How to Get Your UNFOCUSED Dog to LISTEN to You RIGHT NOW! ("Leave it"/"Look at Me" Combo)

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today's video is sponsored by pepero calm the leader in pet food delivery change the way you buy dog food and home change the way people teach dog today's episode the dog training revolution is extremely important in fact it's so important that the exercise we're gonna cover today should be one of the first things you teach your dog most people don't realize this but there is a single thing that you can do to dramatically increase the odds that your dog will listen to you especially around distractions higher energy dogs are typically more challenging to teach the concepts we're going to go over today that's why I've gone to our local shelter and borrowed Jacob the pitbull to give you a really good example of what you can expect in a semi extreme case hey click thumbs up right now for Jacob the shelter dog and help the dog training revolution reach a half million subscribers by subscribing right now I've got lots of fun videos planned for the future and I have videos on virtually every topic you can imagine become a greater part of the dog training revolution by liking me on Facebook as well I'll have a link in the description obviously when you get a dog like Jacob you'll need to budget a lot of time because he has so much energy and high-energy dogs require more time than most dogs but the upside is they can be absolutely amazing of course you also need to get him dog food as well in the most convenient way I know of to get dog food is by setting up automatic pet food delivery at pet flow comm / Zack George just set it up one time and your food will always be there when you need it and it's really easy they have all the big brands just pick the brand of dog food you want how often you want to deliver it you'll be so happy you did this too because it means you don't have to go run across town every time you run out of dog food you can edit or cancel the automatic delivery at any time for any reason at all you are such a goofball oh my gosh after you set up automatic pet food delivery just enter code Zach 20 when you check out you'll get 20% off of your first order and understand that you're helping support videos like this and the dog training revolution by getting your pet food from Peplow com I just can't focus on working with you look at you you're so handsome to see the description all the information will be there but now I'm ready to teach you something are you ready come on let's go we're going to cover three principals today that'll show you how to get started with teaching your dog especially how to teach them to listen to you when they're distracted I got to be clear this is not optional you got to teach your dogs we're going to go over in this video today if you ever hope to have them listen to you while distracted now you can see he's really energetic I brought him inside today because indoors is likely to be a little bit more familiar to him than outside where there are so many smells and distractions whenever we're introducing a new concept to our dog we want to do it in a less distracting environment the first thing I like to teach any dog that I work with is how to look at me in the eye because remember if you can get your dog's eyes you can communicate with them much easier this is really simple I've got a tiny piece of chicken here I'm gonna let them know I have it in fact just to get them a little motivated I'm just gonna give them a piece of chicken for the heck of it to let them know I've got something good we're gonna hold the chicken up to our eyes look yes good I'm simply saying yes right now to let him know that that equals chicken coming to him does that make sense so check it out watch this I'm gonna hold the chicken up again to my eyes you can even make a sound like that if they're distractible just get them looking to your face yes very good but I don't want him ultimately looking at this chicken you see I when I'm looking into my eyes so look right here nothing in my hand right here look look at me yes good bye no longer holding a treat up to my eyes and using my hand instead I'm teaching them to look to my eyes rather than looking at a tree with a high energy dog like this it's really important to kind of pick up the pace yes smart dogs are really aware of their environment and you've got to give him a reason to keep paying attention to you yes go ahead I really want to make sure I'm liberabit when talking to him look at me yes good I said look at me only when I had eye contact because he doesn't know the word yet I'm really content that he has the basic concept of look at me albeit with a little bit of coaching the next thing we're gonna cover is teaching him how to leave this chicken alone when we drop it on the ground in front of them I'm pretty sure he doesn't know how to leave chicken alone yet leave it alone okay that's our next order of business we're gonna teach him how to leave this chicken alone pulling them back in anyway this is inside out dog training in full bloom whenever you're teaching your dogs something new it's so important to not ask for the moon or so look right there he went for it what did i do did I pull him away did I push him no I closed my hand now when he looks away I'm then gonna say yes is to let him know that I like it yes good and I'm gonna give him yes the chicken you see that good walls good job of course give your dog a sincere encouragement it shots just about giving him treats or toys it's about letting them know how much you love them and appreciate them as well good job buddy so let's go onto the next stage of leave it I want to be able to drop it in front of them see that I dropped it in front of him I knew he was gonna go for it I'm not even gonna give him the benefit of the doubt I'm gonna cover it up again it's the same concept here and covering it up and when he backs off of it I'm gonna pick up the treat and give it to him I like to pick up the treat rather than saying eat the treat off the ground to let him know that rewards come from me not the ground we're just waiting for him to stop being so persistent show some restraint and then I'm gonna give it to him yes good I'm looking for just a hint of restraint this time yes good you see how I didn't insist that he leave it alone for 10 seconds he left it alone for a half second I said yes yes good awesome job what are you doing great I'm gonna try and get a little bit more time and now leave it alone yes do you see that just a little bit longer now let's see if we can add to that whoa whoa whoa come here hey Jacob notice how I have him on leash to to kind of keep him in my area no leave it alone yes did you see how I said leave it alone there I was pretty confident he was gonna leave it alone for the second and a half that I was asking for leave it alone yes did you see that I was amazing really good I'm gonna give him a jackpot reward for that anytime your dog breaks new ground like that let him know you really love it by giving them an extra big tree you just left all of that chicken alone all by yourself you did really good so what have we done so far I've asked him to look at me when I asked he's done that reasonably well he's also learned to leave the chicken alone when I drop it in front of him but now this this is where the real magic happens we're going to combine the two leave it alone and look at me you will come back to this exercise time and time again in one form or another so it's important to get a really solid I like to call this exercise to leave it watch me combo why is this such an important powerful exercise well when you drop a piece of real meat in front of your dog and not only expect them to leave it alone but to then take their eyes off the meat and look at you instead well that is how you set them up for future distraction training see the meat is a minor distraction if you want them to listen to you around a barking dog or a squirrel running across the road you have to make sure that you can get their eyes on you in this situation first does that make sense the first few times you do this you'll want to reward for leave it individually and look at me individually I'm just trying to get him in the habit of looking at both of these behaviors side by side you see what I mean we're gonna go for the home run we're going to have him leave the treat alone and then I'm gonna try and get his eyes on me while the treat remains on the ground he's a little while but that's okay that's alright he's just intelligent that's all that is leave it alone look at me are you kidding me look at you that was awesome did you see that first attempt - this is why it's so important to prep your dog rather than just going into the exercise at full blast leave it alone ah look at me yes good since he's doing relatively well with it inside I think we need to go to the next level and try and see if we can get him to do this in a more distracting environment it's important when you change environments like this when you're trying to do the same thing that you did inside for example you take a step back on your training kind of remind your dog what you're expecting of them be very patient and understanding if they don't immediately get it remember the fastest way you're gonna confuse your dog is by changing their surroundings yeah leave it alone good look at me yes awesome job eat that you are so good and I think that's a great place to stop on this exercise your next steps for this would be walking in front of your house back and forth and rewarding your dog or leaving a toy or Treat alone but I have lots of videos that will show you that as well just go through my playlist which I'll have in the description of this video like me on Facebook at slash of these act your JH and I want to thank all our patrons on patreon comm you guys really make it possible for us to make videos like this if you're interested in making a small monthly contribution check out the description you can see all the details but that makes all the difference for us and allows us to raise awareness for so many things including shelter dogs visit Pet Flo comm slash Zak George and set up automatic pet food delivery as well that's another fantastic way that you can support the dog training revolution good job see you guys next time if you haven't seen these videos I'd encourage you to check them out if you're expecting you'll want to take steps to make sure your dog is prepared for your new baby or if you're experiencing a lot of hyperactivity or behavior problems chances are you need to tighten up your fetch game and if you had to make sure that your dog has one skill it's stay while distracted specifically I'll show you how to teach your dog to stay at the front door when it's open thanks again to all our patrons on patreon and thanks to each and every one of you for subscribing can't wait to see you in video you
Channel: Zak George’s Dog Training Revolution
Views: 829,781
Rating: 4.9341192 out of 5
Keywords: dog Training, puppy training, how to train dog to listen, sit, stay, come, roll over, play dead, watch me, look at me, leave it, leave stuff alone, how to train dog to stop barking, stop chewing, Dog (Domesticated Animal), Leave it watch me combo, leave it look at me me combo
Id: TOSbbJf1Nxo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 57sec (657 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 20 2015
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