uh almost 10 minutes I I can   I can say so you can you know have some coffee  and come back I'll be also doing the same yep   so welcome back and as you can see it is  rightly you know downloaded and installed   you can just click on finish and so we'll  come to Android Studio just simply maximize   it and click on new project so from here  you can choose any activity I am going to   choose uh you know a simple basic activity  and I'm going to Simply click on next and   here let's leave you know our project name  so let's give project name as hello world   okay and default language I'm going to change  with the kotlin to Java okay and and minimum SDK   is Android 21 so all it mean is our app you  can install starting from Android 5 onwards   okay so all other things are totally fine you  can just simply click on finish and it will   going to you know download some of the things  and it's going to you know start our project so once it is done you can  just simply click on finish   and you can see it is you know rightly  started scanning files to index so   uh it is also asking to give yellow access and  it will going to start scanning the files and   also going to you know start indexing so  this you know take will take some time you   know about 10 to 15 minutes again so again  you know I'll pause the video and come back so we'll come back once again so let's maximize  it and you can see that our project is you know   now properly opened so you can see all files and  folders that are you know included in our hello   world project so this is our package so inside  that you can see our you know main activity   and all so you can minimize this so this is our  you know main activity code so by default they   have created and if you double click on the  first fragment you can see this is our first   fragment code and our second fragment code is  this one so you know it's time to connect our   you know phone with uh with our you know laptop  so let's connect that so first you need to go to   your settings on your phone and here you need  to go to basically your about phone section   and then you need to you know click on this MIUI  version so depending upon what brand phone you   are using you need to basically click on that  version so just you know simply keep on clicking and you can see you are now a developer so  you can just simply you know go at the go   back and then scroll down and you will  get you know this additional settings   and you'll get this you know developer options  over here so just simply open that and uh you   can see this USB debugging option so this is  what you need to enable so here you need to   just simply click on OK accept this and click on  OK and there you go now all you need to do is just   simply connect you know the USB with your phone  and your laptop or desktop whatever you are using   they simply connect that and here you need to  just simply click on OK USB debugging and here   I need to click on file transfer okay once  you do all that you need to click on turn on   once you do all that on your you know in the  studio you will be able to see your device   over here see our device is rightly shown over  here so now you can just you know simply click   on this run app button and it will going to start  building our project and it's going to you know   install our app on our phone and you can see  that our app is rightly installed and it has   automatically launched so it is currently showing  hello first fragment and when you click on next   it's going to show the second fragment okay so in  this way you can easily install Android Studio on   a Windows operating system I have also shown you  how you can easily run that on your Android phone   so that's basically all about this video thank  you very much for watching if you like this video   please give it a like and also please do subscribe  our Channel and also do share with your friends   thank you very much for watching  this video and God bless you all
Channel: Geeky Script
Views: 191,555
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: install android studio, android studio, how to install android studio, android developers, android studio installation windows 10, how to install android on windows 11, how to install sdk in android studio, latest android studio installation, android sdk missing android studio, android studio tutorial, download android studio, how to install android studio on windows 10, install android studio on windows 10, Android Studio Dolphin 2021.3.1
Id: z7s5zzOgYc4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 2sec (482 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 05 2023
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