How to Improve Communication in Your Relationship

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ways to improve communication in relationships my name is coach Adrian and you're tuned in to happily commit it if you're watching this video I salute you because it means that you are trying to become a better partner and in fact you're trying to communicate better with the one you love and if you sit tight and you watch this entire video I guarantee you that you will be just that a more efficient and proficient communicator tip number one if you want to communicate better in your relationship or marriage you need to have empathy empathy is the key virtue in relationships in my opinion what do I mean by that if you don't develop the ability to put yourself in your partner's shoes and to understand the feelings and the emotions that they are experiencing you're not gonna be a good communicator you're going to be caught up in your own feelings in your own fears anxieties emotions and you're gonna basically push your partner away you will make them feel unheard unsee they won't feel like their feelings are validated by you and so they won't want to listen to what you have to say they won't be concerned with your needs because you're not concerned with theirs unfortunately ego derails many relationships we get frustrated by what our partner isn't doing or by what we feel we are entitled to and we shut ourselves out so if we work on developing this virtue of empathy if we are constantly thinking in terms of what our partner is feeling and experiencing then we are actually communicating and that is a very important point don't communicate to get your point across communicate to listen communicate to understand first and foremost because if you are not understanding what your partner wants to convey to you they won't understand you as well and it's sometimes difficult especially when we're angry frustrated tired life takes over and it's challenging and I get that as a relationship coach I know I experienced some of the same challenges in my relationship marriage but that is the standard that is what you are called to do if you want to communicate better and it's not about being perfect it's about being better improving a little bit each and every day it's also very important to make sure that you don't attack your partner otherwise it's not communicating you're either arguing shutting down or insulting and and attacking your partner when you say you always do this or you never do that you're usually not in communication mode you're in frustration mode and venting making belittling your partner making them feel as if they are not worthy of your time attention or just being with you is not a good way to communicate and so when you are frustrated when you are tired when your partner isn't doing what you want them to do breathe relax let the anger pass and try to communicate when perhaps you're less tired when your partner is more ready to listen even if you've already told them a million times you have to be patient this is what relationships are all about working on ourselves making ourselves better and it's that same truth when it comes to communicating effectively with the one you love another aspect of communication that is so so important and that a lot of people neglect is to give your partner the gift of your undivided attention you won't be able to communicate if you're not fully present in the moment and unfortunately now there are so many distractions the phone being number one but it can be the computer or a TV show or something else that is distracting you when your partner is trying to connect with you and you are not listening to them when your mind is preoccupied with something else in essence there's no chance for you guys to communicate effectively you're already tuning your partner out and it can be insulting it can be an aggression for your significant other who is seeking to connect with you on something that may seem trivial to you but it's probably really important to them so give your partner the gift of your undivided attention as often as you can put your phone down close the computer and connect with each other even if it's just for 30 minutes a day connect ask them about their day talk to them about things that you know they want to talk about and if they're not in a mood to communicate for whatever reason it's okay have empathy understand what they are going through and try again later or a next day finally in order to communicate effectively it is quite important to have a common sense of purpose you need to be a team you need to be pulling in the same direction you need to have a common mission otherwise you start to drift apart and you're in two different realities you have two different sets of priorities and it becomes very difficult to communicate with each other because sometimes you can even have different sets of values and priorities and so make sure that you and your partner have a common vision it doesn't matter what it is but you need to be pulling in the same direction otherwise it's going to be hard to communicate it is a lot easier to communicate when we are engaged in a process together that is meaningful for the both of you that is how you can become a communicator almost overnight if you apply these tips today in your relationship again be patient with yourself you will mess up you will make mistakes but if you stay accountable and you challenge yourself to do all of these things each and every day you will see that your partner will change too they will be more engaged they will show you more love they will have more empathy they will forgive you when you makes mistakes along the way because they will see that you are evolving and that you're doing your best my name is coach Adrian this is happily committed if you've enjoyed this video like it subscribe to our channel share your learnings with others in the comments section of this video and don't hesitate to continue to watch more content to educate yourself to raise your emotional IQ continue to fight the good fight and see you soon for another video unhappily committed [Music]
Channel: Happily Committed
Views: 54,541
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to fix communication in a relationship, how to communicate in a relationship, communication skills relationships, communication in relationships, communication breakdown, lack of communication in relationships, how to fix lack of communication in a relationship, how to listen to your partner, empathy in communication skills, how to be a better communicator in a relationship, how to improve communication in a relationship, how to be present in a relationship, relationship advice
Id: U86suPyw6xA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 44sec (464 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 21 2020
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