How To Get The Right Price For Your Home | Useful Tips with @Jboihomes

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What we will do is we will collect  all these data from all these different platforms,  including our own agency data. We look for data on SRX,  We look for data on, a paid subscriptions   platforms like Squarefoot And vice versa  and we take all the data and we analyze them  and we present it  to our clients, How do you know  What is the right price To offer for your house?  What are some negotiation tips that you need to know?  In this video, I’ll be finding out the answers  from my friend, JJ Ong,  So I think when it comes to your budget, right,  if you're buying a HDB flat, if you buy a resale HDB flat,  There are certain things like, can you get  different types of grants, right, Whether you can take a loan or not,  whether you can take a HDB loan or you have to take a bank loan,  There are different eligibility criteria.  And a lot of these things is actually based on your salary.  I think the first thing is to get down to doing a proper  financial calculation for your affordability,  including how much loan you can get while the grants you can get  and how much money you have CPF, how much cash you have on hand,  and all these things will make up your affordability. Right?  And it is very important to calculate this  as accurately as possible, especially if you are buying  a HDB flat. because there are  a lot of eligibility conditions  as to whether you can or cannot buy  and how much you can afford. Cause right now, You can find out  all this from the HFE letter. Correct.  So that's why step number one, right, is really to go  apply for your HFE, because HFE is No.1 is free to apply,  not sponsored by HDB, Free to apply.  And it basically tells you like almost everything  that you need to know, really, which is what can you buy?  Cause some people might think that, oh you know like  I wanna go and apply for 4 room BTO. I want to go and buy a resale 4 bedroom HDB  And I can get a certain amount of grants, but you realized, Eh I cannot because  I make too much money. This kind of things right?  Like your salary too high. Right, so when apply for HFE,  submit all your information, And HDB will come back to you  with a HFE letter to tell you what you can buy,  what the grants you’re eligible for, whether you're  eligible for HDB loan or you cannot take  A HDB loan, you have to take  bank loan or vice versa Actually about the HFE letter,  When is the right time to apply for it?  Is it right before you  when you buy a house or is it Much earlier than that?  we keep talking about purpose, right? Once your purpose  is set, then that means you know  you need to buy a house, you know, roughly when you need the house,  Then go and apply. because now HFE is valid for  it used to be valid for six months, now it is valid for nine months.  So you actually have plenty of time. I rarely meet people who search  for a house for nine months. because the HFE letter  is actually only needed until you option the house. Yeah.  So you have to have the HFE letter  before you pay your $1,000 option fee for HDB. Right now, what’s the waiting time for HFE?  According to HDB website, it’s 21 working days. But usually right  during like, very, very hot periods, like for example,  February, BTO launch, FBF launch..  the whole Singapore wants to buy house, Go and apply  so HDB have limited manpower. It might take about  longer la, maybe 2 months? Usually right,  I would say about one month is the time.  So after that HFE letter la, The second thing right,  You see a house that you liked, how do you prepare yourself  before you even the start of negotiate your price?  Firstly, when you have your HFE letter, then the next step is  based on your amount of grants. Base on your eligibility  of a loan, including how much a loan you can get.  You have to go and add that up with your CPF "OA amount  combined." If you are buying as a family,  If you’re buying as a single, what is your CPF OA amount  how much cash you have on hand and add all these up right  you will have a figure. So when you go shopping  you will have to use that figure as a guide.  So let's say I’ve add everything up right, My loan,  my grant, my CPF OA plus my cash. I have say about $700K right.  So when you go shopping, when you do the filtering on Property Guru,  you try to find houses that is within  the $700K plus minus $20-30K range la, because if it is a bit higher  that there's a possibility that you can negotiate it down  and vice versa, And one mistake that  A lot of people make here is that they add everything up  and then they think they can afford, thereafter they realize they cannot afford  because they realize I need to renovate the house,  which is actually quite pricey these days.  So there are also other random costs like,  you know, like house insurance, conveyancing fee for lawyers.  If you're using a private banker, private lawyer,  and in all these things, so there are all these hundred dollar,  hundred dollar, a few thousand dollars they actually add up.  So I think it's very important  to sit down and understand what all the costs involved,  because apart from the purchase price, right,  you still need to add all this these miscellaneous  costs plus stamp duty. Right.  So your buyers stem duty, can amount up to quite a bit  if you're not careful. how do I know  what is the right price to offer?  should we just go with the price That we see on like maybe Property guru?  Yeah. So I think in the previous video  I mentioned it on property Guru, there are a few different types  of listing prices they are starting from & negotiable.  The two main types So if it's negotiable,  There is a chance that you  might be able to negotiate down lower. if the demand is not very high,  if the demand is very high  and there is someone else that comes in to offer higher,  basically no chance for you. So how we decide  what is a good price? What is a fair price?  Right. Because what is good  might be different for everybody, right?  But what is fair is factual. So how do we  determine what is fair is we look at the past transactions. 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 So, if you are interested in taking part  in this promo, you can sign up to Webull   using my link down below. And with that  being said, let’s get back to the video. So for those of those of the buyers  who have agents, right, what we will do is  we will collect all these data  from all these different platforms, including our own agency data.  We look for data on SRX We look for data on,  a paid subscriptions platforms like Squarefoot And vice versa  and we take all the data and we analyze them  and we present it  to our clients to show them that, okay, so in this block, right,  what are the past transactions in this  neighborhood, in this street? What are the past transactions?  And we make a decision based on that.  So how we do that is if the past transactions  are all roughly around the $600K to like  $650K range, if the price  if the flat is listing at $750K, then is slightly higher already,  you know that and you still go and buy,  it's always better than you don't know that. Then you blur, blur go and buy.  But then  This is when you have a An agent with you right?  If you don’t have any agent with you Is there any resource that I can use.  Yeah. so usually this part is,  Most agent right Ok so to be fair,  We are all here to make a living. Right.  So every agent will tell you that. Oh, you know like got agent better  because of excessive data. But the truth is right.  Consumers also can access some of the data.  Maybe not as detail, maybe not so much. But if you really,  really want to do some pre-research, right,  you just go and Google HDB past transactions,  and you go to HDB’s website, HDB website, right,  You can actually obtain the past transaction data also,  but you have to do the work of analyzing data yourself.  Correct, which is the part that is A bit leceh la  So the fact of the matter is right,  you can do yourselves right. You can go and gather all the data,  if you want to go and pay for the data, right, which is what we know.  you can even. But it takes up time.  It takes up money. Most people that come to us  will just be fine. It's a long hard day at work,  you just subcon this to someone else, Pay a couple of thousand dollars   and call it a day. if you find the guy.  Yeah, but if you if you are very passionate about it,  if you are also very passionate About purchasing your own house  yourself, the data and all this information  is actually available to you, Just go and search;  HDB past transactions, and you go to HDB website,  there’s a portal that allow you to see some of the information.  So just now you’ve mentioned about COV right? So Cash Over Valuation.  So is it actually a bad thing to like pay a higher price for a property and  pay that COV? I think it really depends.  So how COV works is that the every  every house has a purchased price,  Which is what you negotiate with the seller and then it has a valuation.  So how it works is after you pay the option fee, the buyer will have to go and apply   for evaluation, Right and HDB valuer  will come down to valuate the House. So for example,  if your purchase price is $700K, and HDB valuer  Come down and say, Oh, the value of this house is 650K,  that means you are paying $50K above valuation,  and that is known as COV which means that you are,  according to HDB right? Paying $50K above the market  The Fair Price There is no good or bad in this case,  In fact, in this very in this housing market. Right.  COV actually very common so COV  that range from $10K, $20K, $30K is basically almost a daily occurrence.  Right. Because   if you buy a house that is very very well renovated,  and what we call move in condition you pay $55K or $80K  "even for a house like that. Right."  Then you can save for on your renovation costs.  For some people it's quite worth it one because you not only save on the cost,  "you save on the time."  Renovation takes time also. That's true.  Right? Yeah. So COV,  might not always be a bad thing, you just need to know why you're paying it.  If you don't have a reason or purpose of paying COV, right,  then that is bad, cause you're just wasting money, right?  And, One of the very important things  to take note, right, is that some people they like, okay,  I'm willing to pay higher than market, because they think  they can use CPF to pay, or they can use grant to pay,  but they cannot because COV must be paid using cash,  like in the bank like ching, ching kind of cash.  So it has to be this is what cash over valuation  must be in cash. I guess  like property agents get quite  a bad name because like feels like that they’re just   there to take your money kind of things.  wouldn't there be a conflict, I say if I want  to negotiate Would my property agent  even help me negotiate down the price, Because if I were to negotiate down,  This means that they will be getting lesser pay.  Correct. so wouldn't there be a  Conflict of interest, kind of things This one really is up to you  to pick a property agent or consultant that you.  That you trust. like you said, I mean, we're all here to make  a living, right? And there are some people  that would be more aggressive than others,  I think for most most property agents.  I mean, I can't speak for everybody, but for most agents,  we are here for the long haul. Like my example in the earlier video,  I mentioned that I actually advice  my clients to not pay so high COV,  which means that I'm actually sabotaging my own deal.  He already willing to pay already, but I still tell him,  Bro, I think a bit too high. Then he say, no, no, I want to continue.  so I did my part of advising him right  to say, I think it's a bit high, But his purpose is very strong.  He wants to go ahead. By logic right? For a salesperson is  it's like you're kena  scold by your manager because  you're basically sabotaging your own deal  for the sake of the client. And the client might say, like,  okay, then I don't want already. Then the deal is done, is gone.  Right? And but for  I think for most property agents who are in it  for the long haul, right. We are here to be relationship  with my clients, with our clients. So we do our best.  We make a bit less money is okay most of us  survive in this industry is through referrals.  Like we do a super solid job in the opinion of the clients  and if he wants to sell his property next time,  I wouldn't be his ex property agent. I will be.  I will be his property agent for his whole journey.  Right. And if he has a friend  that needs somebody else, he will recommend me.  Because he knows that I'm honest  and I'm not here to make it quick buck, but I'm here to make a living right.  "And that means I need to"  be here for the next however 100 years or however  many years that I lived I heard of this thing  before basically it’s saying, you are giving out  more value than what you are paid because that  if you are doing more than what is  required of your own. Because it’s like what you said,  you’re in here for the long haul. So it's pointless to  "Make the extra few hundred dollars,"  But your Future relationships are sabotaged.  All right now which is why  I think a lot of businesses and salespeople are  Not just in real estate. They like to attract  clients by giving discounts, right? Right, so when you give a very,  very big discount, right. The service that you that you provide  might not be as quality also because.  now you're serving, something a bit  too many people that you can handle, then the quality of service  may not be so good So I think  it really depends on it's like, you know, what people say,  一分钱,一分货 (You get what you pay for) That there's a market rate.  Like for me personally, I don't negotiate  on my rates because I know that I will give  if you pay me my 1% or my 2%, I'll give you my 200%.  I think you deserve that. Sounds very cliché  It is very cliché xD but, that one is really up to you.  okay, I think commission aside, The most important thing is  you must trust your guy. or girl.  that you hired, because they are going to be  the ones that is your mouthpiece. They are going to be representing you.  So you have to be sure that you can trust them  to help you make the best decision. when buying your house,  Do you even need an agent to represent you  or can you just go and do your house surveying  and save on 1 to 2% fee? Maybe I'll give you anology here  so you can make coffee at home yourself.  You can go to supermarket,  you can buy the sugar, buy the coffee bean Grind yourself  and buy the machine and everything. But why do.  Café’s that specialize in coffee,  even Starbucks, right? A chain still doing  still do so well because there is a  value in paying for something. So if you can see the value,  then then you pay for that service. But if you cannot see the value,  then you will have to be okay with investing in doing it yourself  because doing yourself is not free as what most people think. Right?  So back to the coffee analogy. Even to make  coffee yourself at home, you want to  make good coffee yourself at home. you have to buy the  coffee machine buy the grinder  select the correct beans, understand the process  of roasting, those kind of thing. It takes time, if not money.  It takes time and effort. The answer  to can you do it yourself is can, definitely can.  But are you willing to make those sacrifices  to do it yourself If the answer is yes, right, 100%.  you should do yourself because like  if you like it and if you enjoy the process  of doing yourself right, then why might pay someone else to do?  Yeah. Yeah. But if you  if you see the value in engaging "someone that you can  trust and to do it," then you definition should.  Because that saves you time, that saves you money, and it allows you to transition  into the next phase of your life with a little bit  "more of a peace of mind."  Okay, So let's say  if you need an agent, how do you even find a good agent that you can trust?  I think the most important thing is that there are many good  agents out there. But what is good for you might not  be good for someone else. So I think the most  important thing, right, is to find someone  that you can vibe with, right? You can find someone  that that clicks with you, that understands you, understands  your what you want, and vice versa. So I will say step No.1  is go and look around your circle friends, family  that you can trust. Not that you know like uncle that  you see once every few years at a  wedding or something like someone  that you can trust in your circle that is in the industry,  that has enough experience to help you.  I think that's that step number one, step number two right, is  when you do get approached by agents  or when you do engage your agent, that is  a complete stranger. step no.1 is go and  check to make sure they are registered because unfortunately,  there are a lot of people out there right now  impersonating property agents and scamming people.  So step number one is really to go check. how you check, right  is you can just go to the CEA public register,  type in their CEA registration number and their license should appear.  If it doesn't appear, then that's Red flag number one.  Maybe we talk a little bit about if you do not really know  anybody around you that is doing this or  there are people, right? And I do have clients that  have close friends who are real estate agents,  but they come to me instead. not because they trust me more,  but because sometimes they are more private people.  They don't want their close friends to know the salary, their CPF and,  and these things. So they come to a stranger.  So if you do go to a stranger, I think it's very  important to build some kind of rapport with the stranger like me.  For example, if you don't know me and you come to me,  I think what most good  agents will do right is they will  provide a free session to do like a consultation.  Think of it as speed dating  Apart from helping you to get your numbers right  Apart from helping you to understand the timeline, which is basically completely free.  it also serves as a way for us  to see if I can help you. Can I work with you as a client  and do you like me in the first place? Because maybe I am  super good in my job, but you don't like me, right?  Then the working relationship is not going to work out.  Because whatever I tell you, right? You're going to suspect me.  Whatever I do for you, right? You are going to think that, Oh,  maybe not so good. And then, it might not be as efficient.  It’s better to not work together then. correct right?  It works both ways. Like maybe I don't vibe with my client.  Then I might always be suspecting Is she telling me the truth?  Does she have more money in CPF? Then, you know, it's not efficient  working relationship, not every working relationship  is perfect just because. Right. The person isn't  very good at his or her job. Yeah. So I think  the most important is just make sure  that the person is not a scammer and find someone that you can  Vibe with that is experienced enough to do a good job.  Okay. I think with that being said,  that's all for this video, any last words?  last words?!? Yeah, if you're looking for a house,  don't call me. The first thing to do is  Go and call someone that you that’s already in the circle that you trust.  If not, then You can call..  Kelvin. Don’t call me  I will just leave his links down below, if you need.  whether you’re buying or not buying, if you have any questions,  Don’t ask me. Ask him.  He’ll be way more qualified Than me.  So i think that’s all, Thank you for  Answering all these questions. Thank you for having me.  Thanks! Bye!
Channel: Kelvin Learns Investing
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Keywords: kelvin learns investing
Id: 7M7HPL8Lf58
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Length: 19min 53sec (1193 seconds)
Published: Sun May 12 2024
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