HOW TO Green Screen (Chromakey) Premiere Pro CC

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hey everybody I'm Nathaniel Dodson from Tut vidcom today we're going to talk about green screening in Premiere Pro to create effects like these pretty cool now if you enjoy this video tutorial make sure you subscribe to the channel hit that little red button so you never miss another video editing or Premiere Pro tutorial in the future and if you'll really enjoy what you're seeing here please consider picking up a copy of my it's a Photoshop course all about how to retouch images but I hate taking donations so if you really enjoy it this channel is funded by viewers like you so the link appears up there in the corner I also have a link down in the bio of this video where you can pick up that course I am working on a Premiere Pro course that's going to be coming out at some point I want to say soon but soon is pretty relative is that next week next month next next year it's going to be sooner than next year but for now you can pick up a copy of the photoshop course it really helps we're doing here let's just go ahead and get into this video right so here we are in Premiere Pro and we have a few different Clips we have a clip of these pharmacists talking to each other and they've got a big green screen and then we also have a very different type of green screen application which is just a computer or some type of maybe signage or digital device that's green screen doubt that you need to replace with some sort of graphic what we don't want to right click let's try that again and what I want to do here I have a sequence out here first and foremost I'm going to drag the background clip into place so this is just the inside of a truck and a forklift ends up driving in and dropping off a bunch of stuff but the background can be whatever however it may be important that you do get a background that somewhat matches the light that was used to shoot that studio shot with the green-screen now I didn't 100% match this up as I say that but I just grabbed a background look like it had somewhat soft diffusely now I'm going to grab this sort of female doctor explaining to the the explaining about patient with another doctor write a very descriptive video and we want to knock away all this green now this is just a hyper bright green backdrop sometimes your green backdrop won't be quite as extreme or as clean but this effect works with a not-so-great green background or even one that's nice and solid like this come over here to your effects panel if you don't have your effects now you can go window effect and we're going to go down to video effects we're going to come down here to keying and I'm interested in this one here called the ultra key I'm going to drag and drop this on to my clip out here the female doctor there we go and up here in my affects controls I'm going to collapse some of the stuff we don't need our motion or opacity step open here we have ultra key and we'll begin by just grabbing a little eyedropper tool and just saying look hey I'm going to click on the green so I want that to go away well that looks like we have a good start now quick little tip if you are working with a green screen that's not evenly lit try first sampling the darker greens like the stuff in the shadows see how that works and then move to the brighter greens and just you ought to play around and see what works best in this case I'm just going to grab the green and a knock it away now if i zoom this in a little bit you are going to see like the edges of her hair they are far from perfect as are the edges of his hair not even the edges around his jacket so we have all of these different options here the matte generation this is the actual creation of the what like basically what gets knocked out of my image well the green stuff gets knocked out right but this is what's going to tell premier pro hey knock out a lot more or a lot less of that green screen stuff now when I'm working in that generation the way I've been taught to do this is to come up here under output and to work with the Alpha Channel and I'm actually very comfortable doing this because this looks like a mask like we would have a photo shop right now with this we can begin sliding the transparency back and forth you can see the black stuff is what's going to disappear so if I have that much of their outfits turning black when we go back to the composite you're going to see they're like ghosts they're not really what we want we're gonna go back to alpha Channel we're going to crank the transparency back over we definitely want them to be solid white great then you can tweak the highlights which we're not really doing much in the highlights though you can also tweak the shadows we don't really need to do anything there I'll shift the you know reset parameter arrows there then you have your tolerance as well this is going to have to do a little bit with you know kind of the edges and how Premiere Pro respects where exactly the edges of what is or isn't getting knocked out and then you have pedestal so in our case the pedestal is not doing much but it is if you watch the edge of her hair right in there it is either making that more full or making it disappear maybe I'll make that a little bit more full that's great so that's the matte generation now Matt cleanup this has to do with just the edges of what's going on here now for Matt cleanup I like to go back to the that output view mode because I can really see what's going on in fact I'm going to zoom in on my video a little bit here we're at one hundred and fifty percent that's great I'm just going to zoom up because I'm really most interested in their hair you can see that based on the way we worked with our matte generation we really kind of added some junk to the edges maybe I do want to crank that pedestal back up a little bit something like that I'm going to collapse my matte generation and then format cleanup will work with the choke first so if we scroll up on the choke you can see how it's going to kind of trim stuff in and get rid of kind of that fringe but it does leave us with a hard-line edge so let's go ahead and soften that edge a little bit there we go something like that and then you can play around the contrast which is almost like sharpens the edge a little bit I'm not really going to I don't want to adjust that at all and then your mid point as well and you can just pull back and forth on that and see if you like what it does or doesn't do in this case I think I'm going to leave it kind of right where I've got it now I'm going to collapse Matt cleanup and a color correction by the way I'm going to jump right into this I don't really do any color correction here in ultra key I'll either use Lumet recolor or there's the three way of color tools here in a Premiere Pro you can use anything like that usually I'm jumping in with luma tree color and doing any kind of color correction white balance nonsense I never use the color correction here and well I shouldn't say never I almost never use the color correction spill suppression however this has to do with sometimes when you are working on a green screen file now this green screen file is pretty clean maybe there's some green reflected here on the underside of his jacket sometimes you will have some green that is reflected into the edge of the hair or the clothing that the subject is wearing you can just go in here and play and desaturate and just just be careful you know you can adjust the range you can see there that does a lot of bad things but if we swing the range way back that's also doing bad things I think we're going to reset range and you can adjust the spill as well and what I usually do is I come in here and I'll just tweak these until it looks like it's kind of rectifying wherever my problem areas are and I can see that the edges look pretty decent maybe I'll go back to mat cleanup you can just adjust and tweak the choke a little bit if need be tweak the softening a little bit but if we just set this back to fit and if I hit the little FX button and just shut it off well there it is with the green screen and there it is after so if I just quickly play through this you can see now they're standing in the back of this truck and the forklift is closing in on them quickly all right so that is that example I'm just going to select that clip and get rid of it let's talk about this option here where we have a device or sign or something that has some green in it now the interesting thing about this example is there's green reflected down here onto the keys of this laptop so that manned up being an issue and maybe this has a little bit of green in it out here so in this case we don't have this just bright perfect green so let's see what happens let's go effects let's drag the ultra key out drop it in place and I'm going to use the eyedropper tool once again I'm just going to grab from the screen but I can see right off the bat the the forklift image is not even coming through clearly and there's other stuff that's going on see how like some of its shining through here on the bottom part of the image we have some texture issues that are happening so let's begin attacking this number one by setting the output to Alpha Channel and you can see all these dark grey areas they're all problem areas we've got this nice black chunk here for the laptop screen but all the rest of it should be solid white so let's go to Matt generation in here we'll begin playing with stuff let's first try transparency and you can see well that just adds to the black so what if I reduce well there that gets rid of some of it but then we start losing the hyper blackness of the screen this is where I think pedestal is going to kind of help us we can either increase or decrease I think I'm going to increase that a little bit let's mess around with the tolerance now that's not going to do us any good shadow this looks like this actually might help boost the shadow let's look here at highlight and kind of play with the highlights a little bit let's come back to transparency see if we can get rid of a little bit of that let's come back to pedestal now and pump that up and now we have a pretty good idea of what's going on we just had to kind of play around with our sliders here figure out and get to the the heart of the matter if you will so now that we have that we can go back to our composite of view and you can see by the way there's one little annoying dot there in the middle that seems to be showing through but let's see here if we go to Matt cleanup and we change the choke a little bit if we can't get rid of that yeah there we go we just stretch that right out and actually made the corners of the laptop look even more perfect and smooth and then we probably want to soften it just a little bit not enough so it just looks like a crazy blurred edge and then we want to come to spill spill suppression because we do still have reflections of green down there so let's try desaturating whoops I'm sorry desaturate increase the desaturation don't decrease it and you can see it's just getting rid of that green that has spilled out on to those laptop keys you can just kind of you know push and pull it either way I'm going to decrease the range a little bit I'm sorry I'm going to increase the range just a little bit mixed up here and then we can try pushing and pulling the spill I don't know it doesn't need to be adjusted to too much and I think just like that if I shut it off there's before there's after and I'm mainly focused on just watching the green of these laptop keys I can see that it goes from green to being like normal colored laptop keys and everything looks pretty good now one little kind of finicky thing is I don't know if you see it but over here on the far right side the mask is knocking out or making the background appear a little bit over there if you just watch when I shut it off versus turn it on so if we set the set this back to alpha channel we're going to see there is some black along the edge over there so maybe the easiest thing to do would be just a mask away the ultra key effect from even touching that part of the video frame so I'm going to set this back to composited View mode I'm going to grab my pen tool to just draw a quick mask I'm going to zoom this out maybe like 75% and maybe make it a little bit smaller 50% here and I'm just going to draw a big mask over this whole area just to make sure we're not getting anything and join it now you can see what's happened is the mask is now applying our ultra key just to the area that we drew so I'm going to come over here and I'm going to tick on inverted and you can see it's actually just going to clean up that edge now we don't have any bits missing along that edge I can collapse my mask options over here under ultra key and there's before ultra key there's after ultra key let me make sure i deselect that mask that's just kind of annoying there's before ultra key there's after ultra key and we just replace that screen nicely and we combat some kind of real-world issues in terms of the green reflecting onto the laptop the edge kind of tripping out on us a little bit and we really attack this as though it's a real-deal project and this is how you work with green screening in Adobe Premiere Pro super easy well I shouldn't say super easy it's super easy once you've got to figure it out and it's a whole lot of fun to do when you when you go and you shoot green screen you really play with it and have a good time with it so guys that's going to be it for this one again if you enjoyed the tutorial make sure you go ahead and subscribe to the channel so you never miss another video in the future for learning at a green screen and using the ultra key and all the other stuff that went along with this tutorial that's it get it got it good Nathaniel Dodson Tuck vidcom I'll catch you in the next one and before you go make sure you subscribe to my channel for more great tutorials every day also by my course that helps us do what we do and this channel is supported by viewers just like you you can also just click the thumbnail and watch another video from this channel see you next time guys
Channel: tutvid
Views: 1,338,266
Rating: 4.8996058 out of 5
Keywords: green screen, chroma key, chroma keying, green screen premiere pro, chroma key premiere pro, chroma keying premiere pro, green screen effects, green screen backgrounds, green screen video, green screen tutorial, green screen premiere pro cc 2017, chroma key premiere pro cc, replace background premiere, PREM
Id: uwnlASSHaEY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 1sec (721 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 26 2017
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