How to get the TimeStamp on #Screenshot taken by TestCase Studio | Screenshot with Timestamp

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[Music] hello friend in this tutorial I will show you how you can get the time stamp on the screenshot which are being taken by the test case Studio Pro yes now this is possible that you can get the time stamp as well on top of the screenshot earlier many of our user has requested that can we get the time stamp on the screenshot because many times they're not able to know that what time this screenshot has been taken so now this is possible and good thing is that you will not have to do anything extra whatever you are doing you keep doing and it will take it will add this time stamp automatically let's see how just open test case Studio Pro as usual and you start let's say clicking or recording your steps here nothing extra you have to do and now let's open a screenshot and you can see see that the time stamp is here yes it is showing like we have added in a very small size so that like it doesn't cover any of your uh area in your screenshot if you download this and open this screenshot you can see it like in a better way and it's completely visible and it will not like cover any of the actual area of your web page where you are performing action or it will hide something so this is how you will get and I'm sure like this will help you guys uh to debug the things and it will help your development team as well as for the documentation purpose this will be very very helpful so without you doing anything extra you will get the this time stamp on your screenshot and you might be wondering why I'm getting this uh uh these steps in local language like Hindi or in any particular language so we have added this feature that you can record the test cases in any language in any format you can change you can Define in what way you want like with what kind of wording you want in which language so you can set it there I have already created a separate tutorial for that that how you can change the language and how you can Define your uh wording for record uh for the steps which are being recorded so please follow that video watch that once so you will get that as well I hope you find found this feature useful please like share and subscribe to the channel to get more Innovative update on these tools thank you thank you so [Music] [Music] much
Channel: SelectorsHub
Views: 1,894
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: testcasestudio, testcase studio, testcase studio pro, recorder plugin, recorderplugin, selenium ide, testcase recorder, screenshot recorder, test step recorder, bug recorder, selectorshub, chrome recorder plugin, best recorder plugin, screenshot recoder, screenshot with time, screenshot plugin
Id: 16ylLyQ87vM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 56sec (176 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 22 2023
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