How to Install a GUI Desktop on Ubuntu Server 22.04 and 20.4 LTS. XRDP. VNC. TASKSEL GNOME

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today I want to share with you guys how to install a GUI desktop on our Ubuntu Server specifically on version 2022.04 and 20.04 version 18 I did not get it to work so I gave up on that all right so the first step we're going to do is we're going to run to audience command um so the app command is just updating and then we're going to run the test selection installation package and we're going to run the test to see what package are there and we're going to run the installation.s slim which is the login management package and we're going to install the VNC server package as well so I'm using tiger here and then lastly we're going to install run the xrdp script from Griffin so that is the main thing that I found to get it to work with um remote desktop all right and you guys will see after this all right so let's go this and run the update okay so the update is done um now we're going to run the installation of tasks select click yes to continue okay so now we're gonna run test select list basically it's going to list what are the packets available right you guys don't have to do this step um you can just skip this alright so here's the step package or task whatever you want to call it that's available all right so what we want to do is we want to install the genome desktop right here all right and this other desktop version whatever you guys can choose whatever you guys want okay so the next step is we're going to run sudo test select and it will give you this screen right here all right and you're going to use your up and down arrow to navigate to it and I want to use a genome and his space to select right and then hit the tab key to get into the OK selection and then hit the enter key to run the whole installation so this whole thing is going to install the uh genome desktop for Ubuntu and it's going to take a while at least like I guess like yesterday eight minutes so you go guys uh go get a coffee or something all right now it's 18 minutes all right so break time and um I'll come back on this all right so now this thing is done um as you can see here is completed and we're going to move up to the next step which is installing the slim the login manager put yes all right so what you want to do here is here the display login manager section um so hit tab or down arrow hit down arrow and then hit tab to go to OK and then hit enter select Slim so slim is basically like from what I read is that is the lightest package so it doesn't take up a lot of resource and here it's just saying what um service you want to restart all right so hit tab or you can hit enter hit tab to go ok and hit enter then it'll restart all right so now we got that install and the next thing is the the VNC server installation yes and it's delivered a default or you just check it and then hit OK all right so that's done and um now you can run a command uh usually card VNC server right so you can run this command to see what is running or not vmc task list to see any Services running or not oh typo VNC so nothing is running right now all right so if you want to use the VNC um what you call it client to log in then you have to spin up a VNC session so to do that is you have to do VNC right and then space Dash localhost and then no so basically saying like don't allow the localhost to log in and then the VNC will able to go log into this that's my understanding all right so and hit enter and then it will ask you for a password and put in any passwords you want and then verify it again and then it asks you The View mode password just put no and now it should be up so if you do a list VNC server command Dash list it will show you that the display is up right here on the one terminal one and then this is the port so that's the default port for you to log in if you're using VNC all right so the tool that I use is a tiger VNC viewer so you can just go and Google tiger VNC all right then it will take you to the site and then just go to the VNC view right not this to click on tiger and just read it and then they say they release it on the GitHub page so go to the GitHub page and download it or you can use Type VNC alright so that's here it is and then it the binary source is at the uh so just go there so once you get to this page right you don't want to download this all right you don't want to download you just want to look for the viewer all right so go down to here in this section uh VNC 64 viewer depends what you're on um if you're on the window then get the VNC 64-bit a viewer I think that's a 64-bit um and if you're on the map and you can get the Mac let me just get this one and then this will load all right so I'm just gonna click that and there you go so this is what does it look like on the icon this basically is an execute file you don't have to install anything all right and you're going to put in your IP address so my IP address is what is it 10 that one eight one dot 2.1 and then you have to do the colon double colon for the port so double colon 509 1 5901 all right and you're going to connect see and then it's going to pop you for the password that when you put it in okay and here it is like so that is how you get your desktop using accessing with a VNC viewer okay all right so that's pretty much the desktop using VNC viewer so but if you want to use remote desktop okay um you go to the site Griffin it library and I will put the link in the description you can read through this and what the script is uh and then investigate what the script does but in high level with that basically it runs through other configuration for X RDP package and then give it permission and then other key and all that stuff so that was the main issue that I have when trying to install the GUI and then try to connect to it okay so just go down to the page and then download the latest one the latest comes right here so here's a zip file all right so just go download that down and then upload it um into your server follow the direction right here and make sure to put in the download directory okay so once you have your desktop installed right you're gonna see right here the download directly down here all right so that's mean when you spin up the VNC server it will all this will populate okay all right so to get this script I will download the script down already okay um right here all right and I'm just going to copy all this and go to my server and CD into the download directory all right and I'm going to Vim uh I want to rename this script afterwards uh where's that file called so basically you have to follow the exact um instruction here all right I'll also script on the air out and the script will tell you when it's arrowing out all right and then change she mark this to give it execution all right and now you want to run this so you're running this as a regular user do not run this approved user as well and there you go and then it's going to ask you okay um select whatever your display installation was so I installed genome so I will select number four right and put four and hit enter and then it will populate for you okay all right so now the final step is that you have to change the password of um your regular user right so let's say you let's create another user all right let's add user uh let's say rocket let's go to root and ask this user rocket put in a password you leave everything blank uh yeah okay so now we're gonna try to connect to this box with RDP all right remote desktop so my server will be 144 oh and first um make sure to change your display resolution or else it's going to be like over way too big so to do that is you just go to this here show options and then hit just play and then change the size of resolution of the screen and and you can choose the color bit and all that stuff okay and I'm going to hit connect and if you see this screen right here that's mean it's not going to connect um it did not pick up the certification so you're going to have to reboot the server okay so let's just reboot the server and give it a minute to come back up okay let's back up so let's try it again see so when they display this certification that means it's going to connect successfully all right and now you're going to get this prompt screen to ask for your credential and you're going to put in uh rocket and then your password and hit okay and it's going to take a minute to load the whole desktop right there all right so that's how you get to connect with the RDP client all right so this is a desktop you hit activity and all that and show application alright guys so that's how you install the GUI interface on for the Ubuntu server and if you guys please do me a favor hit the like and the Subscribe button if you're new to the channel and put a comment down below um so I really appreciate you guys and I'll see you guys later
Channel: It's Just IT & Security
Views: 18,621
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to install, ubuntu server gui, ubuntu server, ubuntu, server, remote desktop, gui, ubuntu server desktop, how to install a full desktop (gui) on ubuntu server, ubuntu server web gui, gui on ubuntu server 20.04, ubuntu server gui install, desktop, ubuntu server desktop gui, ubuntu gui, remote desktop connection, cara install gui desktop di ubuntu server, gui desktop in linux, linux server, desktop ubuntu server, server desktop ubuntu, ubuntu remote desktop, ubuntu vnc server
Id: 1VNg93Vp8Qg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 15sec (915 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 19 2023
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