How to Install a Rainwater Harvesting System - DIY

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today we're gonna install a full rainwater harvesting system we've started off by diverting our down pipe away from the house to this outside wall and from there we're gonna install a pre-filter system now that consists of a leaf-eater and a first flash system from there we're going to divert the water away along the wall into our tank and then afterwards we're going to connect up a booster pump which is going to give pressure to our garden hose I'm going to start off by assembling the first flush system I've cut my length of pipe to about 1.1 meters long and now I'm going to put all the fittings onto the one tin pipe so we can get started we're gonna start off with our top piece and we've got some PVC glue but you're going to fit around the top of the pot and we're going to quickly slide that on they're gonna go to the bottom section and you'll notice here that it's got a slight offset to keep it away from the wall so that we can take that out and screw that back in again so you've got to make sure that you do get that in the right position put the ball on the inside and then it goes screwed it in and there's our first flush system the leaf-eater goes on top of the first flush system but I do need to have a 110 collar to sit on top so first off cut myself a little extra piece of one tin pop I'm gonna glue that on the inside and then I'm just gonna place that over the top like so now we can go mount it on the wall it's a good idea to make use of a spirit level just to make sure you've got it level making use of these brackets and we used a five mil nail and anchor and that's going to secure this to the wall from here we're going to mount up our 110 pup taking us all the way to a tank and I'm going to make use of a chalk snap to make sure I get a straight line also with a slight gradient of the water does flow down towards the tank making use of a chalk line to get my pipe level and then I'm going to pull it down slightly and give it a slight fall so we've got a little gauge little spirit level we can just check to make sure it's level okay so that's level bring it down a slight gradient I'm happy with that okay pull it tight and then give it a snap and that shouldn't leave a straight line for us and then we can put all our holder bats to hold our one tin pot I've evenly spaced my hold about markings approximately a meter away from each other and it all comes in one pack it comes with a six mol Nalin so I'm going to drill a six more hole with my masonry drill and then I'm gonna knock it into place I'm gonna cut the pipe to the size that I need it's really handy making use of a mobile workstation just makes life easier when doing a DIY before you fasten the holder that's tight I'm gonna put some PVC glue on the end of this pot and just join these two mating surfaces we've got a one tin pipe firmly fixed in place now we're gonna put in our 90 degree elbows down into our tank now it is quite tricky with this rubber seal it is quite a tight seal I find it much easier to use some washing-up liquid just to lubricate the inside there and the pipe before I squish it in we're gonna line it up into place they're not gonna mark the hole that I'm gonna make on my tank and I'm gonna make use of a hole saw which is a 1/10 diameter hole saw which is going to match up to my pipe obviously just put this into place there we go now my tank is connected to collect my rainwater coming down from I cut the pipes through the first flush system and then into the tank I'm storing cleaner water now up next we're gonna put in a 10 gauge we need to use a 30 millimeter hole saw it's drew into the top of the tank Cara's gonna take off the front screen and just reset the needle so I know that's where the bottom is where it is empty and my full position is around about here take the needle out and just reset the needle this is the last part of the installation and the most important part for me applying a pump which can give you pressure for your garden hose this pump comes with a kit connector kit that's got everything that you need in one box to connect to your tank with the pump we start off with the connector with the ball valve and quick coupler that's going to connect to the bottom of the tank remember one size fits all so every jo-jo tank comes with the same size fitting so it doesn't matter what size tank you use I'm gonna give it a final tighten with some water pump pliers then on the pump side we have the male connector this is going on the inlet side of the pump and on the top of the outlet we've also got a ball valve there as well is the flexible hose with a quick coupler on the end right over on to that side click it down onto the pump okay I've got my flexible pipe connected for my tank too much pump and now I'm just going to position exactly where I want my pump may be with that I'm going to mark it up and then we're gonna fasten it to the concrete that's it everything is connected I've got my pumpkin X's at 220 volts I've connected my garden hose as I open and close the step so my pump turns on automatically and I can water my garden as I wish all I need now is for the rain to fall and start filling up my tank and remember because I've got the pre-filter system at the front it's going to allow me to store much cleaner water if you enjoyed this clip and found it useful like it share it and you can subscribe to our channel which you can get more are wise just like this remember everything is available at your local builders outlet
Channel: BuildersSA
Views: 601,814
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Buildersfan, Builders, Jojo, Rainwater harvest, Rainwater solution, Rainwater, DIY
Id: wOumD-IFfBg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 35sec (395 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 07 2017
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