How To Gripen + Decal is LIVE | War Thunder

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the gripin finally got another flight performance Nerf but it only comes in the form of about a half a degree second less rate what does that change well pretty much nothing the only thing that you're actually going to notice is that if you're playing the f16a block 10 you probably are going to have an advantage in a one versus one with a griffin maybe probably U most people aren't really going to be good enough to actually tell any kind of real difference there so may as well just say that nothing's different with the introduction of the Hungary sub though in Italy it is worth taking a look at the grippin I guess again because I haven't made a video on it in a while but before I do that I do want to mention a couple of things firstly big announcement my decal is actually in the game now so if you want 3% off in the gion store as well as get this decal on screen use my link in the description Down Below on top of that I have created a brand new community Squadron which is here on screen as well so if you need a squadron to grind Squadron vehicles or something like that this is a good place to go it is activity based so do please try to stay active some of you are probably thinking sir why did you include this clip all you did was rip your wings and shoot a couple people with hmd what's interesting about this well I think that this clip demonstrates the effectiveness and the survivability of the grippin with the insane amount of countermeasures it has in pure volume but as well as where it deploys the griin deployment pattern for flares and chaft is definitely the best you can possibly have at top tier essentially it pretty much just drops the countermeasures directly behind your engine most of the time the bull pods and the internally fitted countermeasures are a little bit different in deployment pattern but it's essentially going to end up in the same spot one way or another the second best countermeasure deployment pattern being the Soviet style where they're deploy upwards into the air and the worst is the United States style or at least the NATO style of deploying downwards not only that but often times most of the time they are downward and toward the side left and right and that's really what you want to avoid um sometimes you can invert your plane upside down and deploy your flares and fly through them that way and it kind of gives you the same effect as the Soviet ones but that's pretty unrealistic and nobody's really going to be able to do that in practice as you're seeing on screen though with the gribin deployment pattern the 9M are kind of just going for the flare same with the r73 I just do a bit of a flare flower I really don't even have to move nor can I move in the first place because I am missing a wing tip and yet it's still pretty effectively managing to decoy not only these iron missiles but there was a couple sparrows and possibly an ER fired in there as well so that is something that I think makes the gripin extremely effective is just the deployment pattern of the counter measures as well as of course having an infinite number of them is always helpful I would definitely consider this jet to be the best top tier Jet right now at 12.7 there are some better flight performance like I said the f-16a block 10 is probably arguably a better flight performance playing than the grippin but it's not by much if anything but again I do want to harp on the fact that it's really not worth mentioning the differences you may as well just say that they're both the best planes in the game as far as flight fors goes and you really wouldn't be wrong the only is of course the f16a is a 12.0 and the griin is top tier I would much rather be playing the griin because you get the 9M you get all the countermeasures you get the hmd for the most part what you are going to be fighting you are going to beat in a one versus one this is the F-15 that I'm fighting here I took him vertical because I had an energy Advantage at the start considering I had more altitude than him and probably about equal speed but I quickly learned and realized that I'm never going to be able to out stall an F-15 he'll probably just wait for me to stall out then shoot me with his Vulcan as we're both floating in air from over a kilometer away and I wasn't about that so we just kind of keep on turning move around behind him and he can't keep up the f115 is no slouch in a dog fight by any means it's probably a top three or top four dog fight playing at top tier but the grippin is just on another level and so the combination of flight performance as well as the counter measures we just talked about make this thing extremely annoying to go up against if there's griin on the other team you want to do everything you can to get them out of the match as soon as possible because the longer the match goes on the stronger they're going to get but not only that they're just kind of hard to kill in general no matter the situation pretty much with the countermeasures alone if you're one versus one with a grip in and you're shooting missiles at them they are going to be paying attention to that and you're probably not going to be making any of those missiles connect you kind of need teammates around so you can overwhelm him with multiple angles and just hope he's not pre flaring all of your missiles you're firing at him technically this new hungry griin in the Italian Tech Tree is the best one in the game if you want to look at it from a ground perspective because the flight models of all three of the grip grippin we currently have in the game are the exact same and they carry the same airto a weapons capabilities but the Hungarian grippin has the best Mavericks which is the only difference as far as ground loadouts they carry the same gbus they carry the same targeting pods but the Mavericks on this one are better than the other models as much as the grippin is kind of fun for me to play it's really my favorite top tier just because of how easy and handheld it is which makes top tier somewhat tolerable to me I really don't like the way top tier play plays right now so having the most handheld play in the game does make it more enjoyable but with now a third country in the game getting a griin it's definitely going to increase the probability of running into them which makes it so that if you're not playing a grippin that much more unenjoyable for General play Styles you could really play this thing in one of two ways firstly of course the go-to for many people is just going to be hug the deck being low to the ground and being able to multipath Star missiles is definitely something that is reliable and consistent and that way you pretty much always know that you're not really being threatened by any SAR missiles from Su 27s especially and it makes it pretty easy to have the confidence to know which fights you can get yourself involved in on the deck kind of in the furball and which ones you can't and that's a pretty common play style for any playing at top tier a lot of people especially people lacking a strong number of countermeasures do want to hug the deck and I would highly recommend that but in a plane like the griin where you have tons of countermeasures and you're pretty much never going to run out I person personally like to climb up to really high altitude and utilize the long range of the 9M and the hmd and of course the infinite number of countermeasures to deal with the SAR missiles and just get right above the enemy team once the furball has started in orbital strike them if there is somebody that just really focuses you down at high altitud and starts spamming all of their ERS at you it is pretty annoying sometimes because you are going to have to stay 90° and you're going to have to chaff all those incoming ERS not impossible to do but it can be very frustrating sometimes and then of course you got to wait for them to get close enough to not deploy an ER and then you can start a dog fight a dog fight in which they're probably going to be starting roughly on your 6:00 considering you had to hold your 90° Notch and that could be a problem but you are a grippin and most of the time they're just like an s27 or something like that so flipping that dog fight is pretty easy but it is something to keep in mind and sometimes they can keep you held up long enough to where the match is pretty much over by the time that your dog fight is over and you got to just kind of hope your team is the one that w because if not you're going to be alone dealing with everybody else that's left on their team you can decrease the chances of this happening to you I'm referring to of course somebody focusing you down as you're climbing at altitude by kind of delaying your approach you don't want to join into the furball around the same time the rest of your team knows you want to give it a second hopefully in an ideal situation you arrive to the battlefield about 30 seconds to a minute after everybody else a minute is cutting it a little bit close but about 30 seconds after everybody else kind of engages and entangles with each other you want to sweep in from above and get those orbital strikes off this is pretty much a textbook example of what I'm talking about when it comes to somebody focusing you down at high altitude I have an su27 in front of me who doesn't really look like he's going to be a problem it looked like he was shooting missiles at other people but he probably notices my contrail and he turns in to actually engage me which of course he is I'm not complaining but that is going to hold me up for a little bit here as I try to shake him off may I shoot an NM but he turns head on it's relatively easy for him to escape that and now we have merged at high altitude low IAS which makes this dog fight take even longer just because we're having a really hard time maneuvering and of course I have to be mindful of this hmd r73 so I give it some pre- flaring and as I mentioned the griin flare deployment pattern is probably the best you're going to ever have at top tier as far as flaring especially R 73s and Magic 2s and luckily my teammate is around to actually take care of this guy who is a little bit too tunneling on me sometimes the fight can take way longer I'm very thankful that I had a teammate there and he gets me out of this situation quickly not because I was afraid of dying but because I want to get back into the fight where everybody else is and actually have some kind of impact on the outcome of this game and I can't do that if I'm up at 10,000 met dog fighting in su27 and of course what happened to that su27 could have very easily ended up happening to me it's very possible that the su27 had one of his teammates come and third party me so you do have to keep your head on a swivel and again that's one of the the reasons why I think that the griin is one of the only planes and certainly the most effective plane at top tier that can actually do this kind of gameplay now that I kind of have some map control per se at the High Altitude areas of the map I am pretty confident that I can dive on some of these guys and they may or may not see me I'm pretty positive that at least one person out of these three aren't going to see me it is an awkward angle to be checking directly above you and not necessarily directly above you but above and to the right or to the left people don't always look and pay attention to that kind of an angle so we Salvo off some 9M with hmd I think we get two hits out of three not a bad result and that's something that you're going to get very often if you choose to do this sort of play style that leaves just one su27 over here to fight me another griin who is an anonymous BTE player and an su27 in our team somehow I ended up team killing somebody with those 39m I salved off I'm not sure where exactly that happened but of course that is my fault I take responsibility for that of course when you shoot an IR missile you have to be absolutely certain that your teammates aren't going to end up flying into it one way or another so I'm not going to blame my teammate for that you do have to be a little bit more responsible and a little bit more calculated with where you throw these 9M off your plane so that pretty much does it for the gripin this one is no different than the ones we already have unless you are a ground RB player then it is I guess a little bit of an upgrade for you but I'll leave you guys with this clip here which is pretty much just another example of how I play the gripin and how I try to come into the furballs and have some kind of impact for my team hope you guys enjoyed the video be sure to pick up that decal and I'll see you again real soon
Channel: Seek
Views: 15,612
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: War Thunder, war thunder, Joob, DEFYN, warthunder, AMRAAM, Gripen, AIM120, R73, R27ET, premium, best premium, guide, overview, sale, J35XS, how, flare, IRCCM, tutorial, how to flare, AIM9M, F-15, Su27, R77, leak, Mirage4000, JAS39, AAM3, magoic2, aim9m, aim120, sales, premium sale, decal
Id: qkGNbEii4Y0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 39sec (639 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 23 2024
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