How to Solo Hike the Three Passes Trek | Nepal 2023

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Step into the embrace of Nepal, a realm where mountains touch the sky with regal grace, culture weaves a tapestry of richness, warm-hearted souls extend open arms, and beauty stands unrivaled. As a voyager seasoned by trails ventured and horizons conquered, Nepal has etched a sanctuary within my soul. Time and again, I've graced this enchanting land, and with each footfall, I've gathered not just memories that refuse to fade, but a treasury of wisdom to impart to you. Today, I stand ready to be your guide, to equip you for your very own escapade along one of Nepal's most monumental passages the Three Passes Trek. Here's an overview of the journey ahead. Along this challenging and rewarding adventure in the Everest region, you'll encounter three high mountain passes Renjo La, Cho La, and Kongma La each offering breathtaking views of the Himalayas. You'll witness the incredible Gokyo Lake, with it's crystal-clear waters and friendly yaks. And of course you'll visit the base camps of iconic peaks like Everest, Ama Dablam, and Cho Oyu, giving you a glimpse into how climbers prepare for their expeditions. You'll also have the opportunity to summit smaller peaks like Sundar Ri, Gokyo Ri, and Chukung Ri, offering challenging side-trips with solitary views. Throughout this video, I'll cover a couple different itinerary options to make this journey your own. Before we begin, there are a few essential things you need to know: Having visited Nepal across various seasons, I've realized that there isn't best time to visit, as each season has its advantages and drawbacks. Select the time that matches your preferred weather, scenery, and crowd conditions. Personally, I find late Spring and early Winter appealing due to favorable weather and fewer crowds. The decision to trek with or without a guide is a personal one. Some trekkers seek the freedom of solitude, while others find comfort in the knowledge and companionship of a local guide. Personally, I prefer to start my journey alone and meet local guides along the way if I would like to know more about the area. The items you should bring along are deeply personal yet undeniably crucial. While I'll cover the basics, remember that this list isn't all-encompassing. Given the unpredictable weather throughout the seasons, it's wise to pack clothing in layers that can adapt to various temperatures and conditions. Although most villages have potable water available, it's prudent to have water purification equipment on hand, just in case. Most villages on this route offer food and accommodations, rendering camping gear such as tents, sleeping bags, mattresses, and cooking equipment non-essential, unless your exploration takes you to remote areas. Carrying enough cash for your entire trip is essential. I'll dive into budget specifics towards the end of this video. For all of the hiking and photography gear I typically bring on my trips, refer to the link in the description below. Permits are easily acquired along the trail after Lukla, so there's no need to do so in Kathmandu. For proper navigation, you should always carry a paper map and compass and know how to use them in an emergency. You can pick up any number of paper maps in Thamel, Kathmandu when you arrive. Additionally, I typically use a gps app on my phone like or AllTrails. You can find a link to my entire gps route in the description of the video. Finally, hiking in the Himalayas is difficult. Your safety and well-being are of utmost importance. Take time to acclimatize and relish rest days amid the tranquil beauty of the Himalayas. Make sure to do your own research and due-diligence. In the end, your safety is your responsibility. Now, let's explore the different itinerary options for the Three Passes Trek. You have two major decisions to make: where to start and which way to go. Lukla is the typical starting point of many treks in the Khumbu region. However, you have a couple of options to reach here. You can either take a jeep to a village lower in the Solukhumbu valley and walk to Lukla, or you can fly directly to Lukla from Kathmandu. Flying is faster and more convenient, but flights are weather-dependent, can be subject to delays and cancellations, and are more expensive. If you have a few extra days and wish for a more authentic experience, consider starting your trek from lower in the Solukhumbu Valley. This path allows you to explore lesser-visited villages, witness the majestic summit of Pikey Peak, and save some money by avoiding the flight to Lukla. I chose this option to immerse myself in the local culture and discover hidden gems. The typical starting points are Jiri, Salleri, Dhap, or Phaplu. Most hotels in Thamel, Kathmandu, can help you organize your journey to the starting point. Next, you'll have to decide whether to go clockwise or counter-clockwise on your journey. After reaching Namche Bazaar, the path splits. Going clockwise will offer you quieter trails and tea houses, and if Everest Base Camp is your main destination, you'll save it for last, building up the excitement. Additionally, the views of Everest, Ama Dablam, and Gokyo Lake as you descend from the passes are truly awe-inspiring. On the other hand, going counter-clockwise provides a gentler elevation gain and a slightly more defined acclimatization schedule. Personally, I opted to go clockwise for fewer crowds and better vistas, and I was not disappointed. No matter where you choose to start or which direction you go, get ready for an adventure that will leave you in awe. Here's an example itinerary of my extended Three Passes trek. Depending on how you came to Lukla, you might have had an epic but short 25 minute flight from Kathmandu or spent a few off the beaten path days walking in from the valley. Either way, you’re in the right place to begin the next part of your journey. From Lukla, we head towards Namche Bazaar while walking alongside the Dudh Koshi river. I recommend walking through or stopping by the smaller but serene villages on the west side of the river for more authentic and lesser-visited areas. Once you arrive in Namche Bazaar, you may choose to spend two nights and take a full rest day. This bustling Sherpa town offers delicious food, a chance to resupply, and some tourist attractions. However, I recommend saving your rest day for after the trek when you can truly indulge in hot showers and scrumptious food. I'll cover this in more detail at the end of our itinerary. From Namche Bazaar, we trek through a breathtaking valley towards Thame. Along the way, take in all of the beauty this valley has to offer. I suggest taking a brief detour to Lawudo Monastery, a place where few wander, yet the additional hike will assist in acclimatization, while the views offer truly rewarding moments of serenity. Thame is a charming village surrounded by majestic mountains. Take a well-deserved rest day here and consider an acclimatization hike to Sundar Peak for even more mesmerizing views. Don't miss the chance to visit Thame Monastery and spend some time wandering around the village to observe the yaks and horses, essential companions of the Khumbu region. From Thame, we walk up a gentile incline until we reach a small village called Lungden. The gradual slope invites you to embrace the tranquil beauty of the Himalayas and immerse yourself in the rich culture of the passing villages. Nestled peacefully amidst the mountains, Lungden is a charming village graced with only a handful of tea houses. I encourage you to take a moment to rest, preparing yourself for the forthcoming journey. Embarking from the quaint village of Lungden, our next path leads us on an invigorating trek up Renjo Pass to the mesmerizing Gokyo Lake. This is a long and demanding day. Remember to start early to make the most of it. Keep your eyes open for breathtaking views of Mount Everest and the stunning Gokyo Lake as you reach the top of Renjo Pass. Gokyo Lake is a tranquil gem nestled amidst the Himalayas. Consider taking an acclimatization hike to Gokyo Ri or even the Cho Oyu base camp for more awe-inspiring views. Take your time to walk around the mesmerizing blue waters, and let the serenity of the place rejuvenate your spirit. From Gokyo Lake, we proceed to Dragnag over a constantly changing glacial path. This is a relatively short walk, but it can be a bit unstable due to glacial till. Exercise caution and embrace the adventure. Next, we trek from Dragnag to Dzongla, passing through Cho Pass. It's another long day, but the experience is worth every step. The views might not be as jaw-dropping as Renjo Pass, but they are beautiful in their own right. As you walk down a bit, be prepared to be greeted by the magnificent Ama Dablam. Nestled in tranquility, Dzongla is yet another picturesque village, comprised of only a few tea houses but offering breathtaking views. For a truly memorable experience, I suggest staying at the Himalayan Lodge, perched atop a gentle hill, providing even more awe-inspiring vistas of the majestic Ama Dablam. From Dzongla, we now head towards Lobuche. The trail meanders gently, guiding us through a soothing rhythm of descents and ascents. As you traverse this path adorned by the majestic presence of Ama Dablam and other Himalayan giants, you will be enveloped in a profound sense of wonder. These moments of tranquil exploration have etched themselves as cherished memories in my heart. When you reach Lobuche, I recommend staying at the Pyramid Italian Research Center. It's just a short walk north of Lobuche, but the beds there are comfier (ensuring a well-deserved rest for your journey ahead) and you'll have the surrounding views mainly to yourself. As we head towards Everest Base Camp and Kala Patthar, we make a quick stop at Gorek Shep. If you decide to spend the night here, you have the opportunity to secure a room at a local tea house and unload some of your gear. This thoughtful step will lighten your load as you continue your adventure towards Kala Patthar and Everest Base Camp. I recommend starting your day by summiting Kala Patthar, as the morning vistas are known to be especially captivating. While the trail is brief, the altitude presents its own challenges, making the journey both invigorating and demanding. From the pinnacle, a breathtaking panorama of Mount Everest and Everest Base Camp unfolds, offering a spectacle of nature's grandeur. If you're feeling strong, you can embark on a visit to Everest Base Camp on the very same day, following a nourishing lunch in Gorek Shep. Take time to observe climbers, sherpas, and porters as they prepare for their challenging expeditions. Personally, I decided to hike back to Lobuche on the same day for a more peaceful and cozy night's rest. Tea houses in Gorek Shep can get crowded, and the night might be cold and uncomfortable. From Lobuche, we cross an expansive glacier and ascend the formidable Kongma Pass as we head to Chukhung. This is another long and demanding journey, so starting early is crucial to complete this section comfortably. Navigating the glacier crossing can be a bit difficult at times because the path changes every year. However, there are frequent trail markers along the way to help guide you forward. At the zenith of Kongma Pass, a spectacle of unparalleled grandeur unfolds. Behold a realm where frozen lakes shimmer like jewels, and colossal mountains stand as sentinels of the heavens. This is a vista that ignites the spirit and commands reverence, a testament to the indomitable spirit of nature and humanity intertwined. Chukhung is a quaint village surrounded by towering peaks. You have the option to rest. But if you're up for it, summit Chukhung Ri for even more spectacular views. As we trek back to Namche Bazaar, consider making optional visits to Ama Dablam Base Camp or Phortse. Although I did not personally venture here, it's a chance to witness more of the Himalayan beauty and experience the warmth of the local communities. Welcome back to Namche Bazaar Take your time to rest and enjoy the comforts of this vibrant Sherpa town. If your budget allows, I recommend treating yourself to the comfort of Khumbu Lodge, which is known for its good showers and beds with electric blankets. For a satisfying meal, I recommend heading over to Eat Smart Restaurant. If you're looking for a great day hike, take a round-trip to Sir Edmund Hillary Viewpoint and Khunde for breathtaking views of Namche and the surrounding landscape. You might even find yourself accompanied by the gentle yaks or Himalayan Tahr that roam freely in these areas. As we near the end of this incredible journey, our path retraces towards Lukla. Make sure to catch the planes landing and taking off, a fascinating sight that begins around 7 in the morning. These aerial voyages carry fellow adventurers, their recollections akin to your own, creating a tapestry of shared experiences among the skyward-bound. After reaching Lukla, you have the option to walk down to a village lower in the valley, like Tham Dada, Kharikhola, or Salleri, and take a jeep back to Kathmandu. However, I personally recommend taking a flight back for a more comfortable journey, if your budget allows it. The local jeeps can be long and bumpy, and you've already had an adventure of a lifetime. Nonetheless, if you're looking to explore more lesser-visited villages, this could be the perfect opportunity to do so. Now, let's talk about budget. Embarking on the Three Passes trek can be a budget-friendly adventure, allowing you to immerse yourself in the majestic beauty of the Himalayas without breaking the bank. Let's take a closer look at the budget outline to help you plan your unforgettable journey. If you choose to hire a guide, expect to pay approximately $30 to $40 per day, along with a tip to show your appreciation for their invaluable assistance. Hiring a porter to carry your belongings can cost from $20 to $25 per day, plus a tip to acknowledge their hard work and dedication. A Jeep ride from Kathmandu to a village close to Lukla will cost you around $20. While a one-way flight between Lukla and Kathmandu will be around $150. Required permits cost approximately $45. The daily average for food is between $8 to $23 per day for one person, depending on your location and preferences. A double room can range from no charge to $8, again, depending on the location and the amenities provided. A good, while also kind of obvious rule of thumb is that, the higher you go up, the more expensive costs become. Total daily cost can range from $10 down in the valley to $25 closer to Gokyo or Everest Base Camp. For my entire trek, which included permits, jeep transportation, food, and even luxurious hotels and dinners in Namche Bazaar, I spent just under $500. As we reach the end of our journey, I hope you feel inspired to embark on your own incredible adventure. The majesty of the Himalayas, the warmth of the local culture, and the serenity of the trekking trails await your presence. Subscribe to my channel for more inspiration. Remember, the Himalayas have a unique way of touching your soul, connecting you with nature, and bringing clarity to your thoughts. Allow yourself to be immersed in the rhythm of the mountains, and let their timeless wisdom guide you on this adventure of a lifetime.
Channel: Nicholas Eager
Views: 42,128
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: u95QMWgk1LU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 2sec (962 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 11 2023
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