How To Install And Set Up Plugins for Unturned

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and let's try to set up our first plugin okay we can click on the plugins button and uh here we can see different plugins this website offers uh to us many plugins and they are absolutely free let's try to type something for example teleportation and we can see two plugins I want this one and click on installation has done and we can see our plugin in the folders of our server but we need to restart our server let's wait for a second let's try to connect our server and like we see our server has a teleportation plugin let's join it we are connected and let's type TPA we need to type TPA player tpd Hardy okay after we have installed our plugin we need to give a permission to our player to use this command for example to use teleportation send a comment you need to give a permission to the player to use this comment okay let's do this we need to click on the servers folders and unturned and here we need to click on Rocket folder here we can see permissions config file click on it and here we can see all permissions of our players for example permission ID default that means that our players can use uh these comments by default we need to paste a few commands we need to write TPA comment then TPA points send and the GPA Point accept and also TP point Denny if I'm right okay let's try to save content and reload our server let's unadmin our profile the Hardy okay we are we aren't an admin now and we need to type TPA command like we see we can use this command b b MO you cannot send TPA requests to yourself of course one more detail we can also add a TPA console command here we need to add one more uh line for this command TPA cancel and click on Save content okay and now we can use our plugin and you cannot send pay request to yourself of course I asked my subscriber to join to my server and he agreed so we need to wait for him oh he's connected and we can send a request to him uh TP SEC successfully send TPA request to Second Checker oops one more time don't move you don't need to move uh you received TPA request I can type TP accept and we need to wait for our friend like we see the teleportation is working now we need to install another plugin for example we want to uh redirect our player to our Discord server we need to use a plugin called website command we can just type website and here we can see different plugins um I want to install plugin from rocket mode and I click on install button then we need to wait for a moment and restart our server we can see second plugin but we need to tune this plugin okay uh let's jump into file manager we need to click on the plugin folder and the website command here we need to click on the configuration file and here we can see different website comment for example I want to redirect our players to the Discord server how can I do this we need to open up our Discord server and click on invite people here we need to click on generate angulink copy this link and paste this link into the URL section the description of our Command for example join to our Discord server command name that's a name of commands that user will type to join to our Discord it will be Discord and help honestly I don't know what it means but I also type Discord here and save content okay let's try to restart our server and look how it works okay we have connected to our server and let's type Discord um we had opened our Discord uh link and click on accept and the Discord link is opened and now we can connect to our Discord server honestly I thought that it will be a problem because I didn't set a permission for our for our players but it works okay
Channel: DailyGuideVideos
Views: 611
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: plugins unturned, how to set up the plugin unturned, unturned plugin, tpa unturned, teleportation unturned, how to install a plugin in unturned, how to install plugin unturned, plugin for unturned, how to set up a plagin for unturned, plugin tutorial unturned, plugins tutorial unturned, unturned, unturned plugins, plugin in unturned, unturned commands, unturned how to install plugin, unturned how to install a plugin
Id: shv47RoQ7ow
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 22sec (382 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 16 2023
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