How To Grow A Newsletter From 0 to +250,000 Subscribers in 4.5 months

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[Music] in 2023 if you want to be a successful entrepreneur you have to be great at marketing we're going to break down why in a three-step plan on how you can build a startup we got Greg Eisenberg here who's a master marketer and Community Builder and he is here to spill the beans on his secrets for how you build successful marketing Le business today I'm Karen Flanigan the CMO over at zapier I'm here as always with my co-host Kip Bonner who's the CMO over at HubSpot welcome to marketing against the Green all right cool Greg welcome to marketing against the Green you are one of the few guests who has come back twice the thing we would love to talk to you Greg about is this graphic right you did a you've done some cool tweets around how to build a company in 2023 this was the the image I I love this because it's a marketing Le business right each of these are very like tactical marketing things a marketer of today need to excel at the short video newsletter Community paid Community all the way to product and I've started to see this a lot actually I've started to see this especially this year where a Founder starts with one of these marketing channels and then builds a product and then goes and rais their pre-seed or seed uh and they have like distribution in built to that so if you are cool I thought you could give our audience a master class on how to do each of these things absolutely I'm here to Spill the Beans all the secrets one thing I didn't spill the beans with though on this graphic is I didn't include what Step Zero is could you guess what Step Zero is no some exclusive content well it's actually Step Zero a and step zero B Step Zero a is be interesting you have to be an interesting person or an interesting brand hold on before you go any further H how do you do that because I think a lot of people struggle with that it's something that Kieran and I talk about all the time because there's some taste and subjectivity in being interesting being cool being provocative like how do you learn that skill well first of all everyone on this planet everyone who's listening to this is interesting I agree if you are breathing air right now you are interesting because things have happened to you you've gotten your first job you've created you know your first ad campaign You've Lost Your Mother you processed all these things you've graduated high school you are some people let's be real are more interesting than other people but at the Baseline everyone's interesting so Step Zero a is be interesting or be more interesting than you are well let it shine through have the confidence to Let's what's what's interesting about you or your company shine through exactly and then Step Zero B is become a master story teller which is take the interesting things that have happened to you and package it up in a way such that it's interesting to consume so that whole 0 a and 0 z b needs to like the output of that is a written like one pager a script a tweet something whatever you want to call it it's words you need to be able to take these experiences and put it into words before you even do short form video for example I would love to actually get an example of a Creator or brand who like lives up to that that they are doing a really good job on having something to say to be interested one thing I would love to clarify is that second part Master Storyteller is part of that learning to write or you see that as a different skill to learn like there's actually three parts which is you have to be interesting you have to be able to tell a good story and then you actually have to be able to bring that to life through words or do you think Master storytelling inherently means that you can create some form of content yeah I want to say this very clearly if you do not know how to write you will not win on the internet yes yes yes give up or learn how to write because writing is basically the process of taking what's in your brain and putting it on paper right so it's the foundational element of the internet and writing is so important Greg because it's the it's the simplification and synthesis of your stories and of your ideas and of your knowledge right I think when people who aren't good writers try to communicate it's like it's very jumbled it's very confusing and the lesson is lost and all of that right exactly yeah you can tell pretty clearly what's good writing or not and people people nowadays are saying well I can just use chat GPT to sort of you know copy someone's tone of voice and output you know some good writing and while some of that is is true I believe that when you're on X and you're scrolling your you know your feed you can clearly tell what has been C tpif IED and not you know there's like it's very it's very easy to tell so I still believe that knowing how to write really well it's foundational that's why it's Step Zero yeah AI just doesn't have personality and I think your first part is like be interested means that that personality I think comes out in your writing if you can write like Ireland is notorious it's one of the best places where you can actually go Kip knows this we spend we spend many many a Sunday in a bar called a long haul and so in Ireland you can go and have a drink on a Sunday and you sit at the bar and there's a multitude of people you'll meet throughout the day who are super interesting like have incredible stories but the thing they lack is like they don't know how to bring that to life through content what is an example of a brand or a Creator so people can really distill what you mean by interesting like who do you think is doing a good job of this in the Creator realm and like who do you think is doing a good job of it in the brand realm because usually brands are pretty uninterested and born I'll give you two examples have you heard of the jet business Tik Tok account no picture this it's like the DUS Eis guy like the most interesting man in the world he looks like that it's this guy who sells private jets for millions of dollars and he talks about the stories of selling private jets so his pin Tik Tok is the first jet he ever sold which was probably like in the 70s or something and he talks about how it was $3 million which was like which is equival like $50 million today it was his first jet he was 23 years old and he talks about how someone pulled a gun and almost killed him over the jet compelling talk about be interesting yeah and talk about talk about and understanding how to package this story it's a you know it's a master class you can check it out it's a master class on how to um had to package up these interesting stories in a in a way that really resonates and and his his videos have millions of views now he's building this audience of people who are really interested in buying Jets um so that's pretty valuable right if you were starting Marquee Jets today which was acquired by berer Hathaway you know in 2023 right you'd probably start you'd probably start looking kind of similar to that you know You' probably hire someone like that or partner with someone like that tell the stories of buying and selling Jets um and then build the marketplace you know on top of it so that's one example of of that I was going to just say actually just in the Creator realm one example I don't know if you both have seen have you seen this guy called lord miles no okay so this this guy he does what he call he does this thing what he calls dark tourism so so he goes to the most dangerous places in the world and treats it like a holiday so he'll like be sending snaps of himself so he was in he was in Afghanistan he was caught and captured and kidnapped and he was sending snaps with him and his kidnappers and he was like watching the Barbie movie with like the Taliban and like he was just it was this incredible story right just full of like imagery and things that you would not hear elsewhere and the thing I was going to say is like he actually got released recently and I think he's trying to go to Israel next or Gaza next for his like quote unquote holiday that that is no holiday but this is his thing but one of the things I took away from that is and the story you told is like sometimes to be interested you have to take risks right in life like you actually have to have experienced life to have interest and stories to tell and you know what the best part about that is no one could copy your content right in a world where all your content will be copied they cannot copy your stories I can say I almost got killed selling a $3 million jet in 1974 just can't say it I mean I wasn't even born you would look at me like I was crazy the other example around this and and it would actually be feedback to the jet business guy too I think like if I was running the jet business the problem with the jet business account is it's not a category of one so the name is off there's a business I'm actually involved in I'm an invest in and the Twitter account is boring marketer and the business is called boring and you know obviously boring businesses this concept has taken off everyone in your mother is talking about boring businesses but who's talking about boring marketing no one and so you know this team comes up with this idea called boring marketing which is like boring ways to drive Revenue to your business and they've basically built a suite of AI software that helps a automate and build SEO optimized Pages they're crushing it and Their audience which is on Twitter so you got boring which is like the product and then you have boring marketer which is like the Creator connected to the product and then you have this person like when you read the tweets he just tells stories about here here's how like I took this website from X to Y you know here's how you know I use programmatic SEO to do this and I think we're going to see a lot more of that I think you're going to see a lot more of these category of one audiences that the product and the Creator are intertwine so those are two examp I think they're a really good example so if you're like listening to this and you're like wow I am interested hopefully some people who listen to this podcast do think that about themselves they're like I can write words like pretty well like I've I've learned to like grinded out be a be a good enough writer the okay I'm going to get started like Greg has some really great ideas for me on how I can start a marketing live business the first thing that you actually say that person should start with is short from video that is pretty interesting to me because like Kip and I have always been really bullish in short F video but boy is it hard to get traction on Short from video and I I break traction into two parts first of all get engagement I think Tik Tok actually it's easier to get engagement because of the way the algorithm works on some amount of your content but the second part is like it's hard to grow an audience and mon that audience though I know actually you have some great tweets around Tik Tok and especially the new econ stores but could you maybe give us why did you start with short from video and how do you think you'd be great how can you get great at Short from video so you're right that it's really hard to get to take off with video but the the truth is the hard truth is it's because a lot of people suck at video and and honestly like myself included in a lot of ways like I I prefer writing than than video and this is something that I'm trying to get better at like I'm I'm I'm posting a YouTube video every week because I'm like you need you need to be good at video nowadays that being said did you see Shan pu's application to the all-in podcast of course we did come on that was a master class I mean Sean Sean just killed it just killed it with that so for those of you who didn't see that you know Sean basically applied to be the CEO of the all-in podcast and made like a two-minute video that kind of like making fun poking fun I should say of the different hosts of the of the podcast and he did it in a way that was super entertaining he posted it and it got millions of views now we're kind of numb to this idea of millions of views but I was talking to someone this morning who told me that he was on CNBC and CNBC has 300,000 views it's so laughable right like Shawn was able to create a video he said he edited himself using iMovie bought a wick like off Amazon apparently his like wife was making fun of him because of it and from the comfort of his own home we don't even know if he was wearing pants knowing Sean probably no yeah exactly no comment on the pants pit but you know he was able to attract an audience I was an order of magnitude bigger than CNBC the business the biggest business Channel potentially in the world I guarantee you he did Step Zero which was he wrote a script yes he did for sure he must have he must have written a script and he wrote a script and together it was the Mona Lisa it was perfect once he probably nailed the script because he knows how to write for the internet that's when he took his MacBook or whatever and started just recording so I think that before you hit the record button like right your script and I use chat GPT honestly sometimes to optimize and work with my script so I'll write my script I'll write an idea that I think is very compelling I'll turn it into a tweet sometimes I'll post the Tweet then maybe I'll to turn it into a new you know a newsletter post or something like that and then if I really see that it it hits traction I'll turn it into a longer form video short form video that sort of thing so I test I sort of test the waters a bit but I use chat GPT to help me be writing partner in the process so just to try to like distill why if we take Shawn as someone who is really great at short form video I know he is trying to do better at that he posted sometime on on Twitter that he was really trying to put the Reps in to get better at Short from video I think he was using Tik Tok at the time when I watch that video there's like I'm trying to like break down for the audience okay like part of it is you need to write the script you need to be interested in have a good idea but how do you Excel it short from video if you want to bring that to life when I watch that video from Sean there's two two core things that I think he excels at that makes him really good at Short from video but I want to kick it over to you both to see like what would you say if you had to like use him as an example how would you like describe why he was really good in that short fir video form and then I can kind of tell you what I my my takeaways were the first thing is he hijacked a news cycle yes he acted quickly so the besties as they're called on the all-in podcast posted about this and within I think 24 hours Sean had posted hey if this if this tweet gets a thousand likes I'll apply to be the CEO of the all-in podcast now Sean already knew he was doing this when he tweeted that right but all of a sudden he's priming his audience that this is going to happen which is really smart so number one you how do you hijack a new cycle number two is how do you prime your audience to the content that you're going to create number three is I think be short like they call it short form video for a reason that piece was around two minutes and I think that it was perfect he knew the subject matter in the audience deeply well he had all the inside jokes so if you were a fan of those people on the all in pod he had jokes some overt and some kind of subversive that were really going to get you right that you were like oh all right that's clever I did I wouldn't have thought of that but that's hilarious and so he if he hadn't been a consumer of the Pod and just a student of that information he wouldn't been able to do that right he had all the context and then he was able to package that context in a way that was really fun really interesting and tight you know and then I think the other thing kind of related to that is like sea knows who he is he knows what his voice is his tone he knows how he makes jokes he knows how his stories show up in the world because he's done that kind of Step Zero that you talk about where he's like he's figured out how to being interesting means specific specifically for him and how he is interesting out in the world the thing I'd add as as another point is like he tagged the besties in in his tweet so it wasn't about him like the content wasn't about him content was about them and they saw it and I think where it started to really take off was when David Sachs retweeted or quote retweeted and said like this is pretty good or something and then cannis started you know replying to it and all of a sudden jamama starts replying to it and we often forget that it's important to create content that's really designed to stimulate other communities and audiences and I think that he he knew that Sean and he basically inherently built that into his content the the last thing and I think it's something Kieran you and I have learned and I think Greg in seeing your videos you've learned it too the other thing he got great is the hook right off the bat so like at that start of that video he's like you know I'm applying for the SE of the Allin podcast I'm looking forward to working with amazing billionaires like David Sachs chamath Dave freeberg and then he just has the like dead pan Paws and you know also Jason calacanis making basically making fun that Jason's not as successful as the rest of them and doing all of that and like he got you right from the beginning oh I know what this video is going to be it is going to be him doing a roast of these people and this show that I know about and like that quick hook and quick delivery of value matters so much so much in short form video that's a good general rule of thumb for short form video and content in general which is saying the quiet Parts out loud that what's going to be my thing is that he has the perfect ability to say the thing that you think in a way that's like entertaining but informative I think that is like creators in general are able to like extra EXT ex ract the thing that you think about and say it in the way that you've haven't managed to articulate yourself right and I think that is what makes certain creators Best in Class because they're able to do that okay I got a question though there are some people who are probably in B2B that are little short form video skeptical and I bet they were looking at your graphic Craig and they're like do I really need to do the short form video thing can I just go straight to the newsletter all my people in B2B like I see them doing newsletters I don't do I really need this short form video thing what would you tell them I don't know how much more I can drill the point home and like you don't even need to believe me honestly like open up your Instagram open up your ex open up LinkedIn open up Tik Tok these all of these platforms are prioritizing video so exactly I mean you have to believe in Social you have to believe can I get customers via social if you don't believe that then yeah don't forget about short form video but if you believe in Social then you you can just see by looking at these platforms that the number one thing that they're prioritizing is video then why wouldn't you create video well I'd go I'd go a step further there and this the thing is is the three of us know a little something about email and email newsletters we've done a lot in our life we've run a bunch of different ones you know what the hardest thing is today is to get subscribers to an email newsletter it's incredibly hard you either have to pay a bunch of money for lowquality subscribers maybe you can make some organic search plays work but that's all getting disrupted with AI short form video and social has become the best scalable source of quality newsletter subscribers so if you skip that step your newsletter is going to grow very very slowly and subsequently your audience is going to grow very very slowly so this gets on to your next part which is I think the part that most people start with when they're trying to build this kind of marketing L company is newsletter but I think Kip actually articulated a pretty well short from video plugs into the mediums and the platforms that you can actually get a ton of traction from engagement from and short from video is what they want you to create they're trying to like make people that's what they want to prioritize like X say it in their own algorithm so I've done the short from video I'm like getting some success there how do I differentiate in building a newsletter today because I will tell you like over the past 12 to 18 months the majority of my network has decided to go and try to start a newsletter business like like like everyone just wants to be a Creator right like like the the amazing thing is you have people like shth who's like a billionaire and now they're like hey I'm gonna start to sell these Guides Through X right like everyone actually really in their heart of hearts wants to be a Creator and that's what they want to do but us Le there's like there's so much competition what are the steps I should go through to figure out how I can build something differentiated for my business well so the good news is you know assuming you've now built a short form video audience you've now built a lot of trust because video is the best storytelling mechanism there is you have audio and video so people just feel more TR they just trust you more so you've now built this trust you've gotten them gotten a few thousand subscribers on your newsletter how do you actually create a newsletter experience that is not only going to retain them but is going to get them to tell their friends and I think there's going to be just a bunch of new formats that are going to come out for newsletters over the over the next 18 months so I was just talking to Anthony Pompano yesterday he has a a newsletter that went from zero to 250,000 subscribers in like less than five months it's called Bay Area times I'm a subscriber it's good he's doing a good job yeah and I think what's interesting about it is it's a visual newsletter versus words so you could really skim it easily and you can just there's basically like five different images you can just like skim it and get a sense of what's going on and I think that's again we talked in the beginning around like category one it feels like he he's building a category one for visual newsletters in the same way that you know in 20 15 let's say 2016 the hustle and morning Brew we creating this new category for you know bullet point type easy to digest newsletters but that's already played out so I think thinking about how you could innovate on the format be it how do you make it more visual how do you make it easier to digest how do you introduce videos in there how do you introduce gifts how do you make you know dividers with you know for the content to be really interesting I think the thing that you've brought up time and again and is really important in newsletters is to find your area of differentiation like this is a I'm actually just subscribed myself like the area of differentiation here is like it's all visual right it's it separates itself from all of the other newletters that do look like Bor and Brew like do look like the hustle because that was the format that worked like if you look at Lenny's newsletter like why did that why was that so successful like it's basically educational content around product Le growth how to build products but it was always a his different angle was he made it like a Community First newsletter because he s all of these real case studies and real data points from the community so it was a self kind of fulfilling Loop the bigger their the the community got for that newsletter the better his data got the better the content got the more that would grow again because the more people would want to actually acquire that knowledge and I think that was his point of differentiation is he initially used his Network to extract details he wouldn't get anywhere else and then he kind of used the community itself and that is like that is a hard thing to do I don't think people what people naturally gravitate towards is what has been successful and I'll replicate that do you think it's a thing you can learn is like how do I find a point of differentiation how do I find my angle that will make me different from everything else that's going on within used letters and it could be any other Medium as well yeah so one framework I use to help think about coming up with startup ideas that are outside the box is how do you think about the anti startup so what does the anti morning Brew look like oh that's cool the opposite of it that it and you start sketching it out writing it out and that'll help you basically connect dots in your head such that oh you know oh I get it now it's just the hustle is just basically bullet points about this topic what if I what if I made it way more Niche and only focused on this particular particular subset of that well that you know the hustle would never do that because then that would alienate 99% of their subscribers or what if I made it only Images Oh that wouldn't work because for example morning Brew or the hustle you know they sell ads and Those ads are text you know so you start coming you start connecting the dots very very helpful framework what's interesting is I think if you're using that kind of anti- whatever that business that you're trying to kind of disrupt is framework you have to ask yourself why so like if you want to use the barria times example right it's like well how could they how could you any of us have gotten to that idea well you would have said all right well you've got Hustle the morning why aren't they or can't they do a visual Le newsletter well okay it disrupts maybe part of their business model maybe you know what normally turns out it's hard wow creating a lot of custom images takes a lot more time than writing bullet points and then you're like okay so I either have to figure out a new process or I have to believe that there's a new technology that nobody else understands yet to make this easier and in the case of Baria times it was both right I think they did some manual effort to make a visual newsletter but it's also coming along in a period where AI image generation allows image production to be much faster much more streamlined and so you can kind of look at this example and say oh might not have been possible to do the barria times as well as they're executing now a year ago the the why and the why now is very important when you're distilling that kind of antithesis approach of what is kind of popular in the gibon market have you seen the smart n ense newsletter they're big YouTubers so this is they're a great example of using short form to generate a bunch of buzz in an interesting way and then they take that attention they get people to subscribe to their newsletter but their newsletter is these comic strips so they're known for their short form video to have really cool comics and animation within it and they get millions of views on their shorts so one day they're like why don't we use those same animators and comic book people to create a newsletter and it's so beautiful in terms of from a visual perspective to consume it's really interesting it's unlike anything out there and they've been they've gone from zero to 30,000 Subs in like four months or something and I imagine and that's all from short form and I bet you these people are obsessed like I bet you if you look at their open rate you look at there oh but it's crazy probably insane so that's another advantage of being unique right or your metrics are just going to be higher than than the standard why because people are craving this type of experience and they can get it anywhere else the Brandon is really cool actually I'm looking at it here Brandon the graphics are original I do think newsletters like a large percentage of news newsletters are going to come under a lot of pressure because of AI like I'll give you an example I decided to have Bard create me a daily positive news newsletter like I basically set it up to say hey I'm and basically don't want to read the news anymore I just want positive stories every day like get the best positive stories and like send them to me in a kind of style of I give it some different newsletters like the hosle morning Brew like that kind of style it's really good it's actually really good and so I really do think AI is going to put pressure on a lot of these mediums that we become used to because it gives you oneof one right I can customize the new letter to be whatever I want to it to be for me right I'm not I don't have to do like a one of one of many kind of newslet experience now there's still going to be newsletters who maybe can stand out because they have the comic book or they do something like unique but wow if you're just kind of doing the normal newsletter play I think AI is probably going to be a better option for a lot of people and not too long of a time I think what happens is AI makes it way more easy to create a morning Brew hustle type of email for X I think yeah I think that's a trend that's going to Happ happen but I actually think that the smart nonsenses of the world and the more unique type of experiences are going to do way better over the next few years you know for example like I was just in Kyoto and I went to this restaurant called Monk and it's like his restaurant was on like chef's table and stuff like that it's just like this chef and he makes these pizzas and Kyoto and there's like 10 seats in there and you're like having a conversation with the chef like I don't care how good of a Rob bot could make pizza like no one's making pizza guy you know someone you know 20 years ago or 30 years ago would have been like yeah all restaurants are powered by robots there's going to be no chefs no I think yeah M robot chefs are going to be a thing and they are a thing but I also believe that the bespoke experiences are going to be more and more craved so if you're listening to this and you want to build a newsletter that stands out and grows really quickly you should be thinking about how can I make it more like monk unless like a Costco pizza it's not about Commodities right like if you're in a commodity business like do use your pizza analogy is like if all that person cares about is the cheapest pizza pizza to eat then the robot Produce Pizza is going to win right if that person cares about amazing pizza with a great story that they're going to tell for years and years then the 10 seat place in kiao is going to win right and so you have have to say what am I and that commodity game is a bad game to play and it's getting harder in an AI world because it's easier to copy and paste everything in an AI world and so your argument's like hey we have you have to figure out how you have the utmost of differentiation and sit at a premium tier over what any kind of Technology automated AI driven approach could do one thing I've realized Greg is Kip and I have Kip and I talk a lot about this personality Le growth like we're we're going to ENT the era of personal personal growth and actually what I've realized is it's just your graphic so we should have just we should have just like we we we talked to we did the whole thing on the main stage of inban this year we did the podcast live we talked a lot about personal growth which is basically you're you start with content audience and then go into product versus the other the way around but you have to do that through having something to say being interest and like having a person that very very where we started right be an interest and be a master Storyteller and actually have things to say one of the places I would love to kind of just maybe end on is that is happening in BTC right like we we see this in BDC we some of we see VC firms some of the best companies all started through this personal personality Le growth like you're basically your stepping stones that you've outlined in your image our thinking is or our belief is Kip and I is that we are going to start seeing that in B2B because software is going to get easier to create now not all software if you're creating something complex back in Enterprise may be hard but AI is going to to help a lot of creators be able to create some version of software that's in their head do you believe that's true like the graphic that you laid out you believe it's as applicable in B2B as B Toc yeah I mean at the end of the day as much as us marketers like to call them B2B and B Toc like it's people at the end of the day right and people connect with other people and stories and crave it so you know using boring marketer as an example like they were able to scale their business from zero to like that's a multi- figure of year business you know based on stories category of one being interesting packaging it up with 100% of their lead flow coming from social look we we saw this happen yesterday yesterday we're recording on a Friday Elon came out and said look starlink and SpaceX are both cash flow positive those are two B Tobe businesses that spend no money on marketing that have a CEO who's personality Le and D drives the hype and the demand for those two B2B companies and he's going to take them both public and he's probably going to take them both public in the next 18 months and he was the head of the game on that but this is just going to be the norm over the next five to 10 years right let me let me tell you a story I was talking to pomp about this too because we like to think that we're inventing something new here but all that PT bar baby well we were talking about we're talking about who's like an OG influencer that monetizes the most that was like the promp and we were talking about Warren Buffett yeah sorry pi oh yeah if Warren Buffett was you know if it was 2023 2024 and Warren Buffett was like 25 years old instead of writing his yearly you know annual letter he would be writing his weekly substack or whatever or you know weekly convert kit he'd be tweeting on X he'd be creating short form video What's the difference between you know he he's he's built a community based business and I know we'll talk about that in part three but he's an influencer creating content creating IRL events building communities having like a essentially a pilgrimage to Omaha what what's happening right now and that's B2B and he's monetizing the you know a fund basically and he's made billions from that so to answer your question this works for B Toc could have worked for B2B absolutely and there's and there's actually probably more opportunity in b B than b Toc why why do you think that just because it's more a lot of people think it's more fun to create B Toc products and a lot of people think that there's that this that won't work in B2B so they don't try so the competition is lower the competition is higher in B Toc with this sort of stuff and the competition's lower in B2B 100% all right we're going to bring Greg back for part three where we're going to go all about community and all about product so if you're watching on YouTube YouTube hit us a comment on what you want to make sure we cover in part three because today was all about audience building is all about creating Kieran anything you want to leave the audience with before we close out Today's show no I think that like we've talked about personal letic growth in this show Greg's just giving you the entire Playbook of how this is going to play out we'll cover the third part in community but I think that this I I I see it even like I I talked at the very start I've seen it in some of the founders who were raised in their preced and seed that they are in B2B and they started with this way they cultivated an audience they grew that really large they got a ton of ideas from that audience to build a product and now they're building a software product and they actually have a head start because they already have an audience that that that they've attracted so I think this is the this is the game but I love the fact that we started in that something that wasn't in the graphic I think that was really important place to start which was the personality part be interest in write have something to say like be a Storyteller all right Greg before before we CL close of the show back to that step one of writing what's your number one course book or action step for somebody who says hey I watch the show I want to get better at writing tomorrow what what should I do Dicky Bush and Nicholas Cole those guys are really good at course is good their course is good I've been I've spoken there and and just we've hired a bunch of people from ship 30 for30 that's what it's called I think that's been really that's really good David Perell WR of passage which is more higher-end version of it is interesting and he's amazing both those are like worth look 100% worth looking at and and then I'll plug my own thing like I have I have a if you go to community free free 5day course on turning strangers into into buying and talk you know talking about audience building and you can just copy me basically very cool Community empire. that's the we'll put the link in the show notes awesome Greg thank you so much for be being here and we'll see everybody real soon on marketing at the CR this data is wrong every freaking time have you heard of HubSpot HubSpot is a CRM platform where everything is fully integrated wa I can see the client's whole history 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Channel: Marketing Against the Grain
Views: 13,803
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Keywords: marketing against the grain, matg podcast, kipp and kieran, hubspot, hubspot podcast
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 20sec (2300 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 07 2023
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.