How to Get Used to Flick Stick : A Comprehensive Guide for New Flick Stick Users

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hey everyone how's it going this is going to be a comprehensive guide on how to use flick stick we're going to be talking about how to set it up best practices and really just give a feel for how you should be going about trying this out uh because it can be pretty unnatural when you try it's a it's a bit of a of a difficult thing to get used to especially when you're so used to normal joystick movement so i when i initially started looked up a bunch of videos and most of the videos i'm seeing on youtube are just showing how to set it up and then that's where the video usually ends there might be some gameplay it doesn't matter you still feel like you're doing something wrong because of how unnatural it feels right you feel like this is how it's supposed to work so aside from just helping you guys set up also want to walk you through how i use it personally and sort my like order of operations and give you better feel you know a starting point that you can work on and of course you can you know develop your own ways of how you want to use it so yeah let's get into it all right so the game we're going to be checking out today for uh setting up flick stick it's going to be halo infinite i really like this game because it's free to download runs great on the deck and as we get into it they have a great training mode that will let you be invincible set infinite ammo turn off bots completely so you can do the setup without any distractions and then you can actually control you can set the difficulty of the bot's movement independent from their overall difficulty so you can work your way up uh skill wise while you're getting used to it by making their movement more erratic and hard to track okay so here we are in the training mode and first thing i want to do is turn off the bots while we get set up now one thing i want to know about setting up flick stick is that i am currently using the beta branch of the steam os which has a lot more expanded features and settings to tweak for uh flick stick so if you're using an older version either switch to bait or if you want to wait for stable branch then just wait and check out this video when the new settings drop in the stable branch so what flick stick is is it turns your right stick into a completely horizontal 360 degree movement like that by going to the edge and sweeping around you can smoothly turn the camera like that you can also flick to different uh degrees that you want to use this you incorporate gyro to take care of your vertical movement as well as some horizontal when i first heard about this feature they made it sound like gyro was only for vertical aiming and this was for horizontal and that's just awful like i'm glad i figured out that you also need to use some horizontal movement in there as well all right so to get started what i'm going to do is i'm going to go to a map and i'm just going to line up my crosshair on something you know vertical and straight like the corner of this entryway and i'm going to use that as my starting point so let's hop into our steam settings and let's edit our layout we go to joystick and we set the flick stick one thing we want to do also is turn off gyro so it's not getting in the way of our calibration and here are all of the settings these are the new settings they're currently in the beta branch so first off we have our sensitivity this is what we adjust to make sure that our joystick is a perfect 360. we're not undershooting or overshooting then we have the sweep sensitivity so when you're sweeping you know one full 360 will be you know one 360. or you could increase it to be multiple or less your rotation offset is all about because our thumb is on the lower right sometimes we're not perfectly you know up down left right sometimes it's a little sometimes my left and right looks like this you know that's not straight it's a little canted so we can use this to sort of rotate what forward and back is a little bit it's a useful feature snapping is all about is there any snapping at all and how much so we can have 180 degrees we could have 90 degrees we can have six which is you know four back and then four diagonals and we have eight which is you know four back left right and then four diagonals and of course you can have no snapping so you can have all 360 individual degrees available to snap at any given time right smoothing uh so your flick stick or your flick turn tightness when you do a quick turn it's all about how instant is that and or how smooth it is so when you're first starting out it can be really disorienting to have it so instant i recommend setting it to be pretty low uh and smooth so that you can see where the camera goes from point a to point b and you don't get so turned around same with sweep tightness this is like how responsive the camera is when you're sweeping around not doing flicks so it can be really kind of sensitive and feel pretty quick like mouse movement or it can be more smoothed out and have a it's more visually appealing when it's smoothed out but it can be less responsive you know the release dampening speed is when you when you flick when you go to the edge of uh your joystick the flick and you come back that traveling back could do some sweeping it could do some camera movement left and right so this what this does is it just sets you know it turns off the sweeping when the stick's coming back at certain speeds and i always run this at the um the lowest setting possible which is 0.125 because i don't want accidental sweeping when the sticks return the center and then dead zones the dead zones are a little complicated really the outer debt zone is what really kind of starts the turning and they recommend setting this to high because the further out your stick is when it calculates that angle that you're going to use the more accurate it is right so if you have a really small dead zone and you try to flick in a direction it's going to be a little less accurate with what direction it thinks you want to go right and then outer ring that's not super relevant so those are your settings let's get started with getting our calibration set up so what i want you to do is set the snapping to 90 degrees and i want you to set the release dampening speed to zero this is going to turn off sweeping entirely so there's not going to be any accidental left right movement that's going to make it look like our calibration is off then i want you to set whatever dead zone you have set them both to be equal so it's just one hard and fast dead zone and i'm gonna change my thing to be wrong because mine's already set up and we should be good to go so we've got gyro turned off we've got 90 degree snapping and we're looking at this corner of the of the wall right so now what we're going to do is we're going to hit right that should be a 90 another right another right and you can see we're clearly undershooting because it should only take four turns to get back to center so how we do that is we just go back to sensitivity and we just keep adjusting it until it's correct you could overshoot it so one two three four we overshot it and so that's all you do you just fine tune these settings until they're right for the sensitivity that's in game and i know for my sensitivity in game my number is five three three four so with that all set up we've got 190 another 90 and then we're back to center and we can keep doing this and it's absolutely perfect now you don't have to do this absolute perfect calibration you can get in the ballpark i'm just a very anal person so this method really lets you get it perfect and with that your flick stick is pretty much set up now we can just go back to settings go back to joystick and we can set things how we want them no snapping forward only set this back to something other than zero set dead zones back all right so real quick before we move on to actually using in practice and what's the best way i want to go over my settings just in case people out there feel the need to copy them and explain why i have them the way i do so sensitivity is how it has to be for it to be 360. the sweep sensitivity i like to be at 1x because it just it makes sense to me to have you know that's 180 it's just a full circle it's no more no less it's one to one this can feel pretty jumpy at first because the camera even if your thumb just you know slips a little bit it can move a lot and i was definitely tempted to you know take the setting down a bit but i think if you can just get used to it i think it's better to have it at 1x and rotation offset that's just something for feel you know so for the dead zones they recommend keeping them high and the reason they do is that they can more accurately calculate what angle you're trying to press um because by the time you're all the way to the edge of the thumb stick it has a good idea what angle you're going for whereas if you keep it really tight it might not be as reliable the reason i keep mine so small is because it just feels responsive it you know when i have a thought in my head to move the camera and i'm moving and moving and moving and then is when it happens it's just too long you know i want the game to react as quickly as i think it and so i prefer having a small dead zone the problem with that is that like i said it does make your angles less reliable so what i normally do is i actually like using the eights snapping so that gives me you know back it gives me 90 degree left and right and it gives me four diagonals and i find that's really all that i need uh in gameplay just to get me around because the aiming is done with the gyro and flic6 really just about getting getting you in an orientation quickly so making up for the lack of accuracy with a small dead zone i may go for it with eights snap angle all the smoothing settings are just up to your personal preference there's not really going to be a muscle memory factor in this uh it's just a visual thing so you might want it more instant or more smooth it's up to you right for my gyro settings let's go ahead and turn this back on as mouse and you know these are settings that i found that i like personally it's something you're going to have to play around with you know i would say in my opinion give yourself a good bit of horizontal movement i mean you want to be able to track a target you know and not it's always kind of wonky to try to continue a target with the flick stick if that makes sense to be like halfway and you're running out of room and you use the flick stick so you want enough gyro that you know if you're circling somebody you can smoothly just keep shooting and shooting and shooting and and you know being able to hit them and then you want your vertical sensitivity to obviously be able to cover the full range because you have no other means of vertical movement it's just gyro so make sure your vertical is how you like it i like no smoothing smoothing looks a little nicer i guess but it makes it feel like there's more input lag you know it feels just a little floatier rather than snappy so it's a bit harder to do flicks with smoothing turned on um i'm sure you could do a little bit it wouldn't impact it but definitely 20 is too much gyro i like combine yawn roll i'll talk about that in a little bit and trigger dampening i have trigger dampening off for me i feel like trigger dampening is almost kind of like training wheels in a sense you can definitely when you get started just like be a little overzealous with your trigger pulling and it messes up your aim i find that if you can just work on improving yourself and keeping your hands steady when pulling the trigger it's better because what i find is i fine tune my gyro to be exactly how i want it and then while i'm shooting because of the dampening it's lowering my sensitivity and it's lowering it to something i wasn't used to if that makes sense so i find that i'm i'm constantly chasing targets and i never feel like i'm catching up with them and the reason for that is the triggered happening is slowing down my gyro um just to you know settings that i'm not used to when i'm when i'm not shooting because when the trigger is being pulled it's slowing it down so i think it's better to leave it off if you can just train yourself to you know you can pull the trigger without moving the deck too much so those are my settings and let's get into actually running around and using it alright so we are in we've got our gyro turned back on this is a little look at how sensitive mine is it can be pretty sensitive here in the middle you know it's really up to you to keep it steady so i'm going to do in the training mode is i'm going gonna turn on infinitemo i'm gonna turn on deathless and i'm gonna turn the bots back on so we can run around and just mess around with it so generally speaking i use sweep most of the time just for my little turns around the map like that i don't really like snap constantly like that sometimes i'll snap when i'm approaching like a 90 degree like this do something like that now i actually have to look around my camera at the screen and try to get stuff done um you may notice sometimes that i use sweeping to do a 180 instead of flicking 180 and i don't know why i do that i just started doing it and it's just like a thing i do like there i just i don't know i i kind of just like sweeping it i think because my dead zone is so low it's a very small movement i can just do a half circle and whip around and yeah i'm not sure why do that so one thing i don't do when i'm using flick stick is i don't use the sweep to track targets it's just a little it's just a little too sensitive if you wanted to set your sweep to be lower sensitivity and then you would have to do multiple round trips to even do one full 360. it probably better for that use case what i really try to do is i just try to use the flick stick to get me in the area and it's just full-on gyro to track targets so real quick let me talk about another gyro setting as far as the horizontal movement goes just something i want to touch on so obviously this is pitch this is roll this is the expected result for for roll and then there is yaw which is kind of not what you expect if you imagine holding your phone camera this is not what this motion produces it's a little weird um and i used to just run that off you know just run roll and not do the combined yaw and roll the reason why i now have them both combined like they are in default so that's really handy when you're running out of room you know say that's my max say like it's uncomfortable to turn any further but this dude is still circling me he's going behind me it helps you to get that extra bit because now you have this extra motion you can almost do it 360. right so eventually when you do this you're like you can't even see the screen so you turn the way that's comfortable and if you're still in that fight and you still haven't finished it you can start arching your hand up and then finish it and then go back to what you're doing um i haven't had to do that too many times but having that turned on means that in a situation i wasn't prepared for whether actually just keep going around me i haven't finished them i get that extra it gives you extra sensitivity if you think about it that way it gives you that little extra bit because it's always going to be hard to check somebody and then stop and continue and then stop to continue it's also going to be hard to track somebody and try to like do flick stick stuff it's just always easier to use gyro when possible so i like that option so while i'm running around here there's a few things i wanted to show you some exercises that you can work on with flick stick that will come in handy for you so obviously if you're running along you get shot in the back you can do a 180 and start you know coming their way and returning fire right sometimes you just want to check behind you while keeping your same direction or you're getting shot from behind you want to keep the same direction so to do that you just want to pull the right stick down and the left stick down at the same time so now you've done a 180 and you're moving backwards and then to return you just alternate so 180 and you move the stick up and down so that you're keeping your direction the whole time so that's one thing that comes in handy i was playing some call of duty zombies and that comes in real handy when you're being chased by a horde sometimes you need to run look back while still moving and shooting and so just getting that muscle memory down comes in real handy the other thing i want to talk about is doing a quick check left and right with normal thumb stick movement you would just move the stick to the left move it to the right and that would be your check for flick stick if i wanted to look left and right here and i went left and then right i would be back at front what you actually want to train yourself to do is go left 180 backwards and then left again so that's how you check left right back to front left right back to front and the same for right you would go right back and then right again so just doing that a couple times and just getting used to that sort of weird movement you're not used to will help you to do quick checks i usually do stuff like that with a sweep that works too all right so now i'm going to hop out of train mode i'm going to hop into a custom match with bots and just start doing some gameplay and i'm going to try to commentate over um anything that jumps out at me that i'm doing and try to try to point those things out if i can it's going to be difficult multitasking trying to look around this camera while also putting on a good show and not missing all my shots but i'll do my best all right so here we go we're playing some control points on streets and i'm just gonna try to actually play this around my camera just point out anything that i'm doing so like usual i like using the sweep to do my turning oh there's one right there oh there's a guy behind me sometimes i do use gyro to like make a slight turn probably shouldn't though usually gets me in trouble when i do that i just remembered something i actually want to touch on which is that um this is a bad habit that i have that you may not have but uh it's important to look out for these things and try to work on them when i'm shooting someone high up so this is my neutral right you always want your center look to be in a comfortable position of course when you're looking up this isn't how you normally play when i'm shooting someone and i you know finish him i usually you know reload and i return my hands to center but i'm still looking up so now i have to look down come off gyro come up to neutral and then come back on to gyro um that's something i'm i'm trying to work on so you know if you're doing basically any time that you're going up or down even horizontally try to return back to your neutral position before you let go to press a button or something or better yet set something to your back buttons like the like the reload all right let's get into it there we go um this is not my ideal situation resting my arms on a desk just to let you know i usually play in bed with my elbows um resting like on either side of me with my arms up in the air and that's pretty comfortable for me i i feel like my range of motion is limited resting on a desk all right let's go look for some fights all right so there i did good even though see i still want to press x to reload even though it's on the back button but at least there i returned to center before i did it so that's good and again i like to do sweeps for 180s for some reason i don't know how that started i just noticed it part way through and it's just something i do i think i only flick 180 if i'm actually being shot behind but this game has run really well in the deck the only thing you want to make sure you do is that you set the minimum frame rate to 60 and it will dynamically scale the resolution to uh keep that frame rate and it does a really good job most games you know that's the whole appeal the dynamic res is like we'll keep this resolution for you and we'll scale the or we'll keep this frame rate and we'll scale the resolution but they just don't do that you will still lag even when you turn that setting on but halo's implementation is really solid if you set the minimum to 60 i mean you get a pretty much locked 60. uh if i ran this natively it'd be like 45 low 50s another thing is it's good to have your frame rate uncapped it just makes even at 60 60 has pretty low input lag but having it uncapped and limiting it from within the game just makes the driver a lot snappier just it feels better and i apologize for the quality of this footage but i am i am running the camera at 60fps so it makes the quality look worse yep there i go sweeping 180 again sometimes i keep looking up at my monitor that's showing me the camera feedback but it's running at 30fps and it's not good so i got to remember to look at the screen yeah it just feels really nice to be able to sweep around constantly like this and i have been paying attention to how much i actually flicked but uh it's just handy to have these options if you want to flick all the time you can do that so yeah that's flick stick i'm really in love with the control scheme i think it's a lot better way to control fps games than traditional thumbstick movement and yeah this is just sort of how i go about using it and you know i'm not sure if there really even is the right way you know per scenario when to flick or when to sweep or when to gyro but you know this should at least give you a starting point to play around with but like i said it's really a natural feeling at first but if you stick with it it will start to click you know one of the downsides that i always think about flick stick is that it's not how i'm going to want to play every game right you know i'm not going to play spider-man remastered with flick stick i'm not going to play god of war with flick stick i might not even play sea of thieves which is first person like that you know because it's more of a chill game um of course running into other pirates who are playing on pc are really good you'd kind of want flick stick so it can be kind of a hard proposition to tell yourself that you have to uh switch between um like two modes but what i can say from trying it just the past week is that you know if you stick with it once the wires in your brain are connected once they're there and it starts to click for you um it's a lot easier to flip a switch and go between the two modes it's not as confusing the reason i stuck with it is just because i saw so many people talking about it and just felt like i was kind of missing out on something great like you know and i couldn't quite get you know i tried it i would try for a whole night at the end of the night i would just go yeah i just think it's just not for me i'm just better at the old way and i would put it down for you know like a month and when i would come back to it you know this this most recent time when i really just forced myself to like keep doing it eventually you know the wires of my brain got connected and it clicked and uh now it makes a whole lot more sense and the game's randomly lagging you know one thing about halo is that you know i don't actually like driving the cars with flick stick because it's click stick's really more of a aiming type situation and the vehicles in this game you don't steer left and right you only move forward and you steer with the camera so what i do is i have up on my trackpad what it does is it holds down x to enter a vehicle and then it switches my joystick back to normal so now i'm in normal joystick movement and i can tell you after only a week of messing around with flickstick that i can play a game and flip a switch drive a vehicle and then press that button to hop out and i'm back to flick flick stick and it's just it's just a switch in your brain that you just flip back and forth from so yeah give it a shot and i have an extra tip at the end of the video which is probably right now i guess so one thing i want to leave you guys with is a quick trick to help you keep consistent settings between all of your uh fps games so what i mean by that is you know when i would play fps games on pc with the mouse right there is a trick that people use where you take your given amount of mouse space and you know they say you start from the center and all the way to the right should be a 180 and then all the way from right to left should be 360 and that's how you calibrate you know at least a good starting point for a new fps game that you download adjust the sensitivity so that from center to right is 180 and from all the way right to all the way left is 360. um when you're when it comes to gyro there's really no good way to you know suss out your settings i mean if i say that's 90 degrees how can i replicate that with my hand like it's it's going to be really hard to replicate exact gyro settings when you enter another game you can try to get it close but once you've built up a muscle memory you know you're always going to kind of have this feeling that things are off and i'm definitely that type of person that notices uh recently in my car um i had the seat set up a certain way i got in the car and turned it on and everything just reset the chair moved back to its default position and i spent over an hour fiddling with all the different seat options to try to get it the way it was and that kind of stuff just irritates me so here's how i go about doing that for gyro so here we are in the halo infinite um flick stick settings that i've set up and so you can see right here my sensitivity is uh five three three four and that's been set up in relation to the end game sensitivity that halo was set to so obviously if i start changing the in-game sensitivity this would be out of whack and it would no longer be a perfect 360 right so if we copy all of our flick stick settings to a new game this 5334 is not going to work anymore because it's going to have different sensitivity and you would probably think to just come into steam and tweak this value until it works but what i found is that if one flick stick setting works for one game the same as it does in another then that means that your gyro settings for one game will work exactly the same in one game as they do in another so what i do is when i uh you know halo infinite was the testing grounds is where i um developed the settings that i like to use and what i do from there on is i copy my gyro settings completely and i copy my flick stick settings completely to the new game and obviously the flick stick is going to be out of whack but rather than tuning it here what i do is i tune it inside the game as close as i can because most in-game sensitivity bars they either go from like one to two to three or they might have a decimal 1.1 1.2 and maybe sometimes they have two decimal places but the bottom line is it's not as fine-tuned as it is in steam it you can get extremely fine-tuned uh in the steam settings here so what you do is you copy your exact settings and you try to get it as close as you can with the end game sensitivity so that this number works so if your number was five three three four try to change each game's in-game sensitivity so that 5 3 3 4 works and then it's not going to happen you can get close and then you can just slightly tweak this one until it's perfect but what that does is because all the games are now so identical in their sensitivity and how steam looks at them that means that automatically without changing things your gyro should be good to go and you don't have to worry about you know my gyro feels more sensitive in this game than the other and it throws me off and whatnot it's yeah it's more like a guaranteed it's going to work correctly so that's my last little tip i hope this video was helpful helping you get set up with new settings and giving you an idea of how you can go about getting used to it i hope you guys give it a good shot and try to stick with it and i hope it helps you and you're playing fps games thanks
Channel: Froggerdog
Views: 38,703
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: KAVhXz9-pKk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 14sec (2294 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 06 2022
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