How To Grow Persimmon From Cuttings: Propagate Fuyu Persimmons From Cuttings, See Roots

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See how to grow and propagate persimmon tree from cuttings. Taking correct persimmon cuttings is the most  important step for success. I will give you more   details on persimmon cuttings later on. Remove lower leaves  and any persimmon fruits and cut upper leaves into half.   Keep a node (leaf joint) at the bottom where roots  will grow. Wrap the persimmon cuttings in a wet newspaper,   while you carry them to your home or  prepare for other things. Now prepare   the rooting soil mixture. Mix some river sand  in potting mix to make the soil free-draining.   Do not mix any manure or  fertilizer as there are no roots.   Take a small pot having many drainage holes and  fill it with this potting mix. Water the soil and   place the pot in shade for half an hour to drain  excess water. Now planting the persimmon cuttings. Apply   rooting hormone at the cut end. You can use Aloe  Vera gel in place of a chemical rooting hormone.   Plant the persimmon cuttings 2-3 inch deep in soil.  Do not push. You can plant 5-6 persimmon cuttings   in the same Pot. Only a few will root.  Enclose the pot in a polythene bag. This act   as a mini greenhouse creating high humidity  around the cuttings. Place the sealed bag in   shade at a warm place. The persimmon cuttings will root  at temperatures more than 20 degree Celsius.   Open the Bag every 2 weeks  and if the soil looks dry,   then mist the cuttings or add a few drops of water  on the soil. Remove any cuttings which has become   black. Close the bag again and keep in Shade. The persimmon cuttings will show new growth in 4 to 12 weeks   depending on the temperature  and size and age of cuttings.   A strong thick root has emerged from the bottom  hole. I will plant this rooted persimmon cutting in soil.   Take persimmon cuttings in the morning. Place the bag  at a warm place, away from direct sun light.   Too much water in the bag may rot the  cuttings, only a light misting is sufficient.   Take 3 to 5 month old newly grown cuttings from healthy persimmon stems with the wood of older branch attached.   Move the Bag indoors if the temperature falls  below 15 degree Celsius, you can put it in an   AC room, away from direct air flow. Disinfect  tools with bleach solution or with alcohol.
Channel: GardenTricks
Views: 39,910
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Keywords: persimmon, how to grow persimmon from cutting, how to grow persimmon tree from cutting, can you grow a persimmon tree from a cutting, how to propagate persimmon tree from cuttings, how to propagate persimmon from cuttings, how to propagate persimmon from stem cuttings, propagating persimmons from cuttings, persimmon propagation, propagating fuyu persimmons, fuyu pkaki propagation, Japanese persimmon, propagating fuyu persimmon, Asian persimmon, American propagation
Id: -I1wHOV3iGQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 18sec (258 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 24 2022
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