How to import data and install packages. R programming for beginners.

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welcome back to the spar programming video series on how to get started with our in this video we're gonna talk about how to create a project and I'm gonna explain to you what a project is we're gonna talk about how to import data I'm gonna teach you how to install packages and you are going to love packages they Rock and we're gonna talk a little bit about manipulating data I want you at the end of the session to feel as if you can do something in our okay so let's get started if you want to learn about our programming then you have come to the right place on this YouTube channel we're creating our programming videos on everything right we're looking at our studio at this point you've installed our you've installed our studio if you're not familiar with this environment there's these four quadrants I've got a video that goes through that and introduces you to this environment so have a look at that video I'm not gonna go through it right now you wanting to get going right so at the top on the left you've got a little pull down menu and you've got some options things you can start there's an R script or a notebook we're gonna go through each of these in detail in future videos I'm gonna suggest ignore this these for now right start off by starting a project so just to the left you're gonna see create a project button and the reason is if you write your script in the context of a project that you've started R will know where to look for your daughter where to put all of your outputs your graphics etc etc it stores everything quite neatly in one place it's sets watch of what we call your working directory and that's quite a useful thing you're gonna find it more and more useful down the line so my suggestion is right off the get-go get into the habit of when you're starting a project in our click on the starter project button you've got an option you and I'm gonna suggest create a new directory a new project give the project a name and I'm gonna call it test one like that and say create project ok so R is created a project we can see the project down here at the bottom on the right just so that you can see what's happening at the same time on my hard drive if we let have a look at my hard drive R is created a folder called test one click on that folder and there we can see that icon that represents the project if all was closed and we went to this place on my hard drive clicked on that icon our would open up in that project and we would see all of the script and the data and the outputs from that project all in one place it would be very neat it would be lovely it would be poetry you're gonna love it okay so that's starting a project okay so how do we get some data into our well let's go back to our hard drive that's the folder that was created when we created our project go in there I'm gonna cut and paste some data into that folder if we go back into our we can see that data sitting here now that dot it hasn't been imported yet we still need to do that but at least we know where to find it now to bring that data into our into our environment make it into an object that we can use there's a few things we can do and I'm gonna show you the things not to do but just so that you know that they exist if we ticked on the start down here you've got the option of import data set you can do that that's fine but I'm gonna say don't do that there's other options we've got import data set up here again don't do that the best thing to do is to use your code get that get your actual script to go and fetch the data so that when you run your code it's automated it automatically goes fetches the data creates an object puts it in your environment and you never have to think about it again so that's the way to do it and I'm going to show you how right here we've got some code and this code is going to import some data and it's also going to do a little bit of analysis and I'm going to go through the code one step at a time just to teach you how it is that I've done this right just so that you know when you write code here in the source up on the lip top left if you when you've written the code you put go to file save as and you save it and it pops down here into your project which is all nicely and neatly kept and you're working direct you down on the bottom right okay so let's go through this one step at a time okay we're gonna start off by looking at the read CSV read dot CSV function of course we can import any kind of data we can import data straight from Microsoft Excel we can import SPSS files we can ports data files as CSV is a nice and simple file if you've got an Excel spreadsheet you can save it as a CSV I usually save as CSV is an import them that way because it's uncomplicated and it's not messy but we're gonna create videos that look at each of these individually and we'll go through them one at a time for this video we're just going to stick with a nice simple CSV file so we've got a function that says read CSV in brackets and in inverted commas that's important we have the file name and the final extension now if I didn't have this little arrow over here if I just did the function and it's a file it's gonna look in our working directory I push command and to run that or I click on run over there so command enter and down here in the console we can see there's our data now that's not particularly useful to us right now as it is because we want that to be an object that we can use so if I give that a name and I say my data and create this little arrow with the less than and - which is kind of like an arrow it says everything that's over here gets assigned to that name push ctrl enter and in our environment on the Left we can see my daughter sits there we can have a look at what the variable variables within there are and that's our daughter sitting and it's being read in and it's within our and we can start using it so we want to view our daughter now for the most part our works with functions and objects so we've got an object my daughter sitting in our environment of there and we've got functions a function is this function called head if we type in head my daughter and push command into or ctrl enter or run up there it's gonna give us the first six rows of data if we do tail my daughter it's gonna give us the last six rows of our data and if we do view my daughter it's gonna produce the daughter in a little spreadsheet that we can look at so let's have a look at that right remember with this kind of data this is a nice flat spreadsheet we've got each row is an observation and each column is a variable let's go back to our four quadrants we can also view the data if we looking at our script we can also view the data by clicking on my data we can click on the object and it'll also bring it up over there now we might want to extract specific components of our data so remember we've we've said that rows observation columns are variables and if we put my diet and we use these square brackets to tell our way to look the first number after the square bracket tells it what row to look at and the second number what column right so if we run that it's gonna give us blue well what is blue blue is the first row and the third column the variable eye color so we got this cell over here popped out if we didn't put a row and we just put comma 3 it's gonna do the entire column so let's run that and there we go blue brown blue blah-blah-blah-blah-blah that's basically spitting out this entire column and this column this variable name is eye color so we can also do my daughter dollar sign I color and it does the same thing okay before we start doing some analysis I just want to talk to you a little bit about packages because you're gonna find these things tremendously useful right packages are the program functions that solve very specific problems they expand the our vocabulary to install a package you use this function install packages right and then open brackets you need the inverted commas you put the name of the package close brackets you only ever need to install a package once once its installed on your computer it's there but when you want to use it in your script you need to include either library or require either of those two you don't need them both you put that into your script it'll go and fetch that package it'll use it and then from that point onwards in your script you have access to additional commands and functions so of course I have previously installed the tidy verse package at this point I want to push command enter or control enter to run this line of code that uses it so bada-bing now I'm gonna show you how to do an analysis in our using some of this vocabulary that comes to the tight abuse you're going to see how easy and it should have been straightforward it is when you see how easy it is you're going to be really excited about analyzing your own daughter okay so the first thing we do is we type in our daughter frame we start off with my my daughter that's that's our object okay if I push command in total control in throw on a PC at this point it brings up the whole dart frame in that this is a small dot frame okay shift control to to have a closer look at the console right this is our whole dart frame now daughter frames are usually much much bigger than this we may have hundreds of variables what do we do we want to select just a few of them we might in this case what I select just name age and height right shift control zero to go back to all four quadrants so we want to select that before we select it I want to teach you about a little thing called the pipe operator right shift command M that's the pipe operator right it's a percent greater than percent it looks a little bit like a pipe and what it means is whatever you've done on the left hand side whatever that line of code is gets piped into the next line of code right so if you've done some sort of change or manipulation that change gets piped into and you'll see more how that works as we as we go through this example now you would ordinary you could just carry on typing to the right I like to after a pipe operator go to the next line R will see that as continuing on the same line it doesn't really matter okay it looks like an air is popping up there it's not you can ignore that rid okay so we've said my daughter we've got in a pipe operator which just means and then so my daughter and then right we've said we want to select name age and height so it is literally as simple as that select open brackets name age height command enter okay now we can see in our console and I'm gonna zoom in and the console with shift control - we can see we originally had the entire data frame we wanted to select a few of the variables in this case name age and height and there they are now we might want to only look at people that are less than 24 years old so another pipe operator which is and then go to the next time filter by those that are aged less than 24 and we might want to say let's let's make this a bit more complicated to say age less than 24 and height greater than 1.78 for example okay let's have a look at what that does and voila let's have a look at that will we don't need to zoom in on the console because we can see right here through just three rows that met that criteria we might now want to add here another pipe operator and then arrange by height and it'll arrange it by height come on to enter and there we go voila so if you are serious about learning how to analyze data and you want to learn our programming then hit the subscribe button now and hit the little bell notification if you want to get notified of future videos [Music]
Channel: R Programming 101
Views: 88,918
Rating: 4.9359608 out of 5
Keywords: R programming, importing data, packages, R packages, R programming for beginners, tidyverse, dplyr, ggplot, data analysis, quantitative analysis, statistics, starting a project, start a project
Id: e8B9YU_M5FM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 54sec (714 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 14 2019
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