How to Get: Tai-Hao Rubber Keycaps, Hyperglides, Paracords, Custom Cables
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: BadSeed Tech
Views: 1,249,159
Rating: 4.9573817 out of 5
Keywords: tai-hao, tai hao, rubber, rubber keycaps, neon, hyperglide, hyperglides, paracord, paracord mod, custom cable, coiled cable, mousemat, ducky, one 2 mini, ultraviolet, joker, good in blue, finalmouse, ultralight, zowie, divina, mouse feet, pbt keycaps, backlit, shine through, aviator, mouse cable, custom mouse cable, custom keyboards, keycaps, ducky keycaps, mechnical keyboards, paraflex, novel keys, gmk laser, godspeed, carbon, massdrop, group buy, gmk, mechcables, tfue, apex, where do i get
Id: DyT9nyC2RoM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 35sec (635 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 28 2019
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The video is targeted for "gamers" rather than enthusiasts.