How to install ak47 Cookies script (ESX)

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all right yeah so I'm gonna be teaching you guys how to install White Widow V2 um this is the ESX version QB will be posted later on um let's get right into it obviously the first thing you're going to want to do you're going to want to go to is tabx and buy the White Widow V2 aka the cookie script so you're gonna go ahead and buy it after you go through the process of buying it um you can go to the docs for help and installation the video would be posted in here obviously I'm recording it right now so it can be but when this video is uploaded it will be put up here um so if you guys do need help you can also just read it if you'd like um or you can join his Discord we're always in there helping but anyways after you're done buying it you're going to want to go to your um Key Master make sure patreon and all that is connected and you should see the script um in here let's see if I can find it uh right here so you'll see it if you're buying it solo of course you'll see it in here um right away but just gonna go ahead and hit download I already downloaded it not going to go through that but after you're done downloading go ahead and close this and you're going to want to of course you're going to want to go ahead and open up the WinRAR file you can go ahead you can drag this onto your desktop and you can close that go ahead and open this script and you're going to go down here and go to install me first images for inventory you're going to go ahead and go to where your inventory is installed of mine right here you're going to go to that you're going to go to where all your images are it should be an HTML and then from there you're just gonna have to check it should either say images items whatever then you're going to want to go ahead select all the items in the script and drag it into your inventory I'm gonna go ahead and hit replace and now as you can see they're all in here and we can go back go to SQL for database you're going to open the jobs one hit open and you will see that this will pop up you're just going to go ahead and hit this blue button I already have it as you see it's a duplicate entry but if you guys don't then of course make sure you run this and you can go ahead and refresh after you run it and you can go into your jobs table and you will see that jobs right here it says cookies and jobs cookies was created so now we can close out of this we're going to go back and depending on your inventory you will either open the items limit or the item's await to check which one you're going to go to your um go to your uh database again and go to where your inventory is for like your user inventories for example so let's see where's my inventory I think I can just or actually you're gonna go to your items sorry just go to your items and they'll be right here it's either going to say weight or limit so mine is a weight so I'm gonna go ahead and open up the weight one I'm gonna hit open and you'll get this and you're just gonna hit this blue and as you saw it loaded down here you can go ahead and refresh here we'll look for one of the items for example lighter so we'll go over to our items table it's right here oh either way you can see all of this one in but so you can see we'll search for lighter and cheap lighters in here and of course as the other lighter go ahead and close that go ahead and close this you can delete this you do not need that anymore and now you're going to want to drop this into your resources folder I have everything organized so let me just drop it right in here drop it in here and there's a couple configurations you can do so for example if you open up the config if you are using qtar Target which is your third eye third eye script if you guys want to use it you're just going to change here where it says false you're going to change it to true I don't use it so I'm Gonna Keep It on that debug poly keep that on false and of course if you want to see if like the person could carry the item you can turn this to true I would honestly have it on true if not sometimes like for example if the item is too heavy to go into the player's inventory it will charge them but it will not give them the item so I would turn that onto true and if you have a progress bar you can turn this to true I'm Gonna Keep It on false you can go ahead file and hit save if you've made any changes and we can close out of that we can go to config shop now and this is where you can change multiple things so if you do not want an item to obviously if you don't want things to Auto stock after every restart you can keep this on false I like it on true that way you know business owners don't have to keep on restocking and you know all that stuff keep everything else the same I wouldn't really do it but as you can see I have it on false so it doesn't matter but if you have this untrue um how fast do you want items to regenerate themselves of course how many every 10 minutes um so for example if you want every 10 minutes it adds 10 so if you change this to one every every minute it will add 10. I'm gonna just keep that 10 items per 10 minutes even have it on false management ranks if you have if you're gonna have multiple ranks or you only want the boss to um be able to manage the stock and price you can go ahead and change this to the um the rank of the job for example I want every rank to be able to um restock and set the prices so I'm Gonna Keep It on one because that is the lowest every rank above it will automatically work you can change your positions to your boss actions on line 23. I'm just going to paste the chords make sure it's only three your x y and z and for the shop this is where you will set your blip your blip name um this is where of course you can set the blip like um logo kind of you can go on to the 5m docs and find different logos and their IDs there and of course the management cords I would just keep everything the same if you're using the cookies mlo if you're using a different cookies envelope than the one down by the beach you're of course you're gonna need to change out all of this stuff so of course keep everything the same unless of course you're using a different envelope all this I would keep the same if you guys want to make a new um like a new bag of wheat or whatever you can just copy starting from the name all the way down to a line above the next name and you can go ahead and paste it on a new line I wouldn't really do any of that if you have no experience just leave it the same thing down here just leave everything else the same now for the config for the farming the Farm location keep everything the same honestly in here unless you know what you are doing if you know what you were doing have at it if not leave everything the same and now you're going to want to make sure that this is started in your configs you're going to go back to your server config and you will scroll down go over here and you're gonna Ensure this script I already have it started I have it started in my whole folder if I would not do that you can go ahead and save it close that and now quick restart and and I'll be right back as soon as the server is restarted and I'm loaded in all right guys I'm loaded in as you can see we are going to open up the map we have the cookies right here I have custom blips yours guys would just show us C as you can see it's right here just gonna go ahead and walk inside and we can open this don't worry how there's shadows and stuff how you can see through this this is just my graphic pack for you guys it will be gray here I'll show you guys in a second all right so for you guys it will look like this you can go ahead and we'll buy one of each if you guys have the newest update you will not have to buy it like this you guys will have an add to cart system which will be implemented by the time you guys are watching this for sure now we can go ahead and open up our inventory and as you can see what we bought so we can just go ahead and hit four you have to make sure that you have his usable drug script as well for you to be able to use them but just like that you guys can see everything is working fine I'm just gonna stop smoking this real quick so I can show the rest so that works the job is the name is cookies so let me give that to myself all right as you can see that usable drugs made me high you can go ahead open the shop menu you can take stock out so as you can see I took out one of those the number went down we can put one in and it goes back up same thing with everything else and we can go ahead and walk to the back you can open uh Vault here there's the stock menu is right here um and also come here and open up the vault and there are also boss actions you can do over here and let's go on downstairs this is where employees will be able to plant so this is where they get stock all that stuff so we can go ahead and get one of everything pretty sure this is where you I can't even jump I'll grab a bucket or a pot sorry and brighter lights or I might have some already to be honest you can see this one is already fully grown you just click H to harvest and it gives you the weed leaf just go ahead fully Harvest this one um you can plant some so for example there's some Open Spaces here this space will open up there's a full palette back there that's open and all of that so let's just stop that Harvest you can see everything reloaded and now since we have all the items actually we don't we need weed seeds so that's that's fertilizer this is a weed spray we probably will need this as well okay and then this is where you get your wheat seeds freaking come on back here and we can go ahead and clamp and over time this will grow of course and you just need a weed spray and fertilizer to keep it growing and not a healthy state but yeah and then obviously you guys saw me harvest the first one after you're done harvesting you can go over here to the process menu you're gonna click which one you want to make so I'll just make one of these and it removes um the leaf bat uh yeah Pooch bag and the the weed leaf that we collected before then it plays a little animation and you get your item and with that of course you can go upstairs put in the stock menu you can go ahead and roll it up and smoke it yourself 100 up to you come over here go to the marathon and in so you removed it from our inventory yeah just like that guys it's honestly very simple to installing the script if you guys need any more help after that um you can go ahead and join his Discord I'm in there answering questions you can at me in there um I think it's cyber and then Dev so if you guys have any further questions you can comment down below or like I said join the Discord but that is all for today guys appreciate you guys for watching and stopping by yeah I'll catch you guys on the next one
Channel: CyberModzYT
Views: 2,193
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: a0XOrQb3hvw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 23sec (863 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 30 2023
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