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an experience for me just to be here what a joy in eastern nigeria in the land the ancient land of revival obviously here in this seminar you have raised the horn of salvation thank you for raising pastor gerald i know because men and women prayed for years as desolation seized the land prayed it was like [Music] when john showed up and jesus talked about him he said he was like a shining light and then jesus showed him after 400 years of silence thank you lord thank you because this is just the beginning i know when you put your hand on me i know when you were cooking us in the hills of university of nigeria and sugar that campus surrounded by the mountains those mountains where our school of prayer our school of the spirit because that's where we climb with our gallons of water first 14 days seven days before the rest of the students begin and they will come down thank you for how you have preserved us all these years we have come to a new season again [Music] a new season and this is this season the tree got the final move of god on the earth the timing of heaven [Music] has collided with the timing of heads both cairos and cronus have come together this is that time open the eyes of the saints especially your servants but those called ministers and those that know that the call of god is in their life though they don't have any title yet those davids hiding in the jungle defeating their lie on some bears their moment of manifestation has come speak a word and put a weapon in our hands tonight that can begin to change the climate and plan the kingdom of god in every territory where these men and women came from and much more than that territory is where you are here to send them we give you praise and glory in jesus mighty name amen okay good evening everyone [Music] wow [Music] whenever i think of you apart from love that you know the only job i really believe i have towards you is watch your back for you [Applause] maybe when do you have a boy yet not yet you have no one has passed me are you have you closing okay i gotta say it's good to close when we closed i i took pastor sarah doctor closed the team because i told her all my kids i see them before they come and we named them before they arrived and were informed of their destinies yeah people asked are leaders made or born his boats your bible named more than 16 people whose destinies were revealed before they were born and our savior he was called the born king remember yeah but there are leaders that are made sometimes by the ones that were born sometimes a two type of leaders they are crisis leaders yeah and they are mentored or trained or raised leaders [Music] the crisis leaders have more dramatic stories to their life [Music] if you look at something for example angel of god meeting the mother and then yeah [Music] what happened is that when there is such a need in the land and people start crying to god and there has not been mentorship and succession to preserve a deliverer god just puts his hand he gives somebody an encounter and raises him yes that's how i came out i had the first appearance of christ at age 12 secondary school scripture you know had two other appearances that [Music] bought crisis leaders many times in the bible don't end well the book of judges is an example of that they will have a lot of spiritual activities all that but so when i learned and now found what preserves the ones that go i went and found carried myself and put under mentorship and train i'm telling you pastor jerry there is no year since i gained this knowledge i don't go for one training you know formal or informal if i tell you you won't believe no here at last time i was in neeps in just school i was there taking the whole course and now who are my classmates don't see pastors there djs military generals i won't go on a discussion we're visiting parastatas federal government parasite naf dark all that we created policy for the federal government and we do oversee tours [Music] right about sitting in a business school i first went to this legos business school the chief executive program because i wanted to you sit in a class with mds banks oil companies and follow them thank god i had a doctorate degree so at the moment i answered dr david you won't hear pastor anything but of course there's no place i entered they don't know me so neebs had a chapel so i started rolling in the chapel you don't know why i'm i love fab in the house so much and when i walk with him i treat him like egg because of what papa did for us we are those small small chickens that were nurtured under papaya hosa you know i was in an uncompleted building no not nothing called property to our name as a church or to my name as a human being when you came with him to enough i was in the berry i was sitting on the back i've been to your house [Music] yes i came to say thank you once with prophet sanders yes glorious god you are a worshipper to be a warrior and be a watcher that's divided that that's an amazing thing [Music] you're a wise man pastor jerry eagles they have that eye i can tell yeah yeah yeah wonderful god miracle walker king of kings and god is [Music] kingdom [Music] your majesty [Music] you [Music] let me tell you something i carried seven anointings of my life each one has a story what launched me into crusades was real bunker i had an experience with him he came to my city i was an uncompleted building [Music] but i closed the account of our church and went to give it to him because it was nothing and took all our equipment people i said go stay in the field the whole week with these men help them sleep there and one of the things you will also learn is how to manage equipment for crucial purposes you will learn how to and when one on completed build i don't know if that place can sit up to 500. he didn't have windows that's where the church was they did that but then before he left i took that money and went and he was shocked and i was surprised that he was shocked because he wasn't more he said he's not the amount of he said i have been going around africa your people only take and take and take he says the first time i've seen a pastor come i said sir the reason i did this is because i know people sacrifice to send you here i want this to help you go to other cities he shook that's where when i got off from that place i went home i started dreaming nights i'll be seeing crowds stadiums i'll be seeing that place he was standing doing that meeting a few years after i stood there as i lifted my hands like this sea of head exactly like him sea of human beings everywhere the whole road crossed into aldi i was about a minister and the lord said do you remember that night i s i said no he said you remember that day i said yes he mentioned he said you are in it now that's why we have many governments some people think of a teacher some people think i'm an evangelist some people think i'm in reform [Music] god asked me to do something when i get here you see this year 2001 it has come before because a cycle has completed you know about prophetic cycles everything moves in cycles it's only women that have menstrual cycles yeah everything moves in cycles so where we are now is february it's still dry season so if i ask you what will be happening february 2022 you can predict it correctly am i correct because the key to the future is in the past that's what ecclesiastes chapter 1 verse 9 said yeah the things that shall be is what has been once the cycle completes the thing comes up again you know we've been seeing all these drums of war 50 years ago about this time is the same thing if you check [Music] 66 from that military queue all the way to 70 when the war ended the last four years was exactly that oh yes a young man trained from britain emerged from the east when he was a young man he led our people to war another young man trained by britain has imagined again and he speaks like the original young man but the other young man when he matured started preaching against war [Laughter] then we call him ikemba the cost is a just cause [Music] but you see god wants us to learn from history so we don't repeat mistakes those who don't learn from the last cycle repeat everything is only the good cycles we can bring back the bad ones there are lessons in it that can help us history always repeats itself until somebody learns from it hey you might need to sit for a while [Music] the church is about to go through some tough times at the global level [Music] [Laughter] whatever we are about to face has happened and has happened before we need to go and study it so that we know how to handle this [Music] last time it was heaven but there was no church then so he went after the people of god at that time the church in the wilderness the jewish people and he wanted to exterminate them he walked with ten men they were hanged [Music] the other time he was hitler he wanted to exterminate the jews and then after that black people and then after that [Music] he walked with ten men now when the international forces the america america stepped into the war and he died those ten men were hanged again just like the other [Music] and for some mysterious they were just hand why not electric chair why not shoot [Music] the one we are about to face is a little horn surrounded by 10 horns and those 10 horns are 10 men 10 leaders that will emerge from the global city history there is nothing that you are dealing with your time or in the future that has not happened before the early church knew about all the teachings about the antichrist they even converted somebody's name ruling and his name march 666 guess who he was emperor nero go and do your research [Music] so the early church dealt with the beast in their time what admiration is facing because the thing is cooking already anybody is only the person without that we don't know the storm that is gathering that will not be able to jesus say you can read the face of the sky but you are not able to read the signs of the time it doesn't matter what argument you have the rapture will remove us before he shows up we'll be there three and a half years i'm going in the middle or we get to the end whether it's three three made opposed the truth is that if you study the bible very well there are some of those experiences that the saints will meet but they say part of it i will be removed from but to take to train your people that they will see what will be alive exam is coming everybody's preparing you're the only one telling your people don't read there will be no answer they will just graduate you at least prepare them for the last days [Music] the one that prepared them for exam and there was names up and the one that did not prepare them then example who is in a better position the people that are prepared will always be in a better position so let the rapture come earlier come in the middle coming with they are better [Music] everybody in the church must be armed for battle the climate has changed [Music] we must stop raising civilians and train all god's people to be warriors [Laughter] [Music] so the subject of the power or the anointing of the holy spirit is not optional anymore because they are part of the weapons of ours [Music] [Laughter] [Music] james chapter 5 i read verse 7 be patient there for brethren unto the coming of the lord jesus christ unto the coming of the lord behold the husband man that is our savior jesus waited for the precious fruit of the earth and he had long patience for it he has waited for 2000 years [Music] wise has he waited this long [Music] he said till he receives the former and the lettering [Music] he got the former reign on the day of pentacles he's waiting till he receives the lettering and the lettering will bring the final harvest because what he's waiting for is the precious fruit of the earth what is that harvest not of corn or cocoyam which ones do you like in abia state yeah buddha yeah he was waiting for dara what is sherry or or whatever african-american that's nobody was waiting for a banana in the harvest of the nations the harvest of source hey we are 2.6 billion right now the catholic church 1.3 so if we take the few saved from that let me just dashes 1.5 and when you realize that even the us is the rest white government everything and not everybody is saved by time you think about what israeli let me kind of dash of 1 billion no [Music] no there is something called in the bible the end vision you know god sees the end from the beginning he has seen the harvest the final harvest maybe i need to show it to you revelation 7 9 these number of people that will make the rapture everybody here was in heaven so let's kind of try and see whether they're just a handful of people or not you know if you read the verses before you get to verse 9 he was talking about one forty four thousand and the jehovah witness would like to talk about just that one forty four thousand you know you know they make it look like they are the only ones that will make it the one for four thousand is just from israel just from israel you have not looked at the rest of the nations hello [Music] so let's look at nigeria ghana u.s u.k australia russia you like to know what the victim is like that's what jesus he has seen it he's written it he's waiting till we accomplish it and to get us to be able to do that there is a level of capacity that the church must have and that's why there is coming and this is the year this is that year that's the journey this is the year that the revival of the seventy took off the civil war ended seventy last year i say it was 1917. that's one of the reasons i have confidence looking at historical precedence there won't be war i know some people are still talking about no there won't be one i speak from prophetic authority but i also speak as somebody that understands how to read the signs [Music] there will be there was a trap of that three years ago four years ago all the way to last year we kind of by the mercy of god managed to come out of it this year is the year the aircraft takes off last year is the year of preparation for it the covet your hearing was not sent by god but was permitted by him to force us again to turn back to the sacred place [Laughter] the greatest survivor america has experienced was the healing revival that later accumulated into the charismatic revival of the and really it was the same move just that when he started entering mainline churches like catholic church they call it charismatic there were new guys on the block like catholic took it in yes it was the same move [Music] it came immediately after the second world and the depression that followed it and there was a disease that broke out in the world but the influenza disease and there was even people warm also it was in that time of hopelessness and depression economic depression and desolation a lot of lives have been lost people began to cry to god that's that book you see the title of the book is the atomic power of god this man got this picture because of that bomb america dropped that ended the war so he now began to talk to the lord the human being in the nature could break through into something he did in an atom out thumb that we work on play with but he's something he didn't there that when her nails are released has power to wipe life on the edge and he was talking to the lord how come the nature has seemed to be ahead of the supernatural why the church is asleep but the natural world is sometimes it looks like the scientific word and the natural world is moving faster and it was when he was a god said the holy spirit people have been talking about you don't know yet get a group of people that you cannot get apostolic results without apostolic means and apostolic means is fasting and what prayer it's not just prayer prayer is like a god when you add fast into it it becomes a bomb [Laughter] you know if you make prayer a bomb then when you have fasting it becomes a nuclear bomb [Music] [Laughter] fasting when added to prayer can obtain what prayer alone cannot there are some things like jesus said this kind like what is going on in nigeria now [Music] he's from the north so he knows his states his people down south here there don't seem to be people here sleeping but a couple of years ago you thought it was a problem of the night but your forests are now occupied [Laughter] and stop looking at these politicians they don't have the answer whenever the land is sick god doesn't look to kings he looked to his priests to provide us this is the year again and this is your city again [Music] and the number of brothers again and then somewhere in southwest again that's why you are born and brought up for such a time as this [Music] it's something the elders gave me after they gave me there is no part of the east that the gates does not open once i step on it there are people who control who are gatekeepers over there powerful people and so that you can have more crowd than them but they are the ones who have the authority when i honor them and honor them and under the sea there was a time i took up the reproach of the whole eastern nigeria for seven years period yes i would send for my brothers from the nord pastor abubakar and a couple of them to come and help me i had a couple of my brothers from the west i said we have to do something about this thing [Music] and every june is prayer apart from the general one fasting and other and they were until that day [Music] everywhere when i tested i saw that there is no it doesn't matter what the city is called doesn't matter what the territory is called the keys are actually real spiritual authority then i started paying the price for the one for the nation and then somewhere i have to start looking at international sea you see cities are given to men nations are given to men args of me and i'll give you nations for your inheritance the ultimate part of the earth pay enough price so that when the ancients that walked in the past revival from this city you stand with them at the judgment seat of christ you have enough standing because in the resurrection you pirating will rise in nigeria not an european bunker will rise on africa not that his skin would change anything but that's what his inheritance would be being charged over 10 cities being some other continent nobody is going to be asked to rule what you did not label for when god gives you a city or community pay the price the price for the redemption of any city or community is personal debt and fasting helps to lead you in that journey things that distract young men distract other pastors [Music] one of the others taught me walk by that rule orders me but give you a sense and know that you have a consecration others can be drinking alcohol in there you can't touch that you can't you can't you and god know what the covenant and the secret you do not touch it doesn't matter what other people are doing because special grace [Music] is given to men who pay the price this is different from common [Music] anybody can speak in talks [Music] oh lord [Music] you said [Music] is [Music] is whatever you need you [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] oh you said [Music] whatever you need [Music] from heaven [Music] [Applause] your glory will [Music] be [Music] everywhere starting with that one then abba then every city then every part of this country [Music] never do [Music] you know the river has depths there are levels in this thing when i started swimming i thought i'd seen it all until i met patrick's swim in that dimension that is measureless further the time has come you told me to do this i don't do it everywhere i go i don't do this often the time has come the seventies are here again except that this time it is the former and the letter in the festival stretch your hands towards it you don't know who your pastor is yet many of you are gonna discover [Music] [Music] those equipments for this season lord for the last days hypocrites so for finishing this mandate of this hour [Music] and subduing the gates of nations and bringing obedience to christ men and women of all colors of all nationalities of all tribes of all races [Music] um [Music] there is grace needed to be the helper to this kind of man not a woman can handle it god has shaped you long before you guys met god has been working on you because of this it will give you wisdom that is not common he will give you grace that is not common he'll give you a large heart to mother god's children and to be the keeper of the flame yes you have your own place and you have your own mandate too you have your own place but you see the moon rules the night so that the sun rules the day and by that they cover 360 degrees so safety but yeah [Music] [Music] i'm coming back near you in one of the studies and then that would be it maybe one in the east will do one maybe lagos surely is always confident respecting because they have too much respect for it then we should have been there this is stuff right but whenever i'll be sending for you ah crap you should not go through all the headache we went through that's why the shoulders of fathers are available thank you jesus thank you jesus i speak to the gates of resources for the auditorium that can about you yeah from the east from the west from the north from abroad from everywhere the convergence of resources is i think more resources are coming to us in covid last day if i tell you people won't believe those things i tell you the kind of things [Laughter] projects several major projects each in billions covey a kingdom economy is not under lockdown everybody lift up your hand a ball care a silver gates of resources you will see this conference and the resources to do whatever god has called you to do whether it's your business or ministry whatever we flow like yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] you have projects it's time to start it you're looking for land it's time to go for it [Applause] every move of god goes with economic backup politician reformation industrial revolution reformation a technological revolution this one god wants to do with africa it's africa asia initiative that's what we are now is the last [Applause] there are special wealth their special [Music] [Applause] wealth i comfort multi millionaires that will imagine out of 22 to our conference even people that were nobodies when they walked in here that we met out of this conference because of the gospel because from the gospel because of the gospel so you can hold back these hands and hold back the hands of the [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] for now you are the governor of this title you have the ones that will come and go every eighties are sitting there but they're not the ones next time you have a say or who sees them [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh have you seen prophetic ministry in action before many of you are young you didn't know the days of gabriel would you hear me he didn't he didn't it doesn't matter where you are whether you are an rock or in the barracks you answered and it was like a voice crying in the wilderness if those days not now agile those areas are now was the days yet i traveled once one friday [Music] we stood under electricity divine electricity for hours we didn't know when it was money men that turned the world upside down they have come [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Music] uh now a new generation of leaders are going to match carrying the road of power they will carry mantles of different dimensions even ancient mantles that were returned to heaven because they were not handed over i've been returned to it in this hour because of the last days even prophets that took their mantra to the grip the mantras have been returned to the earth this is the last and final battle the kingdom of darkness is bringing out their wars god is pouring out not only the former red but the rhetoric in the facebooks [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] um [Music] there are many of you you suffered losses last year suffered lost his financial love suffered losses in different areas many have not recovered now we command restoration speech speedy restoration now in the name of jesus you are going to recover all around recover the years that the cancer woman has eaten now you can move forward into your future with no deficits amos chapter 9 verse 11 in that day that's one of the prophecies of the last days and he's talking about the church if you go to acts 15 from verse 14 down you see where the apostles are putting it saying he's talking about the church anyway i don't have time for that i'm sent tonight not to preach but to activate certain things [Music] i'm on a prophetic mission because we've entered god's kairos moment again in that day i already started the tabernacle of david that is falling down and is the church he's talking about falling standards falling standards i will build it again as in the days of old we are going back to apostolic christianity the days of the early church but then god is going to top it verse 12 and the reason god is doing this is so that they may possess the remnant of edom [Music] and then secondly so they will possess all the hidden which are called by my name said the lord that the wedding so the hidden the lost the sinners that needs to be saved is our mandate but before then god said the the are brothers but in a vaccinating state edom are the descendants of his son israel was born under the covenant the semi brahman covenant but he went after porridge and sold away his bed right there brothers and sisters that sold their way for the porridge and the offers of this world some for the loss of the flesh song for greed and covetousness pursuing money yeah the loss of the eyes some for the pride of life is power he told him sleeping and coughing he did he used to be born again sleep with a man woman he did he used to be born again but because he wants to be governor he wants to be sinned some for some other things the evil ministers are sold off they are not going to the enemy to ask the enemy for power can you imagine that's how low standards are falling god said i will rebuild the tabernacle of david that is falling down when i do it will now overflow to the society so revival happens in the church great awakening happens in society revival has a goal god is after the nations is after souls but he needs to wake up his sleeping giant he's sleeping church first he needs to restore the standards that are in a mess [Music] then the recipe of men who seek after the lord starting with our backslidden brothers in revival time the backslide has come back to christ you see how young men are returning to idolatry all over southeast yeah you are raised to redirect them everywhere no young man will listen to you and not think twice [Music] one of the greatest tragedy of the backsliding church you heard him say we failed the next [Music] generation look at it in acts 15 [Laughter] verse 14 look at it look at it look at it the apostle james the brother of jesus was put in this scripture look at what he said yeah simeon has declared how god first visited the gentiles to take people out for himself that's the house of cornelius the simon he was talking about is peter james is reporting what peter said if you read verses before you see where peter talked first okay jerusalem council what verse 15 james now said unto this agrees the words of the prophets and the prophets are plural but he picks out one and he picks amos verse 16 after this our return and we build again what the tabernacle of david which is falling down and i will build again the rings thereof and i will set it up of course if you check him once he said like it was in the days of god yes check verse 17 that what will happen the residue of men might seek after the lord so when god moves in the church and fixes the broken standard what happens something happens in the society that's why the problem cannot be solved from there we are crying about politicians disturbing people about bulgaria no no if the soup has salt in it but it no taste you put it again no taste are you blaming the meat or the oil or the crayfish no you don't blame them god said the people i hold uncomfortable will be dissolved he said then that sword has no use but to be true cast out and men now that's why they are trampling a modern church because of the state of [Music] for that to icaru yes god taught them a lesson later but he taught his own people a [Music] lesson [Music] [Laughter] [Music] so go back to amos 9. now let's look at verse 13. when this starts happening and this is how this last days move he said behold the days come say the lord that the blue man shall overtake the river and the trader of grape hindus sowing seed so normally you have seed time and harvest but now the man that is sowing has overtaken the one that is reaping because the man is reaping the last service but now the new seed has caught up with the last service and the one that is reaping has caught up with the one that is sowing what does that mean we don't have a thousand years like the europeans had we don't have hundreds of years like the americans have it's a weak walk that god said he's going to do and he's going to cut his shot in righteousness because of that the speed of the move of god this time and what took them thousands of years to accomplish over a billion souls will be coming into the kingdom within years god needs a new army to go and harness the harvest and he's ready to give them whatever it takes if he takes aircraft he will put it in your hand if he takes whatever level of billions he will put it if he takes with the level of anointing to get it done he is ready to release it [Music] okay let me read this for you from message bible verse 13 message translation [Music] yeah yes indeed it won't be long now i'm here to announce to you that he's here it's now what is left is for the church to meet god's condition or there are conditions for revival it's a divine initiative but there is a part for man that's what he was talking about salvation is a gift of grace we can't save ourselves [Music] it's god that does that it's a walk of the holy spirit in the life of a man but yet there is a part for man your part is to believe the gospel and repent of your sin and when you invite the lord he will not come and do the work you can do so you can claim you had one that saved yourself but yet there is a [Music] you see we sometimes leave all the stuff for god we say revival is god's no no no there is always a man path and a god part to every divine intervention miracles happen when somebody cares when somebody takes responsibility when passionate prayer meets radical obedience so that societal transformational course is shift or causing culture you see after praying we have to get up and obey the great commission and obey the first commission you know there are two commandments one is to go win but the other one is to love one another that loving one another preaches more than they go you know because he said by this all men will know they are already waiting just come and talk to me i want to be part of them these people that love themselves i want to be part of it those two commands are involved in winning the nations a lot of my brothers who are partners with me from prophet zundberg some of them are white some of them americans today we will pray as we took covenant communion and say to the lord use this team to teach the divided church the power of unity because we came from different backgrounds different countries south africans ghanaians all kinds of east africans americans we came from different denominations anglicans one of my closest friends an anglican priest it's one step to being a bishop but we start with salvation and then go to the baptism of the holy spirit and go to that next place where is the cry like poor that i might know him the revelation but jesus is just beyond getting sick [Music] but there will be catholics in heaven in case you don't know we have many of them so we said use this group to teach a church divided by racism tried paris by all kinds of things i'm richer than you are bigger than him help us to rediscover the power of love how to keep covenant with each other that the world may know who doesn't want to be part that's what attracted my wife family she go open again she was part of the fellowship but you know they were persecuting her yeah but then something happened in the town where they lived we came to do and the mom speak to him at the back she was trying to check meeting ended with all her titles in her denomination she joined student fellowship he said i've never seen a people that love each other like this one of the things i also love about you i don't know how god gave you that but he just flows you know some people say fake it you know he's not faking it he's just him that's the man he's a beautiful soul in order to realize that anybody that wants to fight you have to be ready to fight me but much more you have to be ready to fight the boss [Music] don't worry we are going past that era where the army of god turned their blood on each other no something serious is coming up very serious that the church needs to gather us together [Laughter] you see my friends partnership solves all problems because what i like apostle joshua has or what he likes pastor jerry has and now by bringing us together none of us likes [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] anything she have pastored a generation god is raising him for the generation some of us are to go to reach now oh yes and one generation of neglect just one it's all it takes to lose everything the father has on the body that's what happened to america you were talking about the world in church killed a hugging community honorable tulsa everywhere and they left their children and hollywood disciple them just one generation of neglect rules are not that generation that knew not a lot and then disaster follows all the works done [Laughter] that's why i think it was when josh's mission conference with neymar capro and all that i think it was november of 2009 the year was ending yeah and the lord was speaking to me i was to speak at the second to the last there was something i was you know with all these fathers that carried the 574 brother by you you know to the rest of them [Music] he said depth of christianity they know many of our young ones and the lord said in 10 years time by the end of the decade just like what you saw that happened at the global scene a lot of those generals have gone i think it's only harmon and maybe one or two others that are still around [Music] he said by the end of this decade all of the fathers that started for my girl will be with me i might leave one or two just for guidance purpose for the next children so he said what should you do i said i don't know he said environments should be organized where they are brought in to pass the level of values the quality of life or quality of faith the quality of christian life plus not just the unknown i'm not talking about elders who went over nothing about soul going by soul i'm talking about somewhere because there are some davids that needs to be unveiled that's why i'm here tonight it's for you because you are the next thing the world is about to discover [Applause] [Music] in some places they'll call it donation they will call you they will invite you they don't think but in god's god has been checking the price you've been paying in the secret in his book you are there you are next in line i say you are next in life so the lord said what you have to do the greatest thing you have to do for me is make sure that his generational succession so he was talking about how to sustain the revival this is sickly to that revival hangs between two mountains mount camel is where you bring it down ignite revival but after mount carmel and fire falling you remember elijah the man you were talking about yesterday he said he says system let's study that system a little bit man comment is where you bring revival how do you do it fasting and prayer there are times praying alone prolonged prayer and supplication intersection brings it the other elements anyway but i'll leave that for now because humility is required brokenness before god and repentance any revival that does not deal with sin is fake it doesn't matter discipline if joel chapter 2 gave us the full blueprint it must change the moral climates so elijah was brought in about the iniquity the vast leading nation has turned to power worship idolatry under the manipulation of the witchcraft of that lady and her husband jessica lady jezebel and i don't mind telling you whenever god raises an elijah said i resisted should watch out ask those who have carried the mantras and whenever god raises an elijah settle raises an egg so you know right elijah came back again i don't mean in form of reincarnation in form of that mantra that he carried do you remember that what was his name john what happened ahab reappeared in form of herald just very appeared in form of what herodias and what was jesus by accident the head of elijah what did he knew jesus by acts give me the head of john the baptist [Music] history always repeats if an ancient mantle falls the ancient challenge will resurface there are no new devils every man's devil is his father's devils if you carry somebody's anointing study his battles learn ahead of time so you can defeat it is somebody hearing what i'm saying that's why if you're following a man and he makes some mistake don't make his mistake well study it study it to that exam will come again but if you study where you pass it if you walk blindly you'll fall into the same ditch [Laughter] last time when he said give me the head of elijah elijah took off he started running for his life he got to a place he said lord kill me [Music] that's first king chapter 18 because between one revival and the next you know waves watch it in the sea when a wave reaches his peak that bottom that time is a dangerous time for a lot of people who are front liners so you have to learn how to join the nest off oh yes you know something you have to know how to ride waves and not be buried where god used to be it was in those times so much dissolution in land a lot of crime god brought me up so i had to go back and check history of the land the city where i was what has happened what had dealt with generals and i went to interview them including the wounded ones i mentioned nobody died with these lessons i and then i was able to see what the loopholes were and then the lord said i will help you so he said one of the first things are your guys don't submit to training because one of the lessons they taught me is that perhaps in rules to mentor them mental south was meant to provide the hosa but he got a point they said what's papa talking about someone never said alive and they can tell you this they ignored and all the warnings he gave them is what happened on their head so the lord said to me you will beat that oh yeah carry yourself don't be like the judges so this is not a matter of i was one now until i built three layers of security for myself and they're all working you can go off because you'll be caught see me because covering is for protection but covering it also for longevity [Music] as we see like i've learned from my brothers from southwest i prospered it's not a big deal for me council of traditional last match is part and i was speaking i came as the guest speaker man of god i saw my traditional lady about to greet him some of them were kneeling down somewhere they were crying they didn't know what to do with it you know here we are opportunism you stand up to greater king as evil land for you and we're shocked [Music] what carried his village and dash me we want to do what he used to [Music] i told them give me all the criminals you have call all your elders call give me the people that are causing trouble the ones that don't have jobs who wants that and i'll call my team so that's one of the areas god trained me yes i know what to do with them [Music] it's nothing like waste woman capitals are decay because we don't refine them it's the greatest treasure on death that's what is wasting more than any other thing in this continent we meet it good [Music] we live it crude so that's what brings me back to the lesson that you started and that's where i'm gonna end at two mountains your first mountain coming you learn lessons how to ignite revival you will see the story of elijah that james said that his effectual favorite prayer it was a man like us a man of like passion like us he paid his dues [Music] and rain came and fire came but when reviver came revival still has problems one of the things that reviver creates is a an avalanche of young believers church groups now any challenge is born we are the hands that will disciples circumcise these young kids now you have a few pastors overloaded overwatch learning is not too long the harvest starts rottening because of failure to preserve it and rotten harvest in the church becomes a problem of the pastor the problem of the rest of the congress they will bring one mess and place on the name of this church god forbid anywhere and they will commit and they say is not a member of that it's just that they are not discipled yet they don't know the ways of god so israel has shouted the lord god is god the lord god is god we have come back to god they are not a disciple though it's like the ones moses brought out from egypt ah the lord is god because they saw the racist divide that undiscipled generation give them a few more just let one problem show so there is a second mountain when elijah was down saying kill me and you know he didn't want to die because if he wanted to die who have allowed jesus to do it why did you run if you wanted to die it is just the burden of ministry when you're alone it's just a few hands it's too much for one person i have been there myself and in those days anointing came we started things exploded how do you preserve the harvest so elijah was encouraged by an angel gave him food then he walked for 40 days you notice that those three greatest giants of the scripture all did 40 days fast have you noticed that jesus elijah and who moses the greatest child you are not going to get apostolic resort without apostolic means disciples of john the baptist came to jesus and said why is it that your disciples are not fasting and our own disciples first pharisees everybody fought said he said don't worry we're in a wedding party nobody first inside party now see how can they first when the bridegroom is here we are in a party i have done the first so they are enjoying the feast you know feast you didn't spend you didn't throw somebody spending so let's eat free food he said but don't worry the bridegroom will soon be taken away then what will happen they go fast he was talking about his death resurrection and what ascension since he went up the church has been fasted except this generation of church that's why there is so much powerlessness there is a new type of fact the nigerian type for breakthrough to kill your enemy is there link to what the early church knew they're fast for an outpouring of the holy ghost they fast for heavenly treasures things that money cannot buy but they also get the earthly as a jarrah because god is a rewarder of them that what diligence the first to tongue change history they look at esther the first she called a destiny of a whole nation was at stake three days no water no food she changed the course of history with our friends [Music] what is happening in nigeria is enough to send us back what is happening globally and for our global audience you want to recover the apostolic days you had in europe go back to history find some of the books when martin luther was leading the reformation that's how he survived the mighty roman empire almighty catholic church he did 40 days when he was translating the bible he did fast he was doing that just like moses wrote the five books under a fast danny wrote those revelations on their fast we write books chaff not enemies it can only entertain the flesh maybe the soul it can't fit the spirit [Music] i'm sure you've read em bounds where's one uh when revival terrorists when those men talk their words refuge [Music] when they speak they are clothing tongues of fire on their tongue even when they write it the same thing happens it jumps from the book [Music] hey let's end so far that he reached this second mountain and you know what the name of that mountain first kings calls it you know horeb but you know hurray sinai because after you bring people out of egypt you need to take them to sinai sinai is different from mount carmel where you bring the nation back to god when he got to horrible god moved with fire but he said god was not in the fire but in coming god was in the fire [Music] because scripture said he was the lord that was moving he moved with wind oh god was not in the wind but if he was coming god would be in the wind because they they said they were coming mighty russian wind [Music] yeah there was earthquake it was god that did it but yet god was not in the earthquake so what is the lesson here [Music] in the other place you need all that shaking well here what you need is a small still voice what is the message what power does knowledge and wisdom [Music] [Laughter] preserves the way you preserve revival is through discipleship [Music] after holy ghost fell and it opened what did they do they began to submit to apostles they brought them into cells and all that if not when the small steve voice spoke to elijah check verse 15. his first kings 19. he was when he finally got through to him he first asked some questions what are you doing here he said i'm serious for the lord he killed your prophet i'm the only one left anyway mistake by the way but it's all right he thought he was the only one it's another lesson anyway those pastors are like to be the only one jezebel will connect you ahead herod will take you ahead though you like to be superstar this last move is not about superstars it's not the moses era of movement one man holding the road this era you have to find a group of priests that can carry the ark you have to arm men so when the smallest voice got through to him he said by the way let's correct that your wrong notion you're not the only one left i have seven thousand the only things that they are hiding they're no money if they were hiding and i made provisions somebody was going there to feed them so you're just one out of seven thousand so that one corrected enough said here is a solution the way to preserve what you have started pass the mantle to the next generation pass it to elijah as your successor your succession in the office of a prophet then don't just raise prophet pass it to jehu as the man that will take charge of the political terror ladies and gentlemen i hope you're hearing me that's why it's not just pastors we came here to talk to then we say pass it to azeroth so god said i want you to take care of the three gates the spiritual raise somebody to manage the political raise somebody to money the economy creates somebody to manage anybody that misses the sword of elijah jehu we kill anybody that misses the sword of jail now you understand the message i'm saying to deliver this year it's different we'll preach another time you see what it is [Music] the future leaders in all these fairness of political affairs to raise them and pass that anointing on them the future leaders the new generation of priesthood to raise them and pass the anointing of them the marketplace professionals and apostles who will lead banks industries and all kinds of who will to raise them and pass the anointing on them the last days battle cannot be fought only with religion from the mountain of priesthood only watch our people that are coming against us you know why the church is dropping the supernatural these people are warming up to take it and they're gonna come out with false fabricated lying signs and because you can't rule the world without discipline the spiritual yes even though they have all the world economy they have subdued political they have to get the spiritual and apart from the high priest he has a mandate to create an alignment of religion and even world council of churches that will come behind so you see now there's going to be civil war in the church because we are going to be fighting against philistines and goloyad but we're going to be fighting song that's sold out that's the battle of the last days it's going to be twofold we'll be war in the church because these men that look like people of zion but they are actually enemies with him and then we have the external enemy that's what makes it tough [Music] so we have to raise marketplace forces to match the marketplace army coming we have to raise priesthood with heavenly ordination walking in the order of mexico just like jesus too much [Music] we have to raise the political army because that peace coming there is a woman that is going to ride it is the last jessica we are going to fight and this one is more deadly because it's an institution it's corrupt religion plus other systems around it of course we have agents normal managers [Laughter] [Music] so in verse 19 elijah left that place found elijah the son of suffer where he was blowing with twelve yokes of oxen [Music] and he cast his mantle upon him yes thank you and the guy said let me go greet my parents or they say no you can go what do i have to do with you because right there he slaughtered all his instruments of famine and business burnt all those things shared them away and began to follow elijah look at what the bible said and when he did that he arose and went after elijah and did what so you see it's not just person mantle you have to mentor and disciple them jesus he looked for went to the wilderness collected power paid the price came out but in luke 6 that especially luke 9 he got 12 people he gave them power he did what elijah did because if you keep it the arrows of herod and jezebel and ahab stays on one man when you multiply leadership and multiply grace then you can put satan in confusion there is no more a burden for only one person because no matter how strong a general is he cannot resume from the bathroom if he goes alone to confront you don't confront unity with individuality because what we're dealing with is organized i said what we're dealing with is organized [Music] [Laughter] so these young people need to be coached and mentored and disciples because power is not enough there are things they need to be taught to sustain and finally my brothers and sisters that's how i learned that there are two mantras you get the first is to put you in discipleship why you are manifesting the disciples were going around casting out devils doing things because it's part of training the last month was when elijah was going to try to sit so he told him if you see me when i'm taken up when i'm translated you get the last one and it's the same instruction jesus left he gave them power they did but you see when it got to the last mantle which is the one that will launch them judas was no mother he has betrayed his master don't make the mistake of judas there are two yeasts in the east has killed almost everything god has tried to do here something about us and this stupidness this individual is this rebellious thing makes us not [Music] if you don't get that first man who else can talk to you again who is elijah to talk to you we repair against everything called even in our homes our parents everywhere no in this era god is going to get a new generation of people that have circumcision in their hearts you know god called the jewish people steve naked yet he said moses was the weakest man on earth he was a jew yet jesus are meek and lonely and he was a jew so you can be different i say you can be different the other east in the east is self-hatred fight against your own brothers his strength god hid here if he's released the whole of black race africa will be so blessed but the weapon they have to fight the enemy the tunnels on their brothers we fight our harness we fight our governance we fight our traditional rulers we fight our fathers we fight our spiritual leaders we fight our pastors then we fight our brothers once we go to the north we bow once we cross the niger go to southwest we bow once we see whom that what anointing is that it comes from you god has raised the horn of salvation preserve the gift god has given you celebrate your own gifts honor your own prophets and you will be preserved god asked me to come and bring you this he said his giving sound is a new open check [Music] because the cycle has completed he said if this people here pay the price again all of the things they say you won't have including presidents who are returned here mark my words mark my word you will see i think you will know you said this is 20 21 you will know including you see desolations in business all of them are going to be reversed but the mistakes of yesteryears must not be repeated some of the most anointed men have come out even from this soil [Music] almost everyone i need to know but he tells me the same so everybody i meet he does the same stuff oh i said the two people he was good he was passed this thing to he said very soon i'll go and the mantle is not in the east he said do i tell you the story told about these guys i met one of them the other day he's in desolation if you see him you won't believe that he knew that man the mistakes of gases the mistakes of judas the mistakes of absolute let us learn my brothers and sisters let us learn a new season has come god is running away the reproaches of the last 50 years i'm telling you i'm not telling you human words you will see rainfall is going to fall heavily again on the land it will start with a remnant but it will spread [Music] that remnant of those now pay the price [Music] the price he was talking about but this time why whatever the moves and the fire and all the move of god is going let's start mentoring let's start with discipline and teaching because i also did my research i found that many of the things that were not taught were the things the enemy took advantage of [Laughter] the lord said to me i will help you where the fathers stumbled because you humbled yourself to go and learn yes so even though i was also drawn up i had to pray fasting and crying a crisis did i refuse to follow that path i went thank god cut myself into there is no year of my life since then till now i don't go for training [Music] one time i went for one bad work program i i just arrived in lagos and then first three months i said i'm not going to need any poo pit or anything i went to winnestop road from foundation school went to you know their bible school level one advanced level two level three [Music] if you come now you see some of the people that taught me that walking with me as calling me sir if you want i'll call some names some people who know me what are you doing here this is foundation school i said i want to because i don't know how to organize things and to know how to organize and do bible schools and do all that it's not just jumping up and down if he's studying when you finish how much did the church [Music] go i finished i went to summer day i mean school i surrendered friendly good man taught there's me number of them you see them calling me sir one day they came to i said if you announce my name in this world leave i came here to learn i have things that need i came here forget crowds it's no crowd he will come in some of them some of my teachers come and say i don't understand what are you doing standing in bible school [Music] and when the thing finished i brought serious money give all my teachers give left [Laughter] and then you know i did another thing i don't go to any school alone i take my top 12 you will sit me in the class people think you lose respect with meekness no because i needed hands because we are dreaming of nations asking god for nation and anointing is breaking walls open how do you manage it after god said i bring a lot of business people corporate world i realize that if i tell you how many business schools i've been to one time i was in spain in a business school you know and people say what happened to the work if the work would die because i have to be in a school for three months then that work was not alive even when i was like some of you nothing is happening instead of you staying to you sunday to see how a church is organized watch first service second service and see how it is because you preach everlasting summer and preach five services in one and somebody has done three you come and sit here you'll be thinking about your attack what calculated what somebody used to put petrol fuel in his car that's what that's what you are missing to just sit down then i'll take take them and say we're going to winner's church and we live 2 a.m because you know but when you drive from island to get to me to get we have to pick all the traffic and get there i will get it sometimes 3 30 4. are you coming you see people these groups are praying the oceans are there i say what is this what is it that i don't know [Music] nine o'clock you are begging people to show up this is four o'clock in the morning what is going on here this group out there the people that will take off yet they are holding breath there organized what is going on six am six stars everywhere is filled just like that first service passes like magic then you watch the next one you see prayer and fasting will bring the glory but wisdom is what we preserve [Laughter] [Music] and we have to lord thank you thank you for your words [Music] let every man here leave knowing what to do this night lord let the holy spirit distill these truths but what pa apostle selma has thoughts and all of this together to give you people clarity that they will know what to do if you're a minister go find these books i think i don't know it's 200 or what that that's left for when i'm coming and get it but one day we'll be in a situation where we can discuss some of those things go find it please i don't know you know father thank you raise an army of elijah's elijah an army of jehus and of course an army of hazardous josephs daniels esther's nehemiah's [Music] so that anybody that escapes the sword of the ones in ministry will not escape the son of the ones in business and in the corporate world in the marketplace whosoever escapes will not escape the sort of the ones who are making policies and governing and through the trinity of power your kingdom can come to this land and these states and all over the east again and then all over this nation thank you lord in jesus mighty name [Music] [Music] so you
Channel: DC Airforce TV
Views: 4,330
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: 15jNyVVd-Vo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 103min 51sec (6231 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 14 2021
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