How to grow Truffle Trees

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hello Colin hi Susan here we are today um at Colin's truer truer yes Colin grows truffles uh here in eastern Rangers of Victoria and Colin also produces for the plant shop our beautiful truffle trees so we're here today Colin to explain how you grow truffles the tree to produce amazing truffles look at that I can't believe it it looks incredible and oh my goodness it's so Divine So Divine oh gorgeous and look at this tree it looks fairly harsh um and yes I know it's winter but this this is an English Oak it's a quirkus robber and of course it's losing his loaf so it looks a bit poorly at this time of the year but this is the time of the year in the winter when you find truffles so as the trees going in a dormy the truffles are you expect to get a truffle like this Co um usually after planting and I'll talk about out trees later but after planting we're usually finding truffles four to 5 years um but that's it's it's very much um it's not every tree that produces truffles that's it's not like producing apple trees it's you know you need a a property like this with a lot of trees to to guarantee uh good numbers yes okay so for the home Gardener Colin um would you suggest how many trees to get to really guarantee not that we can guarantee but to be pretty sure that you would get one of these beautiful truffles in time yeah the way it works um in a situation like in a hectare um in in about 10 years You' be getting what you would think would be a commercial production and that might still only be it might be 20 kilos of truffle but it might only be 20% of your trees producing so if you have only one tree there there's an issue you may not get truffles the more trees you have I can't sort of say how many but the more trees you have the better the chance sure okay so what sort of conditions favor the tree and favor it to grow truffles because clearly if you have a big healthy tree that's when you're going to jeopardize the production of truff truffles yes yes exactly right um um and I think people know that truffles grow in caleras saw so that needs to be um a pH of eight so that's a means a lot of lime in the soil Australian soils are very acidic so we need to add a lot of lime that's number one and we can give you information about how you do that they also need soils that are fairly um really well grained and and probably nutrient Poe because we really want the tree to develop a good symbiosis between the tree and the fungus so that the Truffle micro Riser or the fungus can provide the tree with nutrients the tree can't normally get right and in turn take some simple sugars so they live together so if the trees over Nutri if the soil is over nutritious the tree will access and put on its own growth and grow healthy but at the expense of the trule okay so it's a bit of tough love with your trees tough love yeah it is keep them alive with a little bit of water no fertilizer initially um just get the line with ph right and then make sure your soil is really well drained uh and you and you got a good Sunny aspect and that's the best thing you can do okay so that seems fairly simple the other the other thing Colin is if you had limited space would you be able to produce truffles in a pot could you grow a truffle tree in a big wine barrel or well there's not nothing to say you can't and in fact I did see um a tree growing in France on a recent tour uh that it was discarded in a in a big pot um at the back of this Nursery that's Jack who's now famous uh and this was producing small truffles really quite amazing There's Hope for me yet well that's fantastic thanks Colin nice thanks
Channel: Theplantshop
Views: 183,712
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: truffle, trees, oak, truffiere
Id: ArqhhVnxZG4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 53sec (233 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 29 2013
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