How to Get Your Dog to BEHAVE ANYWHERE! - Training Environments

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okay so the environment that we trained in as we said it's something that we need to generalize and we need to proof our dogs in different environments so like we've been talking about we start all of our training in our distraction-free environment so for us we've got our training center here for you maybe your god your basement your backyard wherever it is that you do the majority of your training however if you take that training from your backyard to your front yard or your front yard to the park or wherever it is there's going to be a lot of environmental distractions so we need to slowly and incrementally do that and I'm just going to show you a quick demonstration where we'll do a couple little obedience things with sunny here then we're going to go outside and we'll do the same thing outside and then we're gonna go out by our dock diving pool so our dock diving pool is the biggest distraction we can ever put on sunny and you'll see how in here in the training lab he's perfect you get him out by that pool he doesn't really want to listen to any obedience commands all he wants to do is get up in the pool and start swimming so that is something that I would need to work on slowly and incrementally doing my obedience closer and closer to the pool then doing obedience around the pool before he's ever even allowed to go swimming those types of things the gist is it's really dog dependent but the more environments that you can bring your dog into the more environments are going to generalize and the better proof that will behavior will be but don't expect your dog to sit in your basement where you do all your training and then you go to the coffee shop and ask your dog to sit and your dog could care less about what you're doing because sit means nothing to them anymore because now there's all these crazy smells and the bakery and people everywhere and they are going crazy they don't know what to do so slowly and incrementally increase the difficulty of your environment and we'll just show you a quick example of how of a more severe example of this free sit yes sit down sit stand yes place no place yes it Sunnyside so I'm gonna do a little bit of healing with Sonny even though that's not something we're gonna be working on in this course but it'll be a really simple way for you to see a clearer picture of the differences in different environments so you can see in here it doesn't take much for me to have Sonny in a perfect focused he'll he'll walk staring at me the entire time he's anticipating his reward he stops and I stop he pivots yes I reward in therefore looking back at me we'll put him back in quick Sonny come here side yes oh boy haha you drop that one huh alright so now we'll go outside and we'll do a little bit of the same type of training outside and you'll see how the environment affects that yes ok so now we brought sunny outside we're just going to show you how the environment changes up his demeanor and changes how our trainings going to go so we want him to generalize those behaviors that we trained in our lab so sunny come here son son sit yes so it's gonna be our same training sit yes but you'll notice like a lot of our other stuff I'm gonna take two steps back and one step forward so as we said the physical gesture the lure is easier for our dog to see then hearing the verbal command so I may put my lure back in sunny down well you listen there but you'll see when we get over by the pool good if I give him a Down command he may not do it I'm not gonna worry about that because we're adding in distractions what I'm going to do is put my lure back into the picture and simplify it for him what I'm also going to do outside and when we add in more and more distractions is speed up the pace of my training so if I ask sunny drew a bunch of sits or a bunch of downs and fast repetition I'm gonna keep him engaged with me and not give him the opportunity to check out so we'll show you what that'll look like son come here hey buddy sit yes oh boy sit good good down good yes down yes down yes down yes down yes sit yes place yes hold on so you notice there I went a little bit faster I didn't take any breaks I kept everything exciting and engaging with him you also notice that I have a leash on my dog so when we're inside the training lab I'm not overly concerned with it it's a controlled environment Sonny's not going to be able to break and run away nothing he's going to run away but run around and explore the environment however we're outside we're outside the back of our building here in the tech Park there's cars driving by on the street there's other people positive control your dog is important all right now we're gonna go over by the swimming pool which is Sony's biggest distraction on the planet he loves that thing and you'll see how he probably won't do any of those these obedience exercises for me over there so this is going to be a place where I need to slowly and incrementally do some obedience training a hundred yards from the pool then 75 yards from the pool and 50 yards from the pool then do a ton of stuff right around the pool for Sonny it's the pool for you and your dog and maybe the coffee shop or it may be the playground down the street whatever it is you need to figure out what those distractions are for your dog and figure out how you can slowly and incrementally add those into your training all right so now here we are we're out by the pool so we're gonna attempt to do a little bit of an obedient session right here next to the pool this is too much for Sonny this is an environment that as I said I need to work on slowly and incrementally getting him used to doing obedience by the pool I should be doing a ton of engagement out here I should be making really short exciting training exercises for him but we're just going to use it a demonstration Sonny come yes sit yes sit yes sunny no sorry sit sit yes sunny down yes hey Sonny Sonny yuck so you notice he's not into this right now he doesn't really want to Train he wants to get on that pool this is an environment that I shouldn't be training in yet Sonny come here he's gonna pee on stuff cuz there's other dogs out here I've got treats in my hand right now he's not even following a lure he's shying away from the food because he wants to go to the pool so I only did this to show you an example of an environment that is too hard to train right now I should be doing more training exercises back over there in the backyard outside of the fence from the pool not all the way in here this close and I should build up my proofing of my behaviors before I come out and train an environment like this and as I said this level of distraction is going to be different for every dog so we keep referring back to the main things are the same things but it may be the coffee shop it may be the park it may be the children in the park or whatever it is you need to figure out your own dog and how you can incrementally increase the level of distraction and increase the difficulty in your environment for where you're training if you train in enough different environments and slowly and incrementally increase the difficulty of distraction you will develop a dog that will behave perfectly in any environment but if you only train in your training lab you're going to come out in the real world and wonder why your dog suddenly doesn't listen when in the training lab they look like a obedience master so just some food for thought about setting up your training and where to go once you have these behaviors taught in your distraction-free environment
Channel: Leerburg
Views: 143,805
Rating: 4.8780489 out of 5
Keywords: dog training, dog, puppy, pets, animals, obedience, zak george, dog videos, puppy videos, dog obedience, dvd, how to, puppy training
Id: 6w_8gUABsFg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 27sec (567 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 12 2017
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