How to Grow Raspberries - Complete Growing Guide

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[Music] well hello everyone and welcome to another very exciting complete growing guide here on the my gardener channel this one is going to be a complete growing guide on raspberries so for all of you that saw our complete growing out on blackberries don't worry you're not going crazy this is the exact same information i promise just for searchability if we didn't make two different different growing guides we'd have someone asking about blackberries and we had someone ask about raspberries we could have combined them into both in one video but we didn't because we go crazy because it does happen all the time so for those who watch religiously just skip this video if you already saw the blackberry video and you can thank me later but for those watching the first for the first time this is a complete grow i got on raspberries and we absolutely love raspberries they are delicious they're sweet and tart and they're just one of our most favorite soft-bodied fruits out there you just cannot beat the flavor but something new that you might not know even if you've pretty much known uh you know all about raspberries you might not know that there are dozens and dozens of different varieties there are spring there are summer and there are fall raspberries and so in that group there's also thornless and thorned raspberries and there are also red yellow peachy white they're called white but they're more like peach and black raspberries so there are so many different colors and we recommend growing all of them because they will ripen at different times in the season and provide different flavors and antioxidants so for those wanting to grow the healthiest food for them don't just grow the red stuff grow all the different colors we have every we have every color here and we actually have some more colors coming on the way we have the peach the the peachy white and we also have the black coming so uh so we we do have the red and we do have the yellow on our property and uh real excited about it so let's get into growing it so the first thing you need to know when growing it is whether or not you're starting from bare root which we are it's this little stick here with a white tag on it it is coming out of dormancy though whether or not you're starting from uh bare root or you're starting from a start from the nursery the soil type will be the same no matter what and we have it in a basically a slightly clay uh pretty well draining soil even though it is clay and we've amended it with about two to five percent compost for that organic matter to hold onto more moisture allow it to drain pretty freely and also give it that give the soil the life that it needs to grow um but one of the reasons why we have it in i guess not as ideal soil as as it could be is because we had this bed here already and it was growing with a bunch of plants we didn't really want here so we cleaned out all those plants and put plants here that we could actually eat and enjoy and the the nice thing about raspberries is that they grow in areas that most fruits and and vegetables would have a problem growing in so because they don't necessarily mind that that heavier clay soil now again we we don't want super heavy clay soil there is you know there is a fine line but they can definitely tolerate a higher clay content soil than most stuff can so we put them here so we can enjoy them and actually use this space wisely the next thing i want to talk about is watering so watering is extremely important when growing soft bodied fruits because you'll find they dry out as fast as that they dry out so fast and turn into raisins like you would not believe and if you've ever seen a dry shriveled up raspberry it's because it did not get enough water and they're extremely prone to drying out so what we do is we water at least twice a week and we also will crater the soil and that basically means we plant about one to two inches lower than the original soil level and it makes this very slight indentation that water will naturally flow into since it's lower than the rest of the soil and it will essentially just kind of pool there and it allows the roots to get access to more moisture than you know than they would normally get and it also optimizes water so you have to water as much during the hot season so that's what we do there another thing when it comes to growing raspberries is fertilizing because we are starting from a bare root does not mean that you treat them any differently than starting them from a nurse from a nursery plant so we're going to treat them exactly the same and i know there's a lot of different conflicting information out there but trust me i'm the one with the growing guide so you can trust the information i'm putting out and you do not need to treat them any differently an already growing plant from the nursery will need a high nitrogen fertilizer just like we gave this bare root plant a high nitrogen fertilizer and the reason being oftentimes you'll hear people say oh give them lots of phosphorus if they're bare root bologna bologna sandwiches all around it's not true and the reason is because you need to pull them out of dormancy right now the plant does not even have any concern about growing a root system because there's no there's no leaves yet and you need leaves in order to to grow or to produce energy through photosynthesis that is then stored in the roots so nitrogen always has to come first so put that on a t-shirt nitrogen always comes first you'll never forget it um so in the beginning of the season we'll feed them with trifecta plus but you can feed them with blood meal if you want that's also another great source of nitrogen and that nitrogen is going to pull the plant out of dormancy and work on leaf growth after that you could pretty much leave it for the rest of the season you don't have to worry but then in the end of the season after the fruit has been picked again depending on the type of of raspberry it might be a spring summer or fall raspberry as soon as the fruit is done and you've already picked it you want to start preparing the plant for winter it seems crazy even if it's a spring a spring variety or an early summer variety you have to start preparing it for winter because basically the fruits objective is to ripen its fruit and since it's a perennial the plant actually is already doing it crazy as it may seem the plant is already as soon as the fruit ripens the the plant has already done its deed its job is done to preserve its its genetic diversity now it has to focus on surviving surviving itself so we can do it this the next year the following year so it will begin to form roots and it will actually slow down growth another thing going back to fertilizing in the spring you're actually going to get more fruit production if you fertilize with nitrogen because fruit forms on new growth that same year peaches and other fruit trees they'll form fruit the following year on new growth which is often where that kind of is confused but if these form new growth they will fruit on that new growth this year so it really is a reward to taking care of your plant uh early on in the season get it off to a good start you're going to have a bumper crop so um the next thing that we want to talk about is soil ph that's pretty much it though oh and and sunlight which we'll talk about um so soil ph they're very particular when it comes to soil ph anything over uh eight anything over a 7.0 will hurt it um you want a ph of of basic or slightly uh slightly acidic so we tend to give ours uh basically blackberries and raspberries they're in the same same bed here so we pretty much give them a ph of 6.0 to 6.5 and we do that by giving them some soil acidifier it's basically just powdered soil sulfur and we'll just sprinkle that around the plants because they're in a clay based soil it has a tendency to to make it a little more alkaline continuously so this is something we do every year and well we will do it every year we've done it for the first time this year because we just bought the house in last year so since we just planted these we we've fixed the ph and next spring we'll fix the ph again and it's just something you're going to want to do from time to time to make sure that the plant is uptaking the nutrients that it needs and a lot of people don't realize that soil ph is the number one regulator for pulling up nutrients if your soil is not the right ph the plant won't be able to take up the nutrients that it ideally would like to be taking up and the final thing is sunlight so sunlight is something that we like to cover all the time in these growing guides because it's something you can do really wrong blackberries and raspberries both enjoy filtered full sun so we have a tree to the left and a tree to the right and basically there's a big gap in the center and there's a gap below the tree and a gap below that tree so we have two spots where you get filtered sun and then the rest of the day you get pretty much great full sun and so we want to give them about four and a half to five and a half hours of full sun and the rest can be filtered and the reason being is they need some breaking from that hot sun hopefully the wind's not messing up the audio it's getting real windy here but we have a storm front moving through so so pretty much the the sunlight is going to is going to be important but you don't want too much full sun otherwise you're going to have sun scald on the fruit and if you've ever seen sun scald it's like a kind of a really soft kind of silvery mushy spot and it happens on all fruits but it's really prone on your vining uh your brambly fruits because they're a vining plant and they don't really provide a whole lot of leaf cover that's normally found with most of your other fruits and vegetables but since they are so kind of sparse with their their their leaves you'll find that their fruit is really open to the sun a lot and that's why having that break in the sun is great and that's why a lot of permaculturists will actually plant their brambles below fruit trees because they make a great ground cover or kind of a small understory if you will to protect them from that harsh sun that really is is something that will damage a lot of fruit so that's all there is to growing raspberries hopefully you enjoyed if you think i missed something let me know in the comments box below also if you uh if you'd like to see more growing guides like this make sure to check out our playlist we have a playlist on youtube with now over 35 i think growing guides incredible on fruits and vegetables so it's worth checking out especially if you like this one and and as always this is luke from the mi gardener channel reminding you to grow big or go home and grow some raspberries while you're at it i'll catch you later see ya bye [Music]
Channel: MIgardener
Views: 841,156
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: simple, howto, walkthrough, beginning garden, how to grow raspberries, tips, how-to, tricks, how to, growing,, Premiere_Elements_15, complete, raspberries, migardener, gardening tips, guide, easy
Id: V822szhHuSw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 56sec (656 seconds)
Published: Fri May 19 2017
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