How to host your discord bot online 24/7 - FOR FREE!

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this is how you can host your Discord bot online 24/7 for free so let's go and get started so to do this we're going to be using Diva hosting which is a host that was just reorganized and re-released a couple of days ago so it's fresh and new it has dos protection and a bunch of other very very good things so that's why we're going to be using it here so to do this go ahead and click the link in the description below to get here and go ahead and click on the get started button it's pretty straightforward once you're here all you have to do is click on the free plan it's going to give you these specs or you could purchase a plan if you would like but we're just going to be doing the free one here then we can go ahead and click on it it's actually going to go ahead and invite you to the Discord server now it looks like the invite here is expired so I'll go ahead and give you the invite to the new Discord server in the description below um for you this might not be expired but for me it is so just go ahead and click the Discord server Link in the description below to get there as well so once you're in the Discord server here just go over to bot commands and all you have to do is run the new command now here you're going to provide your email address your your username and do you accept the terms of service so obviously I'm not going to show the email right now but the username will be my name and of course I do accept the terms of service otherwise I won't be able to use it so now I'm going to provide my email and then I'm going to go ahead and put submit all right so now that I've clicked submit as you can see here it's going to think and then it's going to go ahead and give me a Jackson account tab right here so I can just go ahead and click on that so in here it's going to say that an email verification has been sent out so to proceed with this setup just go over to your email and get the verification code all right so we can go ahead and click on the enter code once we have the code and you can just go ahead and type it in uh it's going to be a code in your email that you cannot copy and paste so just go ahead and type it in from your email once you do that all you have to do is Click submit so after doing that it's going to go ahead and do a couple of scans and then it's going to provide me with my account so as you can see it's going to go ahead and give me all of this information some of it's blurred out cuz I can't show it but it's going to give you your email and your password for that account so we can just go ahead and go over to the panel and it's going to go ahead and open up the panel so right here go ahead and use the account information that they provided you with here so it's going to be the email and the password it's probably a good idea to save the password as well um because it's kind of an obscure password so just make sure you save that and don't forget that all right so now that we're in the panel all you have to do is go over to my services so once we're here just go ahead and click on the service ID or you could do the name um and just go ahead and click it and it will actually go ahead and open up your panel right here so now that you're here all you have to do is up up load your files and change a couple configuration settings and we'll be good to go so we're going to go over to files and now that we're here we're going to go ahead and minimize this we can drag this to the side and we're going to go over to the desktop I'm going to go ahead and create a new folder it's going to be a zip folder we can just go ahead and call This Server Creator zip and in here we're going to go ahead and open this up so what you're going to want to do is you're going to go ahead and open up the file that has all of your code and then you can go ahead and drag all of that code except for the node modules within your folder here your zip folder so so make sure you don't include the node modules but once you've done that all you have to do is close out of your main code file and you can close out of the zip file and then you can just go ahead and drag that zip file with all of your code in here keep in mind if you are using repet just go ahead and download the code files and then put it into a zip and upload it here that should not be too hard to do then you can go ahead and click on the three dots and we're going to go ahead and click on on archive and we can just go ahead and delete the zip from the panel here all right so now that we've uploaded all of our files we're going to go over to the configuration tab now we're going to be selecting the programming language that your Bot is made with so to tell what your node language is all you have to do is you have to go to your Bot project and within the terminal here all you have to do is type node and click enter and as you can see it's going to say welcome to nodejs and then your version so for me my node version is 18 so we're going to go back over to the host and we can go ahead and select node 18 it might be different for you but you have to go ahead and check that so now that we've set our programming language here we can go over to the console and we can go here we're just going to go ahead and click Start the first thing we're going to go ahead and do is we're going to do node SRC index.js or we're going to go ahead and run the project that has your main file in it from there we can go ahead and do mpmi discord.js because for me discord.js is now installed so we're going to go ahead and run it and we're going to go ahead and give it a couple of seconds to think now keep in mind you can go over to the files and once you see the mpm node modules and there is going to be aach folder you should be good to run the node SRC again so now that it is done it looks like it's done here we can go over here and we're going to do node SRC index.js once more all right so we're just going to go ahead and continue to wait for this to load keep in mind this is using delegated resources so it's going to go ahead and take a little bit to load in but now that it's done it should actually go ahead and turn on if it didn't turn on automatically for you all you have to do is run node SRC index.js after you install discord.js so what I did here was I did mpmi discord.js and then while it was loading I ran this command here and then it actually went ahead and turned on so now that the bot is on we should be able to go over to the Discord server here and as you can see the bot is on and I'm going to go ahead and close out of my terminal and the bot files to prove that it is actually working so yeah that's you can host your Discord bot online 24/7 for free if you do need any help with this go ahead and join the diva support hosting server you're already going to be in it but just go ahead and use this channel here and they'll be happy to help you out and if you're interested my server will be linked in the description below you can go ahead and join that as well and with that I'll see you guys in the next video
Channel: MrJAwesome
Views: 16,197
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #discord, #discord bot, #discord.js v14, #tutorial, #codeadiscordbot, #discordtutorial, #bothosting, #free, #discordbothosting, #24/7 bot hosting, #24/7 discord bot hosting, #free discord bot hosts, #best free discord bot hosts, #free discord bot hosting, keep your discord bot online, get your discord bot online 24/7
Id: CEtVrDLbn3E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 33sec (333 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 20 2023
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