How to Get to Heaven | Cartoon

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hi my name is Jose and I want to tell you about the best day of my life it all started when it was guest speaker week at school we got to miss math class way to go all right now for our next challenge can anyone tell me how many candies are in this jar whoever comes the closest wins all of the candies in the jar okay let's hear some guesses yeah hey hey one at a time one at a time what about you 37 yeah that's good what about you 40. I think there are 40. okay sounds good and you 60 definitely 60. oh okay how about you Jose 61. okay class be kind 61. okay let's see whose number is the closest can I get a drum roll please the correct answer is 61. you have the answer right okay okay everyone we have a special guest with us today he is a leader in our town people call him the gospel guy because some gospel means good news and he has good news to give us today he knows all about a book called The Bible the Bible is a book God wrote it tells us where we came from how we are to live and where we are going after this life so let's give him a huge welcome I hope it's not long or boring wonder what he's going to talk about about God duh well I don't even believe there is a God there has to be a God someone made all this it didn't just happen I hope there's a place where no one ever dies hi everybody I'm the gospel guy I know that sounds a little funny the word gospel means good news and what good news do I have to share with you today how more candy for everyone great idea candy for everyone can we make that happen [Applause] anyhow I'm here to share with you some good news about heaven so here's a question for you if you were to die today are you 100 sure that you would go to heaven I hear you thinking what do you have to do to go to heaven be good go to church be baptized pray seven times a day receive forgiveness from Jesus for the things that you've done wrong which one is correct what is the right answer I don't know that's a hard question thinking about dying really scares me where would I go I don't know but I wanna know it all started when God made everything he spoke and the stars and planets were formed he then made the Earth the animals and the first two people their names were Adam and Eve he loved them and fed them in a beautiful garden he only gave them one rule don't eat the fruit from one special tree God called breaking his rule sin if they ever did Sin they would die one day and sadly they did eat fruit from that tree and then one day both died the truth is kids all of us have sinned we sin by accident we sin on purpose no one is perfect can you imagine if God told everyone every bad thing you ever did or said or thought I would be ashamed wouldn't you you see there has to be payment for sin for my sins and for your sins the payment for sin is death since we have all sinned against God we will all one day die just like Adam and Eve did maybe when we're old or maybe when we're young when that day comes and our sins are forgiven by Jesus we go to heaven to be with God Heaven is a beautiful city full of light laughter fun and Candy well I'm not sure about that candy part but I can hope boys and girls the good news is that in heaven no one there ever cries gets hungry hurts and we can live there forever [Music] the bad news is if you are not forgiven you'll have to pay for all of your own sins without God forever [Music] that place is called hell it was never made for you it's a place to punish the devil for his evil Deeds he has caused all the Death disease war and pain it is a place where you are forever separated from God yes young man do you have a question this news is all bad is there any good news yes there is God sent his son Jesus to the Earth to understand us and to save us he came as a baby he grew up to become a man and healed the sick he fed the hungry he taught God's word and he told everyone he was God's son and taught them about heaven he said that he would build them a house there so they could one day live forever with him many people loved and worshiped him they believed what he said but not everyone believed many people hated him because he told them the truth that they were Sinners and had disobeyed God's rules they didn't like that they got angry and decided to hurt Jesus they grabbed Jesus and arrested him even though he didn't do anything wrong they hit him spit on him whipped him and forced a crown of thorns onto his head they nailed him to a cross and he bled Jesus died on the cross for the payment of our sin for your sin and for my sin for everyone's sin God said the only way we could be forgiven was for a perfect person who had never done anything wrong to take the punishment that we deserve and that's what Jesus did for you for everyone if you were the only person in the world he would have died just for you he loves you Jesus was buried in a cave but then three days later he walked out alive everything he said was true he proved he wasn't just a good man but he was God he's now back in heaven preparing a place for us there for you so let's review the Bible says one you and I have all sinned two the punishment for sin is to be separated from God forever in a place called hell and three Jesus took your punishment on the cross the Bible says but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ Our Lord for whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved God wants everyone to go to heaven one day he makes it as easy as receiving a gift everyone knows how to do that a gift is free you don't have to buy it or earn it you just receive it you only have to take it one time since Jesus is God's gift you must open your heart to receive him as your savior just one time one last picture and then I have to go it's a picture of you may all of us you see the first time we sin it separates us from God he can't be around us because of our sin he is perfect holy not having God in your life leaves an empty feeling in our hearts nothing we do can fill it so we try to build our own Bridge by being good going to church being baptized praying seven times a day in our hearts we want to know God and be forgiven everyone wants to go to heaven but nothing we can do on our own can earn heaven for us our bridges are too short but the good news is Jesus loves you and what he did on the cross built the bridge all the way to where you are from us to heaven there is only one way to heaven and it's through him Jesus said I am the way the truth and the life no man cometh unto the father but by me for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life is anyone born on the right side of the bridge no can anyone put you across the bridge no it's your decision so how do you cross over you must believe Jesus died for you and then receive his gift of forgiveness friends it's all about Jesus well thanks for listening if you have any questions I'll be here for a while thanks for coming to our class today and speaking with us bye guys we'll see you okay okay class we have a few minutes before the Bell Rings um you can sit and talk quietly with your neighbor or get started with your math homework foreign Mr guy can I ask you something sure what's your name my name is Jose hello Jose it's nice to meet you what can I do for you um uh like how do I receive that gift when did you do that well I did that when I was a young boy a preacher explained this to me I had attended church as a child and had even been baptized as a baby but I had never remembered Jesus ever forgiving all my sins before something that special I knew I had never done but on February 23rd when I was a nine-year-old boy for the first time I realized I was on the wrong side of the bridge I knelt down by a chair and I asked Jesus to come into my heart forgive me of all my sins and give me his gift of eternal life I have never forgotten that time or that place Jose no one ever explained it to me this way I do pray I even pray on my knees lots of times a day I was even baptized as a baby but after hearing you today I guess I didn't know how to ask like you did I never knew if he heard me or like you said he had come into my heart that's right wow I have another question does that mean I don't have to pray through another person I can talk directly to God absolutely so what you're saying is we get the gift for free and all I have to do is receive it oh I always thought I had to be good enough to go to heaven right now I'm on the wrong side of the bridge I would be Unforgiven and not be allowed into heaven yep would God hear me if I asked him to forgive me of my sins yes he would he promised to forgive all who would receive him how do I know for sure because God's word is true Jose he never lies he keeps his promises then I believe I want the good news in my life but I don't know how will you help me sure we can ask God right now right now oh okay how it's easy I can lead you in a prayer but just saying words won't save you you have to mean it from your heart here's the prayer I prayed when I was a boy dear Jesus dear Jesus I believe you are God and you made everything I believe you are God and you made everything I know I have done bad things I know I've done bad things and the bad things are called sin and the bad things are called sin I'm sorry please forgive me for all my sins I'm sorry please forgive me for all my sins I believe you died for my sins on the cross I believe you died for my sins on the cross and that you came back to life again and that you came back to life again I am accepting your gift of eternal life I'm accepting your gift of eternal life put me across the bridge put me across the bridge thank you for saving me thank you for saving me so one day we can be together forever so one day we can be together forever I love you Jesus I love you Jesus amen amen hey Jose guess what what you got the answer right best day ever I'm going to heaven I got the answer right can't wait to tell you hey Jose what were you and gospel guy talking about oh that let me tell you all about it that was me when I was 10 years old cute little guy huh I was so excited that day that was the day that Jesus Christ came into my life and changed me forever how about you have you ever done that did you get the answer right if not right now you can receive the same gift that I did the gift of Jesus Christ all you have to understand is one I know I have sinned two I deserve to be punished for my sin by being separated from God in a place called hell Forever Three I know Jesus Took the punishment for all my sin on the cross and rose from the dead and four I know I cannot earn or buy my way to heaven it's God's gift if you were to die without Jesus right now where would you go is that what you want is that what God wants wouldn't you like to receive that gift today like I did in a moment I'm going to pray the prayer that I prayed when I received Jesus you could pray after me if you'd like Right Where You Are fold your hands close your eyes and pray these words from your heart out loud after me here we go dear Jesus I believe that you are God and you made everything I know I've done bad things and the bad things are called sin I'm sorry please forgive me for all my sins [Music] I believe that you died for my sins on the cross [Music] and that you came back to life again I'm accepting your gifts of eternal life put me across the bridge [Music] thank you for saving me so one day we can be together forever one day we can be together forever I love you Jesus amen amen guess what you got the answer right if you understood and meant that God promised you will one day be in heaven with him forever now that you have the answer right go and tell the good news to everyone so they can go to heaven with you [Music] the most important question [Music] [Music]
Channel: Kids Ministry Tools
Views: 854,103
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how can I get to heaven, heaven, hell, is heaven real, where is heaven, can I get to heaven, gods way to heaven, the Bible way to heaven, bible, jesus, Jesus christ, Jesus loves me, how to know your going to heaven, heaven or hell, where do we go when we die, what happens when I die
Id: p-8cBlqqYhw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 2sec (1022 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 09 2023
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