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alright guys we are back again at Wild Bill's place I'm here with Bill you guys asked for a video about turquoise and sterling silver and I'm curious to to learn about this I'm really set about today's video to understand the silver and turquoise if you've been watching my videos for a while I bought a storage unit that had some amazing pieces I hopefully are amazing so we're gonna go over those today so let's see what we do today all right so here we are with Wild Bill once again my man dude turquoise yeah I love my turquoise everybody wanted to know a little bit more about it I don't you know I'm no expert I just know what I love and I'm obsessed by it I happen to love one of the rarest turquoises unfortunately that there is but it's somewhat local anyway Mike bought a bunch of stuff run sista and we're gonna go over this stuff here Bill's gonna talk about it and then Bill's got some of his own personal stuff that we're just gonna see exactly what it is and you know so get your pad of paper and you know get to write in here because they're gonna learn a lot here about turquoise all right bill so these are pieces that I've got I I'm a novice at this yeah if you can kind of talk to us about what it is these there's a few pieces here that um this is part of a concho belt okay this is what we call a butterfly for the concho because they'll go like Cacho butterfly and then butterfly concho butterfly keeps repeating itself these are really nice I don't see a mark anywhere on these this year looks absolutely like it Kingman turquoise Kingman turquoise the kingdom mine is still open and still producing a ton of turquoise and it's highly sought after you know it's it's rich I don't know what's what everybody assumed was turquoise looks like but turquoise comes in a massive amount of variations yeah these are really nice these are thick these are heavy I don't see a stamp on these anywhere is that a bad thing when it's not stamped um can and can't be there's two different things I go after the stone the stone is something I obsess about you can have hypothetically you can have okay this is what we call a shadowbox ring like a shadowbox picture you hang on the wall so the stone is kind of like in a shadow box this here looks like it's a piece of kingman as well too I can't really see too well but anyway you can get the same ring you have two identical rings and one is stamped and one is not this one happens to be stamped which I didn't see and it says sterling P now you have to figure out who the artist is and I'll talk about that a little bit stamping is ideal you want to look for something that's stamped because it gives the artist who made it there is a lot of fake stuff around that's coming in from Indonesia and stuff like that but hypothetically you have two of the same exact ring one stamp one's not the stamped one's going to be worth more money obviously if you can pinpoint the artist which there's a like one or two free websites on online that will give you a roundabout figures on where or who made it or what not there are some really expensive books that you can buy that takes somebody's 30 40 50 years of experience with dealing with Native artists and finding out who they are and their marks and a lot of marks changed throughout the years you know some marks start off as a scribing and then they'd go into stamping and you have to be able to identify that because you need to have a piece like what you we first met you intrigued me because you said you sold a crazy piece yeah sure I love my piece send it again Charles Charles Lola all right tell us that story real quick Charles Lola ma is one of these sought after silversmiths that come out of the United States and the 21st in a 20 century I'm he's also part of the Navajo tribe I think and he's also native so I just happen to run across a piece it was a sand cast and how to subscribe signature on it now I'm used to seeing his stamp so the stamp is the part that I'm used to seeing I had to do a confirmation on it and I got a confirmation on it from from a gallery in south scottsdale bill Foust gallery anyway it turned out to be I bought it fits well I don't even know if I should say it's up to you I mean I got a really really cheap and then it got appraised at just over $20,000 last year I was running into some serious health issues again and add a couple hospital stays and we ran into some bills so I ended up selling it for over $10,000 I paid no that's nothing for it basically but certain like that I mean that's a once in a lifetime fine yeah hopefully will happen again but I don't think so there's your knowledge of knowing lights what yeah the days that the person I've got it from the people I got a foam had it listed as possible say it said possible pewter Wow well I instantly knew when I saw it what it was I mean that's all I wear a sterling it's I knew I just didn't recognize the signature at first and then I saw I grabbed it for nothing yeah and yeah turned around and saved my ass is what I did I didn't want to sell it I got pictures of me with it on I have I have all the documentation everything it got confirmed by Charles Loma but died back in 1993 I think I got confirmed from a sister that's what it was Verma she confirmed it and when did a private sale through false gallery yeah that saved my ass anyway um things can be yeah the artist you can have the same ring by two different people same exact ring one a stamped one it's not the stamps gonna be worth more money and if you can figure out who it is it made it could be the result of a 330 dollar ring or three thousand dollar ring yeah it doesn't matter um it's trying to it's taking the time to find out who it's from most of what you have here is what I consider mass-produced okay um this ring here is typical of mass-produced you could probably go on eBay or other places and and see the same version of this ring with with what we call the feathers on the side and a thousand or two thousand listings it doesn't matter its but this one is this one is stamped as well and I can't see it my old ass um but the artist makes all the difference um I don't go for I don't go for mass-produced anything my desire is the stone I prefer Bisbee turquoise that's my downfall in life as I'm obsessed with Bisbee you don't have any Bisbee here but what you have here these look like Zuni pieces here Zuni of the part of the Zuni nation is known for their very tiny small intricate detail on their silver work you'll get needlepoint Andrea my wife she has need a lot of needlepoint jewelry that I've gotten her and there's Zuni pieces it takes incredible time in incredible detail and patience to get that work done so that's that's a desirable piece this is yeah these are desires yeah I can see a Zuni is easy to spot for me at least let me ask this question the turquoise it's a million our question how do you know it's real like can you talk about real turquoise well well a lot of people like Walter Coy's know there's a major difference if you talk to if you talk to sellers you go to stores that sell it especially here in Arizona obviously with the Hopi Navajo and it's just in the Zuni tribe everybody's here and most sellers will tell you that most 98.2% I think it is of all turquoise is what they consider stabilized it's what's on the market now I'm stabilizing and treated basically turns the turquoise and plastic it has part of the original stone the original matrix everything's original except for it's just any bird any person any schmuck off the street can can carve a stone normally on normal stones on really good pieces I don't deal with I don't personally have anything that's stabilized do you see I think here that's stabilized that way that I have the problem there's a hot pin test you can do okay like this piece here is stabilized I can tell that by the shine it's this you know it's just a cheap pendant you know yeah put the sign on it the signs are it's really extraordinarily shiny now don't get me wrong there's some high polishers that'll get an extraordinary shine to it a lot of cabers will do that it's just when you start drilling holes in the crap like this most of the times it's a natural stone depending on the mine it comes from well usually crack yeah stuff like that stabilized turquoise is not going to do that what it is most stabilized I'm not an expert by any means but stabilizing they put it in a resin gel and push it they submerge the turquoise in resin and then usually pressure-cook it there's a couple variations on how they do that um so you know you know somebody can correct me if I'm wrong and it's like an epoxy resin almost that gets pressurized into it and it it turns it basically into an epoxy you know it keeps the natural matrix of the stone and the natural color of the stone at least they're supposed to some people add coloring to the to the to the you know hypothetical epoxy mix or stabilized mix and change the color enhances the color yeah it makes it more pretty for market yeah so so those people out there that probably own some of this turquoise they don't they know who that it's stabilized yeah there's a lot as like you and and you sell jewelry yeah stuff that i acquire again that i don't keep caches keep most of it yeah it's they probably don't know yeah most people don't know they think it's turquoise they think it's real and most unfortunately literally 90% of the time yeah if you're not if you're buying it's not it's not gen it's not natural it's what it's actually it's federally legal to call turquoise that's been stabiliser treated in any sort of way natural you cannot do it it's illegal to do that but everybody does it every day a lot of scumbags do it there's a difference between most of the stones and I deal with or natural I have got like your your piece here I mean it's it's this gorgeous yes this is their this is all natural stone now an obviously to the person who's washing this right now if you you're looking at this piece here compared to targets on the southwest piece that's fake yeah yeah well this this here like this is multi this is I guarantee you is stabilized you know it's there's no matrix in it the colors too uniform and then you get stuff like this this is a beautiful ring that you found but unfortunately this is not turquoise yeah I can guarantee you it's not um it's probably a dyed how light and dying I can tell instantaneously see these little little blue did really dark blue specks in here they're not part of a vein they're not part of the matrix that's from a bad in process now you have matrix here but that doesn't mean anything it's just guarantee you it's not turquoise okay it's definitely sterling and it's signed but giant pieces like this you're not going to be finding you know sitting on the side of a road so to speak yeah you know that are natural see it like this this to me doesn't that doesn't look big it's turquoise I don't think no it's not it's dyed yeah a piece of dyed crap that's just a rock and here's like another one here yeah this is meant this is meant to be dyed this is definitely a really horrifying dye job how white you cut that in half I don't even have to do that you can see the the white inside here nothing is nothing's uniform it's all crazy and you see where the were the where it's supposed to be this is what they would consider a natural nugget the dyeing settles inside these grooves and stuff okay that is an instance just just to do away yeah I mean yeah that's a piece of total crap but some of the pieces you have here that's the shadowbox one this is these are these are made for market these are made for tourists these are made for reason a spur dude yeah they're mass-produced are produced by the hunger desirable but not yeah they're desirable what most people don't know you know I haven't an utter frigging obsession yeah with high quality turquoise so this these are just everyday stuff you can find technically on the side of the road here yeah they may be desirable in other places but we live in turquoise you know central you know this is not this is a nice I don't know what this this is was a ring at one point there's the four prongs yeah so something you find something like that aren't you doing the bite test look for scratch tests on my teeth okay yeah that's not even turquoise really yeah it's just soft too soft yeah test you just did you just wrapped it on my tooth it hasn't little play in it so now stabilizing turquoise is not all bad some you get some turquoise comes in what we call chalk I mean it's literally you can write on wall with it and it has beautiful matrix and beautiful color to it that stuff you can stabilize and it's you can make some beautiful pieces out of it it really but it has to be you know you you have to tell people it's stabilized and not all stabilized turquoise is crap yeah um I have a ring that I wear that I know for a fact is stabilized but look at the matrix on that it's absolutely beautiful you know yeah has this water webbing here it's a gorgeous piece and I wear this one every day you know I know it's stabilized cuz I cut the damn stone for it uh you know I had gotten a big giant chunk and I had cut the stone to it because the other stone that was in here was shattered in like four plate with four or five pieces but it's beautiful stone I've made it myself so I'm not worried about it you know but everything else that I own is natural but yeah anyway back to the chalk that you can take regular crappy turquoise that literally is powders and then you stabilize it um there are some people down in Bisbee Bisbee turquoise is the to me it's the holy grail of any stone for me I'd rather take a chunk of Bisbee than attempt you know five carat Bisbee than a 10 carat diamond yeah when you're saying Bisbee we're talking about place this is a mine yes busy mind that was mine down in the 70s and 60s down in Bisbee Arizona I have some extraordinary Bisbee people yeah so before we get into that lattice for I'm curious about this because this is just a like it's just a set theory is it real traces real you could tell what the times from spot testing about looking at it yeah I can tell the shine is not there so this yeah you can see like on this which I already know is stable long as I can you see there's shimmer this a dollar shimmer here so and then I can do I can do the test and there's different ways to tell a most natural stone when you come across a lot of second let me grab one of my pieces when you come across this a piece of Bisbee when you come across where the matrix is you can feel there's a major difference you can feel it like with the tip of your nail and then you were where it starts to come together on you can feel that okay stabilizing will kind of like patching a wall with with compound that smooths it over so you don't get a variation between the matrix in the actual colored turquoise the matrix is the mother rock the host rock there's different variations in terminology for it and then there's some other pieces that are a dead giveaway like on this ring here the one I just showed you you see there's matrix in there but you can't there's no there's no variation just on the tip you know yeah there's no variation it's smooth all the way across and there's different treatments that they use there's a stabilizing and then you can treated there's color treatments and stuff I just don't I don't like I want natural stone yeah you know turquoise is a meant for it's a metaphysical stone well whatever you want to call it to me it's a healing stone you know and that's exactly what it was that's and back in old native lore it wasn't the stone that was so prevalent it was the color mm-hmm the color of turquoise the blue blue represented water mood represented the sky represented from where we come from it represented life it's blue there are some amazing pieces that are 150 200 years old that are in like the Heard Museum Smithsonian Museum they're solid they're solid gold they're solid sterling and they had plastic in there with the stone it's because originally the stone it's the color it's the blue there's nothing to do with the turquoise rock itself and had to do with the color of that rock whether somebody did went and tried time traveled hypothetically and drop the whole bunch of blue Placid yeah that's what they that's what we would have grabbed was that blue that's what it meant down um it's just nowadays things have changed you know like back back in the 60s and 70s nobody wanted matrix the host rock and you know the matrix meaning there's the host rock the mother rock were the rock that it comes from then it comes out of I got so many pieces um oh here let's do the cuff bracelet this one's a good demonstration see this around this this around the turquoise that's the matrix or Coast a host rock would have mother Rock whatever that's where the may that's where the Turk was formed in so back in the 60s 70s you know 50s and stuff most people were looking just for the turquoise you know no matrix now things have progressed and everybody realizes that the beauty at least to me my own personal preference is the beauty of enhances that turquoise no matter where it's from what - from with the host rock it shows where mother nature made it at your show yeah yeah where it literally come from literally the you know the rock you call crawled under from you know certain people that's literally the rock it crawled out from underneath yeah cuz I honestly mean looking at that that looks like a more beautiful piece roughnesses immerses this even though it's not turquoise this is some solid chunk like that yeah no this is this is Bisbee yeah this is chocolate Bisbee this this is my own coffee this is worth a tremendous amount yeah it is and it's called chocolate biz because it looks like broken pieces of chocolate and stuff yeah um this is extraction it's more value to me personally but it's worth a lot of money yeah thousands thousands yeah crazy long you got a box full of goodies yeah it's just amazing stuff yeah this is this is another piece of Bisbee this is a huge pendant um it's a lower grade Bisbee you can see there really dark but it's has some crystalline formations inside it and a lot of the host rock there is a major fracture that goes across this right across the tip of my thumb here it was a ring at one point and I turned it into a pendant so that's a piece of Bisbee it's a lower grade Bisbee um then I have I'm obsessed with Bisbee so it is just as I mean everything has got busy but well not everything most of what I got this is my pride and joy yeah that is a monster of a stone the colors was freakin crazy in that yeah that is a piece of lavender pit Bisbee and in matrix its that is my baby right there you know then I have I have a lot of Bisbee this and there's smoky Bisbee that's some smoky Bisbee there it's a lower grade then there's a green Bisbee which is even rarer and that's green Bisbee there and then there's the mother of all mothers which is really highly extraordinarily sought-after and almost unattainable which is true lavender pit which is this right here and I have the matching the other rig the secondary ring where the hell was that thing yep there the secondary ring now with it yeah but this here is that's my that's my pride and joy here besides that pendant and you call that lavender it's lavender pit comes from the lavender pit mine down in Bisbee Arizona this was once a this was once a bracelet but I had it transformed into a ring because I couldn't have the stone taken out there's a hairline fracture goes across there you can't really see it but I know it's there so the stone can't be removed it could be but you're taking a major chance of not being able to put it together or have it crack at another spot and then you're screwed then you stuck with three small pieces yeah um but it was it was a cuff bracelet and then we couldn't remove the stone I have a major artist that I deal with who will make custom pieces for me his name is Matt and he advised me to do this so that's what I did I left the the part of the COFF in there and then had it mounted onto a different ring that I had and then that's it yeah so least I can learn yeah that's it so my god I usually don't leave the house without it and then that's the little one that come with it and that goes on my pinkie I'm not sweating but turquoise you just turquoise is turquoise I have an obsession with Bisbee and I have a hell of a lot more Bisbee in this box that I wear you know I got my wife a beautiful cuff watch that I can't the watch dimensions are really small so I have to find a watch face for it which I haven't been able to find yet but that's amazing how it's just one Bisbee stone in each side but that's it that's all it needs to be said a beautiful craftsmanship on this yeah and this one is on site you know this one has no signature on it but the craftsmanship like a spa immediately but I'm all about that stone and that's the difference here so if you want you watch it for a while I mean the lot of stuff I had here it was really basic stuff like yeah yours and like it's cookie cutter stuff that's on the side of the road yeah and then there's stuff that's just traffic ins well yeah I mean a lot of me I guess the difference yeah the issue is is when you're dealing with something like Bisbee or Morenci or something something a rare stone you don't want to go crazy and have a whole ton of crap around it you know this is this is smoky Bisbee all right but it doesn't really need all this outside work it really doesn't I've let the stones speak for itself you know like my piece of green here it's shaped beautifully and it just has that rope edge I love the Rope edge it's simple it's most of my rings you know why mean there's some like this year water web Morenci is what I'm pretty sure it is um but that's it blow them a ring that's Ramona walla mom like we were talking about Charles Hotham earlier that this is his cousin I think how did you get that indication that that was is it marked because it's marked okay and I'm not gonna show mark cuz thank you there's it's a little trick okay I find people that don't know what they have okay so we want to keep that for now but this is a stall this is a another this is my middle finger ring for here that is a piece of Bisbee it's a lower grade than that but the matrix on it is amazing it's a beautiful stone you can get Bisbee a lot now you still can we haven't had better have deep pockets you better you better a better better better have deep pockets we were at the thrift store there a day and I watched a woman to complete stop you blown away yeah about the turquoise you got yeah it happens awesome dating constantly sometimes it's I'll leave the house without anything yeah you know because I know I'm gonna get depends on where I go I mean it's just not I have so much it's ridiculous okay sure those slave pieces those are interesting all the slave bracelet I thought everybody knew about slave bracelets you know because a child of the 80s or teenager adult the eighties is what Andrea I've gotten for Andrea this is a high these are highly desirable Morenci Morenci has this pyrite in it and we all know what pyrite is pyrite is fool's gold so and there's the ring so the whole thing sits up so we have that one and then I have I have these slave bracelets just she really likes a lot of people it's you know no babies thing and 70s and 80s 60 70s and 80s nobody really makes them anymore it's just complements it looks good on her it wraps around a little wrists and that her little fingers and it depended so I'm obsessed with pendants I only have one neck so this is a Maria Tosi signed one and this is long mountain that's what you call low mountain turquoise though it's extremely desirable it's got a beautiful matrix in it it really don't ask beautiful piece now you actually have this chain here can you talk about this chain here cuz yeah well yeah I mean there's this one here oh never everybody seen these turquoise beaded yeah this Anglicism stuff like that so I think this is a rock these are raw chunks this is a raw chunk of a very what we call spiderweb now you have water web which I had mentioned before spiderweb is like as the dark matrix around it it looks like spiderweb and then you get stuff that looks like this which is a water web because it's white there's a difference at least to me there's my way this is spiderweb chunk bracelet that I had got relatively inexpensive for Andrea you know she loves she loves her she loves her jewelry we've all been a thrift stores and we've seen this stuff too sitting maybe in a cabinet or just in a free-for-all display if you know what you're looking for you can find this yeah I met gone to thrift stores in Phoenix and walked out of there with my yeah I've got my personal belt buckle that I got fur what two dollars and sixty cents and that is a monstrosity and it's water wet you know it's my personal belt buckle wow that's neat I sold the other one and it's stamped and that was a sitting at the thrift store it was saving in a thrift store yep the sitting in the goodwill actually hanging there along with the other six hundred dollars yeah and I spotted it from ten feet away yeah I have found because they're not they're thinking of the belt they're not looking they think anything that's attached to about unfortunately sometimes is fake yeah oh that can't be real as possible yeah but yeah it is I found sand casting belt buckles a lot of help buckles they're just attached in there three bucks yeah you know little do they know that I you know and I found some championship rodeo belt buckles and solid sterling with you know yeah karat all the way and you know those are hot you know you bought them for three bucks last 175 out yeah that was an offer how did you get into this like how did you what do you mean how did you get into not the knowledge of what you have I'm researching yeah it's a love because I I if there's something I like and something my love you know along with the other things that I do for resale which nobody else really does I find out all the information I can yeah I'm obsessed with finding out history behind something I love something I enjoy something like Bisbee I don't know everything I'm no expert like I said but I find out as I've been to the Bisbee mind I've stood outside of that fence so I'm dug in the ground at Bisbee for turquoise I'm you know legally you know you I've been there been into the sound of Bisbee walked around you know done things I just love the history behind some find something my love I learn everything I can about it yeah you know and that's the beauty of what we do like as resellers you know you find something and you found your passion here at this yeah I just passion since I was a child I remember the first time seeing somebody living in Connecticut with a bomb like what and I remember dad well that's turquoise and I've been like what and I was just immediately like a friggin magnet yeah and it's been like that ever since and I moved here you know years ago and then discovered Bisbee turquoise and then it was a complete downfall from there for me financially yeah you can get you like I said it's still acquirable but you had better have deep pockets or unless you find people that don't know what they have is key if you know turquoise is funny like I know for a fact that's Bisbee I know everything I have is for business alright one of the rocks and the rings that I have is I dug out of the ground from Bisbee so that being said turquoise is funny people will claim things there's a lot of people on eBay that claim Bisbee I know for a fact ninety nine point eight percent of its not yeah um just because I'm my love for it I can tell by matrix wives there's Egyptian turquoise that looks just like Bisbee except for there's no variation in the matrix an Egyptian turquoise we had a conversation about about this is does it exist like can you today Egypt yeah Egypt but do they pull it out and ran them and sell it across the world yeah yeah it's you can get raw pieces yeah oh you can okay so it's pretty common thing that it's somewhat common yeah but when you get people that are mislabeling it because it really does look like Bisbee except for to somebody who knows Bisbee um like I do know that particular turquoise I can spot Egyptian turquoise immediately yeah how is that what's because the measured age is completely different the matrix on an Egyptian turquoise is completely even throughout the same color is no vary in the mother rock matrix when you have Bisbee the color tones and stuff may be the same except for when you get into the matrix the matrix right there on that is a instantaneous telltale between like hypothetical Bisbee and an Egyptian turquoise um the only way you can absolutely be confirmed so everybody can say that the turquoise is from anywhere except for I think it's tamale pronounced it's a mall turquoise is very distinctive it's like a greenish that you can't really think but unless you know the person who minded pulled it out of the ground or no or that person knew the person who knew the person who pulled it out of the ground you cannot absolutely confirm that that turquoise is from that mind okay most of the mines that are closed down now Bisbee mines been closed down for a very long time you know Sleeping Beauty mines closed down there's a lot of mines that are closed down one of the biggest mines in the United States they're still producing turquoise and a lot of it and the high quality turquoise is king minutes in Kingman Arizona and most of the Julie you're see on like um like a hop show home shopping channel yeah can you see that yes crap like that that's most of that scan King it and that most of people will stabilize it because they don't want to they don't want to pay an actual craftsman in Jim Cott stone yeah it would cost a small fortune somebody's yeah yeah but that takes years and decades to do what do you think about the people like on eBay you type in turquoise and silver turquoise and sterling if you're looking to find yes I mean so you see a lot of Chinese sellers well yes trying to there's a turquoise out of China that's called who by I really like the who by two hours I really do I have a big chunk of it myself um it's not in any piece I got it wrong I was playing with it myself who by is really a beautiful turquoise there's a lot of beautiful turquoises that come up from around the world there really is there's a you know people say oh I got to bet in turquoise no you did yeah the turquoise is so sacred to the Tibetan that nobody minds that's right I got confused earlier yeah nobody minds it doesn't doesn't exist the turquoise exists but you're gonna get killed if you try to dig someone at you yeah so but a lot of turquoise a lot of high quality turquoise comes out of China it really does it's really beautiful turquoise so I should knock it well no absolutely not you know if it's worth an incredible amount of money don't ever knock I don't think it's fake no it's not real no it's real a lot of Chinese turquoise will come out stabilized though because it takes so long to be to master that crack skill yeah of cutting a proper and capping a proper stone it really does take a while but no the Chinese turquoise is still highly desirable all right like I said I had pieces of my own yeah um I just you know being of Native descent myself Native American descent I have a love for Native American jewelry and American turquoise it's just you know 15 years ago I didn't know nothing about Bisbee yeah until I was like what not turquoise that I just fell in love with it yeah and they were like this big I'm like [Music] yeah then I've been the massive amount of research and I was like I have got to get some of that and it's it's fulfilling a passion for yourself yeah but like you sold some pieces yeah and you know so you know there's might be made off this stuff I mean you know but like yeah there is if you find people that don't know what as opposed to a thrifting point of view or resale or stuff like that go ahead and grab it you know I give you demonstrations on with your stuff that you brought on which is still good the concho stuff here is really nice yeah but some of these the the mass-produced rings and stuff I mean do not pay a lot of money for these because they're a dime a dozen well we already too much money is spent on with that it depends I mean if you're too flippant I wouldn't pay any more than 10 15 bucks for that and that and then flip it for 30 yeah and then double your money yes it you know you're really not gonna know unless it's an extremely desire fee like these Zuni pieces here now these are really nice these are extraordinarily well made and I love zuni workmanship it's very tiny it's very time-consuming well I feel up small ship them the amount of workmanship and go into this and to this piece compared to something like that yeah is extraordinary I mean it's 10 times the work so I love crab I'm a craftsman and artist myself so I love the detail work and the the incredible detail in here there's like six different friggin you know different types of malachite in there there's sugar and light in there there's turquoise in there then there's you know the shell the oyster spiny oyster shell in there I mean it's just beautiful it's just beauty to me so our most native piece is signed or they well no older pieces what they call dead pawn or an old one or not signed because they were they're made for themselves yeah that was made for them or the family yeah so they did not the pieces did not get signed then why would they sign them there's no reason to sign them if they're for your own person yeah most of the stuff that I have is really old and it's unsigned they're made for themselves or direct family you know all right so you have a lot of amazing pieces here yeah but there's a whole energy when it comes to turquoise I mean talk to us really quick about the energy and positivity the negative I mean there's it's a natural healing stone yeah yeah it is turquoise to me is special just it's just a personal thing I have for it and that's one of the reasons why I stay away from stabilised turquoise that's what turquoise will the colors will change it will actually change color it absorbs what I consider it sounds weird and whatever it negative energy it's a healing stone and it absorbs or oils and and your stresses from your body yeah and stress usually comes from negative crap outside negative crap coming in and to me that's just what it does I'm obsessed I will only really I mean there's one or two pieces that I have that are stabilized because I love them and I did it myself but most of it is just it's it's it's natural so it's gonna absorb oils it's good sweat oils you know and your sweat changes when you're stressed out and all that stuff and the chemical composition of your sweat changes when you're stressed and the turquoise absorbs that so to me it's just a powerful stone it's just I don't know what helped it's almost like a balance really though like because we were talking a while ago where you've gotten rid of turquoise pieces because you had a bad vibe yeah I've acquired some pieces and sit there and hold them and you know like something weird it's a beautiful piece but something weird about it and I don't like it and well it's some people get pissed off and it is what it is but I'll get rid of it yeah I mean I've literally thrown pieces and lakes you know because I don't want that I because it absorbs somebody else's cracked somebody and I don't know who wore it yeah wore the ring who wore the pendant who wore the earrings I don't know who wore anything so if it comes in I'm able to feel that um just something weird anyway and I'll get rid of it I've thrown a lot of really incredible pieces into Lake Lake is a you know waters a natural lubricant from for the mother earth or whatever and it's a cleanser so somebody finds it you know thousand years from now or wherever they can you know it should be cleaned by that yeah but at that present moment it's something that I felt and I didn't you know I'm like okay I'm not wearing that ring yeah no it's just something weird energy vibe about it and I don't like it not throwing crap yes I've thrown it in water yeah a lot of pieces you have are these are vintage pieces these are worn by others like this isn't something that somebody just made an hour ago no I thrive on I don't like anything new you know other video we did everything I'm attracted to vintage yeah um there's a story behind things is what I was one you know like this piece here that I have this be amazing chocolate Bisbee cop that is absolutely oh my god that's one of my favorite pieces um the story behind this is I got this from an estate sale from a woman whose husband died inside the Bisbee mind I mean I really want to get too into too many details now because I don't want to um but she had this made for her or whatever and he he passed away in mind he was a miner in Bisbee mm-hmm so it's just something that's personal for me something I cherish so to speak you know the memory behind that the story behind it yeah you know this was made for his wife out of pure love I mean he worked the mine and he apparently from what I was told from her that he's the one that chose these stones or or whatever have you know so this is made out of pure law and it was gifted to her by him he had it made for her and everything so um she went into financial times and I was there to help her with that and this is how this is my gift for helping ya it's just an absolutely stunning piece so I love the story behind things it's just what it's just it's a humanistic part of what I do you know I don't know it's just you know some pieces like we just said there they have negative crap on them and they go and I won't sell them to other people because I don't want that traveling I put an end to it yeah this is crap you know it's a natural healing stone and that's like I said it's just one of the reasons why I prefer natural stone it changes and it absorbs oils and absorbs and absorbs you know negative energies it really does all these to me it does yeah awesome this has been an experience dude and it's I think we're gonna talk more about this if you guys watching here enjoyed today's episode leave a comment down below and any questions you may have for bill we'll look at those and you know billa answer your back and as many as I can yeah but we'll probably do another one of these if you guys if there's interest I just find it fascinating you know looking at some of the pieces I got I mean I didn't seen that some of the stuff bill has is mind-blowing and he this is one of only many of boxes that's that I have yeah but in the reality of it all though I mean it is really gorgeous stuff it's it's beautiful it's art and it's yeah it's artwork and it's and it's it's got a positivity thing to it in terms of like healing and just an energy you know which I really I really like I dig you know rather than just a silver ring or a gold ring with diamonds yeah what diamonds aren't healing no I don't know if the diamonds aren't actually even rare yeah so anyway we all know the story behind that you know Downers controls the market and so so thank you so much bill again and again if you guys enjoyed this hit the thumbs up and leave a comment if you want more we'll come back and visit with well bill soon thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: globalvoodoo
Views: 443,903
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: turquoise, turquoise jewelry, native jewelry, jewelry 101, ebay jewelry, ebay, etsy, bisbee turquoise, real or fake, fake turquoise, sterling silver, sterling jewelry, southwest jewelry, pick4profit, arizona, how to, how to turquoise, how to jewelry, zuni jewelry, jewelry for beginners, reseller, reselling
Id: c7n3IKyDNmA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 25sec (2785 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 17 2019
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