How To Green Screen - Easy Video Editing Blender Tutorial

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green screening footage can be a lot of fun you can make yourself appear on vacation in another country you can interview yourself and you can do cool little special effects with it but how do you green screen using free software well there are a couple of free software out there on the market that can do this but in this tutorial I'm gonna show you how to do it using the free and open source software blender now blender is actually a 3d modeling and animation software but it's also a very powerful video editor as well so if you don't have bender hand over to and download the latest version of bender the download and installation part should be quite straightforward so for this tutorial I want to head over to video net and I want to go ahead and use this footage over here the young woman on green screen gesturing with VR headset the author is vide veau I'm also going to go ahead and download this one as well so search for stars and dust abstract motion background on video net and the author is also a believer so there's free download and it should download straight away to your desktop okay so once you're in bender what you want to do is we want to go ahead and change over to the compositing workspace inventory so go ahead and hit that tab over there and you should be presented with a screen like this go ahead and tick use notes and for our green screen footage we will be making use of nodes in blender so first of all go ahead and select this one by clicking on it and then hitting X to date that node alternatively you can go to node and delete you can see the shortcut key X will also do the same thing as well so now I want to add an input node and would it would be a movie clip okay go ahead and hit open and search for the background one let you download it so in this case this one over here okay so I have the background ed loaded alternatively instead of going to add you can also do shift a that's exactly the same thing as that so if you're gonna shoot a we want to add an output viewer node so that we can see what's going on over here in this screen over here so if I connect this one to the image and also to the viewer image we can see what's going on in the background that looks like the video size is quite big so you can go to view and hit fit so it should fit perfectly in the back okay and also I want to link these two together the composite node is what will be shown when you hit the final render button so when you hit render animation and the viewer is just what you see in this view over here so ultimately the final result of this view will also be the final result of this render so I want to join these two together so here's shift and right click like so and that should link it up like that cool so now if I play back this animation over here we can see albeit very very slowly is updating in the the viewport so it's a little bit slow because we are working with nodes so it will be even more slower as we add more nodes so basically how the node works is you have an input node which is your movie and you have output nodes which is what the final output will be when you hit render and you have a bunch of other nodes that you add in between them these nodes will do some processing on the input node and then convert it so that it will achieve the desired output so in this case your input will be the video and your desired output will be your final video footage that is green screen okay so we have the movie clip over here we want to duplicate this so we can hit the shift D to duplicate this node alternatively you can go to node and duplicate that's also same thing as 50 and then we'll just bring this down over here and we'll change this one to use the footage of the green screen so if I connect this one to the viewer we can see what that looks like over here cool so yep so that's looking good one other thing that we need to do is our render size if I can see over here you click on this tab over here the output properties the render size is 1920 by 1080 which is high-definition so I think these two footages are high definition by default but just to be safe I'm just going to go ahead and hit shift a distort scale and then click just drop that in between here and change this one to render size and do the same thing with this one so connect this one to this one this will just ensure that the our final render will be the render size so next thing we want to do is we want to overlay this image on top of this image so I think just to make that clear I'll put this right so let's click this one shift to select this one and let's move it to the top this one shift select this one put this to the bottom down pull so we need to mix these two together so the way to do that is by going to shift a color mix node so mixing the color from this and this so if I put this one over here you'll see that this image is taking preference so the main reason is because this factor over here controls how much of the a color is being mixed so if ever all the way to zero we see our full green screen image if I go to one we see our full background image so this factor is determining that if I go half way you get half of this one and this one okay so in this case I think the ordering is the other way around at zero it needs to be the background so this goes on top and and one it needs to be the foreground which is this one so when it comes to the node system is actually the other way around the bottom one is the one where the image is on top and this one is where the image is in the background okay so now that we have something like that how would we get rid of all this green stuff we have our two input sources that is the green screen footage and our background and our output displays whatever processing is going on over here so cool so the next step is now to remove everything in green so how do we do that well in bender we need to make use of another node called the keying node so we can bring that in bygone shift a Matt King node let's just drop that in over here so far nothing's happening that's because we need to choose a key color so what I'm gonna do is I want to click this color select this eyedropper tool and just click somewhere around here where the green is so that should give you a more accurate green and straightaway we've removed all the green in this footage but the thing is we can't see the background it's just made it another color well the way to do that if I just move this aside a bit is by making use of this mat and plugging that into the factor so now our background has been completely removed so now if I play back the video we can see that our character is pretty much playing her game in the middle of space so it doesn't make sense but I guess green screen footage is aren't really made to make sense so while I prepared this footage I can see that we have a little bit of these little artifacts over here the reason why where you see those little artifacts is because that part like the green in that part is not as as the exact color that we have over here it's probably a little shade off or green this could be due to shadows or a slight differences in lighting but it's not the exact it's not a perfect exact green that you get so you find this a lot when you shoot your own footage like a little bits of shadows or while the input footage does look quite good we can see that those little bits of dark greens and a little bit of like a light shadow going over there so we ought to take that into account okay and the way to do that is by playing around with these settings until you remove all this so in this case I think it's clip black we'll just need to turn that up a little bit maybe 0.2 oh yeah we're removing a bit more if I increase it a bit more we remove it completely so now our character looks great sometimes what you might find is if I can zoom in there let me just click and drag this sometimes you'll find on the corners you'll find a little bit of green sticking around so the way you can fix that is by using dilate erode also maybe erode you just want to cut away so that'll move all day the possibility of having any green and there's also if i zoom in you'll see that there's a bit of anti-aliasing going on that test to happen when it comes to green screen footage so I it's sort of our separates the amateur green screener compared to a more Pro clean screener so I think the way you can fix that is by doing some kind of blurring so be adding a bit of post blur no that won't look maybe adding a bit of peak pre blurring sorry there's also one more thing you need to do if when I get less aliasing effects like you see over here gonna get less aliasing effect you also need to click this one over here so you think loo the Alpha that can also help to cut out that and make your character look like it's integrated into the scene better pretty amazing what you can do with using just free software if you want to save this out into a video clip what you want to do is first of all make sure that the frames the final frames are right so depending on how long your animation is the best way to check is by going to the video editing tab drop your source footage in here and see how long your fridge goes so in this case my animation ends over here so that would be frame 400 and let's say for 30 so you go for 30 over here so that your animation is let's go back to the compositing workspace then you'd want to choose where you want to save it so go ahead and click here and I might save it to this directory and you call it something like my green screen footage okay and to save that the video clip change this from PNG to ffmpeg video and choose something like mpeg-4 that's about it that should be it you're not really dealing with audio or anything like that so you don't need to care about that if you want to add things like audio or things I've done I highly recommend you check out my video editing tutorial it shows you how to do all of that I'll just stick to just the green-screen so once you're happy with all these settings just go to render render animation and your animation will be done oh sorry so I think we've made a mistake yes I think I know why in the video editing tab you have to remove this footage there cannot be anything in the video editor so bender will know that if there's nothing in the video editor it will take it from this compositing thing so once you're happy with that go to render and render animation and it will start going frame by frame and rendering your final video this can take a while because of all the calculations that are going on but you can see the progress over here so on frame 16 and it needs to go all the way to frame 430 so I don't want to make you wait until that so I'm just gonna go ahead and kill that and show you what the final video looks like over here you're now one step closer to making a special effects movie great so now let's move on and take you to the next level
Channel: Thilakanathan Studios
Views: 30,214
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: green screen video editing tutorial, blender video editing tutorial green screen, blender video editing tutorial, green screen, chroma key, video editing
Id: _pPGR3d9WWc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 24sec (744 seconds)
Published: Thu May 07 2020
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