How to Get Your Cats to Stop... Everything You Hate: Every No Needs a Yes!

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so Jackson I really want my cat to do this   and not that hey Ethel Heidi Frank Frank  come back here not Frank I want my cat to   sit in my lap I don't want my cat to sit on the  countertops dinner's almost ready no get up no   that is not for you get no no no no no no no  no no no no every time I ask my cat to do this   and not that Toby the curtains how many times  look at me look at look at me you know that's   wrong stop it stop it get off the curtain you know  cats are just like that you know they're stubborn   and and they don't care about what I say and cats  are just you and oh I'm getting angry here oh it's   starting to work me up a lot of times this is  normal cat behavior but we put it in the box of   it being vengeful stop scratching that chair no  don't don't no no no don't do it stop getting mad   step back take a beat because none of the things  that you might be thinking of are gonna work   what are those things these are the things I  never want you to do no spray bottle no spanking   no yelling no throwing pillows across the room no  rubbing their nose in their pee do not Scruff them   pick them up put them in another room these are  all punishments punishments without any positive   behind it if you are using a squirt bottle and if  you haven't seen me talk about this a lot check   out this video but if you're holding that squirt  bottle and you're spraying your cat and you're   saying no then really they're just making them  afraid and by the way they're afraid of this which   is attached to this which is attached to this I  mean think about it if every time your cat does   something you don't like but whatever that is and  you spray them with a squirt bottle and they run   away you go okay well that worked so do you think  that when you leave the room they're still going   to avoid that thing of course not it's you they're  afraid of not the the act of scratching the couch   so all you got to know is when you leave the room  it'll happen the things that I'm going to give you   right now are effective because the environment  does it you don't do it but every single time   they do an action then they get the no so that's  why I'm here to give you acceptable no's that   might lead to acceptable yeses and by the way some  never as well so let's get going so let's say that   you had a child you come home and there's just  magic marker and finger paints and and crayons   all over the wall you get all Angry go up to your  room think about what you've done come home the   next day same thing every day it's wiping off the  walls getting angry punishment whatever it is and   every day same thing so you see the futility of  constant punishment and all you might have had to   do is buy that child an easel not on the wall on  an easel no yes how does that apply to cats that's   what I'm talking talking about so let's take  the countertops or a table for a good example so one of the things that you can do is you can  get one of those feeding mats that we use for   cats turn it upside down and put some double-sided  sticky tape on it pretty simple so every time your   cat jumps up on that counter they get a little  sticky so there's the no the sticky mat and on the   other hand we have to think of why they want to be  on that table or that counter now the counter kind   of easy you guys the counter is usually food and  so if you're leaving food on the counter all the   time well that's a no for you stop putting food  on the counter another no in this instance is   one of my favorite little gentle nose which is an  Air Canister that has just a little electric eye   to it and if they cross that path then there's a  puff of air that comes out and a little sound and   it basically lets them know every time you jump  up here nothing good is going to happen see how   this works again the environment does it you have  nothing to do with it you set up that can every   time they jump up it happens but then the yes  becomes all right the kitchen itself is a place   where we all gather where things happen where  energy is high so let's give them an acceptable   place to be a cat tree on the edge of the kitchen  that's where a yes happens so no I don't want   you here so there's the sticky yes to a cat tree  and you can lead them to that place with jackpot   treats of some sort or another if you're doing  this let's say it's cooking you're doing this nope   sticky mat on that counter but yes this is the  place where we go to get jackpots while Mom or Dad   are cooking get it no yes what's the Never Never  scream at them and throw them off the counter   hey you know what a big yes is a yes is you  hitting that button that says I subscribe to this   channel because I like the content on this channel  and oh by the way next to the uh the the button   where you subscribe is the button where you can  join and join makes you a Mojo nod and Mojo not   make sure that you get all kinds of fun stuff all  month long check out that button and you'll see   everything from Bonus content to exclusive live  streams uh you will be happy to become a Mojo knot   another one I get all the time is how do I get my  cat from door dashing so there's a few things uh   one that you might have seen on a very old episode  of My Cat From Hell where I created a shelf for   the cat to watch people come into the house and  to you know peek out the house as well but it   was high enough and out of the way enough that we  we could keep an eye on them because doordashing   the thing that makes it sometimes impossible is  that your cat just scoots out from between your   legs and out the door if we can teach them that  this is the place where you get a great bird's   eye view of what's going on in the world but at  the same time I can keep an eye on you there we   go that's one way of stopping door dashing another  is the Air Canister that I referred to before if   we set it up with a nice distance to the door so  it's not at the door but let's say it's 10 feet   away and you keep that thing just on all the time  I mean yes it's going to go off if somebody comes   in the door but you'll you'll deal with that it's  a puff of air but this Wave It's always turned on   it's not the door itself it's the space that leads  to the door that becomes a no and again the yes is   a perch somewhere around there the no is every  time you come within 10 feet of the door you get   that puff of air something that's just a little  scary the no is the puff from the Air Canister   the yes is a perch nearby but never just kick your  cat out of the way and also never yell at your cat   after they've dashed out the door you want a Sure  Fire wave your cat not coming back in that's the   way to do it it so now I mean this gets asked all  the time how do I get my cat from scratching on   the chair the bed the the the rugs whatever it is  again here's a full-length video on this right up   there so you can watch it also all of these videos  are going to be listed in the description so you   can always go down there and watch the full video  after you've watched this one no yes so how do we   get them to stop scratching the furniture if you  use something like sticky Paws that's always been   my best friend it doesn't harm the furniture it  comes in like wide swats if you're talking about   the side of the couch or something like that it's  a great no because most cats I'm gonna say are   gonna go They're Gonna feel it and they're gonna  go well this is not getting me what I want at all   there's your no right there something like sticky  paws on that couch the yes you guessed it it's   a scratching post it's a scratching surface near  where they're scratching let me tell you why very   quickly because there's a full-length video  a lot of times if you think about it you're   cats scratching the couch or your bed those  are the two big ones and the reason one of the   reasons is that your scent is really strong in  that area so you're going to want to complement   that scent so the yes has to be right near that no  you want to have that scratching post right near   the couch so there is your your yes right next  to your no and I'm telling you folks it works   it's not permanent this is a training tool you're  not always going to have sticky Paws and all your   stuff it's just if they do it four or five six  times and you're noticing they go to that yes   you can let it go because now they've learned no  they've learned yes and you never have to resort   to the never which is get away from the coach stop  it stop it scream scream yell yell Chuck something   never what about the big no for all you guys  then that is your cat waking you up in the   middle of the night because right now what's your  no throwing a pillow at them Frank not one more   time throwing something at them or whatever or  even worse than that acquiescing getting up and   feeding them or playing with them or whatever at  three o'clock in the morning and then complaining   that you didn't get enough sleep the no in  this case would be you completely ignoring   them burying your head not saying their name  not getting up not just in any way saying that   this will get you something the no in this case  is nothing that's the no whether it's walking   on your face whether it's making noise in the  corner and so that's you ignoring there's the   no the yes is everything that happens around  bedtime it's a big long yes including a yes of   a meal before they go to bed a yes of playing  maybe before you go to bed an hour before you   go to bed you start getting that body to wind  down it's a whole world full of yes and doing   it on a daily basis I'm telling you this no you  s repeated over the span of let's say 10 days   max you will see a change in Behavior you never  don't throw the pillow don't throw the pillow when your cat is driving you crazy because they're  up on a shelf knocking things off they're climbing   the drapes they're running around the house just  getting into all kinds of Dennis the Menace type   trouble the the no and the yes are pretty  clear usually when you see you know whether   they're Zoomies or whether they're just general  high volume troublemaking then it usually will   happen around the same time of day now the nose  are your sort of Usual Suspects here whether it's   sticky Paws that go on the curtain towards the  bottom half of that or wherever they tend to be   able to to start whether your CAT scales if your  cat launches onto the the drapes from your couch   then it could be across the top of the couch or  you just move the couch away from the drapes a   little bit but whatever that is just put that  remember it's a training wheel no and that would   be something sticky if it's something on a shelf  then number one you guys stop putting things that   are just so alluring that they want to knock it  off on the shelves again it's like food on the   counter the no could be that Air Canister up  there or you just block their entrance to that   shelf there's a way of saying no environmentally  now the yes is positive catification cat trees are   your best friend man and if you are against the  look of traditional cat trees there are plenty   plenty on the market that will meet your aesthetic  taste I promise you it's there but start putting   cat furniture around the house you can't just  say no by blocking things by taking things off   the mantle the other big yes is play if your cat  is doing these things if they're jumping around if   they're zooming around the house they're letting  you know at this time of day I got a lot of energy   built up Say Yes by playing play with your cat  every day get that energy out of them so that   you don't have to be in a position where you have  to say no if your cat's just looking for trouble   in all the wrong places give them something right  to do and that's what a laser is for or let's say   your cat responds to like independent toys when I  say independent toys those little ones like little   fuzzy mice or something like that a lot of those  have sound makers in them just like our mini Mojo   which when you shake it it has like that little  sound in it that can be in your pocket if you see   your cat about to do something shake that thing  off in the other direction you didn't have to   do a no because you caught them doing it you see  that move that they're about to do where they just   start going like this whether their aim is another  cat in the house or something they're about to   jump onto you can catch that beforehand then you  got that Shaker you got that laser and away they   go to something else you know you got sticky tape  you got air blasters okay you got those things I   don't want you to take it that other place you  have to be aware of when you've crossed that   line between unpleasant and painful So to that end  I'm not a big fan of those bats that have that low   electric charge to them that can be really painful  things with spikes on them that when they step   on it it's not just unpleasant it's painful stay  away from that and also obviously I've got a whole   freaking video on this is that horrible Trend with  shock collars so that when your cat does something   they get shocked now you might say Well they're  not getting shocked by me I'm not doing they can't   see it it's invisible it's painful you can go with  uncomfortable or not desirable but don't go to   painful and know that line pay most of everything  that I use for nose and yeses could be found on my   store right here so whether we're talking about  the book so you learn about catification whether   we're talking about sticky Paws or scat the Air  Canister or interactive toys or independent toys   or anything I mentioned check out the store should  you feel bad because you've done these no's in the   past no no you shouldn't you know the thing is  you're doing the first yes which is watching   this video and you're thinking to yourself well  maybe there's a better way than the way I've   done it in the past and I'm willing to learn and  that's all that this is about the willingness to   to just switch up your frame of reference and  see this whole thing as a relationship as a   point of compromise instead of just trying to get  your way all the time lay down The rules that's   not what you have to do and so like I said you're  watching this and that's the first yes now if you   continue to do things that are destructive to your  relationship just because you wanna then maybe   I'll judge you you know what I mean like I say  about declawing all the time do I judge you for   doing it in the past no we can learn as much from  our animal family members as we do our human ones   you got me yes you got yes you got me and then  you're like no no I'm gonna go and break out that   water bottle no no never no yes never no light and  love and Mojo to you take care everybody foreign [Music] [Music]
Channel: Jackson Galaxy
Views: 913,709
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jackson galaxy, cats, my cat from hell, animal planet, cat whisperer, cat guy, cat guy animal planet, cat expert, cat advice, cat health, cat behavior, cat breeds, types of cats, cat care, cat training, cats and kittens, cat psychology, taking care of a cat, cat behavior problems, jackson galaxy videos, cat daddy, stop, cat, from, scratching, peeing outside the box, waking me up at night, wakes me up
Id: W50bQopoQic
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 18sec (918 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 10 2022
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