How to install a Forza Horizon 4/5 mod menu | Use at your own risk!

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hello guys welcome back to another video and in today's video I'm going to be showing you a tutorial on how to install a Forza Horizon 4/5 mod menu yes this work fora Horizon 5 and for Horizon 4 so without further Ado guys let's just get straight into this video so there'll be two links in the description if you guys click on the links in the description it should take you to this page right here so you're going to need this to run the actual mod menu so if you want to if you click this that download up there you also go in it'll take to the GitHub simp press for AIO exe download that once that's been downloaded guys simply run the net run time but uh be advised without this uh the mod menu will not work so I'm simply going to press repair because I've already got the installation installed so I'm just going to do that real quickly so what you guys have installed this uh and then you can go ahead and uh drag the application to your desktop or wherever desired so quick I'm just going to Simply run this run this give it a couple of minutes there you go so that's been installed or repaired for me so what you're going to do you're going to Simply drve for on mods to your desktop because now we can simply close out this close out that so now I'm going what I'm actually going to do is run the application itself yes it it say that but run anyway you don't know you don't need you don't need to turn off your antivirus for this so you you guys are more than welcome to keep your yours on mine is still on so you want to keep like this I'm just going to drag the decide for the time being and let's just simply run for Horizon 4 or it might or your guys case it may be for Horizon 5 whatever sort of for you for you guys play but for me I play forizon 4 so it does work for forizon 5 as well which may be good for some of you guys let me play that game we'll give us a couple of minutes to load up [Music] here there we go right so what I'm going to do is I'm simply going to turn on some of these so so you want all actually scan this one more turn all all cars this so beware guys that use this mod um use this mod man at your own risk I am not going to be reliable for anything that happens to your game so just be wary of this gu in it's not too short it's undetected so you do use this mod your own risk so what I'm going to do is click on uh unad hdden presets click that uh so you can actually so you can give yourself all of the cars so you simply press run quick add all cars so I'll give yourself all the cars uh if I do that click scan and I'm going to drag the side here we Lo go into the game I've already I've already used this mod menu myself guys so I do currently have everything uh but I'll kind of show you on what you guys can do to get every vehicle yourself so you can scan this also you can give your you can give yourself unlocks such as money you can give yourself credits so you could give yourself Max money uh you give yourself wheel spins you can tune your vehicles and here's the key binds guys I'm pretty sure it it's I'll actually show you in game once my game has loaded and my game has crashed I believe so what I'm actually going to do I'm going to drag this over here simply just run the game again I'll do apologize for that um we'll leave that to uh and then we'll reopen the application [Music] there we go the game not up [Music] currently right let's uh give it a couple of minutes I actually I would probably recommend opening the game before you open it for mod yourself it may cause your gam crash uh maybe that that might be watch that's happen to me at the moment [Music] okay here we go simply just uh launch launch into that continue give it a couple of [Music] minutes it doesn't hopefully it doesn't crash again otherwise that would be [Music] unfortunate right uh oh do pop top all right um okay here we are so once we fully loaded in let's wait for so what we're going to do going to go out that so as you can see guys there's my credits that's um fully loaded in right so now what you guys can now do is actually run the application so let's run that really quickly uh there we go right so what I'm actually going to do now right so what you want to do if you want to you want to scan this get so what you want to do to get all the vehicles is you simply run this um Command right here which is quick quick quick add all of the vehicles so for yourself you want to just press scan simply like that you guys want to give yourselves U Max um credits I'm just going to type in all the nines I can and you'll see my credits go up you simply want to click this one right here Al just going to click okay we that right so I'm going to drag this to the side now what you want to do to get the menu up in game guys uh oh actually you simply actually for first you want to actually click the overlay which is right here I believe that should bring it up I'm pretty sure yes there you go guys so to actually use the command it's I uh it's I and K to go up and down it's it it's O to go into an actual U one of these and it is you to go back so if I will go down to let's go to self SL vehicle let's go to that go to A's go through it wants to go down right we're going to go to we're going to yeah this one we'll go back out of that let's not go into that so let's go into maliciousness it's called maliciousness for a reason guys actually I don't know it might not be that one it may be this one okay this is want to got guys so you want to go into um unlockables and you want to so the um if so once you set your credits you simply want to go down to uh where it says pull simply do click that let's go back down you see if you want to click pull and it'll pull all of the numbers from uh the uh application over there now you simply want to press uh press toggle once you've toggled that you should now if you if you simply go back it should actually pull them in so what I'm going to do press pull oh let's go back down press o pull all of it and then your money should then go up once You' have toggled that so to go back you simply press U you've got OB unlocks so you press o to go in press U you there's handling you can you know modify stuff like that uh turn Assist U mod you got modifiers Etc guys so yeah guys that will be it for this I hope you guys enjoyed this is just a little tutorial on how to install a for 45 mod menu if you guys have enjoyed please smash that subscribe button that be muchly appreciated to like the video don't forget to check out the the Discord community in the description below be muchly appreciated also and I shall see you guys in the next video peace out my friends
Channel: R2GAMING
Views: 3,622
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 8min 25sec (505 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 10 2024
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