How to get Tea Drunk

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hati heads this has gone from a leaf in this video how to get tea drunk in this video I'm going to be explaining the ways to get tea drunk I'm going to try and get tea drunk myself and then we're going to be doing a free giveaway so that one of you can taste the tea that I think gets you really tea hi this video is going to go under the tea master classes and the drinking with friends playlists if at any point in time you enjoy this video then please give the video the thumbs up the more thumbs in the air the more tea videos are going to come your way and if you haven't subscribed to our YouTube channel yet then go click that button getting tea drunk in China is called charred soy and it basically just means that you're feeling the psychoactive effects of the tea plant many thousands of years ago in the border areas of Yunnan Province southwest China tea was first cultivated and I suspect that it wasn't just cultivated for tastes but it was cultivated because of its very pleasant psychoactive effects interestingly this area of the world is also where cannabis was first cultivated so it's an area that is steeped in history cultivating psychoactive plants what is it in tea that gives you this tea drunk feeling what are the psychoactive compounds in tea well there are four compounds that we know about that may have a psychoactive effect on you the first is caffeine caffeine gives you that energy gives you that rushy feeling it also helps to stimulate blood circulation so it acts as a catalyst for any other psychoactive compounds that you may be ingesting the second compound is theanine now feigning exists pretty much exclusively in tea and is an amino acid which crosses the blood-brain barrier and actually affects your brain chemistry it increases gaba production and gaba is a neurotransmitter which helps to give you this feeling of relaxation of calm it helps to enhance mood and it helps to stimulate alpha brainwave over alpha brainwave activity which is that meditative but alert and creative state the third compound in tea is Gabbar itself so whilst l-theanine helps to increase the production of gaba gaba also exists in tea now there is some controversy about whether or not it crosses the blood-brain barrier but it certainly gets absorbed by your digestive system and therefore probably has an effect on your nervous system the fourth compound in tea that has a psycho active effect is catechins now catechins are very strong antioxidants that exist in high proportions uncertainties and they have been shown to bind with the cb1 and cb2 cannabinoid receptors in your brain so they may contribute to a slightly stoned slightly high feeling right so those are the four compounds that we know about I suspect that there is more going on in terms of other compounds but we'll talk a bit about that in a second so if you are looking for tea specifically to get tea drunk then which teas should you choose now ortiz have these compounds in them in varying quantities so just like alcohol there are some alcohols that give you a certain rushy feeling in terms of a more energetic drunkenness and there are certain alcohols that make you feel a bit more drowsy in a bit more relaxed so the different levels in the leaf is going to have an effect on how to drunk you get and the specific type of tea drunkenness you feel if you're specifically looking to get tea drunk you want tea that's high in feeling high in caffeine and high in catechins so which teas are best to choose well theanine and caffeine exist in high proportions in the buds and the very top leaves of the tea plant and therefore i would say that ulong teas which are made from slightly larger leaves are probably not the tea that you should be going for catechins are higher in relatively unoxidized tea leaves therefore I would also say that black teas are not probably going to get you to tea drunk so if you're specifically looking to get tea drunk I would say stay away from your black teas and stay away from your long teas specifically the darker oxidized along teas that leaves us with white green and poor now green tea is very famous for very being very rich in catechins being very high in theanine especially if it's shade-grown green tea and also probably having higher proportion compared to others of caffeine shade-grown tea has very high fear knee and matcha and your matching your cool are very well known for being very hi I'm feeling so a good starting point if you want to get T drunk is green teas specifically shade ground green teas and matches also great because you're actually consuming the full power of the leaf so drinking a strong matcha shot will give you this sense of teach Rankine Asst however as I said before I think that there are there are other compounds that help to contribute to getting tea drunk now this is only my personal experience I have no science to back this up at all but I think that the level of minerality in the leaf has an effect and the level of minerality is directly related to the age of the tea tree and the area that it's grown I have gotten tea drunk on along teas but only on old rock ulong teas that come from the perfect area in we mountains I've also gotten drunk on old parties so the old tea trees that the GU shoes of this world the 200 300 500 year old tea trees they have long deep roots that are bringing a lot of minerality into their tea leaves I think that has an effect on the tea drunkenness I also think that there is something magical that happens when you age 80 and I'm talking specifically about aged rorty's Raw parties and also aged white teas and white teas for me aged white teas for me really really have an effect so I'm not sure if it's secondary oxidation or if it's a fermentation process but there's something that happens in the aging process of white tea specifically for me that really increases the tea drunkenness and it changes the feeling it's not like just a tea drunkenness rushy feeling from caffeine or that feel-good feeling of thinning it actually makes the teeth slightly psychedelic a little bit more trippy and just a little bit more of a stoned feeling so if I were you I'd be looking for raw parties and I'd be looking for aged white teas but which one of those is the most powerful well I want to find out so I need a drinking partner look who's here silly is in the house it's a Saturday night in London and it's time to start our tea drinking sessions so we have two teas here that we're going to try to see how T drunk we're going to get the first is a chump or a rope or 2016 harvest from Lao ban Jiang now people who know LaVon Jung area the mountain in Yunnan is renowned it's it's renowned as a Teflon which is very very rich and produces tea with high potency this is not an age to tea but it is from GU shoe this is three hundred-year-old tea trees and we have here an aged white tea so this is an aged by more done aged it was picked in 2009 so it's a seven year aged by mu done and this is something from my private collection so which one do you want to drink I think I'm gonna stick to the GU shoe just because I'm working tomorrow and a bit scared okay which means you've left me with the aged white and it does scare me a little bit as well okay I'll talk about that in a second so we've got 10 grams of each here so this one we pick because it's a Robert should be very mineral rich when therefore that minerality will help in terms of the tea John kunis it's also really really rich in buds and top leaves so the catechins the theanine and all the caffeine is in there as well and then we've got the aged white tea to see how much the fermented or the aged effect has on t drunkenness so what we're going to do is very unscientific she's going to drink the GU shoe I'm going to be drinking the the white tea we're going to go cut four cup round four round and see how it affects each of us differently do you want to start brewing yeah something I was going to say even met aroma business there's ten grams of lead okay let's ten grams of lead but you've got quite large fishing pot here and I've got ten grams of the white tea that the aged bimah done in the guy one so a couple of things that you need to think about if you want to get tea drunk the first is that I would advise not drinking on a full stomach just like when you drink alcohol if you've got if you've just eaten a meal it's going to take longer for the for the tea to be absorbed into the body and so be more of a time time release slow release effects so you're not going to get the full whack of the tea trunk honest the second thing is well actually I should say however don't just drink it directly on an empty stomach because it can really kind of pull your blood sugar levels down if you start to feel a bit dizzy then I'd advise having a little snack nearby something when you go to China they always have little snacks nearby just to boost your blood sugar level up the second thing to really do is you've always got a brew gongfu if you want to get tea drunk you've got a brew gongfu style because you want rich rich tea you want really strong tea and when you go to China you see all those men and women sitting drinking tea gongfu style you know that they're getting a bit happy they're getting a bit high and they're basically drinking tea shots so this is really strong shots ultra rich shots of tea they're not downing it like a shot they're sipping it they're appreciating it but it's still very strong shots of tea if you brew western style you're never going to have the same richness so you've got to brew gongfu so go ahead you can you can begin the other thing is that they they really make it strong like it's quite shocking at the beginning when we first went for a trip oh yeah oh wow it's a strong but so we've got 10 grams of leek here we aren't messing around here it's Saturday night you've got to work tomorrow yeah I don't ok so I have got the aged white tea now the aged white tea when I say it it scares me though this the last time I did this I was flying I mean flying really really really powerful effect it made me feel very kind of euphoric very up but also strangely trippy a little bit psychedelic and it brought me to a place that was certainly you know stimulating a lot of thoughts a lot of emotions it was quite a powerful powerful T so I know that I'm in for a little bit of a ride here that should be fun okay well first of all what we're going to do is we're going to have a test right so yeah t is about tasting first and foremost it's not just about the effect let's have a taste of these two teas so we'll sip each other's teas on the first the first round just so we can give a little bit of taste and then we'll go a cup for cup and I won't touch your lovely GU shoe because I really want to taste yours I have to say but yeah I want to see what happens to you Wow okay so actually there's certain certain things we talked before you weren't here but we were talking about the different compounds into that a psychoactive caffeine and catechins are psychoactive okay and caffeine and catechins both have a bitter taste so if you get a tea that has quite a strong astringent not astringent quite a strong bitterness to it then it's more likely that it's going to have a slightly tea drunk effect theanine which is the amino acid which is psychoactive theanine has a savory taste so theanine is similar to glutamate glutamate is in MSG and soya sauce it has that that savory vegetal that turns to sweetness that kind of delicious savory fig taste so if you taste teas that have that savoriness it's very high in theory these ones are high in those compounds but now we're adding minerality and we're adding age so let's taste the GU shoe first so this is a pan Jeong 2016 she is I'll show the show that enter so you can take a little look there you go cheers Cheers whoo strong oh my god oh but amazing but it's like I'm jealous now I want this tea it's so rural it's really but I love Lego when you first get the T in your mouth it's so sweet bit of it's like a sweetener yeah so this is strong it's got a little bit of it's got a fair amount of bitterness I would say but their bitterness will transform I know with this tea and it's and it's got a real floral nature quite Jasmine very floral you have like the the wittiness of a bit so floral the top notes and a little creamy as well oh yes creamy but yeah you're right top notes lot of Tommy yet on this Wow such an amazing tea this will this will be different this is what I needed so now this is a buy more done by Madonna is the young buds and young buds and young leaf and this is aged seven years okay now I'm jealous can I switch mmm it's like it's the honey it's the fleas got honey it's got um kind of medicinal taste to it as well that comes with the aging there's a taste it's like that's out you know there's like red nice red dates it really reminds me of that wow it's beautiful beautiful wow it's been a long time since I've drunk this tea it's probably been about seven or eight months because as I said the last time was quite an experience to me and it's got a slight tartness a slight acidity and that is a flavor profile that you're looking for for aged tea so we talked about theanine having that savory caffeine and catechins having that bitterness with with the mineral rich teas you're looking for that minerality right that rockiness yeah and with HT you're trying to find that slight tartness that acidity that sourness and then you know you've got powerful tea so good are you ready to go hit up shot-for-shot we will be back once we are hopefully a bit more tea drunk hello everybody okay so we're now cut 25 shot-for-shot we've been doing it I'm feeling quite T drunk it's been about half an hour 40 minutes since we started so let's try and compose ourselves from the gig leanness and you can tell those people out there how you feel with the lab and gem very giggly very giggly and very hyped like very energized that's one of the main thing I can't stop moving my legs which never happen yes I could do stuff right now I could yeah dance around the room probably I kind of feeling and so I've got really good I feel like we we did it very fast yeah yeah we didn't we hit this pretty hard no I wouldn't I wouldn't recommend that everybody does this take your time with this we went for it we hit it pretty hard we've done about 25 cups in about 30 minutes yeah I think by kebaya better by about cup 7 or 8 yeah we were both feeling the kind of little bits of the sweats a little bit rushy and a bit of energy we started to be a bit giggly we've started to speak a bit faster and then that just increased yeah it became a bit silly we became a bit stupid and we're saying kind of stupid things and that's kind of where you've stayed I think yeah but for me for this white tea this aged white tea it's really added this element of real high yeah like I feel very floaty I feel like a little bit like I walked around a bit and I feel like I'm floating you know and a bit trippy a little bit psychedelic and this is only after about half an hour so these these effects are gonna get even stronger so pretty powerful stuff I feel like we need to slow down a bit then probably if I'd gone for another half an hour I might not have been so coherent as I am right now so I personally think I don't know about you because it's very difficult but I personally think that the stronger tea is that aged white - yeah so this is the tea that we're going to be giving away so I'm gonna this is from my private collection we're not selling this it may leave but I'm gonna give one of you out there a good ten gram gongfu portion of this team so that you can experience this yourself so what you have to do is number one you have to be a subscriber so subscribe to the channel and number two you need to leave a comment in the section below either giving us some experience of your tea drunkenness so any experience that you've had while your tea drunk or if you haven't been teen drunk before then why you would like to get tea drunk and then what we'll do is probably in about two weeks time so first week of September we will pick somebody out of a hat who's a subscriber and has left a comment we'll probably do it on Instagram so you'll see the video on Instagram and we will select somebody who can experience this incredible tea wow this is really giving me a rush so tasty ninety like I will actually have to do this I kept saying can I have some of you but it's true we didn't want to mix the different now we can okay once the camera stops rolling we can sorta share anyway that's it tears if you made it to the end of this video then please give the video the thumbs up check out our YouTube playlist and let us know if me if there are any videos that you would like us to make well I'm so glad I'm not talking if you're ever in London then come visit us in Camden to say hi and taste our wares if you have any questions or comments then please fire them over other than that i'm don may this is celine from a leaf thank you for being a part of the revelation of true tea stay away from the teabags keep drinking the good stuff and spread the word because nobody deserves bad teeth bye oh my god
Channel: Mei Leaf
Views: 93,435
Rating: 4.9413719 out of 5
Keywords: tea drunk, tea tipsy, cha zui, tea high, getting drunk on tea, gushu puerh, gushu puer, banzhang tea, tea, bai mu dan, white peony, aged white tea, ageing white tea, tea caffeine, tea catechin, tea theanine, mei leaf, chinalife tea bar, celine mei leaf, don mei, tea tutorial, gong fu brewing, sheng gushu, yunnan, gongfu tea, pu-erh tea (tea), tea tasting, sheng puerh, raw puer
Id: HrLaKX9J8Uo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 51sec (1191 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 21 2016
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