How to Grow Wheatgrass

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hey everybody welcome back to chef reality so i just started growing wheatgrass this is actually my second batch and after realizing how easy it is i thought it'd be really fun to show you guys how to do it in case anybody's interested i actually started growing wheatgrass on accident i've been buying wheat grass from my local farmers market which by the way if you live in the fort lauderdale area and you haven't been to the southwest farmers market i highly recommend it it is such a great farmer's market it's got everything you could imagine fruits vegetables mostly organic at a really reasonable price there's refrigerated items there's gluten-free products there's baked goods there's honey it pretty much rocks anyway so i've been buying my wheatgrass from sheila and a couple of saturdays ago when we went she started selling wheatgrass kids she was carrying the seeds that you needed she was selling these appetizer trays that we grow it in and i actually had one of these at home so i figured for five dollars it was worth a try i bought a bag of seeds you know i'd never done it i thought it was kind of going to be complicated and then i tried it out and it was so easy so i'm going to show you guys how to do it i'll list all the products that you need i'll let you know the wheatgrass seeds that i use i'll even tell you a little bit about the machine that i use to juice it because not every um juicer will juice wheatgrass you've got to check with your manufacturer so anyway i hope you guys like it and next time i promise we'll um get back to the kitchen anyway till next time see you later you're going to need an appetizer tray and the brand wheatgrass i used is from wheat montana in the morning put two cups of wheatgrass in a bowl immerse all the wheatgrass in water cover with a plate at night drain the wheatgrass and rinse well let the wheatgrass drain in a covered bowl rinse again in the morning cover and drain till the evening by now the wheatgrass should be sprouting in the evening repeat the process and now on the morning of day three repeat the process one last time in the evening fill the appetizer dish with water assemble the trays gently place the sprouted wheat grass fill a spray bottle with water and two teaspoons of baking soda spray morning and night to same avoid them keep covered until the wheatgrass outgrows the space their faces keep spraying each of the containers produces enough wheatgrass for one shot i'm using a masticating juicer enjoy my face
Channel: chefuality
Views: 848,964
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: juicer, wheatgrass, how, to, grow, juicing, healthy, gardening, organic
Id: Mw57kmVdx5Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 44sec (284 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 05 2011
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