How to grow AMAZING mushrooms with one device!

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this is an inkberg co2 controller now i reckon you can use this device here to grow mushrooms like this here traditionally people use uh small humidity controllers which eat birds also make to um grow mushrooms but i think you might be able to have just as much success growing mushrooms with a co2 controller like this one here why because when people often grow mushrooms and let's say shotgun fruiting chambers they often run them to the problem of not having enough fresh air exchange now this should alleviate the problem of having enough fresh air exchange humidity is fairly easy to get it's the fresh air that people often get wrong so what we're going to do today is try and grow mushrooms with this device we'll do a wee unboxing and see what this looks like so we have the manual and here is the controller now that looks pretty standard for an ink bird style controller i'm sure you've all seen them now in here we should have a co2 meter here we go so this is what we're going to use to read the co2 levels in our homemade fruiting chamber the measurement range on this is zero to ten thousand ppm and it says its accuracy is down to about 30 ppm so that sounds fairly good and you can't complain about that so to make this we just need a few things the first thing we're going to use is a very large container like this this is a 90 liter system container this is actually made in new zealand good old new zealand we're also going to use pearlite which i have just sitting down there now perlite has a high surface area now the reason we're going to use perlite is we put a layer in the bottom and we soak it with water and that creates an area that can create humidity in the atmosphere in here we're also going to use a wing fan i love using fans this is a tiny it's a 24 volt fan i think but that goes really slowly so what we're going to do is cut a hole in the side i fix that fan in there then we're going to put our ink bird controller in here and that's going to control the fan so in the co2 level and here raises too high or gets too high it turns the fan on and it sucks that co2 out on the other side there'll be a few holes drilled just above the pearl light where fresh air can move it so this is going to create an environment where the minute it gets above a certain level of co2 the fan turns on and pulls that co2 out and the perlite along the bottom is going to act as the medium to humidify it inside this container we will cut a block cut a hole in it so the mushrooms can fruit from it and place it inside and i reckon in about one week we'll have mushrooms [Applause] [Music] so we've got a little split in there but that's okay i've tried drilling this plastic before and it's always real challenging to not split it but that's fine [Music] so we've poured some pearlite into the bottom of our container here now this is going to act as the medium which holds onto the moisture and allows this chamber to humidify mushrooms need humidification so it's very important now when you're handling perlite it helps just to wear a mask it puts out a lot of dust and it dust isn't very good for your lungs so throw a mask on and then we've just got a jug of water here and we're just gonna really give this pearlite a good soaking [Music] we just mix it up it can hold a lot of water perlite now that it's a wet the water actually acts as a dust suppressant so you don't really need the mask anymore now when i push the pro-life aside i can only just see water sort of starting to pull on the bottom so now that we have our wet perlite in here we know roughly the level that we want to cut the ear holes on now we want to cut them nice and low to the perilight so when the air comes in it helps pick up some of the moisture off that perlite you need holes just big enough so that this fan here when it's pumping near out the path of least resistance for the air to get in is through these holes and not ideally around the uh rim of the lid here we will put a small weight on the lid to hold it down there will be a slight bit of air and grease um um through here we're not going to seal it but most of the air coming in along these holes so i've got a holes all cut along here doesn't need to be too accurate i'm not too concerned if you're really tidy you might draw a line and get them all even but and we're going to push that prolly right up underneath the holes so when the air moves in it's got a lot of that pearlite there for it to move over so this is the co2 probe component for the inkbed controller and i'm just going to mount that about halfway down on the wall on the inside of course we've got a little hook here so we'll just mount that just so it sort of hangs on the wall now one final part is the cable we actually need the cable to come out so i've got a slightly larger drill bit and then we'll just drill a hole underneath here and we'll poke that cable right out through it and it'll keep it very tidy and that comes out there like so and we couldn't even put a wee bit of tape over that there just to hold it in place so it's on it's working hopefully you can see that says 449 ppm co2 it's reading inside the box here and there's this plug here which says work one and work two work work one is if you're using a co2 generator so when that value drops below it will generate co2 and work two's for an extraction fan so when it's above that it will extract co2 we are only going to be using work 2 because we want to keep our co2 below a specific point for mushroom growing so to set this all going to do is hold the set key down for 2 seconds and then we are going to have our co2 concentration and we're going to tone that right down and for this experiment we'll use 600 ppm set this is the work one difference which we're going to ignore because we're not going to be using the work one plug this is the work two difference and we want this down to about 50. so once it hits 650 it's going to turn that extraction fan on and wind the co2 back down to 600 hold it down for two seconds and we're good now you'll notice the work one light's on this is because it's trying to increase the co2 in that room we can ignore that that means that work one plug is actually live we want the work to plug on to decrease the co2 so this is what we're going to place in here now this is a pink oyster mushroom block this has had a hole cut in the face which i have just cut in it and this is ready to go on here and start fruiting the brock's probably sort of three or four days past its prime for fruiting but that's okay you can see it's really trying to grow some mushrooms on the top here we'll just ignore those and it will still grow a nice big patch of mushrooms out the face here so all we need to do is move this block into here like so cover it up and now we wait for about a week for mushrooms to grow why do we need to vacate the co2 out of here well that mushroom block there actually creates co2 as it's digesting the wood the mycelium here eats the wood and grows mushrooms from it so it's digesting the wood and it's releasing all that carbon and that wood locked up when the tree originally grew now mushrooms don't like the co2 they really don't like it at all they grow long and leaky tall and spindly when there's a lot of co2 so we're just making sure we get that co2 out to provide that mushroom with a great environment to thrive in so now we put it in the corner and we wait we're on day three team and check this out we have got a really fantastic pin set which is growing into some really good mushrooms here if we get this block out have a look at that eh have a look at that there is a good set of pink oysters growing out of this block i'm really really happy with that so we're going to give this another couple days um i think about two two days this will be ready till in a bit maybe three days this will be ready to go it's growing really quickly because we've had some really hot weather here um i've walked in and we've got this little temperature gauge here which is also co2 meter and this has been hitting 30 i saw this 30 on a couple of days and then last night we had a pile of rain come in so it's actually really warm and humid right here now we're usually not that humid but i have been spraying it with water just squirting the walls down a little bit so it's probably not needed today because it's so wet outside um but the days prior to that uh yeah it was really hot um so the pink horses do actually like a bit of heat and they don't seem to be bothered by that really hot temperature which is really good so we'll give these another two or three days and then we'll see just how good a flush of mushrooms we can get off this oh look at that there's really something isn't it that's really something oh team check these out now i think we're on day seven of this week adventure and look at this bunch of pinks now that you cannot complain about right that has got a really nice bunch of pinks just hanging off the front there um perfect time to harvest a little bit of pearlite stuck on the bottom but we're not complaining about that um they've grown exceptionally well i think this has done um done its job to be honest um but i will let you know a secret i have been spraying it quite a bit with this here um especially the last uh day or so we had a good bout in the middle there where it was really wet outside um and everything got quite humid um and i think that helped them grow very well but otherwise i haven't had to spray quite a lot just because it's so hot here it's so dry and in summer but they've grown perfectly um the co2 meter works charm that fan is going on and off on and off as needed with our second co2 meter in there that's mainly um i was watching the humidity on that so it's 84 humidity right now 83.84 so it's been sitting about 85 percent humidity in here that can drop down a little bit and i've always been trying to keep it above 80 just with the wet walls but other than that yeah that's a great bunch of mushrooms right like if you're growing pinks like that you're going with some pretty good pinks the main like to grow good mushrooms i find one of the main key points you need to understand is that culture matters and having a reliable culture that grows good quality mushrooms is where you want to start from if you have a culture which um grows poor quality mushrooms and you're trying to improve the quality of those mushrooms with substrate or atmospheric conditions you're just not really going to get anywhere um it's like the old saying is it fruit from the poison tree or fruit from the poison seed or fruit from the poison roots there's an old saying anyway but yeah so you're going to start with a good culture and grow from that beer and that gives you a little bit more leniency and the conditions of the culture is a really good performer our italian oyster culture is a really good performer and we haven't actually found a better performance in it we've we've imported commercial australians from overseas and all sorts to try and beat our strain here and none of them compare so that is one key takeaway from this uh the inkberry ef uh uh worked flawlessly what you expect it to do right just sit there and just do its job to be honest um so that was great it's good to have one of these i'm probably now going to um fit this and maybe just inside my incubation room um and just to get people readings from inside the incubation room um just in case i don't want the ppms getting to like toxic levels in their right just it's more of a probably won't control any fans or anything but just like a walk-in glance and co2 levels in there but for now we'll probably wrap this up and probably harvest these mushrooms um probably put them on the dinner plate to be honest hey guys before we end the video i'll just show you something quite interesting i actually left these mushrooms in here for another day and as they've gotten bigger and bigger they've really started to drop a whole lot of spores now the spores did clog up our wee tiny fan here and the alarm on the inkbit is going off and that alarm's going off because the co2 reading is far too high it's reading five and a half thousand on the on that co2 meter and on the one in here it's reading 4800 um so yeah the fans actually gotten a bit warm as well but there's the mushrooms there you can see they're just really over growing right and and i'd say that the spores would have sort of started to build up on that span i didn't really actually check to have a look but i say the spores are building up on that fan from as it was maturing and now as it's really maturing um they've just dropped a heck of a lot and it's just clogged that fan to pieces well there we go that's just turned off now that i've had the lid off so it's coming back with an intolerance now so maybe a bigger fan might be beneficial you probably get this one going there we go so with a quick flick of that fan there just to sort of break away some of those spores that was able to uh start running again if anything this is the perfect example of just how much spore gets released from some mushroom species and exactly why we wear these when we're in the mushroom fruiting chambers i get a lot of questions on my youtube asking why i'm wearing respirators when i'm inside and the reason is because if those spores weren't on those fans and if i didn't have that mask on there's a good chance it'd be in my lungs and they're probably not good for your lungs
Channel: Oak and Spore Mushroom Farm
Views: 53,539
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mushroom, farming, mushroom farming, growing, growing mushrooms, inkbird, co2, icc-500t, controller, FAE, fresh air exchange, fresh air, oyster mushrooms, pink oyster, how to grow mushrooms, mushrooms, mushroom growing, farming mushrooms, indoors, perlite, pleurotus djamor, ppm, fungi, mushroom farm, mycelium, mycology, monotub, fungus, how to grow, grow, oyster mushroom, how to grow shrooms, oak and spore, humidity, sistema, urban farm, indoor growing, indoor greenhouse
Id: r9bL0HrQ_iI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 43sec (883 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 15 2022
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