How to import cores and set up ROMs in RetroArch Steam

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[Music] hey everyone how's it going i am sarah khan and i am back once again today i wanted to do a little something uh something i probably should have done last week so last week i was you know showing you all how how retroarch on steam worked and how that was and sort of gave my own opinion on it however i didn't exactly show how to add files either it's your roms or showing you how to add the cores from your standalone to retro arch so i wanted to make this little addition to that video so that's something i should have done before but i didn't do it so i'm going to do it now actually let me quickly put turn on my controller there we go all right now we can start this up so first i want to show you what it will look like um actually i can just for the sake of this video also i will okay let's go here quickly so i'll quickly change it to full screen so it's easier for you all to see there we go all right so yeah so going back here to the main menu as you can see um these again these are course that i already downloaded here but you know this is where they will show up here and as i said mentioned before you cannot install a core directly from retroarch and steam uh you have to actually do it so as you can see there's something here but i will be adding one the snes 9x which is a super nintendo yes this there's one already here but just for the purposes of this video i want to show you how to actually install a core and so i'm going to show install one that i already had that um isn't here already so we're going to go ahead and that's i think it's like i said it's very the layout here is different from the standalone version all right so that's done so let's quickly go minimize this for a second so you're going to of course have two windows up but actually i'm also going to show you how to like install your game so what you'll do is in your c folder then go to programs and then you'll want to go to steam whoops then you'll go to steam apps then you'll go to common and scroll down until you see retro arch and there we go retro arch and then you're going to go to well well first off we'll just do the course so we'll have the chorus here and for retro arch itself if you have the standalone version again this show how you how to import them if you don't have the standalone version you can't do this and of course you already need to have like downloaded those cores you'll go into retro arch uh then you'll go to coors and then you'll find the core you want and you'll copy and paste it into the new course folder so yeah so we're going to do so snes9x is here right click copy and then just go ahead and paste it boom just like that it's right there and also for games you know also if you have your roms as well um again you're going to go to oh oops wait did i do something wrong okay never mind i didn't do anything wrong all right so yeah i'm just gonna go once i went up twice uh you'll go to downloads and something else that i thought about that i should do is to help you all um organize everything better so what you're going to want to do is uh create a as many folders as you need um so we're going to call this one s and yes and what basically what i'm doing is creating a folder for each kind of game so if you have your snes games you'll have your uh playstation games you'll have your gameboy advance games genesis whatever you'll have a folder for each one now i'm not going to go ahead and do it for like all of them but just to like help you all out and show you how it works uh let's see so that's all oops oh gosh no no no i don't want to do that sorry about that my mouse was just like yeah like it's oh gosh i don't wanna like i definitely don't wanna run that okay uh my mouse just like is not acting right so i'm going to go ahead and try doing it from my touchpad instead there you go and just drag it straight into that folder that's all you want to do um let's see as soon as what sds game do i have one here from before i can't remember what scns game i was oh yeah super mario all-stars that can just drop in there um i'll just quickly make like one more i guess just this just to like show you all how it works and so that when we go back into retroarch you'll also see what i mean by that um yeah so i will also well since i got a few of them i'll go ahead and make one for uh say dreamcast granted as i mentioned before dreamcast does not really work but it is what it is and there you go all right so yeah so also again the same procedure as before as far as the games um these are games i already had in retroarch if you don't have retroarch or any other emulators you'll just have your rom so wait where am i going sorry about that so whether you're going into like ones that you ripped from your games with the ones that you know downloaded or something like that you know the font make sure if you did download them and stuff make sure that you unzip them so if you have like for example gba file uh if you have a what's the case this like a md md file if you have an iso if you have a bin file any of that um that's really just what you're going to want to have here and so also let's quickly go into the snes one because we're gonna show like i said we're going to show you how to bring them in just import them right into here because file management is going to be important uh for when you're you know playing your games or whatnot so we're going to go ahead and copy super metroid whoops paste that right in there and then that should be it when then we can just go ahead and restart retro arch on steam and gave it a second and there we go now let's see here we go we've got the load core so as you can see here now we should have wait yeah there we go right there sns snes 9x which is what we imported into steam and then also through downloads see before we just had like games that were here list of games now we have a folder which will have the games inside of them and it really is good to have your games organized and stuff so that way it's easier for you just to like go around and just find what you are looking for especially if you have a game that has multiple that has a similar name even if it's on different platform even if you have that different extension for example um you might have a spider-man game like there are there are quite a few games uh just called spider-man so that really is useful to have them organized by uh game types so we're gonna go ahead now and then like i said just boot that up and because we have two snes uh cores we can actually choose between which one um i'm just going to go ahead and do an essentix that's what we downloaded so we're going to use it yeah so as you can see it is working quite well yep oh gosh and that's one thing also um you'll also have to remember is and i didn't even mention this in the video but i this is something like i had a problem with like playing the game was uh remembering to map the buttons especially if you're using something like i'm using a steam controller and the a and b is reversed as opposed to you know a nintendo controller the last metroid is in captivity the galaxy is at peace but yeah and that's really about it that's all you're going to need to know that's all you really need to do and actually we don't even have to go into that anymore but yeah so that's really all there is to it i hope that this helps you i hope if there are any confusions that from the last video and stuff that i didn't touch i hope this solves that problem uh but that will do it for today thank you very much for taking the time to watch this video and i will see you all next time so until then i am zero kind signing off have a good one
Channel: iamxeracon
Views: 24,872
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Steam, RetroArch, How To, Emulation, PC Gaming, Valve, SNES, Super Metroid, Computers, iamxeracon
Id: F9n6xix44To
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 30sec (570 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 21 2021
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