How to Install and Use Visual Studio Code on Ubuntu 24.04 LTS Linux (VS Code) (2024)

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hey guys in this video I'm going to show you how you can install and set up visual studio code on your Ubuntu operating system so let's get started and let's see how we can do it so first of all open your favorite browser and search for visual studio code and the first link which will appear here will be from code. visual so we are going to click on this link and uh on the homepage of this website itself you will see two options the first one is Deb option and the second one is is the RPM option for Dean and Ubuntu based operating systems you can download the DB option and for red hat or Fedora operating systems you can download the RPM file so we are going to click on this Deb option here which is going to download this Deb file for the visual studio code so once this file is downloaded let me minimize the browser and let's see where this file is downloaded so this file will be downloaded in your downloads folder so to install this uh Visual Studio code editor what you need to do is you need to click on show apps here and then open the terminal and once the terminal is open we're going to navigate to our downloads folder so just write CD and then write capital d o w and then press Tab Key on your keyboard which is going to to autoc complete the spelling of your downloads folder and then press enter so we are in our downloads folder just type LS here which is going to show you the name of your file which you have downloaded here so in order to install this file we will use the dpkg command so just write sud sudo dpkg space hyphen I and the name of the file so write code here and then press Tab Key again in which is going to autocomplete the file name and then press enter and now give the password which you use to log to your open2 operating system so I'm going to provide the password and you can see the installation of Visual Studio code has been started so now Visual Studio code has been installed on your Ubuntu operating system so how to verify that Visual Studio is installed we can minimize this uh terminal and once again we will go to the app apps section by clicking on this show apps uh icon and then you can see this Visual Studio code icon here you can also search for code here and you will see this Visual Studio code option here so I'm going to click on this Visual Studio code icon which is going to start our Visual Studio code editor so you can see for the first time when Visual Studio starts it's going to ask you if you want to customize the theme you can choose from these four themes and you can also navigate to the other themes by clicking on the show mode themes option so if you want some light theme then you can choose from these light themes I'm going to go with the dark uh modern which is the default theme for now and then if you want you can also navigate to the other settings for example Rich support for all your language browse language extensions then tune your settings you can do many other settings from here on the first page itself but if you don't want to do this you can do all those settings at the later point also so I'm going to just close this welcome window here now what you can also do here is you can right click on this uh Visual Studio code icon and and then click on pin to dash what this will do is when you close your Visual Studio code you can see your Visual Studio code icon is pinned to the dash so that from the next time you can open Visual Studio code from your dash from here so I'm going to click on Visual Studio code again and it opens the visual studio code editor now here if you want to uh develop any language what you you generally do here is you open a folder so click on this Explorer option and then click on open folder and then you can navigate to the folder which you want to uh select and in this folder you might want to create your new project for example python or Java or C++ or JavaScript project so that you can develop this project inside your Visual Studio so let's say I will create a new uh folder here and I'm going to name this folder as let's say tests and then I'm going to create this folder and then I'm going to click on open which is going to open test folder in Visual Studio code right when you create a folder or file and you open this folder or file for the first time you might see this kind of uh warning which says do you want to trust the author of uh the files in this folder I will click on yes I trust and then here inside this uh folder you can create your uh code files for example I want to create a python script so I can click on this new file option and then I'm going to name my file as demo. py here and then press enter and whenever you try to create a project with any programming language and if it's supported by Visual Studio code it's going to recommend you some extensions so in this case I created a demo. py file which is a python file which is recognized by Visual Studio code and it gives us this suggestion that do you want to install recommended python extension from Microsoft for the Python language so visual studio code has recognized that we want to create a python project and it has given us this kind of recommendation also you can click on show recommendations here and it's going to open the extensions uh section here if you want to open the extensions section you can always click on this icon which says extensions and then search for any language for example python here and you will see the most popular extension which is associated with that programming language so for python you can see the top result is this one and this extension is developed by Microsoft and it has been downloaded around 123 million times that also means that it's the most popular extension for python on your Visual Studio code editor you can also see some other extensions for example python debugger and you will see some more extensions here so you can install this extension for the language in which you want to create create your project and once you have installed that extension when you write something on your uh let's say code file in my case it's uh python file so I'm going to just write print here and then when I write something you will see the highlights here you will also see the intelligence for your language and many other features will be uh supported when you try to develop language and install the extension for that language now one more thing which I want to show here is you can also open the visual studio code from the terminal so when I close this uh Visual Studio code editor and when I open the terminal here when I open the new terminal and when I write code here so just write code command and then press enter it's going to open the visual studio code editor and when you just write code command it's going to open the previously opened project which is test in my case right now let's say I want to open some specific folder then what I can do is I can navigate to that folder so I want to uh open some uh folder in my documents uh directory so I will just CD into my documents directory and and here I have two folders one is demo and other is test so let's say I want to open the demo folder so either I can write code and demo here and then press enter it's going to open the demo folder you can see it has opened the demo folder otherwise I can also go inside this demo folder and then I can write code space Dot and then press enter and it's also going to open the demo folder so I can go inside the folder and then write Cod space dot to open the folder so this is how you can install and set up visual studio code on your open2 operating system I hope you enjoyed this video and I will see you in the next video
Channel: ProgrammingKnowledge
Views: 3,610
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Code, Visual Studio Code, How to install Visual Studio Code, vscode, install Visual Studio Code, How to, Linux, VS Code, Ubuntu, Debian, How do I install Visual Studio Code in Ubuntu 24.04 LTS?, How do I run code in Visual Studio Code Ubuntu?, How to install Microsoft Visual Studio Code in Ubuntu?, How to install VS Code completely from Ubuntu?, How to install VS Code in Linux using terminal?, How to install VS Code in Ubuntu ?, How do I know if VS Code is installed in Ubuntu terminal?
Id: NX8SHmkuLn4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 44sec (584 seconds)
Published: Tue May 28 2024
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