How to Identify Your Limiting Beliefs (The Ultimate Guide)

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hey guys back with another video this one's going to be on beliefs this is something that I wasn't real good at in the beginning I was in the Gathering stage and I was trying to gather information and this is one thing that I of many that I wished I would have paid a little more attention to in the beginning and questioning these beliefs right I I know I've given you guys a lot of writing exercises on how to become aware of what you're thinking and how you're feeling and how you're responding the things that happen in your life but the the big thing for me when you're trying to change your Paradigm with your beliefs is is finding a belief and writing it out and then trying to prove asking enough questions to where you can get just a little sliver of possibility that that's not 100% true that belief and once you can get it to where you accept that well this yeah this this isn't 100% true there is a possibility that this is not 100% true then you can really start changing that Paradigm right you can really start asking the the heavy questions where did I how did this become a belief where did it come from who was someone I was around that would have suggested this to me why would I have accepted it and then you can start playing out scenarios and lining things up and looking at them right you got to do these beliefs one at a time right and really crack the code on if you can find doubt that it's not 100% truth then you have then you have a a really good chance at being able to change that belief right it's the ones that we never question and the ones that we never that we just let let keep controlling us and we don't give enough energy to actually look at it hard and long and question it and try to find a crack in it right I mean you can you we're all willing to do the easy ones right but it's the it's the ones that are really controlling us and really keeping us in a low vibration right you know when you're looking in a mirror and you can't say anything good about yourself that's a belief that needs to be way up at the top right forget money forget happiness and all of that stuff right you you if if you can't look in a mirror and see any sort of beauty or gratefulness you you you really want to start attacking that belief right so you want to write it down and you really want to start looking at this thing and you really want to start asking the questions you want to try and poke holes in this thing cuz once you can once once you can give your brain a little bit of Doubt right it'll start finding more doubt for you to look at and poke holes into this belief then you can start tearing this thing down layer by layer this is a one of the bigger you know this stems with Attitude everything this these beliefs and changing this Paradigm of these beliefs is is really what we're doing here right right you're writing out your goals and you're doing your journal entry and creating that fantasy and you're really and all of that's feeling really good and you're excited and happy when you're thinking about those things but if you're if the rest of the day you're going through life and you just there's nothing for yourself right so for the for the women by now if you've been on this journey with me for a little bit and you've been doing the things I've suggested you're going to really start to notice that you're going to start putting yourself higher in the category of positions right in the beginning from a lot of the studying I've done women had themselves way low down right they're they're taking care of family and they're taking care of friends and they're and animals and they don't they're not very high on the category of things to be paying attention to and sending love to and and and uh being grateful for themselves right and Men I found you know they're they're more fixated in the beginning usually on money and status and ego right and so for men they should start noticing that money is not the biggest thought and priority it's going to start switching to helping others this is how you you can really test how your beliefs are coming along cuz as you're changing your beliefs you're changing your Paradigm and as your paradigm's changing the order that you put emphasis on for things that are very important to you change right when you're unconscious and you're just walking through wandering through life in the flow of just the daily hustle and you haven't done much work right women usually are have themselves down low and other people above them then on the other hand it's usually money and materialistic things right it's just the way we've been programmed and as you start going along and cracking these beliefs and changing that Paradigm through a lot of studying and I've noticed that women will start to move up the ladder and start taking care of themselves more which is very important and men will start to money won't be the highest thing anymore right you're going to start putting emphasis on helping other people being loving being kind right you're going to start noticing that you resonate more with those types of things and these other things that aren't very important start to lose their luster right they start to fall down the ladder and so that's one little way as you're writing out things and you're you're pondering on things you'll just you'll just you'll start to notice wow you know I I this is happening I am I am changing right and you'll see synchronicities and those are the you know you I created this journal so that as you're filling it out all the evidence and proof is written out as you get 30 days in you go back and start looking at the entries and the proofs right there on the writing if you're taking the time in writing down everything that's going on right that's why I just I just love my journal because I put everything in there you become so aware after you get 30 days 60 days through one Journal into your second Journal right we got 30 days left on the second Journal of the year you should be very aware and have changed a lot and it's not just writing things out it's actually looking back and questioning everything I mean you got to be honest right if we're not willing to be honest then right that's that's what I see a lot of people struggle with is did I do enough right only you can change yourself you can't change anyone else so you got to put a lot of emphasis on just changing yourself don't worry about what everyone else is doing don't worry about what everyone else is saying find this belief start poking holes in it prove to yourself it's not 100% true once you find out it's not 100% true you can really start tearing this thing down right and we've just never looked at our beliefs right and your personality is all of your habitual beliefs right so if you're thin skinned you're going to get every little thing's going to bug you if you're you know if you if you think life's scary everything's going to scare you right and you start seeing how can somebody be strong and how can somebody be weak and you can start seeing the differences the way they talk the way they walk the way they act the way they think what are they doing right I mean it this is you know and I know everyone just wants this magic quick fix it it just it's there is no fix easy quick fix right you you have to you have to do these things you have to write everything out you have to be diligent you have to start questioning everything all of your beliefs and changing them right so hope that was helpful please please like And subscribe we've gotten some new subscribers we're excited this week we're going to be putting out I don't know if it's going to be a Discord format or how it's going to be but it's it's going to be on with Blake and day trading and so we're excited thanks guys have a great day bye
Channel: ParadigmPathway
Views: 211
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: law of attraction, how to identify limiting beliefs, how to overcome limiting beliefs, limiting beliefs, personal development, self limiting beliefs, overcoming limiting beliefs, what are limiting beliefs, what are my limiting beliefs, self improvement, improve self esteem, subconscious mind, reprogram subconscious mind, overcome limiting beliefs, healing after trauma
Id: fK1qUzIrQRQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 17sec (557 seconds)
Published: Thu May 30 2024
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