How to grow MASSIVE AMOUNTS of tomatoes!

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hey guys good morning hey in today's video I'm gonna show you how to grow massive amounts of tomatoes in your garden I have about 400 Tomatoes I'm like 25 tomato plants right now and I'm going to show you exactly how I do that and how you can do it too [Music] okay so I'll be the first to admit that I don't know everything when it comes to Tomatoes but um I have been able to consistently grow a lot of tomatoes on my plants every single year so I'm gonna show you my best tips and tricks what fertilizer I use how I use a single stem method to produce more Tomatoes and less leaves and some tips and tricks that you should try in your own garden to get bigger tomato plants okay so there's two different types of tomato plant there's determinate and indeterminate so determinate you don't ever really want to do the single stem method that I'm about to show you basically a determinate tomato plant other things like cherry tomatoes I can't and what they do is they are more like a compact Bush type plant and usually all the fruit comes at one and then the plant [Music] indeterminate are the ones that I actually prefer although I do have some cherry tomatoes here because I can single stem them which I'm going to explain in just a second and they produce all the way up until a frost now the only downside is that indeterminate usually have to stake up or put in cages whereas determinants kind of stayed more compact they're easier like if you have a small growing area for growing on a patio you're gonna want to look for more determinant types um you'll see in my garden I have some of these colorful really nice sturdy taller ones and then I have some of these cheaper shorter wider ones the only reason I had the two is just because these are expensive these are about six or seven dollars each and these are three dollars each I keep my eye open and when they go and sale then I'll pick up some of these so some of my plants that maybe look like they're not gonna be as big I'll put the I'll put these on but you have to cage your plants when they're smaller because if you tried a cage on once they're bigger one they're gonna sprawl all over the ground instead of growing up like they do with the cages and two it just becomes much harder see but what would happen is this the plant with sideways you'd have to train the entire stock to come back up and through and you're probably gonna end up breaking the stock and so it's really important to cage them when they're between brand new to a month planted and then you know what can happen is that as the plant grows it might grow out of the cage so you just have to watch it and then very very gently and carefully kind of pry that plant back in so you can train it to go up through the cage now like when I lived in Texas for example my tomato plants were nine foot tall so the cages weren't even big enough what I had to do is get some PVC pipes and trellis them to that but that's another story for another day so this should work pretty good these ones are just gonna have to make do for this season and then hopefully next season I'll have all the nicer sturdier cages [Music] usually it says on the little tag if it's a determinate or indeterminate or you can just ask whoever wherever you're buying your transplants now tomato plants I don't like to start from seed because we don't have a long enough growing season and so the bigger the transplant the sooner you're gonna get fruit I usually just buy the ones that come in a four pack and I started planting these let's see usually I'm here in I don't you can start planting tomatoes I think I planted the weekend before so it just depends think there's if there's any sign that there's gonna be another front the frost will kill your plants so if you plant and then a frost comes you have to replant all over again and it sucks so what I did is I just bought a bunch of different I have 25 tomato plants so I just bought like some champions some early birds some purple Cherokees which are cool cuz they turn out like purple a bunch of Roma tomatoes some better boys I picked out some yellow cherry pear Tomatoes some sweet cherries get me up some ahead so there's a couple things that I do to really grow a lot of tomatoes and I'm gonna talk for a second about the single stem method so essentially a plant only has so much energy that they can produce right so the energy kind of go into leaf production or I can go into fruit production and I am in the business of growing tomatoes it's not a needle lease so when you first plant the plant you can't single stem it because the plants so small it needs every single leaf that it has for photosynthesis it collects energy from the Sun through the leaves and then that energy goes into growing the plant alright so these are my favorite pair of clippers I think I can't remember the brand Fiskars maybe anyways they work really really well and so what I do is I use these Clippers instead of just breaking them off my hand because I've tried that in the past and you can actually damage the plant so then what I do is I start at the bottom and I just you know right now these these have all been trimmed but before their leaves everywhere there are leaves touching the ground there were leaves that weren't getting enough sunlight because of the leaves up top and so the leaves were kind of turning some funny colors in fact you can see just it's barely doing it just a little bit here see how there's it's kind of turning color on the edges there so I can cut off the lower leaves because the plant is established enough but see when the plants are really really little you don't want to cut their leaves off because they use their leaves for photosynthesis the Sun puts energy into the leaves and then that energy is then transported into going the plant but because this plant's tall enough I can cut off the lower leaves so what I'm gonna do is just very carefully come in here and go right next to the to the stem and just trim it off now if the leaves look really bad I won't throw them in the compost compost pile but if the leaves are okay looking I'll put them in the compost pile and then I just you know I just trimmed so they're still don't want to trim all the leaves off because it can put the plant into shock one and two like I said the plant needs the leaves first photosynthesis but I trim any unhealthy looking leaves and a lot of the leaves on the bottom once the plant starts to grow now the one thing you want to be super super cautious of especially if you're a beginner is that you don't want to accidentally trim the branch that's going to produce Tomatoes so anything on any of these little flowers are eventually going to become Tomatoes in fact I have two beehives so that I put here so the bees the bees come and pollinate the flowers to produce more Tomatoes but all of these little flowers will eventually turn into a tomato and so you want to be super cautious cuz see it's kind of hard when the plants are little like look up here down here it's obvious right this is a branch that's gonna have fruit but a leaf branch will never ever produce fruit so this is the branch of the leaf so you can trim this off just like that but this is the branch of a tomato and trust me I've made this mistake before you don't want to accidentally cut this it makes you feel like you just want to cry because you lose all those Tomatoes can you see here how there's just a tiny difference here's the sucker that are gonna trim but there is the branch that's eventually going to have a lot of tomatoes and so you just like each each one of those little tiny buds is going to become a tomato once it opens up and so when you're when you're pinching off suckers you just have to be you know extremely cautious here's another example I'm gonna trim off this little sucker right here which I could do with my thumb I'm just gonna use the Clippers but I don't want to accidentally cut this one off see cuz it has all the little buds so you know that's basically as you grow more Tomatoes you'll get more experienced with what is a sucker or what is a leaf branch and what's a tomato branch and then just the main thing to remember is on indeterminate varieties too if you're gonna use a single stem method to trim the lower leaves as the plant gets bigger and then to always always always pinch off the suckers and if you can pinch off the suckers when they're little or cut them like I just barely did with it just like this you're just sucker right here I'm just gonna pinch those off there's another little sucker just gonna come in and very gently pinch that off just on the ground and then you should be able to grow a lot of really healthy tomatoes like this plant will probably give me 30 Tomatoes just from this one place I'm going to show you an example of a sucker so oftentimes what will happen and I've already cut these off but what I call in the armpit of the main stem and a leaf branch a sucker will come up and here's an example of what that looks like when they first come up you see how there's main branch and then in between there's just this little sucker now you want to be careful because you can see that the flower branch is quite close to it and if it's a little like this I just pinch it off with my finger and then what that does is it causes all the energy of the plant to go towards the main stem and to not have offshoot an offshoot an offshoot and that creates these long skinny branches now sometimes what will happen is I'll miss one see if I can find one as an example no if I have many examples here but sometimes I'll miss one and it will get quite large in fact the sucker itself will start to produce flowers and then you start to feel really bad cutting it off but you really oh here's an example okay so look it has a great example so here you can see the main stem here's a leaf branch and then here's a sucker that I didn't that I must have missed and so this sucker actually oh the deer came through and must have eaten the flowers doing it but normally this would have had flowers on it and I don't want the energy of the plant to go to that I want to go to the main stem so I'm just gonna take my little clippers and cut it off now it's gonna make you feel about if there's flowers on here but the thing you want to remember is that that plant can only have so much energy and so if you don't cut it off you're not gonna have as many tomatoes in the long run you want to keep that single stem going okay so if you have any questions about that leave it in the comments and I'll keep monitoring them and answering them now what I'm gonna do is show you the fertilizer that I use because I think this is my secret weapon and this is another reason why I'm able to grow such a healthy garden to put this on everything not just my tomatoes it's like come with me I'll show you that good morning mother Kiki's I don't like that the chickens like to hide under my pickup for some reason so we've been seeing coyote actually and I'm really nervous that I'm gonna wake up one morning and my chickens are just gonna be smoked all right this fertilizer here is what I call my secret weapon because it seriously works so so so good you can get it off Amazon it's a Texas company it's all organic and it's um it smells bad it smells like fish so when you spray it you don't want to spray it on something that you're just about to harvest and you don't want to spray it on like lettuce and things but I I just you just take two ounces and it's kind of expensive I'll put the link below in the comments I got off Amazon but you just use 2 ounce as a shot glass into a gallon of water in your sprayer which you couldn't even get those prayers off Amazon - and I'm not even joking I put this stuff on my plants and the next day I wake up and they look so much healthier now Microlife also sells little pellets that I purchased from a company in Texas this year I don't know if I'll do that mixture because it was super expensive to pay for Freight to have it shipped but I do think adds a lot of nutrients into the ground but this I see almost an immediate result when I start using this stuff should probably mention what's in it so it's a fish I can't even pronounce a lot of this stuff kelp blackstrap molasses cubic acid yeah it's all organic it's mostly like fish fishy kind of it smells terrible you don't want to spray it like on your plants they're almost ready to eat like your lettuces and stuff cuz it will make your stuff taste like fish but gonna be the beginning it's awesome jakey's you cannot come in the garage there's a view I'm not too bad of the view wake up - okay so what I do and this this is almost empty but normally this is all the way full is I just kind of pump this up a couple times get a little pressure going in there and then I just take the sprayer and these you can also order a family-owned they should only cost you maybe 10 bucks 15 bucks and then what I do is I just and then what I do is I just go like this and I just spray mostly you're spraying the foliage in the leaves but you could spray the tomatoes too just like that and they go through and I do this on every single plant in my garden and I do this um clearly need to weed that last row I do this on all my fruit trees and that's how I get everything to grow so big and so beautiful and that as well as staying on top of weeding because the more you read the less the nutrients in the soil are gonna go towards the leaves and they're gonna go more towards your plants so I think that the stuff makes a massive difference I noticed the difference I spray so I spray about once every three weeks probably that's all you need to do sometimes oh and then another thing I like to do is when I plant transplants I like to spray the roots with this stuff right as I'm putting it into the earth and I think that that makes a difference as well so I think - I'm oh in the other thing with my tomatoes is I water them at pretty much every single day unless it's not hot outside that day and I might not water but pretty much every single day I water my my whole garden and I can do a video on how I water that's a different video for different days so that's pretty much it I don't use any other fertilizer you know I just pay attention I think the biggest key to growing good tomato plants is just coming out here every single day taking a look at your Tomatoes now these like I said I don't know everything about Tomatoes so I'm not even sure that I've done this right but these are my determinant plants and they just are insane like they're there's where the reason I'm wondering if I did them right is because they're they look really healthy but it's all least I don't have it really hardly any tomatoes on these ones I mean a few down at the bottom so [Music] or it's either that they just produce tomatoes a little bit later they're common I think I think I'm doing an okay job so I'm not single stemming these remember because these are so you know if if I was gonna this is like that's what it's it would be considered a sucker on an indeterminate plant but because this is a determinate variety I'm not single stemming it and I'm just crossing my fingers but these these are cherry tomatoes and yellow pear Tomatoes I'm just hoping that those worked out at all so anyhow once all these tomatoes come in I will cancel them for salsa with them fresh maybe I'll even terms in in between us so so I hope that was helpful if you guys have any questions at all leave it in the comments if you liked this video make sure to like it subscribe and share with your friends who maybe are having some hard times growing tomatoes talk to you guys later probably sticking curse that there probably been sticking their head anyway good thing about the deer fence I got all these deer they're just hanging out by the guy probably eating tomato plants taking their head there all night [Music]
Channel: Natalie Hodson
Views: 74,188
Rating: 4.8511238 out of 5
Keywords: tomatoes, garden, grow, massive amounts, how to, harvest, determinate, indeterminate, fertilizer, chickens, deer, white bird, idaho, idahome, killgore adventures, crockpot, crockpot recipes, healthy living, natalie hodson
Id: BFmz6UVjaAo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 53sec (1013 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 03 2018
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