How to Grow Any Vegetable in a Pot or Container

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if you have poor soil or no soil in which to grow a garden then containers might be the option for you in this video i'm going to break down six tips to help you grow successfully any vegetable in a container hey i'm brian at next level gardening if you're looking to join an online garden community that offers tips tricks and support to help take your garden to the next level get started now by clicking subscribe and hit the bell so you never miss anything now let's get growing so my first tip is to choose the right container not that hard to do really is you can use almost anything as a container as long as it has drainage holes so you can use plastic pots you can use wooden containers i love these galvanized metal wash tubs depending on your theme they look really great always make sure you drill lots of drainage holes in the bottom of anything that's the most important thing about a container it's got to have good drainage a rain gutter can actually be a container at my last house i grew strawberries pretty successfully in a rain gutter now if you are growing in plastic containers you want to make sure you're growing in a safe plastic for your plants and for you who's eating the produce that comes from these plants so on the bottom or somewhere on your container hopefully there will be a number that looks like this you're looking for two four or a distant third would be five not quite as good as the other two but still pretty safe to use now a very popular type of container that people have been using in the last several years are grow bags or fabric pots and you guys have asked me to do a video on that so i'm gonna include that right in here because they are a great choice of container to use they um they fold up so they're really easy to store and shipped to you i might add they do something that other types of containers don't do and that would be air pruning and that's really the best thing about these pots is there's air flow that's able to get through this material whereas a metal or a plastic pot that's not going to happen and so when the roots grow to the edge of the pot they're going to detect that air and they're going to shut off the growth at that end of the route in a plastic or a metal pot when they don't have that trigger to shut off their growth what you're going to get and you're going to find when you pull the plant out of the pot is the roots are going to be winding around and around the bottom of that pot becoming root bound it's not good for the plant at all but with a fabric pot when the roots hit the edge of this pot they detect the air they stop and that hormone from the end of that root goes back into the root and starts allowing it to put out side roots off of that main root much like when you pinch the tip of a plant and it starts to then become bushy same thing uh one of the problems also other than becoming root bound and basically strangling itself to death is when you have the roots wrapping around the pot all the roots or majority of the roots are concentrated along that edge of that pot and when the sun hits it they heat up they dry out very quickly with root pruning more of the roots are distributed throughout the entire pot and so just the sun hitting one portion of the pot is not going to affect the rest of the roots so interesting story i have been using this brand of fabric pots it's called grassroots for a little over two years typically before i recommend a product to you guys i like to try it for at least a season or two to see that it does what they say it's going to do it's something that i want to represent because i only want to represent quality products which is why i don't have that many partners however i did like their product i was going to partner with them back in spring of 2020 and we all know what happened then and all the coveted gardeners came into the whole gardening arena many of you are still here hopefully and they sold out of all of their fabric pots like that no surprise then 2020 came around the kova gardeners still stuck around and new ones were added and they sold out again so i contacted them this february or march and i asked them are we going to be good for the partnership this year and they have put so much into new inventory that we're good to go so i can finally after using these pots for over two years wholeheartedly recommend this product to you guys so i know i've you've seen these pots in other videos and you guys have asked about them and i could not say anything because i didn't want to overwhelm a company that was already overwhelmed now i want to know how many of you grow in fabric pots and i also want to know how many of you have been disappointed like i was in previous types of fabric pots because i was always disappointed they drained and dried out very quickly because we live i live in a dry climate so all summer long i was having to water two and three times a day that same pot because they kept drying out and i really did almost swear off uh fabric pots completely until i found this one so grassroots has two types of fabric pots they have traditional type of pot where if you live in a moist humid summer environment those would be great for you if you're like me and you live in a climate that is dry and warm maybe hot in the summertime and you had bad luck before with your fabric pots they have a living soil fabric pot and in those you can see it has this white waterproof liner but it's still at the bottom has an aeration strip so when those roots hit the bottom because that's where most of the wrapping occurs is at the bottom corner of the pot uh this has that aeration strip so it can still root prune or air prune where it needs to this pot actually creates the top-down drying effect that you would see in an in-ground garden so that ensures optimum moisture retention which is highly necessary especially in the summer it eliminates dry pockets and drying around the edges and it helps cultivate those essential microbes that you want in your soil because once your soil dries out those microbes have a very hard time of surviving so after two years of not being able to say anything i finally am able to tell you not only do we have this great new product but of course i got a 10 discount for you guys they're already affordable and you get 10 off in addition hello bee see even the bees like them i'm also if you stick around to the end of the video i'm going to be giving some of these away so hang tight let's get to the second tip on container growing so when it comes to containers size matters i've already said you can use just about any container you want as long as you have good drainage but the basic rule of thumb when it comes to the size of container that you need to use is the bigger the plant the bigger the root system and the bigger the root system the bigger pot needed to contain it so if you're growing something like runner beans that are tall tomatoes big plants like that that have big root systems the minimum you would want to grow those in is a five gallon pot and we're talking about maybe two runner bean plants and one determinant tomato plant not an indeterminate when you go to indeterminate plants you're going to want a 15 gallon pot as the minimum size this pink dahlia back here is in a 15 gallon fabric pot the shorter dahlia is in a 5 gallon now another thing about pot size for you the gardener is the bigger the pot the more moisture it will hold onto when you have smaller pots you're going to be watering them more often for medium-sized plants like a pepper plant three to five gallons would be the minimum size there and for small crops like a few radishes a few carrots one gallon would be okay for that now these are minimums the bigger you can go the better for you and your plants now number three is watering watering is probably the most crucial part of container gardening more plants are killed by over watering and underwatering than probably any other reason and it's pretty easy to tell if your plant needs water however not with your eyes when you're looking at a pot or in ground bed and it looks dry on top that has no correlation to what the moisture level is an inch or even two inches under that dry top layer so an easy way to do a test you can buy moisture meters they're not that expensive and they're pretty reliable but you've already got a moisture meter for free it's called your finger just stick that down in the soil about two inches and if you feel moisture don't water if it's dry water that's it number four is to have the right soil you definitely do not want to put garden soil in your containers unless you have the lightest fluffiest loamy garden soil there is all other types of soil in a container are going to become compact they're going to cause moisture retention like too much moisture retention they'll become waterlogged the plants will die garden soil is just too heavy it inhibits the amount of oxygen that gets down there and your roots actually need oxygen to be healthy so i always use you can use potting soil organic potting soil you can use a mixture which is what i do of potting soil and mushroom compost or homemade compost what i always used to use was kellogg's raised bed mix which is available at home depot and i think lowe's but any type of organic potting soil will do number five is a big question that i get all the time and that is what types of vegetables can i grow in a container truth is just about anything i've even grown sweet corn in a container and it did pretty well just keep in mind the size of the container so that it's appropriate for whatever you're growing inside of it tip number six is how to fertilize in containers i do it weekly and i do it weekly i use an organic liquid fertilizer you can use anything i use tomato and veg from neptune's harvest and i mix it up about half strength and i use it every single week in containers so weekly and weekly you could also use it full strength every other week just depends on your schedule and how you want to do it and remember that plants in containers can't just send out longer routes to look for nutrients you have to provide everything they need because they're in a container they're confined if you use these six tips you will be able to grow any type of vegetable you want in a container all right now let's really quick talk about the giveaway grassroots has provided several sizes of their containers for our viewers and there's three different ways to enter number one be a subscriber to next level gardening you should be anyway comment on this video down below i'm also doing a video tomorrow on growing tomatoes in containers there's some different things that tomatoes need when they're in containers to really grow them well and so i'm going to hit all of those points tomorrow on that video comment on that video tomorrow for the second way to win and then the third way is over on instagram if you have instagram you get a third way to enter there will be a picture of today's thumbnail go ahead and just follow me on face on instagram and then uh comment on what you would grow in your containers now as i always say we do a lot of giveaways on here i will announce the winner in a week this is going to go for a week let's see the date is going to be this goes through may 7th 2022 and then the 8th of the ninth i will announce a wit the winners on a video just like this i will not contact you through the comments that is a scam especially if it's from whatsapp that is not me ignore them alright if you guys learned something please hit the thumbs up subscribe if you haven't share this with a friend and i'll see you next time you
Channel: Next Level Gardening
Views: 94,322
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to grow vegetables in containers, container gardening, gardening, how to grow vegetables, garden, vegetables, how to grow, growing vegetables in containers, tips for container gardening, how to grow tomatoes, how to grow vegetables at home, vegetable, container garden, kitchen garden, compost, soil, organic, growing vegetables, growing vegetables at home, grow your own food, grow bag gardening
Id: FaGSlpvIwlc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 9sec (789 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 29 2022
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