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today guys I'm going to be showing you how to get the bucket GUI cheat 2023 version because basically it's about the 2023 and also this is my first video also yes my game broke because this I maxed out everything using this uh let's see we got the sheets here and I'm gonna be showing you how to get all these so let's get into it so what you're gonna do is we're gonna go into a new tab and uh you're gonna search up so what you're gonna do now after that is you're gonna be at the main menu so you're gonna click on the top right which says search game and we're gonna do is you're gonna search up look at Sheets or you just do cheat either one it'll work now click the top one which is supposed to say Minecraft 2 blue cheats the best Ultimate best updated 19 hours ago that was fast now what you're gonna do you're gonna click on top of this folder no go all the way to the one click on G by the JS I hope this isn't too fast for you if it is a just pause it so what you can do now you just click on the copy now you're just gonna click on ADD page and then you can just search UI now do this put in JavaScript with those two dots in front they're out of its cases of just just copied me with that JavaScript now what you're gonna do you're gonna just paste it like that now once you have done that just hit save and now after that you can click here and then let me like do this now you should get it see like that this can work because uh if you use Global cheats it can work in the main menu of look it like this or it could just you can uh do anything else with it so yeah that's how you do it guys and uh this is yes this is my first video of being the bypass master so yeah thank you guys for watching and I'll see next one
Channel: BypassMaster
Views: 30,604
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 5sec (125 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 16 2022
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