How to Import CSV in PyCharm

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we are going to have a quick overview on how to import csv file into pie chart so for this i have a one text file csv file uh i have stored it on the my desktop i'm going to cross it and for python in order to import in the python i have to open the python i'm going to click on any of the project you can create new project if you want to okay for this project i'm going to create a new python file and i'm going to name it as import csv imp underscore enter new python file has been created to read the file uh to read the csv file in the python we have to uh import the libraries that i'm going to import find pandas libraries and i have already installed these libraries in my project and if you know if you want to know how to install the libraries i will give the link in the description box in which i have already made a video about how to import the libraries in the panda uh pycharm so we are going to import the pandas as pd okay and then i am going to write for example if i have to store it in the x variable so we are going to give the command pd because we are going to use the pandas library read csv yes we have to read csv and get to give the path of the csv so for this uh we have to open the microsoft excel that just to copy the path copy path so we have to provide the complete path paste and then i'm going to read it in the i also want to have a look how it has been stored print x and just okay now we can see these my csv file has been imported in the pycharm and we can see this is the result well we have already got the look this was the csv file and after importing it in the python it is showing appearing like this so that's all for today it was a very quick overview of how to import csvs i hope you will like this video and i'll see you in the next video thank you
Channel: Python in Minutes
Views: 4,400
Rating: 4.7692308 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 54sec (174 seconds)
Published: Wed May 26 2021
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