How to ground an open ground outlet | Handyman | Contractor

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all right guys it is wrong comes in handy we are gonna do a electrical project today um this is for you upcoming handyman or contractors um i want to say i'm not a certified licensed electrician i'm a handyman um but this is very simple anybody can do this real easy these are the tools we're going to be using today oh so this is what the problem is sorry for the echo i'm in a empty one right now um getting ready getting this apartment ready so uh you saw my last video this is an outlet tester um and what we want is to have two right lights two lights you know to the right we only have one one means is open ground at the top now these will work just fine but uh proper procedure and for safety you want to make sure all your outlets are grounded and this unit is being rented out with a person that has housing so when housing comes they check this type of stuff and then if your outlets are not all grounded you fail and this person can't move in so we are going to look in here and see why it's not grounded first things first dealing with any type of electrical you want to make sure you turn off the power so we're going to do this right here outlets are usually connected to a 15 amp here's my 15 amp right here um this is the brick oh this is the fuse box these are partners are old so your partners might look different you might have a breaker box we have a fuse box so here's my 15 amp right here already know this is it um i'm gonna turn this off i'm gonna unscrew it you'll see the light go off and then we'll see it at the outlet i'll have to remove these all the way i just have to screw all right so as you see the light is off so we have no power to so it's safe to [Applause] continue on okay we got phillips right here all right outlet got some more phillips here all right got it removed so as we look um we have a red wire which is i think it's sometimes called a um a signal wire but this is my hot and we have a neutral which is the white now usually what happens is when you see a red wire in here that usually means that it's connected to a switch we have a switch right over there uh where is that right there so that switch most likely controls this outlet for like a light um you got your hots right here all together and then we have our ground so the ground is not even connected to this right here so that's why it says open ground um and this is a metal not metal this is a plastic box so usually what you can do option is just get a wire um connect it to your ground screw right here and then connect it to your metal box but since this is plastic that's not gonna work we're just gonna take this uh coupler off i don't know if it's called coupler but we're gonna take this off we're gonna just slide right off get some pliers pull it off there we go i got some new ones right here and then i got some wire right here 14 gauge um i'm gonna take off probably like maybe six inches off strip both sides put one side in here and put the other side right here so got me a stripping tool and then this is my crimper right here all right so got it done now you can also put these with a wire nut but i'm gonna use um a crimp right now i don't know what's called a coupler or whatever so the easy way i found doing it is actually open this up set it in place and this crippler it tells you the gauges of what they're going so like i said it's a 14 gauge so we'll put it in that 22 through 14. i'm gonna set it in here first right and then i'm gonna feed the wires in and then crimp down that's the easiest way i found it so far there's an easier way you guys let me know down in the comments so yeah make sure it's in the 14 gauge place right in that loop make sure it's in that loop right here let's see so here we go right here because of that flying my face so make sure it's in the the that loop right there in the groove and then i'm gonna make sure you put all three on there and then the other wire and crimp down so i'm gonna cut two right now all right so we got it done there is my crimp right there again i'm not a certified licensed electrician so if i'm doing something wrong please let me know guys how to do this and then there it is to the uh ground uh nut or nothing round screw um it'll probably be better if you guys find a green wire instead of a black one but this is the only one i had right here so um we're gonna turn the power back on and we'll see if we have it grounded and correct all right so we got that one done over there we're going to our next one all these outlets are not grounded um this one the grounds in there just wasn't on the the screw i don't know why they didn't just put on the screws so this one's gonna be easy i'm just gonna you know loop it and put it on there all right so we are all done let's turn the power back on and i grounded all of them now let's make sure this is all correct bingo easy guys easy oh i need to fix that but anyways real simple guys you just need a few tools sometimes i have like an all-new one tool where it's like a wire stripper a crimp tool and like pliers all in one but these are the tools you really i really don't need this one right here well i guess you do if you have a if there's a crimp sleeve on it and use that to pull it off um and then just another wire i use a black i think you guys should use green so you guys know it's a ground wire and this right here that's all you needed and then i did use some crimp sleeves right here these are crimp sleeves i use it for some of them uh but that's it man i'll put links to the tools i use is this video helped you guys out make sure you leave a like if you have any critique criticism questions please leave a comment below and if you guys are enjoying my channel please subscribe more content coming soon this is ron i'll see you guys later
Channel: Ron Comes In Handy
Views: 69,139
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: handyman, handy, man, contractor, vendor, plumber, electrician, beginner, thumbtack, angi, home, advisor, diy
Id: eGV2tht5dxA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 49sec (529 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 01 2022
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