How to Grow on Instagram in 2024 [FULL GUIDE] | Instagram Algorithm Exposed! | Ishan Sharma

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Instagram audience bu then this is the best video that you need to watch hi everyone I'm isan Sharma and this is the complete in-depth guide about growing on Instagram in 2024 Instagram have grown over 600k followers my Instagram handle is @ isan Sharma 7390 if you have not seen already and I've posted over 800 pieces of content that could be carousals reels and other formats and with all of this I have learned a lot of lessons lots of mistakes I made lots of things I learned along the way which I want to share with you in this video to video go take a pen and paper and take notes and that will help you execute better in 2024 why Instagram right like why do you need to be active on this another platform now think about it right Instagram is the place where culture is right like if you want to be culturally relevant in India you have to be on Instagram instag right YouTube you can build a following but if you really want to be in minds of people if you want to build a lasting impression in minds of people you have to be on Instagram right that is the basics and that tells you how important Instagram is for your own discoverability social manager and you want to grow their brand you have to learn how Instagram works and be on that platform if you want to build your own personal brand become omnipresent in minds of people you have to be on Instagram and so for all of these reasons you need to understand how the platform works and how can you grow on it in 2024 so I will lay down a complete step-by-step blueprint that you can follow and get to your first 100K followers on Instagram or maybe a million followers as well I have done it myself on my Instagram plus my agent which is marketup has also helped multiple creators grow and create reals which have garnered millions of views and I will be sharing everything I've learned in this video so I've learned a thing or two which I want to share with you in this video hit the like button and subscribe the first and the most important thing has to be your name you need to optimize your name if you want to have an impression in people's mind right there are so many people who have these cringe names who use too many characters who use like dot who would use some other special characters you don't need to use all of that have something which is brandable which is memorable a name which is short and can easily be remembered make sure it's your own name and not some random gaming username like you know devil monster 65 or something or if you're building for a Brand's Instagram having that at the rate for the brand is super important again keep it short to the point but also make it memorable for people like I get so many DMS of people asking me Kya ishan Sharma to but 7390 right they ask me these questions they are super curious and then I reply back and tell them by there's a whole story behind it if you know it let me know in the comments but that is very important to understand you need to have a brandable name a brandable at theate so the first thing is to have a brandable at the rate number two let's also talk about your name now the biggest mistake people make when they start a new Instagram account in 2024 is that they have a simple name ishan Sharma that's it that is the biggest mistake your name is very important for you to optimize your profile for search if anyone searches for SEO if anyone searches for influencer marketing and if you are an influencer marketer or if you are in branding or marketing or AI for that matter your profile has more chances of ranking if you include that sector in the name itself so it's much better to keep it ishan Sharma a pipe and then you can write who you are or what do do you want to rank for what do you want to be known for like I want to be known for AI business or education so I've mentioned it over there do that that will help you a lot whenever someone is searching for that keyword your profile has more chances of ranking at the Top If you have that written over there that's the first and the most important thing make sure you optimize your adorate along with the name the next step is the bio and oh my God there's so many people who make this mistake of writing over ly complex words and have too long of a bio you have to understand a bio is supposed to tell people who you are yet not give them the whole context of Who You Are For example there's a guy called Zach Pogo and his Instagram bio is just one sentence follow Obsession right he wants people to replace the word obsession with his name and that's the best thing you can do if you want people to remember you there should be a word in people's dictionary and their mind that they can immediately connect you with right and if you can do that like for example Zach whenever I think of Zach I think of obsession I think of being obsessed because he has branded himself in that way that that is the one word that I will replace him for in my dictionary so that's what you need to think about how do you want people to think of you as like what's the first thought people should have when they look at you when they think about you that is branding if you're still confused basically your bio should first of all have a line talking about your interests and what word do you want people to attach you and your name with for me it is AI business technology education so I've written those words over there the next line should have what do you really do right so for example I run a podcast called as Limitless with ishan so I've written that over there in my bio next should be what are you building or what separates you from everyone else so I've written that I am a you YouTube Creator along with that I also am building a media agency called as marketup so that is the third line the next line if you have space can be a way for you to tell people how do they contact you so it could be your short email address it could be something else but just make it very easy for people to reach out to you that's how you will get opportunities if you want to find Opportunities on Instagram the best way is for you to get as many ways for people to contact you it could be through email it could be be through messaging you it could also be by sending a message to you on WhatsApp make it very easy for people to get in touch with you that's how you'll get the best opportunities out there so make it super easy for them to contact you so that is what a bio should look like it should have what are you building what world do you want people to relate you with and thirdly it should have how can they contact you that's it that's all you need to have no need to mention those crazy words like you know wonderlust or or whatever those words you you normally people have in their bios do not have them just keep it very simple to the point or just make sure that you create curiosity you just have a one sentence which creates curiosity which is humorous which makes people message you that hey I saw your bio it was really quirky what do you do it's just like Bumble right you can just make it so humorous and different that you stand out from the crowd right that's how you have to be a bio link that you can attach and that is very important it can can be a simple link tree link which can redirect people to a lot of different links that you want people to check out or for me it is just a simple link directing people to my YouTube channel because I want people to discover me through Instagram but then go subscribe to me on YouTube and that's what I have done in that link so make sure you have something over there don't leave it blank that's a missed opportunity make sure that there is a link attached over there so that's how you create a great bio have the link optimize your ad theate and your name that's the basics if you do that right you will automatically have a lot more appearances and searches that's very important number two let's talk about content right content is super important even though you do all of these things you still will not get a single person messaging you because you my friend are not creating content so what content works on Instagram let's talk about that now talking about content let's try to segment everything first of all talking about reals so a simple way to think about reals is sharability plus TR this is what you should focus on when you're creating a real think about how can you create an emotion in people's mind so that they will share that with their friends either through directly messaging their friends sending it to that person or putting it on their story it's all about creating that emotion for example I recently made a real which is about casual hookups and relationships situationships and I made it in a way that will create cre an emotion in people's mind and that real got like 2 million views 2 million views in just a couple of days it was all possible because I evoked a certain emotion in people which got them to share this real with a lot of people another example is a real I made talking about communication skills how can you communicate better so it was basically a couple of clips of me giving speeches at colleges with some text talking about how can you communicate better and then there there were screenshots s it was information heavy and it was also just a 8 to 10 second reel so lots of information in a 8 to 10 second Reel with a message to read caption below what happens here is you are basically encouraging people to check the caption now when people check the caption The Reel is still playing in the background and it's just a 8sec reel when people are reading the caption they are spending let's just say 2 to 3 minutes reading the caption in that background The Reel is playing continuously you cannot pause the Reel and what happens then is to Instagram it looks like this reel is watched by this person by 10 15 20 times in reality that person just spend the time reading the caption but the video was playing in the background which then tells Instagram algorithm that this reel is hot and people are spending more time on this reel which means it needs to go to even more audiences and because of that every single screenshot re I've made has crossed millions of views at least a million but has also crossed four to 5 million views in a single real and that was all possible because of this technique it might sound evil but that's how it basically works either you evoke emotion or you make sure that people are rewatching that real and lastly you should make it so that your real creates a discussion in in the comment section so that is how it works and another step is Trends right now Trends come and go the way to use Trends is you know people ask me this question should I make my own Trend or should I just follow the trends are going out there the way to go forward is use the trend could be a music could be a style but apply your own thoughts into it for example there were a lot of trending music where people were dancing on it now I took that same music and I created screenshot type reels with it so I'm still using trending music but I'm applying my own content on it and that is what helped me get to millions and millions of views on reals so that is how it works so that's how it works you just need to spend about 30 minutes or so on Instagram just scroll reals and you'll understand what is the trend right now like what music is trending what format is trending and then you can make something similar in that Trend while while applying your own content on it you don't need to dance on all the trending music out there if you have something different for example I talk about upskilling I talk about how can you improve yourself self-development so I will include that content in that Trend and it would still get a lot of views and that is how it happens so that's how you create viral reels again you don't need to create a hyperedited reel you can do that it might work amazingly well for you but you don't need to do it particularly you just need to create a very engaging hook and yes this is another very important point the first 3 seconds of a real is super important you need to have something which catches people's attention for example the re I was talking about which was about communication skills The Reel starts and the first clip is of me speaking when I was 16 or 17 right I looked like a small kid shy person and I've written the capture over there I was shy and underconfidence the next clip is of me giving speeches at colleges and then saying that today I have given these many speeches so it's sort of like the rag to riches story people want to know about and then comes the another drop in which you are talking about how did you get there so it was a bunch of screenshots over there so that is how it works just a very simple example it could be with screenshot reels it could also be with any other piece of content but it's all about catching attention of people like how can you catch attention and then deliver on that so that it evokes an emotion gets people to share it with one person or on their story and you can do that over and over and over again so that people start relating you with that content piece it could be relationships it could be self-development it could be business it could be AI but you need to have one stance right and that is how you'll be able to grow it's not about creating a lot of reals on Instagram it's about putting that one piece of content which has the perfect hook which is sharable and has also used some sort of trend and that will work amazingly well how did easy snippet grow right I don't know if you have seen his reels or not but he is expert at looking at the most viral reels on Instagram India take the first 3 seconds of that and play that in his real and then relate it with the coding concept he is teaching on his reals so he got the attention of people he made it a bit humorous and quirky and then he delivered on the content piece leading to again millions and millions of views which was otherwise a boring concept like who wants to learn about coding but if you simply have that catchy hook of 3 seconds it becomes more interesting it becomes more ey catching now talking about what do you put in the real right you can either make it informative you can educate people you can either make people laugh through memes and jokes you can share stories which will connect with people you can also have facts which will make people to share it with other people you can make the real relatable which will make people to comment more and say that or at the end if you are an artist if you are a designer if you're an animator you can just make it cre creative right I'll link a lot of Instagram accounts in the caption so that you can go and look at each of these and how are they perfecting in each of these domains so that you get a better idea so that's how real content works so that's how the real part Works another thing is carousals right now carousal is a great way for you to explain a topic and get people to save it right and whenever you save it Instagram realizes that it's a important piece of content and it pushes it to even more more people so if you want to get into the explore feed of people a great way to do that is by getting people to save your carousal post and you can do that by making it super informative you can either have quotes you can teach people something you can offer some free resources courses or any other thing that gets people to save it for later so that is how carousals work again it's not about making it really flashy making it in the best design it's more about having a piece of line or content which catches attention as I've just said right there's a framework called as Aid a framework which is all about catching attention taking that attention and converting it into interest and then helping people learn something they should have an Insight by the end of your carousal post and that will help you win another mistake people make is that they think the only way to grow on Instagram is with the help of reals that is a great way to grow however having carousals can also help you grow can also help you get those followers and get those saves so think about that whenever you're thinking of growing on Instagram create a Content calendar right you can you can divide you can either have let's just say 12 reels in that month you can have maybe let's just say six carousal posts and that would be it you don't need to make a Content piece every single day on Instagram to grow you just need to make it super sharable and that will help you grow automatically there are reals on my account which do not do well in the starting but then pick up traction after 2 to three days and they get to millions and millions of views and that is insane right so that's how the algorithm really works your focus should be on understanding Trends and then creating something which works from your content piece in that Trend particularly and a brilliant platform to use for that is notion again this is not sponsored you can just go to and you can download it and have a project dashboard so that you know when you have to post what and make sure that there's a healthy balance of 60% content that you know will go viral right that you know is appealing to a lot of people you use the trends 30% can be content pieces that you think can help build a personality of yours your expertise in front of people so that would be 30% for the middle of the funnel and the last one is one which is super Niche which you know will not work but will also create a group of people who just love your content and they will come and engage with it because they love your personality and they know that you create depth so it should be 10% depth 30% middle final content and the 60% should be broad cont content which you know will get a lot of traction so that's how it basically works that's how you think about creating content now go on your notion project management dashboard and start creating those ideas look at what you can teach people how can you make people laugh and create different boards for that and start executing on it another thing you can learn to edit videos yourself right you don't need to hire a video editor to do it it's a very fun process I am a video editor myself have been editing videos for the last 3 years and most of my reals which I create are edited by myself right and they're all heartfelt reals I'm teaching something or the other or I'm just sharing an emotion with people like people are feeling lonely what do you do then or people are feeling heartbroken what do you do then people are in love what do you do then so all of these emotions I'm trying to Target through my editing through my storytelling and that's very important for you to learn right you don't need to learn everything you can learn the basics and and then start creating reals with that skill you can start editing with this app called as VN video editor you can also use inshot or YouTube has come up with a new editing tool called as create so YouTube create is a mobile app that you can download and you can start editing videos for completely free right no matter what phone you have if you have an Android phone you can simply download and you can start editing reels and shs on that platform itself and you can automatically upload that shot on YouTube and again it's a completely free thing there are no ads it's very simple to use it is basically this timeline and you can add more content on it right so there will be overlays there will be one basic timeline and you can look at the preview of it on the same platform itself so again YouTube create is a wonderful app that you can try out if not there is other things like you have VN video editor you have inshot or if you have a laptop then you can start also using Final Cut Pro which is what I have been using so far on my MacBook or you can also use Adobe Premier Pro again these are more professional tools if you're just starting out you can simply use VN video editor or YouTube create just go on YouTube and just search YouTube create tutorial or adobe premium Pro tutorial and start learning about it just search how do I I make this real or how do I create this thing or the other also there's a thing called as templates on Instagram right so for every Trend there will be a template that you can create people have these templates that you can just click on upload your content and it will automatically arrange your content in that template and your real will be ready in no time so again go and explore that try editing reels yourself learn how storytelling Works learn how you can have a hook have a climax and then motivate people to share this real with other people that's all that you need to know another mistake people make is they do not puts you have to make sure that people can still read while muting the video and still understand whatever real you create you must have that text and that will help you get to more audience and people can watch it even if the audio is muted so make sure that you understand that because duration of the people become actively engaged with your real because they're reading the caption they're reading the text and so they become engaged with that real so that is why having captions is very important and then your captions are good to go again how you want to present captions completely depends on you Instagram account called as buy maximize value I'll put the link in the description uh look at that profile and see captions strongly use right the way they use captions is very intriguing and those captions make that real very engaging and fun to watch so go check out that account at the end it's all about great storytelling of all about Stelling so that's another account that you can go and watch and get experience of story how do you get people hooked to what you are talking about again at the end the motive with Instagram is to create a story which connects with people and if you can do that your reals and content will go viral and that is how it will work so that was about reals another important thing in reals is the caption now caption there's a new update on Instagram because of which every caption needs to be long if you have a long caption the chances of the video working will be more why because of two reasons number one people will now spend more time reading the caption if the caption is longer the video will keep playing in the background and the number of replays of the Reel is counted by Instagram algorithm the more number of replays of that reel the higher likelihood of Instagram recommending it to more people so that's how it works and secondly keywords right when you have those keywords that you're talking about in the real in that caption that helps you with search if anyone searches for a particular keyword like I was going to Japan so I just search for bullet train so every single caption which had the term bullet train ranked on that search on Instagram so that's how you need to think about it so maximize on writing long captions making people read that caption and learning something from that caption and ask a question at the end and urge people to follow um and and share this with a friend or save for later these are just things that you can urge people to do as a CTA call to action basically at the end of the re what do you want people to do that's what you tell them in the end of the caption so that's how it essentially Works writing a long caption is super important pay a lot more attention to this and that will help you rank and get even more views on your reals so so that was about the caption hashtags don't matter as much in 2024 in Instagram but you need to mention a few of them right which you think can help recommend it to the right people so just do that but don't be the person who stuffs like 30 hashtags in your Instagram caption that's just a waste of potential rather use that space of words and write a deeper caption that connects with people that is much more important now another thing is the in stagram editor now Instagram real editor is a lot more capable now there are a lot more things you can do with it now the first and the most important is autoc captioning right so you might have seen reels of people who do not edit their reel they are just talking to the camera and there's a caption running over here and that is autogenerated by Instagram it works really really well and you can do it as well it takes about 10 seconds for it to generate a caption of your entire reel and it is very very efficient that's number one number two you can finally have more overlays you can do particular Trends you can have particular effects all inside of Instagram real editor so again a great way for you to edit reals inside of Instagram itself which you can explore I would still suggest using VN video editor or YouTube create or any other platform to edit your real and then post it through Instagram so that's how it works at the end always make sure that you whenever you want to use an Instagram trendy real music you always go to the music section before you upload and put that music on it don't expect it will work it might not it's very uh tricky sometimes Instagram does not pick up the audio you are using so you have to add it manually so that's very important U so that's essentially how the Instagram real editor Works we've talked about how real works editing storytelling that is very important another part of growing on Instagram is actually retaining the people who followed you right and that will happen with the help of stories now stories is very important if you are not active on stories your account will just not get pushed to enough people or you will not be recommended to the people who already followed you right so always try your best to have at least four to five stories which are interactive there are people who just put some random story of some scenery or some book or something or the other make it deeper right ask them questions make them reply to your story make them use those emojis make them use that slider ask them questions put a countdown and and make sure that it is as interactive as possible because that will lead to people spending more time on your stories which will tell Instagram that your stories are more interactive and better thereby it will recommend your stories ahead of other people that that person has followed on Instagram in the stories field so that's how it works it's very simple it's all about having an interactive story which people can engage with so always understand it's discoverability with reals and retention and engagement with stories that is the way to grow on Instagram you should have at least at least five to six stories every single day you can also spam people once in a blue moon if you are doing like a AMA ask me anything but it's really important to have engagement and interactivity in your stories there is one more thing people do and that is they create like a life carousal in which every week or two weeks they'll put up a carousal in which they just showing their life that is another way for people to connect with you and get to know you on a human level so you can try that out as well and see if that is working for you but again what works for them might not work for you sometimes you are more of a educator and you are less of a lifestyle Creator there's nothing wrong with that it's just self-awareness that you need to have and when you have that you can just focus on giving as much value as possible but if you know that you want people to know your Human Side you want people to see how do you normally live your life your family your relationships your your parents then you can include a carousal post in which You're just showing your life could be some moments of you having dinner or have fun with your family spending time at home whatever it is but it's all about connecting with people it could be through lifestyle photos it could be through value that you can provide to people if you're just starting out on Instagram always make sure that you have at least 12 pieces of content ready what that means is you have a whole library of content pieces to go out when you are launching an Instagram account right Instagram wants people to discover new accounts new faces new people new brands and it wants to recommend you so at the start Instagram starts pushing your account and your content to more people so the first day you have an optimized bio name and AD theate and Link and along with that put out 12 pieces of content 12 videos reels carousal whatever it is but put out 12 pieces of content so that your profile looks complete it doesn't look Half Baked it doesn't look unprofessional it looks that you have been posting content when people will scroll they can see some post and some content over there so that's how it works that will help you spring and get a lot of impressions in front of people another smart thing to do if you want to grow on Instagram is to collaborate with people in your own industry it's all about collaboration right it's you will never build the biggest building in town by just doing it yourself when you collaborate your audience gets value from other person and the other person's audience gets values from you so a great collab is someone who is in your own industry they're maybe talking about something else you can both collaborate and they can be a mix and match of audiences that can be a great way to help each other grow while talking about something that you are passionate about as well so another examp example is me and my friend anik anik is a designer we both went to Dubai and we made a reel talking about Chad GPT running our whole day so again Chad GPT is something that I talk about he talks more about his life and Tech and design so we just collaborated and Chad GPT gave us a list of things to do in Dubai in that day and we just vlogged everything so we did that we turned that into a real and it got a lot of traction so that's just a simple example of what you can do and get traction on Instagram by collaborating with people in similar niches now a big warning I have for all of you is to build a brand and not just a account with a lot of followers there a there's a huge difference between both of them right they can be someone who has just 50,000 followers yet those 50,000 people really care about that person versus having a million followers on Instagram and it being from people who don't really care much about you they just saw a viral reel of yours some Trend that you followed and they just followed you for it they've forgotten about you you're not interacting with them you're not sharing your Human Side on Instagram and they just don't know who you are they've just followed you for the sake of it that is the worst thing you can do those are followers which will not help you in anything so the best thing you can do is to share your Human Side as much as possible and engage with people again through stories and by actually replying to people in your comment section in your DMs and that will help you a lot there's another part of your profile which I've not talked about yet and that is story highlights now story highlights is a very important way for people to have a look at your life like what are your interests like what do you talk about like for example I love traveling so a lot of my story highlights are about the places I've traveled I have one highight which is just about my book there's one story highlight about my YouTube Journey the first clip on it is me having just 100 subscribers on YouTube and to today with over 1.1 million so it has that whole journey it can inspire people it can help people connect with you in a better way it can also just help people with being resourceful you can have a lot of resources like for example I have a story highlight which is called mustat it's all books podcasts long videos and documentaries that I have personally loved watching and have learned a lot from and I've just highlighted them so that others can get value from it as well so again it's all about making people connect with you in a better way through your life through being resourceful through just showing your journey and that will help connect people at a deeper level so that's how everything works another segment of it all is brand collabs right I think I'm not touched upon this in a long time so let's talk about this now brand collabs on Instagram does not happen very frequently right recently particularly there has been a huge decline in the number of people who are getting brand collabs I got to talk with a lot of influencer marketers and they're all saying that the people who are making a lot of money on Instagram are people who are making very Massy trendy funny content so those the people who are making money in India right now and they're charging 5 lakhs 10 15 lakhs for a single reel that's how much you can ask if you're getting millions and millions of views so that's how that works it depends on what you want right for example I reached out to brands that I genuinely love I reached out to AI companies I want to work with and I pitch them my account they can see my average views they can see how much Impressions I'm having in the last 28 days and basically the rule of thumb is for me as a education Creator I can charge anywhere between 1 to two rupees per view right now there are other people who are making other types of content for whom the rate might be lesser but that can give you an idea for how much you can charge people on a single Instagram re that you create for them right so that's how it works but always make sure that your brand and the real Blends in like in your real that brand should be a part of it it should not look like a ad right those are the worst type of collabs do not do not do that another thing is barter deals so there are a lot of Brands who just do barter it's never a good thing to do barter which is basically a brand sends you a product you review the product and you make a real about it you do not get paid you just keep the product with you while this can work very well in the starting it's not a good idea to do it in the long term so maybe by 10,000 followers 15 20 30,000 followers you can simply go with that barter system but later on make sure that you start charging you will not have value like once people know that you can do barter system they will always try to do bter deals with you they will never realize your true value and you will have to build your value yourself and the best way to do that is by actually charging for it charge for the value you create for people that's very important to understand so that's how it is that's how brand deals work always make sure that you take Advanced payment now the best way to get brand deals is to actually reach out to Brands right so whatever brand you love and want to collaborate with send them a DM but also send them a email right now email has more friction it's harder to do which means there is less crowd over there there are less people crowding DMS of people on email versus on Instagram so you send them an email show them your profile and show your past collaborations or show your past best performing reals and ask them if they would want to connect with you so that's how it works the best way to go is to do a long-term deal with every brand and that can be very fruitful for you that will help help you get recurring Revenue through Instagram so that's how it works that's how you make money on Instagram you can also do affiliate marketing if that's what you're into um hasn't worked out for me particularly but you have to always understand that Instagram is a platform for discoverability right it's a platform where people get to know who you are they might not buy from you on Instagram particularly but they will understand who you are and what you do right so keep that in mind that is very important to understand because you know sometimes Brands say that we want conversions we want sales we want people to click on your link and actually buy your product now that is unlikely the platform is made in a way that it's more about top of the funnel it is about getting in front of most people as possible and building a name for yourself building a brand for yourself so even if you look at the brand accounts of most of the top brands like take example of zomato Subway U dualingo for that matter dualingo India they are all funny relatable sharable memes and content that they create they're never selling there's no point of selling on Instagram you never sell what you do is you create sharability and when people share your content they can always see who made this content which was you and that's how they get to know about you and then they will click on your link and then they will buy your Stu but you should never sell first be as much discoverable as possible and that's how you will get sales so that's how it works uh I think we covered everything if you have any questions about Instagram or growth in general let me know in the comment section below you can get to 100K followers on Instagram in less than 90 days or 100 days in 2024 the best way to do that is to optimize your bio your adorate your name make it searchable make it rank for certain keywords find a keyword you would want people to relate you with for example when you think of Finance you think of Finance with sharan right when you think of funny or jokes you think of a particular creator tanb for that example so you have to do that that is very important next make sure you have at least 12 pieces of content ready make it sharable storytelling editing of your real have that caption long captions with fewer hashtags sharability is the goal and do that over and over and over again see what works and multiply that don't experiment much just see what works and just make more and more of that again don't copy don't do the same thing over and over again but understand the format that works and do new things in the same format and that will help you win in 2024 on Instagram again there's a lot for me to learn I might hit a million followers on Instagram by the end of 2024 we'll see what happens but if youve not followed me already check out @ isan Sharma 7390 on Instagram thank you so so much for watching this video till the very end if you have any questions let me know below as well I'll try to answer them as much as possible share this video with people on Instagram uh click a screenshot over here and put it on social media LinkedIn Instagram YouTube um you know Twitter and share that one lesson you learned from this video which is helpful for other people as well thank you so much for watching once again I will be coming up with a lot of interesting content in the future as well on YouTube so make sure that you subscribe if you want to up skill if you want to become a better version of yourself and let me know in the comment section what do you want to do with Instagram do you want to help Brands grow Do you want to build your own personal brand or what is your goal with Instagram in 2024 let me know below and that would be great if you're still watching WR in the comment section I watch till the very end I will see you all in the next video hit the like button and subscribe I'll see you again byebye
Channel: Ishan Sharma
Views: 82,726
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ishan sharma, how to grow on instagram, my instagram growth strategy, how i got 100k followers on instagram, how to increase reach on instagram, instagram algorithm exposed, instagram algorithm hack, instagram growth, instagram, instagram tips, instagram growth tips, instagram algorithm 2023, instagram grow kaise kare, instagram growth hacks, instagram beginner tips, instagram followers, instagram followers kaise badhaye, instagram reels algorithm, how to go viral on instagram
Id: cui7XW60eEg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 58sec (2578 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 16 2024
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