how to install a single pole switch

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hello and welcome to the electrician's hangout today's tutorial what we're going to do is we're going to install a switch there are many many many different types of switches out there and before we go forward I'll give a little bit of information and technical detail about switches they're the type of switch we're going to start a day it's called a single pole switch a single pole switch is what we referred to and the electrical trade is a single pole single throw switch and all that means is that you have one one pole for electricity one on the ground a conductor and the switch pretty much is through one way that's open and close and that's thus a single pole single throw switch like I said that many many many different types of switches you have a single pole switches 3-way switches for way switches dimmer switches automatic transfer of switches which is something would you say if you had a standby generator time into your electrical system but I guess that the easiest thing to do would be to get into those types of switches as we do it tutorial one that type of switch so today we'll keep it specific to the single pole single throw switch or just the regular switch on and off before we hope to switch up guess it'll probably be easy if I showed you guys on a small diagram of how switches up the board a single pole switching itself does actually hooked up so let's take a look at that okay what we have here is just a basic drawing of a single pole switch connected to a light similar to what we're going to do if you look at these two wires here DS symbolize the 110 volt source that have coming into our switch box the white wire goes straight through and gets connected to one side of the light where is the black wire goes through to switch to single pole switch and this is the wire that we will be opening and closing when we turn the switch on and off when the switch is opened the the voltage that comes through this black wire is unable to make it to the light because the circuit is opened however when you close this switch the electricity or the voltage in this particular wire is able to travel through this conductor divert a switch and go on to the light and the light comes on and that's pretty much how the switch works it works by opening and closing one of the circuit conductors normally the ungrounded conductor so now that we we have a small idea of what what our circuit is gonna look like we can go back over to our board there and and get to it okay now that we've seen what a single pole switch looks like on paper and and how it actually drew out now we're going to see how it works out in real life so first let me explain to you what we actually have here when you go to an install you just switch and your light at home chances are you're gonna probably tap off an existing outlet or you may run a circuit directly from your circuit breaker panel either way the results are the same in this particular case what we've done is we've come out of our circuit breaker panel and we've run a wire and installed an outlet we extend it from that outlet as you can see here if you go back to my tutorial part two I believe it may be on install outlet we pretty much I showed shows you guys how to make a pigtail and why it's best to use a pigtail when extending from existing outlet and adding a number device but we extended this outlet and Deliver wire over to this box here so this wire coming through the bottom comes from the existing outlet which is going to be out 110 volt source and the wire is coming out at the top of this box is going up to our life box here which is where our light is going to go so wolf a single pole switch if you think back to the drawing did you look that basically you just have switch in one wire that opens and closes the circuit obviously you know we don't live in a vacuum and regular AC circuit is not a one-line diagram you have two wires keeping that in mind was the way that this is wired with the hundred and ten volts come into the box where the switch is going to live the only thing we need to do is splice our whites together which is our ground to conduct at am so I'm going to do that quick splice this guy together and I'm not gonna do a really fancy super neat job because you only get so much time on these videos and I'm doing my best to Shradha if these videos of being little bit shorter so I want to do my best to keep it short sweet we're gonna put a wire on that guy okay now that is one thing I got to do and I'll be right back I'm gonna get me a piece of bare ground why you there so give me one second I'll be right back all right guys sorry about that delay down I thought I anticipated everything but obviously I didn't need a pigtail for my ground man which is this guy here and we just tie these guys together like so and make out you're on this guy for our switch like so yeah we have our switch and if you think back to some of the earlier videos I've told you guys that when you make your loop and you puttin your Y on your switch you want to turn the open part of the loop clockwise so that when you turn then you turn your screw it tightens the Y up around it so that's what I'm doing here and I'll make a loop with the ground why a hand like so get that guy so and get them nice and tight and that's pretty much hooked enough to switch one thing I like to add when you do actually put your switch in the box you want to make sure that when the switch is in the down position it says off and when it's in the up position that says on I mean if you flip it around then you'll have you're saying no and food we don't want it to say no and food we wanted to say on and off so okay we got that part done the only thing left to do is to actually hook up the light so and you guys are gonna really be angry with me because I forgot to bring a light bulb downstairs with me that's not a problem we will take care of that and it's the same thing when you're sure and if you look on your light just like one outlet you have a silver screw and a bronze screw two silver screws for the white wine or the grounded conductor and the bronze screw well don't think the darker colored screw here is for the black wire or your unrounded conductive hot water there and that guy have you much stuck the ground because we're using a plastic box there is no need to ground this setup the keyless light fixture itself is plastic and so is the box so there's no need for ramp so your ground gets stuck in the box dad and like so so I'm going to pause for a second and get a light bub and come right back and we'll try to break on and see this guy work okay now sorry about that I have to I didn't think think everything through that but now we've got the light bulb in and we have about a switch and we've turned to break go on and throw a switch and that's pretty much it that's the single pole switch and as I said it's just worked from one location and it's just on and off and that's pretty much that sorry Bob all that mix-up stay on the next video I will definitely make sure that I have everything I need in front of me so that we don't have to keep going backwards and forwards like out truly apologize but um thanks for joining me and the next video tutorial will will probably do a three-way switch so thanks for joining me and look forward to seeing you guys next time thanks a lot
Channel: Tyrone Robertson
Views: 794,163
Rating: 4.8688736 out of 5
Keywords: electrical, wiring
Id: LSyzLNUoGus
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 30sec (690 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 03 2012
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