How to Grow Your Hair Faster | 5 Reasons Why You're Hair Isn't Growing |

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you've been growing your house for six months and it's still the same we making braised in for six months and your hair has only grown two inches you got balls busts ringworms etc in your hair you need to watch this video also if you ever wonder why they say man's hair grows faster than women's hair we're gonna kind of debunk that myth and we're gonna look into reasons why that is true in some cases why it's not true every sudden - is king Bru and today we're talking about five reasons why your head is not growing as fast as it should be we're gonna start Road through this information pretty fast so feel free to go back rewind I just watch the whole video again but nonetheless we moving reasonable one breakage breakage basically refers to the ends of your hair breaking off little by little alright so what happens oftentimes is as your hair is growing your hair is breaking off at the exact same rate so it gives it losing your heads not growing when in reality this is not retaining your link so what's the way you can ensure that you don't have this money breakage number one keep your hands off your hair I know it's tempting but you gotta stop cleaning in here number two you have to wear protection over your hair when you sleep and this is where ladies have an advantage over folks so ladies one fellas zero because it's socially acceptable for women to wear bonnets but when man get longer hair they don't necessarily put the most comfortable wearing buttons so you synth at home yes but like you gave you whereby you have three choices either one get a bunny okay to get a satin pillowcase or three keep your short as head so like I say it ladies one fellas zero another way you can stop breakage is via protective styles what I mean by potato styles is any style where your hair is wrapped up so you don't have to touch it or manipulate it every single day so cornrows Brady two strand twist these are all protective styles that will protect your hair so the notion behind protective styles let's say you take a number two pencil boom it's pretty easy to break right however if you took eight number two pencils and put them together it'd be hello hard to break those pens saimyosho at your head and when you comb your hair together the harder it is for the break off fellas this is where we have an advantage and we even to school alright so most ladies don't necessarily feel comfortable going to work going to events just going through our life along time will protect their styles like two strand twist however fellas we have a much much lower standard when it comes to head so I feel calm perfectly comfortable walking around the two strand twist is going to work going out going to parties it's all the same where's the woman might not so fellas one ladies one leave even the school reason number two why your hair might not be growing as fast as it could be is because of your diet alright first thing we need to look at in terms of your diet is your water intake if you have increased water intake you're gonna have increased blood flow to your scalp more blood to your scalp means more nutrients to your hair which means your hair grows faster longer healthier all right all the things that we want I love this your guy is completely comprised of liquids light mcdonald sweet teas and Haley sleep on the weekend not only is your hair probably gonna be really really short and really really brittle and really really unhealthy but you're less probably gonna get kidney stones and next eight years but I didn't tell you did nice thing we need to look at in terms of diet is your protein intake right protein is literally the prime ingredient in all things growth that happens in your body from Muslims to skin to hair to nails protein is at the base of all of it so fellas this is where we take the lead over the ladies so fellas two ladies one because generally men have a lot more protein in their diets and women from consumer more meat to all foods and more calories all around and also protein shakes if you drink them if your workout regimen that all aids your hair growth so ladies if you like to even ask or make sure that you get adequate amounts of protein in because us fellas I definitely again I boom reasonable three while your hair might not be growing as fast as it should be is it's lacking moisture your it is drying a riot to try so I need you to get this in your head I need you to say this with me alright say the same with me dry hair doesn't grow it breaks dry hair doesn't grow it breaks all right I need you to keep that in mind that's how you need to think along your hair journey alright so what's the best way to moisturize your hair deep condition your hair if not once a week once every two weeks that is something that you really need in your routine you want to do condition your hair and this is where the ladies take over because ladies who have been managing that hair and properly care for their hair for you know the majority of their life they know a deep conditioning is they know what deep conditioners work they know a lot of stuff about it they have a lot of experience however if you're a man and you just started your head journey you probably don't know what the hell a deep condition is don't worry I make a video for you too but you need to start deep conditioning so in terms of deep conditioners that I've tried be able to have great a great new condition Shea Moisture has great hair masks all right but one product that I'm using that really has just made my hair and really just flawless like really made my hair really get that drip and that really take it to the next level is the rich royal royal hydration treatment man and this stuff is limited-edition it's a special salt I cannot get it out to everybody I will not put a link but out down below but just because I want to help y'all out if you caught me at Ridge rolls down below I will push you on and get you a bottle alright this is the special sauce so not everybody can have this drip it ain't meant for everybody some people just gotta be sitting Walmart only told me I'll get this secret stuff so the first couple of people that comment Ridge rose I make sure that I hook y'all up with it alright moving on before while your hair might not be growing as fast as it should be it's because you're shampooing there too much reasonably is very much related to reason number three and that if you shampoo your hair too much you will be causing it to dry out all of us have natural oils that lie and our body creates for our hair if you shuffle your hair too much you'll be stripping ahead of those next day or you're betting me so I need you to understand it there's no such thing as shampooing too much if you're shampooing three to four times a week and you don't even sweat on a regular basis you're just you're setting yourself up for failure I'm surprised if you see any hair growth at all and your hair definitely probably doesn't look as good as it could look you dig but you want to make sure that you're not shampooing too much that's it that's all moving by reason number five while he might not be growing as fast as it could be because you're not shampooing enough yes you're not standpoint enough what happens is as you go through your life you apply product you switch you apply more product bacteria all the time developed in here what the combination of all these things do is put your hair follicle in a chokehold all right in a Mane jokowi yeah help on cannot breathe so it is imperative that you clean your scalp so don't you he'll follow you breathe if not then your hair follicle is likely to get weak your hair is likely to get brittle you're eventually gonna develop ringworms and even bald spots and none of those is a good look you dig I need to address this because uh this is definitely good topic that causes a lot of confusion and they had community and in general I know that Brittany that has really really long hair told you that she only washes her hair every three to five months but you do not need to follow Brittany's footsteps at all right number one because Brittany has long hair already right Brittany's just imaginary name that I made it but she already has really long hair so the things that she just maintained and the things that you need to do to catch up to her aren't the same thing at all that's just a warning number two what is the point of being Rapunzel if every time you shake your hair you drop out enough guns with just on a trip out here then white stuff dandruff is not cool being dirty is not cool not watching in here is not cool don't try to make it cool don't try to make it acceptable dandruff is not with my god I rather not have as long hair and have clean hair rather than having hair down my back and every time I shake that flakes falling out man you know back when I had waves I was in high school we used to have this test called the dirty [ __ ] test alright and this is what it seems like so you had a waves of course everybody was walking around with a brush brushing the hair right so over we do we line up brushes up we would take your brush turn it upside down and we will bang it on the table right bang it on the table and if nothing came out you know you where respected you well your will honor them saying you were held in very high regard because we felt like you took care of yourself you were clean you know you cared about your hygiene things like that however if we take your breast and we banging out on the table and it's clumps of Dan product and just hair sitting all on the table man you are giving the title of a dirty [ __ ] you have been labeled a dirty [ __ ] and that label ran with you throughout all of high school so you could not be called slippin I know that doesn't really have anything to do with you know what we're talking about here but do not be dirty wash your hair don't wash it too much but watch your head please so boom the last one isn't so much of a rule but it's more so of something for you to keep in mind like a little bonus tip whatever all right so why is it your hair growing as fast as it should be it is growing as fast as it should be you just have streets my god you just have shrinkage it is okay you have a four different type of head times me straight wavy curly kinky if you have hair like mine or hair similar to mine then you'll have more so falls under the category of kinky and curly all right so it won't kink your curly hairs the more your hair is gonna strain what that basically means is your hair doesn't just lay flat see how I can pull my hair and then it snaps back let's call it Frankie all right that's true vintage you can very much see somebody with a tight ever looks like the hair is not very long at all and they can pull it down and they can reach there Tim that's called shrinkage so it gives the illusion that your hair is not really growing or not as long but that's not something that you twit about triggers affects a lot of people you're not alone guys let's get ready for a small recap so what's our five-step action plan for making sure that you get the most out of your hair growth number one make sure you're fighting against breakage protect your hair against breakage number two make sure you get enough water and enough protein in your diet number three make sure you keep your hair moisturize dry hair does not grow it breaks number four make sure you're not shampooing too much number five make sure your same point no all right so if you liked this video or you found it helpful whatsoever make sure you drop down below and click thumbs up and make sure you hit that subscribe button there's been plenty more hair videos that I'm gonna give y'all coming up soon so I can make sure that y'all get the absolute most out of your head journey make sure you follow me on instagram at underscore ki ng b alright ill that is f underscore king Brill and that's all we got so until next time I see you guys
Channel: King Bril
Views: 1,324,790
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hair, Growth, HairGrowth, CurlyHair, DeepConditioner, Men, Long Hair, Shorthair, College, Charlotte, KingBril, hair growth, natural hair, long natural hair, why your hair isnt growing, curly hair, how to grow long natural hair, will on a whim, how to moisturize natural hair after wash, growth mindset for kids, why your hair wont grow, why your hair wont grow past a certain length
Id: St-DGU3ylzY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 59sec (659 seconds)
Published: Thu May 16 2019
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