How to Handle a Second Chance | Jonah (Part 3)

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[Music] stand up on your feet let's thank God for our music ministry leading us in worship y'all just got quiet when they done singing you know you don't need music to encourage your worship right because he's been good you don't need nobody to sing to you he's been good but if you got a good memory if you got a good memory and you recall what he's done you could be all by yourself and give him the glory the honor and the praise because his name is great it meant his name is wonderful his name is true Jesus Jesus Lord this morning I want to turn your attention to Jonah chapter 3 we read these verses already and I want to read them again because there's something about the public reading of scripture that is very healthy for the life of the church gentlemen chapter 3 this morning I don't have it in my Bible maybe you got into yours let's just go ahead and throw it up on the screen I lost that little string in my Bible you know that thing that helped you and then they start running together jonah micah nahum habakkuk zephaniah don't know which is which what is what but it's but it's here so this is a shocking word this morning if you and I read it even at face value and I asked your prayers this morning as I aim to preach I know a Super Bowl Sunday y'all already think about your buffalo chicken bit and you think about them wings and the pizza and uncle Julio's and the margaritas and all that kind of stuff but if y'all would pray with me for a few moments I believe God will speak to you today all right let's do it now the word of the Lord thanks for that now the word of the lord came to jonah the second time saying arise go to Nineveh the great city and proclaim to it the proclamation which i'm going to tell you so Jonah rose and went to Nineveh according to the word of the Lord now Nineveh was an exceedingly great city a three days walk then Jonah began to go through the city one day's walk he cried out and said yet yet forty days and Nineveh will be overthrown then the people of minute believed in God the people of Nineveh believed in God and they called a fast and put on sackcloth from the greatest to the least of them when the word reached the king of Nineveh he arose from his throne laid aside his robe from him covered himself with sackcloth and said on the ashes he issued a proclamation and said in Nineveh by the decree of the king and his Nobles do not let man beast herd or flock taste a thing do not let them eat or drink water but both man and beast must be covered with sackcloth let men call on God earnestly that each may turn from his wicked way and from the violence which is in his hands who knows God may turn and relent and withdraw his burning anger so that we will not perish when God saw their deeds that they turn from their wicked way and Jonah I'm sorry then God relented concerning the calamity which he had declared he would bring upon them and he did not do it now the word of Lord came to Jonah the second time now the word of the Lord came to Jonah the second time verse 1 says now the word of the Lord came to Jonah the second time this morning I want to tag this text and our exchange how to handle a second chance I want to talk this morning from without how to handle the second chance you may be seated well you bow your heads and a word of prayer with me please gracious God our Father we do thank you and praise you for Jesus Christ our Savior for the help and the hope that is ours in his name I ask you now for clarity of mind I beg you for concision of speech and we plead with you that all of us may be convicted in our hearts over the truth of your word give us the kind of conviction this morning that makes us not only hearers but that makes us doers as well in Jesus name we pray amen it's Super Bowl Sunday and you could use some black history Super Bowl Sunday something his name is Doug Williams and Doug was in his sophomore season a kind of phenom quarterback at Grambling State on the field that season against Jackson State he was going into the half when his legendary coach Hall of Fame coach Eddie Robinson told Doug just kneel the ball and we'll go to the locker room with the lead we have well he simply wanted Doug to kneel at the line of scrimmage but when Doug got to the line of scrimmage he read the defense and saw an opening he thought to himself that the safeties were playing too safe that they had left the middle wide open and so at the line he defied his Hall of Fame coach called inaudible and tried to score on Jackson State by renting a slant across the middle can you see Doug Williams the sophomore quarterback at Grambling State dropping back five steps there he goes as he launches the ball up into the air five ten 15 20 yards beating the receiver the quarterback gets in front of the white out snatches the ball it's an interception and Jackson State goes up on Doug Williams and Grambling State they lost the lead that day and went to the locker room humiliated because their quarterback thought even better than their Hall of Fame coach can you imagine the fright and fear that Williams felt as he ran back to that locker room as a sophomore quarterback you even know by now what the word sophomore means Sophia wisdom moronic more from fool it's a kind of wise fool he went to the locker room and sat in the back of the room out of sight from his head coach hall-of-famer Eddie Robinson he had ruined his chance to simply do the basics of what was asked of him had he simply followed his Hall of Fame coaches instructions he would have secured for his team a sure victory and a certain scouting opportunity for the NFL for himself but instead he called an audible at the line ruined the moment and blew his chance I bring it up today because Church some things in life you only get one chance at to get it right some instances are so significant that you don't get that chance back some windows for scholarship money don't come back around some job opportunities never circle the block some opportunity at love and the relationship comes once in a lifetime and time is so constructed that you cannot buy it back some of you know what I'm talking about this morning which is why the burst the words of burst one of Jonah chapter three hit us with such startling force it says now the word of the Lord came to Jonah the second time it would seem that from coaches to corporate execs to academic professionals to people you want to be in relationship with that of all of the people who should not give you a second chance that God himself should be the person to hold against you having blown it the first time around but I didn't come this morning to give you that news bad news as it were about your indiscretions about the many times you told God if you get me out of this I just I just need 30 or 40 yard go with me at the beginning of my son that the many at times you prayed a Jonah chapter two kind of prayer God if you just ease me out of this you ain't gonna have to worry about that no more but as soon as it was clear that you had escaped the consequences of your previous rebellion you fell back into it and so this morning I really don't even have to preach my proposition you could just stand up and wave and be my proposition this morning your proof this morning that what I'm preaching is true that we serve the kind of God who is so gracious and merciful and kind that he looks beyond your faults and has given you a second chance well that didn't get you the way I thought it would get you maybe because it ain't it's true of your situation as I could get some of y'all blue yo second chance but you here this morning not because God gives a second chance but because God will give you a third a fourth event somebody gonna holla back in the 10th a 12 that his chances aren't unlimited and since God is that kind of good since he walked you up this morning and started you on your way and brought you you ought to help me this morning shout like Jonah that we have the kind of God who come back to you and give you another chance the question becomes oh how should we handle the second chance I don't mean to make this personal but I'm not preaching my doggone self real quick I I love the fact sometimes I appreciate y'all you know you hold your preacher in high esteem and you should but and and people can tend to think that their preacher is superhuman but he's not and and and I'm a man just like everybody else I don't need to go into telling y'all how much of a man I am that ain't none of your business but I'm grateful this morning as I come to Jonah chapter 3 that this is a word about God's grace to the preacher because you wouldn't believe that some of the dark moments that preachers face we who have to proclaim mercy end up doing it as a theological exercise rather than an existential lived reality but I rejoice this morning because I've been so low down before I've been in places that I don't want none of y'all to ever find out that I've been in before but the good news of the glorious gospel of Jesus Christ is that God has Grace for the preacher - that that God does not throw away rebellious preachers I'm about to preach it as I feel it so the fact that God lets me experience His grace lets me walk in here on Sunday morning and not just preach to you words from my mouth but the fact that I'm standing here this morning it's evidence that if God could work with the man like me surely he can work with the person like you y'all ought to hear me when I said this morning God's grace it's so magnificent so manifold so wonderful that it'll reach you wherever you are that's that's that's what we learned we learned that His grace comes to preachers y'all forgive me for that that was for me I get to something else if they like and that's okay but keep living keep keep going and you'll stumble upon a moment where you need the grace of God and when he does give you another chance because people won't always do that when he does give you another chance how should you handle it first of all this text says that you should use a second chance to get right with God now I'm preaching to somebody already who you in church today but you'll want to be in here the skid marks I saw in the carpet as I was coming we're from your shoes as your family drug you in here today you don't want to be here so some of you have abused the grace of God and you're wondering could God give me another shot I want to tell you the fact that you're in here today is proof that he is doing that right now and what he wants to do is he wants you to use this second chance to get right with him so I'm extending invitation in just a moment but let me tell you how it's gonna work you cannot be right with God and you keep running from God if this morning God is telling you I want relationship with you I want to be in fellowship with you then you need to respond this morning and faith by trusting and believe in God and then if you here this morning and you ain't got a church because you think I'm with organized religion I love Jesus but I hate the church that's kinda like saying I love pastor Charlie but I hate his life well friends there is no loving me and not loving her that's how this works there there is no loving God and not being part of the church but you don't understand pastor the church is hypocritical the church is messed up the church is full of people who don't go right well we always got room for somebody else who fits the same description and and listen you ain't go making no worse but as we follow Jesus you can experience His grace even throughout and so where do I get this from it is the mercy of God that helps us to get right with him if you read your Bible carefully if you've read through John if you've been with us from Jonah chapter 1 to Jonah chapter 3 you know already that the first two verses of gentleman chapter three sounds strikingly familiar to Jonah chapter one in fact they almost sound exactly alike Jonah one opens up the word of the Lord came to Jonah the son of a meat I saying arise go to Nineveh the great city and cry against it for their wickedness has come up before me verse 1 of chapter 3 says now the word of the Lord came to Jonah the second time saying arise go to Nineveh the great city and proclaimed with the proclamation which I'm going to tell you it might just sound like a shift of words but friends I want to tell you this isn't the shuffling of words this is an edict of mercy watch the play of prepositions if I may in verse one God tells Jonah arise go to Nineveh that great city and cry against it for their wickedness has come up before me but in verse 2 of chapter 3 says arise go to Nineveh the great city and proclaim to it the proclamation which I'm going to tell you you didn't get it but Jonah got it in Chapter 1 God wants Jonah to preach against Nineveh but after God takes Jonah through his own illustration of mercy God wants Jonah to go preach to Nineveh because there's a difference between preaching against someone and preaching to someone the difference is in preaching against you're identifying them as your enemy but in preaching to them you're extending a branch for hospitality the difference is this when you came this morning God could have sent someone to preach against you to keep you in the enemy category but instead of preaching against you God this morning is preaching to you and that's God saying I want to be friends with you o friends don't you ever underestimate the mercy of God the fact that you hear preaching is the mercy of God the fact that you come to church and God has someone to open this Bible and explain it means that God has not given up on you but that he loves you and he loves you so much that he's sending his word to you I know why some of us don't have it right it's because we miss what is happening in in verse 2 notice notice the distinction between this construction it is this that Jonah is to proclaim the proclamation that I'm going to tell you that this is a word about God's purposes and Jonah's message is to be straight from God's mouth its Jonah's mouth talking but it's God's word coming out the word is not to originate in the mind of the Prophet it is not to source its content or its motivation in the feelings of the Prophet but genuine authentic preaching is God's Word in the preachers mouth the authority of preaching is in the author of the message not the personality of the messenger and this is what I'm trying to say to you we got a lot of fake Christian preaching in the world because folk are getting up on Sunday morning telling people what God never said I could get up every Sunday and we could grow this church to the scenes by telling you that God ain't never gonna tell you know that God don't work for the year from God is yes all your haters and enemies are gonna have to bow before you you gonna get everything you want like you can rub God as the cosmic genie in the bottle and that would pack people in but you know what I've decided I ain't doing that I'm not gonna do it because my word ain't gonna help you with nothing in your life but there is a word that once it's spoken dead people have to get up out of the grave there is a word that once it's spoken situations and circumstances have to change and you might not always like what this word has to say but light has to bow to the sovereignty of the Word of God that's why we made a decision at this church we gonna preach the Bible we ain't preaching Scientology we ain't preaching prosperity we ain't preaching naming and claiming we ain't gonna preach the latest social dynamics we gonna preach thus say and if it makes you angry it'll be God that's making you angry and when it comforts you it will be God that comforts you proclaim the proclamation this is what Jonah stole I feel like leaning in but I'm trying to stay away I just want to say to y'all I don't want you to feel like when I preach to God's Word that you're the only one getting cut when the sword comes out of the Sheep but if you can see how bad I'm bleeding as I walk to the pulpit because I've been sitting with this every week and there are things that I want to be right that God calls wrong there are things I want to do that God tells me not to do and I gotta sit there before God in His Word and say you god I'm gonna take it just like you came by the way I don't want a god who's who I'm smarter than I don't want a god that I know more than he does I don't want a God that I can tell him what his word means but I need a God who knows more than I know I need a god who's been around longer than I've been around I need a God whose work does not change here we are so Jonah arise go go to the great city that the literal Hebrew construction of Jonah says a great city to God scholars can be divided over this but fundamentally what it comes out to me is that the reason the city was great is because it was God's city I just want to drop this in I'm on my way it was a wicked city but it was still God's city it was a great city not because of its square footage not because the knackery of had enlarged it to three times its size but it was a city because it was God's city and you cannot judge what God owns by the wickedness that happens with what he owns then it was a terribly wicked city in fact some suggest that Rome got the idea of crucifixion from Assyria from the Ninevites but just because they were wicked didn't mean God wasn't in control and the reason God sends his words and Nineveh is because though they are wicked they still belong to him and his word is so strong that it's not afraid of thugs and drug dealers and sexual promiscuity and wickedness and political corruption his word is not afraid of the things that make us feel like the world is coming to an end but God knows that once his word is unleashed in a wicked City people in high places will have to repent and come to their knees and faith in Jesus Christ I wish our preaching to a church that wanted to hear this this morning Chicago's a big city it's a wicked City but it ain't too big for God it ain't too wicked for God revival can still happen in this city if the people of God would proclaim the Word of God we can unleash the Spirit of God in ways wave at City Hall has to proclaim Jesus Christ do y'all believe that I said do y'all believe that do you believe your boss can come to faith I dare you to start praying and fasted that God would save your wicked boss and watch God soft in their heart he is God of the city he's Lord of these people he is he is friends but I suggest you that all of this is to safeguard his purpose Jonah gets it right with God God says hey I got an interest in Nineveh but but then God also in sending Jonah because he has a plan to sin gentlemen demonstrates his compassion both to children and to Nineveh see see fill this when you get a second chance you use it to to get right with God but then you also use it to help others get right with God the thing I love about this passage is that Jonah goes to Nineveh and a revival breaks out even though Jonah don't want to be there there's that that I am so grateful that God uses me for whatever his reasons are thank him but I'm more grateful that God works in spite of me because there are times where if it were left up to me you wouldn't get what God has for you not because I don't like you but because some days my attitude just ain't in the right place can I talk to y'all like I know you for a minute there's some Sundays I wake up and I go Lord if you could just give me the two o'clock today if you could just there are times when it just st. ain't in me but but some of those are the very times that when I feel like my mind ain't right when I feel like what I came up with when I wrote down ain't gonna go the way that I think it does that the Spirit of God eases into the sanctuary and he takes the feeble thoughts of a man who's been working with his word and he breathes on it and folks start to get saved and marriages come back together and God says to me at two o'clock see I could do it with you or I could do it without you I wish somebody was in here aren't you glad that God don't need your cooperation to get done in the world what he wants to get done oh yeah oh yeah Jonas Jonas sermon is intriguing Jonah comes in three days journey to get through 40 days y'all gonna be dead all 40 days shortest most pitiful sermon you read in the Bible and I'm like maari's Watson hidin against a short sermon I'm tryin to do that myself short sermon but it was pitiful 40 days 40 days such graceless preaching 40 days 40 days Donald the young man moved his career moved here the nashville he hooked up with his frat brother to find out about a church he his fret had lived there and he said man i know that you go to this church you say yeah man you know i was on the search committee for for our new pastor and he was like yeah you know i heard about that um tell me about the church so I mean it's a great Church here in Brentwood we preacher takes care of business we out in the community so forth and Sonny says well I got one question for you I got one question for you why did y'all get rid of the last pastor and he said well it was it was some stuff he was saying and says what was he saying he kept telling us we were going to handle okay well what does the new preacher say he says the new preacher says we're going to hell too so what's the difference you you got rid of the old God cause he said you're gonna hell you keeping the new guy he says yeah yeah yeah when the old guy said we were going to hell he said it like he was happy about it he preached with the kind of grin on his face said but the new guy when he says we're going to hell it's like it breaks his heart Jonah is going through they're happy you own your way graceless preaching no the irony of this is we don't have Jonah chapter three without Jonah chapter two come on yeah those of you who read the Bible just stick with me for mommy those of you who have no idea what I'm talking about listen now in Chapter two gentlemen chapter one John was thrown overboard because he's running from God he actually thought he could get away from God he actually thought he could you actually think that if God wants you he ain't gonna get you so John actually thinks he can get away from God well God says oh that's cute but it's not gonna work and so they throw Jonah overboard a fish comes swallows up Jonah then shulam swallows him up and and then Jonah comes to realize that it's the mercy of God that that delivered him from the depths of the ocean right so that's what we preached last week oh my god I was in the depths but you saved me and then then God speaks to the fish and says spit Jonah out and Jonah gets spit out and then the word of the Lord comes to genesis jonah now go to Nineveh we don't have chapter 3 apart from chapter 2 we don't have a citywide preaching revival meeting in chapter 3 if the Lord is not merciful and saving the preacher in chapter 2 Jonah's single greatest witness that mercy is legit and should be extended to all was the fact that he was still alive it is a contradiction for people to have experienced the grace of God and deny it to other people I'm going somewhere we got a lot of churches who don't pray for the Lost who do not organize to reach the lost who ain't gave a thought about the lost who's just happy to come to church air Sunday because they don't give a care about the lost and the irony of that is they were the lot but when you've been so saved that you don't realize God had to reach to the bottom of the ocean to pull your rebellious tail out when you get so comfortable consuming the grace of God that you feel like you deserve the grace of God but they're people of other ethnicities and nationalities do not deserve the grace of God you in a terrible space this is why I say to the church let's not hide our testimonies around here where you've been what you've done you ain't proud of but listen you know like I know that if it had not been for the grace of God you'd still be in that stuff so rather than walking like you got it all together you come to church with your big head on like you got it all together now we need to tell people we have not had it all together but it has been God and God alone who has saved us we got people walking down the street feeling like there's no way out of drug addiction we got former drug addicts right up in here we got people walking down the street feeling like there's no way out of their sex addiction we got sex former sex addicts right here we got folk who out there living lies and and living in all kind of immorality we got some form of liars and some former immorality so I'm still slightly deadly in immorality here right here in the church and we make them feel bad when what we should be saying to them is y'all are us but the difference is God has pumped to us in his word and you gotta know there's a cop I said there's a god there's a God who rules who rules the world and he wants others to know of his goodness this is Jonah Jonah goes in 40 days the people start to repent they do because even though Jonah doesn't want to preach grace you can't help it that grace gets in there they started now look they don't just repent they fast I can't get y'all to fast to things I ain't been able to get y'all to do successfully yet give like the Lord wants you to give and fast call it fast we did so last tradition waiting faster by the way it's 100 universes we partying like it's 1999 oh say what you want to say it is looking know some of y'all grill it's real sad about that but Jesus said the time is gonna come to fast right now you got the bridegroom with you party so that so we partying this year alright so it is what it is we fast come fast and people say I can't give up sugar nope mm-hmm I love sugar more than I love my kids I'm not doing that we we tell people we did a fast and we did fast once so we first got here it wasn't food so people think it was a church all right listen from Sunday to Sunday it's all I've asked you to do don't cuss one time this week oh oh oh no that means just before they left the church no I can't do that okay I give but I can't stop from cussing I just if I'm lying I'm flying all right listen to me but these people were so taken that they start making the dogs fast they say that the dog can't handle water it's a show not fast when Scooby Gainey because we messed up and you and I should not be shocked at their repentance because the Word of God can make any heart turn what we should be shocked dead is that Jonah don't want them to repent he is such a nationalist he is such a racist that he doesn't give a care about the people to whom he's preaching we can't be like that job you can remember the historical atrocities of people in the world and yet extend the grace of God to them I say this as this church changes complexions and more and more non black people come every week we love y'all we want y'all keep coming we still don't shout we still go make noise I'm still going yank it every now and then but but but I want to I want to say to us if that's what God wants to do with this church we we we affirm who we are we're grateful for what we are but we're never going to say that any other ethnicity that comes this way is ineligible for the same grace that we ever seen we're not going to be now Mac that being said learn the shout music but learn the clapboard Oh threes alright just cuz you you could get with that - but-but-but Jonah Jonah doesn't want these people to come to fame but you know the second chance will do Jonah Jonah learns that we learn from Jonah that you ought to use a second chance to get right with God but also to help others get right with God is you yourself art illustration of grace but but then also you you learn to use a second chance to prove the character of God look at verse 10 and we're done when God saw their deeds that they turned from their wicked way god help me then God relented concerning the calamity which he had declared he would bring upon them and he did not do it this is the unpredictability of God we who preach under God's sovereignty cannot be sure what God's gonna do when God does it and and I pray I pray that I would never preach with the kind of evangelical arrogance that we would never sing with the kind of theological hubris hopeful that people's wickedness is gonna catch up with them but because when you when you think that way you start to deny the very character of God see if our sin is a shock and I love the way I read verse saying we read it in the responsive reading I read it at the beginning I read now y'all you say nothing I love it you ain't said thing like it's just normal verse saying is not normal the Bible says when God saw their deeds that they turn from their wicked ways he changed directions who tried inside a room one of the first things she learned about God is that he don't he don't change if he say he's gonna do a B and C when time comes for a B and C he's gonna do a B and C but verse 10 says when the time came to do a B and C he saw something and what he saw made him turn in a different direction you want to know how to move God you can do it the same way that the people of Nineveh did they did not deserve another chance they should not have gotten another chance but we served the kind of God where when he sees you are serious about seeking Him when he was gonna whoop your tail he decides and said not to whip your tail I wonder am i preaching to anybody here today that God should have whupped you you ain't whooping position you have bent over and touch your toes and heaven had pulled out its belt but you said Lord I mean it I'm sorry for what I've done and rather than whooping you God lifted you God just you God restore you and somebody ought to help me in this church preach that that's the kind of God we said I said that's the kind of God we serve are y'all in here with me we served the kind of God who gives a second chance huh I left y'all hanging when I started my sermon I told you about Doug Williams and how he ruined that game for his team at Grambling say he went back to the locker room not knowing what was gonna happen but what he did not expect is that his culture was gonna turn around in 15 minutes and tell young Doug Doug these are the first three plays that we bringing out he didn't even bring up Eddie Johnson did not even bring up what happened in fact Eddie Johnson called a scout and an NFL Scout came to view Doug Williams and in 1988 Doug Williams became the first black NFL quarterback to win the Super Bowl and changed history do y'all hear me in here I said Doug Williams change history he changed history because his coach gave him a second chance this is all I'm trying to say to somebody in here while you sitting at Q acting like I ain't saying nothing to you and you like all Pastor that's a nice story for Doug Williams to change NFL history because this coach gave him another chance you missed the point of what I'm trying to say to you the only reason your history has been changed and the only reason your future has been changed it's cuz we got a God who loves you so much bye-bye now children may the Lord God bless you real good but before I go let me finish my sermon he loves you so much that he will give you another chance is there anybody here who's glad with me that we got the kind of God who gives another chance I knew y'all would look at me like that so I asked Moses to come testify with me today Moses his ministry should have been done but instead of speaking that I rock he struck that rock but God still gave him another chance come here King David help me preach to my son my church today David says I saw the woman I knew I should not have touched her she did not belong to me but I'm so glad to report to y'all that whereas God should have destroyed me he gave me a second chance come on Hezekiah come preach to my search today Hezekiah had got word that his life was over all I'm trying to do is tell y'all God got a history he got word that his life was over but he turned his face to the wall and when he turned his face to the wall he started to beg God for another change and God tapped him on the shoulder said Hezekiah I'm gonna give you another 15 years cuz we got a God who gives come here Paul Paul had been destroying the church he had been ruining the church killing Christians destroying churches everywhere but one day God knocked him off his high horse and lifted him up and used him the right to thirds of the New Testament because your rebellion ain't stronger than God's grace your sin is not richer than his mercy come here Peter Peter denied Jesus some of y'all ain't hearing me Peter said I don't know the Son of God but God is so good that when he put the program together for Pentecost he said I need a preacher and I gotta get somebody who can preach and win 3,000 people Who am I gonna pull and he went through the lifts and he landed on Peter and the same Peter who had denied Jesus three times God stood him up put a microphone in his hands and let him preach until three thousand people got saved because we got a God who delights in second chances and I wonder today is there anybody here and helping me to say to somebody [Music] [Music] somebody wanna do it won't he do it won't he do it won't he do it excuse me but my soul is happy cause he gave our church another chance we should have closed doors 20 years ago but we'll still plus God will give another chance [Music] [Music] [Applause] God will give you another chance not just a second chance but another chance if you're in this church today and you're wondering listen you don't have enough missed out run God's mercy His grace is much larger than your rebellion and I'm not gonna belabor the point I'm gonna stop right now and I'm gonna pray for you and after my prayer I opened the doors of the church because someone here came to this church today and you've been running from God and God is saying you can't run from me but you can run to me let's look to the Lord father we love you and we thank you Lord God that your mercy is so big your grace is so everlasting Lord God that you listen to us even when we try to silence you Lord God father we thank you for relentlessly coming after us today Lord God and father we ask today Lord that there's someone here today who does not know your son Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior we pray right now that you open their hearts up Lord God rip their hearts with your gospel message that they may come down to the altar today and accept your son as Lord and Savior there's someone here today who does not have a church home Lord God they know you but they have not been in fellowship with your people Lord we pray that this church the progressive Baptist Church can be that place for them Lord God such hearts today in Jesus name Amen [Music]
Channel: Progressive Baptist Church Chicago
Views: 2,791
Rating: 4.7857141 out of 5
Keywords: progressive, charliedates, dates, progressivechicago, progressivebaptist, chicago, ministry, chicago ministry, charlie dates, progressive baptist church, progressive chicago
Id: MR0uUkeA_ic
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 28sec (2728 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 05 2019
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