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or DLC content that's right I'm gonna show you things that Rockstar Games only just released it's gonna be very special what are you pointing at buddy hello oh I think that's that's me all right so I bought myself this nightclub box games released this it's pretty cool you can like organize parties in your nightclub and with the night club a bunch of new vehicles have been released a couple of them I've already made videos about to make sure you go and check those videos out this one this one but today ladies and gentlemen I am showing you possibly the coolest thing ever it's not gonna be the fastest vehicle in the world it's not gonna be the slowest vehicle in the world not the biggest or the smallest it's gonna be different we're gonna have to go to the Internet and we're gonna go to travel and transport scrolling down to wash stock cash Oh so Roxy Games released this new oppressor the strike force the pounder by lava I've made videos on those again go and check them out if you haven't today we're focusing on the para bite not the terabyte but the terabyte it might be like jelly but that's just a truck yes ladies and gentlemen but it's a special truck a truck that can back into the game's files and break the whole game oh goodness my game just crashed I got hacked all right I'm just kidding we didn't actually get hacked but we're gonna hack the game all right so we're gonna buy this the terabyte it's gonna be amazing it's got like a drone and stuff you can fly with you can act the entire world [Music] it's gonna be really cool but before we get to that we're gonna have to upgrade this thing to my liking that's right first we're starting off with the interior tint you can choose a bunch of interior tints now in case you didn't realize my favorite color it's green so why obviously we're going with the green one $105,000 mob I might need your credit card okay gonna have to wait for my mom I'm not sure if I will have enough money for this all right so interior decal is that how you say it I have no idea we can put some matte skulls on the walls it's pretty much wallpaper just it's called a wallpaper Rockstar all right we'll take the giraffe height I like it turret station all right so oh my goodness if you're going to break cover do it right lock onto the five separate targets and engage a bit of lethal multitasking rug hang the turret station for two hundred and ninety seven dollars thousand that is mom all right so we're gonna we're gonna have some turrets to this thing pretty intense next up a drone station oh wait what alright so $815,000 I'm already on two point six million dollars I don't have that kind of money I got two point 1 million mom - we bought the drone station we want the drone I mean that's gonna be awesome the weapon workshop how much is that so we can customize guns in here I mean we already have a couple trucks that can do that but just for the sake of it let's spend all the dollars we can get man let's spend them all 3.3 million $1 oh my goodness my mom is gonna hate me by you have insufficient funds would you like to add GTA dollars to your in-game account oh now we got gotta bills thanks mom purchase complete yes your new terror-byte is being delivered ooh nice all right so if I'm correct my night coop has a garage in it isn't it right over here oh just a bit hopefully we'll get this thing delivered and if not then something went wrong with the participant and yeah then I'm gonna cry here we are ladies and gentlemen we have arrived at the terror-byte garage apparently there's a whole separate garage level for this it's called v5 look it says b5 right there and this is it I mean from the outside it looks like it very high-tech but quite ordinary truck but as we know you can literally hack anything with this we're gonna try that out all right we got two spare tires just in case we got shot all right so I guess we should just enter the truck from right here oh my godness this is the inside of my truck yo why am I so excited about a truck I mean it looks good especially in that juicy green color I mean hey is it just me or does it look so much larger from the inside than it does from the outside bigger on the inside whatever all right so what happens if I sit down here press hey to fly a drone let's do it let's do it all right guys so um I think I am in the drone right now I am filming my terror-byte truck yes this is awesome all right so let's just go and fly around I'm not sure what the range is on these things but this is a boost I'm boosting okay mm all right so on the bottom right we have a couple button so we can detonate something I'm not sure what that means we can shock detonate does that does that mean you will blow up the drone cool oh look at the mini-map you can see that I'm a drone yeah like I said guys I'm not sure what the range is zoom whoa whoa you zoom in so much oh all right so I see a person right in front of me I am going to try and shock that person because I believe that this drone might have a Taser that's quite scary oh hello hello there oh did I miss I think I missed oh no that's not good okay let's try that again let's start it again we can't miss this person Apple did not realize I'm here does he not realize I'm here three two one I'm so sorry he's alive right it's just a Taser it's it's just a Taser guys hey how you doing I'm wondering what happens if I click detonate like this charging charging charging what is what happens yep I'm sorry I am very sorry for that person all right that was pretty cool we'll get back into the drone business in just a bit but I think it's time to actually hack something let's just start an awesome hacking mission we open the touchscreen of the computer we scatter hand woo alright we can select a couple jobs the client jobs airfreight cargo jobs pack the free trade shipping app okay vehicle cargo or gun running supplies either of these two sounds pretty good but we're gonna do vehicle cover first let's do that are you sure you'd like to source a vehicle to steal confirmed yes of course I do alright so my assistant send me a text message with some information about the vehicle that I have to steal the vehicle is a bestia GTS a dark red color plate says BC and the location where I supposed to find that alright so where's polite Oh for us I believe it's like right over here go ahead okay but obey pull it out Forrest yeah alright so obviously the new oppressor came out but like I said in that video if you haven't watched yet mature go watch it I still prefer the old one so we're gonna fly there with the old oppressor ladies and gentlemen it's gonna take no time we're gonna be there no time oh this bike is just so good all you do is you touch the ground a little bit it recharges and you just keep on flying like you're some kind of airplane with wheels yeah all right so we're almost at the car Poulet Oh Forrest is right in front of us ladies and gentlemen here it is isn't it right here yes oh this hey buddy wow that is a nice car oh all right so we're gonna steal the car now we're gonna have to deliver it back to the warehouse ladies and gentlemen the vehicle will need to be repaired if it becomes too damaged the more damage it takes higher to repair costs okay we're just gonna try and not to crash it it is getting dark right now so the visibility will be ah not as good but it'll be fine oh man this is just like that Ferrari look at the interior man look at the flames coming out of this car look if I give it a little bit of gas and then let go it happens 3 2 1 oh oh man watch out please Wow look at those flames it's so nice alright so we pretty much made it to the warehouse to the left over here there we go man I was pretty cool we delivered like a Ferrari looking thing it was obviously parody car cuz rockstar games doesn't own for our store they're not allowed to name it a Ferrari but it was a Ferrari now we're gonna do a client job we can choose to do a couple a robbery in progress or a data sweep targeted data steal diamonds hmm let's do the data sweep I want it I want to have more hacking things feel like that wasn't really hacking obviously we hacked into the security to figure out where the car was but I want to do more hacking all right so we're doing a new job we got to hack the targets to locate the data drive so we have a bunch of targets across the map I'm just gonna call the mechanic to get my oppressor delivered again there you go I feel like it's just the fastest way to move around with that oppressor it's even faster than a plane or a helicopter because it's just so annoying the land all right there is let's go in hack these cars alright we're almost at our first targets something I didn't know is that the that these cars are actually driving around I thought they would just be parked but there's our first target ladies and gentlemen it's a car driving around okay alright let's land the oppressor there you go and what do we do now use the secure Oh hacking app okay oh this is awesome begin hacking no signal we're hiking we're acting the vehicle all right we got to stay in range okay he's driving away yo hello yeah Oh funny okay I didn't know that they would be shooting at me oh my goodness did we do it I think we did it uh yeah but we might need to uh get a car or something because that wasn't great that was a lot more difficult than I thought it would be because apparently the cars are being protected that changes it a little bit this oppressor is not as good as I thought it would be okay okay yeah Instant Karma is in the car map okay I'll take your car thank you for stopping thank you nice 4x4 okay so the first target is pretty close to us all right we're here next target in sight hello I do it I'm just hacking after sacking don't mind me I am just hacking please don't mind me oh come on glad I did it I didn't hit it let's get out of here ah ah I hurts alright our next target is not too far away and I shoot them too just need the data drives that are in the car okay we're just gonna just gonna just gonna hack like this not sure where he is we're doing it I'm not sure we is serious Oh problem problemo problemo stop shooting me now that did that matter alright so we've only got one car remaining this is not gonna be that difficult especially not because we're on a bike with no protection whatsoever okay we are approaching the vehicle should be somewhere around here just gonna get our phone out and start hacking immediately I can't hack anymore it's not allowing me to hacked what know if I blow it up I think we will lose all the data drives what yo-yo I mean I know this is an armored car come on are you kidding me well I'm just gonna stand in the fire yep that is just that is how I feel right now alright so we're back at our terabyte that hacking didn't really go as planned I mean we were hacking all the cars but the game had a glitch or something we couldn't hack the last one see ya guys we could do a couple more things but I think kind of done with this you understand how this goes you enjoyed it please leave a like on this video if you want to see more DLC content I thought this is pretty cool like I said guys thank you so much watching this video if you enjoyed it leave a like on a 10,000 likes I might just make another deal see video catch you then thank you guys so much for watching this video if you enjoyed it click on that subscribe button and also make sure to check out the new exclusive jelly army t-shirts on jelly we haven't tried this let's the weapon of course we still our best wow that was not intended
Channel: Jelly
Views: 8,367,558
Rating: 4.8604498 out of 5
Keywords: child friendly, family friendly, kid friendly, gta 5, hack, gta, new, game, games, jelly, mod, cheat, dlc, how to
Id: h7BjKVNCrdM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 8sec (728 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 16 2018
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