How to install a duct takeoff start collar-The Sheet Metal Kid

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all right next up as promised i was going to show you how to install a sheet metal start collar right into a piece of duct so if you haven't already go ahead and take a look back on my videos on how to cut a round hole into a flat piece of duct or sheet metal so these start collars uh there's a couple features to them that people really don't understand first is on how to clip it uh to clip it there's a little female groove right here and that's actually going all the way through the duct second there's this little tab and what it's got is little button punches on it is what we call it so what you want to try you what you do is you just take that button punch tab and um sometimes they're a little they're a little difficult so you got to kind of get them rounded whether that be through shipping or just handling material um take that tab and bend it down even a little bit more um that get that tab in there and you push it until you hear a snap up there it goes up nope sorry there there's the snap that we're looking for so they're not the prettiest thing in the world of course but they do the job they're start collars and so we're going to round this off as much as possible next thing you want to do is you have these dovetails that's why it's called the dovetail start collar you start bending these out and a good rule of thumb what my grandpappy used to tell me is you want three in the middle so every fourth one and this doesn't really matter if you bend too many or as long as you got some on the outside is really what we're looking for so now that we got our dovetail start collar looking like that with our tabs um right outside what those are gonna do of course is just sit right on top of the duck like that so that gives us a so that we don't push it into the duct and now in order to not pull out we're just going to take those dovetails and we're going to bend them right inside the duct we got big ones over 14 inch or something like that then you can go ahead and use your hammer if you can fit it inside there to knock these over generally i just go ahead and push them over it gives you a nice tight uh squeeze and then there it is i go ahead and i spin my seam over to where it's really not going to be seen and that's it that's all you have to do some people like to run a screw or two in one of these exterior dovetails but generally it's not necessary considering the amount of cfm that's in a conventional residential home so we'll go ahead and stick that in there and just like before we're going to take our water-based duct sealant lead approve and we're just going to run it right over the top of this and you'll see that some of it's got a little bit of gaposes we're going to heal that gap osis with a little bit of pookie duct sealant is also pookie in the industry so you'll see a lot of apprentices and all they have is pookie all over themselves because this is what they're doing all day long their journey is ahead of them roughing in the house and the apprentice has got to go back and pookie everything so there you have it i like to get my excess off and even run a little bit on the inside here to where you'll see it glob out a little bit and you can always come for a second coat if you're afraid of whistling or if you're afraid that your hole was a little bit too big you can always come back and run another
Channel: The Sheet Metal Kid
Views: 611,724
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to, ductwork, duct, install, duct installation, air duct, do it yourself, installation, construction, cut, start collar, takeoff, hvac, heating, cooling, ac
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 18sec (258 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 22 2014
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